Who's That?
I don't own Phineas and Ferb or SRMTHFG.
Chapter 6: Battles and losses.
Chiro pov
I looked up and saw the boys standing on their roof with a strange weapon. The baseball zipped back into it mit at the tip of the weapon. "Hey, their not the only one's here who know how to fight." called Phineas. The man growled "The Inventor and The Builder." I blinked and looked up at the boys. They looked like they had been in a battle before. They jumped down and landed next to us. Their shooters ready. The man scowled then glared at a boy sitting on a flying creature next to him that I didn't see before. "Attack!" he barked. The boy looked like he didn't want to follow the order, but raised his hand as thought to signal the strike. "MARKOS , YOU DON'T HAVE TO LISTEN TO THIS JERK-WAD!" yelled Snowdrop and the boy froze, his hand shaking. I looked at my little sister and saw that her eyes were sparkling with tears. I looked at the boy and, though he had on a mask, I could see he was crying, too. He clinched his fist and glared at the man "What are you waiting for? Are you my General or not?"
The boy gritted his teeth, then half of the man's army vanished. "NOT!" cried the boy as he leapt off the back of his creature and stood in front of us. "I agreed to fight as long as it didn't involve the secret seven. Now that you have tried to pit me against them all bets are off." He reached out his arm and a sword appeared. He grabbed it and pointed it at the man. It was well crafted, though a bit terrifying. It had a skull at the base of the hilt and and the handle appeared to be made of carved bone wrapped in leather. I shivered at the feeling I got from the weapon. It was dark and, well not evil, but dangerous.
I turned my eyes back to the seething man "Very well, then you will be the first to die!" the man fired a beam of some kind at Markos. Snow ran in front of him and threw up a shield. She struggled to hold it up, though. I crept out from behind the shield and snuck behind the man "Monkey Fu!" I cried as a beam of green light hit him in the back and shoved him forward. He turned and bared his teeth at me "BRAT!" he swung his sword at me and I dodged it with ease. I went back to our tiny yet powerful army. Phineas and Ferb aimed the shooter while Snowdrop, James, and Tod pulled out bows and aimed as well. "FIRE!" cried Snow. Three arrows flew towards the man and multiplied as the flew through the air, the same happened to the baseballs that were shot. They rejoined and became one ball when they were called back. The man let out an unearthly roar and charged strait at Phineas.
James pov
The commander was mere inches away from Phineas. I focused my power and teleported in front of the boy. I felt the blade pierce my chest and then, I felt nothing. The last thing I thought was 'Snowdrop is going to bring me back just to kill me herself.' I knew she didn't have that power yet, but when she did I had no doubt that was what she would do.
Phineas pov
I stood, frozen in fear. Before I could comprehend it, James threw himself in front of me and took the blow. I stared at the boy as he fell to the ground. "NO!" screamed Snowdrop, running to the side of her twin brother. "James, James, stay with me, okay. Mom will help we just need to get you to her. I'll teleport us. You'll see, everything is going to be fine. Okay? Here we..." James gripped her hand and shook his head "Y-you, ugh, you know she c-can't h-help me. Ugh, it's t-too late." I shook all over and collapsed on the ground. This guy didn't even know me, and yet he took a death-blow for me. I shook my head "DON'T SAY THAT!" I sobbed. I looked up at the man, who seemed in shock. His blade slid from numb fingers as the boy closed his eyes. Snowdrop stood and looked at the man. "You see what you have done? Do you see? James is gone. James, my brother, YOUR OLDEST AND MOST LOVED SON IS GONE!" she yelled "Everything you have done before this has been evil, but not that bad. But this is... UNFORGIVABLE!"
I can't give you the details as to what happened next because,.. well it's just too painful to relive. I will tell you that Snow ended it then and there. After the one on one battle between the two was over Snowdrop insure The hyper force that Ferb and I were safe and they could go home. It was a painful goodbye as they left, but they were needed back in their world. I looked at Snowdrop "What are you going to do now?" she looked at Markos. "The secret seven and I are going to find a way to bring James back to us. Then, maybe, we will come back. Farewell." and like that they were gone, enveloped in the Aurora above us.
I don't think we ever had an adventure after that that could even come close to being as exciting or painful. Ferb and I held those memories close to our hearts and thanks to the hyper force we were able to build a other worlds. We would travel through the cosmos until we found the secret seven. We ended up on an early version of Chiro's home world. Guess what happened after that. "Hey, Ferb, I know what we're gonna do today!"