
I do not own Fujiwara Hiro's series Kaichou wa Maid-Sama!

But if I did... 'evil grin'

Thoughts – are in italic

"Baka" - 'Idiot' in Japanese

I apologise in advance if it seems OOC. But alas we haven't had one of these situations come up in the manga, so it is hard to stay true to the characters personality when I have nothing to base it on.


Usui POV


It was late afternoon and the sun was slowing dipping lower in the sky, directing beams of light into the student council room. The rays bouncing off the walls and floor, casting everything it touched in a warm glow. And sitting directly in the middle, in all her glory was Misaki.

Golden light reflected off her brown hair as she moved it behind her ear. There was a flash of amber glancing up before they settled intently back on the paperwork laid out in front of her. A quick rub of her temple, then she was back into her routine of lip biting and pen scribbling. Oblivious to her surroundings and in particularly a blonde haired male who was sitting a few meters to her side.

Usui, as always, was currently occupying the seat near the window intending to read, letting Misaki concentrate on her council work. But he was struggling to focus on the contents of his book when he had such a sight in front of him. For the last forty minutes Usui hadn't been able to remove his eyes from the girl sitting near him. Almost mesmerised by the way the light danced off her features. Every movement from the flick of her hair to pensive furrow of her brow was added to Usui's memory. He knew his staring wouldn't have gone unnoticed by Misaki though she purposely tried to ignored him whenever he was around.

It was a peaceful meeting. All that could be heard were the soft murmurs of the council members behind him and the frantic scratching of pen on paper. With a quick glance over his shoulder, Usui smirked at how careful the council members were trying to be in fear of not disrupting their Presidents concentration. It was true the beautiful golden creature in front of him had a demon persona. But that was usually brought on by being aggravated. Mainly when it came to males...

'Especially when it came to males.'

To Usui that just added to part of her charm.

'She really has me messed up.'

Getting himself comfy again, Usui rested his head on his propped up arm, and fell back into his trance.

Since Misa's confession at Christmas, they had been a couple for the last few months. Only telling the people closest to them about their relationship. During this time their level of intimacy had increased, much to Usui's delight. Misa was starting to get comfy with the hand-holding and hugging, and lately she's even initiated a few kisses. But still, Usui's surprise "attacks" still caught her unguarded which ended with him getting a growling and a physical blow to the head.

Feeling the eyes on her the whole time, Misaki's patience wore thin and finally looked up in Usui's direction to give him a scolding, only to see the look of absolute adoration present on his face. A gentle smile appeared on his features when the object of his attention developed a soft blush.

With a deep sigh. "Usui don't you have somewhere else to be?"

"There's no where else I'd rather be, Pres." Usui teased.

"Baka-." Misa mumbled under her breath as her blush deepened.

Usui just grinned as he watched her attempt to hide her glowing features. But his focus was distracted by the brisk footsteps approaching the council rooms closed door, his back straightening when it opened.

"Miss Ayuzawa?"

Misaki and the rest of the room all looked up from their work. Standing there with a nervous expression was the schools Principal. From his spot opposite the entry, Usui could just make out two men in uniform standing behind the Principal.

"I'm sorry to interrupt Misaki, but we need to talk with you privately for a moment," facing the class with a gesture. "Please continue with the topic your working on."

Concerned, Misa stood and quietly walked to the door, pausing slightly as the Principal stepped aside to let her pass. Like the silent body guard he was, Usui casually moved to lean against the wall beside the door. Out of hearing range but still within visible sight, curious to what they would need to talk "privately" about with Misaki.

Normally Usui wouldn't invade his girlfriends privacy in this way. But it was the two men in uniform that got him worried. The overprotective nature in Usui screamed at him to be nearby if ever she needed help.

A quick glance up, and he noticed that he wasn't the only one concerned with Misa's sudden absence. The student council members were whispering amongst themselves and trying to sneak glances through the doors window. Yukimura, the timid Vice-President, had been standing from his seat as soon the Principal had arrived. Now stood rooted to the spot, fingers clutching his pen, his eyes met with Usui's for a moment before before casting downwards. From the other side of the room, it was enough for Usui to see the worry deep within them.

With a sigh Usui turned his focus back on Misaki through the door. Glad to see that they hadn't moved out of visible range. But what increased his concern was that now he could identify the men in uniform.

'What would the police need to talk about with Misa?'

Usui watched as both of the men removed their hats, each of their expressions sombre. The Principal fidgeting on the spot, looking unsure on how to handle the situation. Misaki noticing her headmasters discomfort, only adding to her own nerves. Usui watched her eyes flick to each of the men around her, waiting for one of them to start talking. Finally settling on the taller of the two officers who cleared his throat and spoke.

It wasn't loud enough for Usui to pick up any of the conversation, but he didn't need to just by judging Misaki's reactions. He new something has gone terribly wrong. Her fingers pulling at the hem of her skirt, face paling, lips parted, quick short breaths. He watched her mouth try and form words, only to fail. Misaki's hair covered her eyes as she looked down. Usui found himself gripping the wall behind him.

"Pres is ok, right? She's strong, she can handle anything. She'll be ok." Yukimura muttered quietly as he stood next to Usui by the door, both sets of eyes fixed outside. Usui was unsure whether Yukimura was asking him a question, or just reassuring himself. But at the this point he didn't care, he gave no response and edged closer to the door.

'Misa. Misa-chan. Look up. Let me see your ok. Please look up. Misaki.'

Usui could feel the forming tension tighten in his gut as the second officer started talking, moving closer to her. Misaki's face still hidden. Clenched fists trembled.

'"She's strong, she can handle anything."'

Yukimuras words echoed through Usui's head. All sounds around Usui faded out. The soft whispers, the pen on paper, the afternoon breeze through the window. All faded out.

'"She'll be ok."'

He felt the pain deep within him as he watched her shaking form. Arms folded around her midsection, as if recovering from a stitch. His hands tightened on the door handle when he saw Misaki twitch as the policeman talking stepped closer.

'"Pres is ok, right?"'

Usui had never seen this kind of Misaki before. He'd seen Maid-Misaki, President-Misaki, Sports Carnival-Misaki, cosplaying-Misaki, Butler-Misaki, kind, caring, stubborn, blushing, hard worker, morale boosting, man-hating, butt-kicking Misaki. But not this kind. Not distressed Misaki.

The Officers and the Principal were quietly discussing amongst one another, motioning towards Misaki, who was looking unsteady on her feet. Barely holding herself together. Her hair swaying in front of her face as she shook her head slowly from side to side. Usui's chest constricted in pain, the tension splintering, the lights dimmed around him and all he could see is Misaki. All he could focus on was his Misa.

'Look up Misa.'

Then everything next seemed to happen in slow motion. The Principal moved towards Misaki, arm outstretched in an act of support. With a jolt Misaki stepped back into the wall, hair flicked aside for a moment. And Usui's building tension shattered at that one quick glance up. The door was pushed open and he was by her side in an instant before she slide to the floor. With a strong arm wrapped around her back and his fingers gently brushed aside her hair, revealed a colourless face and glazed eyes.

"Misaki, whats happened? Whats going on?" Usui whispered.

Misaki turned her wide, amber eyes to his, her strong fingers clenched to his shirts front. Lips opened and closed as she's tried to give him an answer but only managing to choke out his name once before her head sank to his shoulder. His gentle hands rubbed her back as he whispered words of reassurance in Misaki's ear.

"Ah, are you a close friend of Miss Ayuzawa?" The taller officer stepped forward and questioned Usui quietly.

"I'm her boyfriend actually" Usui replied without looking up.

"Officers, Mr Usui here is one of our top ranking students in the school. He's also been close with Miss Ayuzawa over the past year." The Principal supplied as the policemen nodded in response.

"Well if thats the case then it may be best if you came with us and Miss Ayuzawa. It would be good for her if she was with someone supportive." The office softly stated. Usui looked up then with a questionable look, waiting for someone to give him some answers. He felt his shirt strain more as Misaki's grip tightened.

Crouching down next to the couple the Principal looked gravely at Usui.

"There was a serious car accident. The cars involved were going at a dangerous speed and flipped onto the pedestrian side walk. Ms Ayuzawa and Suzuna were amongst the civilians that got hit. Some of them are seriously injured, most didn't survive. Misaki's mother-, " The Principle swallowed looked down for a moment to compose himself before continuing. "The officers are taking Misaki to the hospital to see her sister."

Usuis eyes widen in shock. He couldn't think of anything to say. He just held Misaki tighter.

"Miss Ayuzawa was just on the outskirts of the impact. She's in a coma."

End of chapter 1.

Thank you for reading ! :)

- tinynarna -