Chapter Three: World Gate



Diagon Alley

One Month Later

Harry was back at this dive, a month after leaving Dumbledore in disgust by the side of the road, not because he wanted to be, but because what he'd been looking the world over for was here of all places. He'd left England that very day, the day Dumbledore revealed the extent of his treachery, searching ever Eastward at every congregation of magic and wizards that he could find, seeking some means of getting back home.

He'd started in Spain and worked his way Northeast from there. Then went South before he hit Asia. The most help he'd gotten had been in Egypt, with the next clues to what he needed being found in France. Italy and Greece weren't even worth mentioning when it came to magical sources of information, although there had been a couple of beasts terrorizing people in those parts and made for a good distraction. Fights didn't last long once he got serious though, unfortunately.

After leaving Europe and moving into Asia, Harry found himself faced with more familiar monsters to fight, and the languages spoke more in line with those neighboring Fiore in Earthland. It wasn't until he got to the city of Hong Kong that Harry got his first real clue. A couple of the local gods informed him that his father was considered one of them, but he hadn't been to this world in nearly a decade. They also told him of the magic that he and they used to traverse the worlds. And all it cost him for this information was going into Hell and vanquishing a few hundred demon armies. Only took him a day. Well, a day on Earth, which was like a hundred years in Hell.

In all honesty, it took him about an hour, finishing up all the demons and putting the fear of a Dragon Slayer into their leftovers in the equivalent of about a week. They were pretty tough, but for a Dragon Slayer that could consume and power up using all four elements and any combination therein, they never stood a chance.

The gods were true to their word and told him what magic they used to traverse the worlds. Unfortunately, Harry was reminded all too well that with gods you had to pay very close attention to the fine print, because while they told him what it was that did not mean they were going to teach it to him.

It was called World Gate. And it was one of the magics that the Monkey King stole from the gods and showed the secrets of to some of his own disciples in the mortal world, at least those were the rumors the Turtle-Snake-Warrior Lord of the North told him. Which meant that somewhere in the Wizarding World, there was a magic scroll that would help him get home. All he had to do was find it... after three thousand years of it being lost that is.

Harry decided to start in India and work his way East from there. He got into a few more fights, came across plenty of interesting magics and lots more wizards and their various shadow governments. The one on the Hawaiian Islands was particularly interesting. Enough that he was quite sure he never wanted to go there EVER again!

Yeah, he ate fire and earth magic like they were free snacks most of the time. Didn't mean he wanted to deal with wizards that could use Volcano Magic more than once!

In the Americas, he came across as many diverse forms of magic and types of wizards and magical monsters as there existed in his own world of Earthland. The Tribes there had heard of the World Gate magic, but none of them knew where the scrolls detailing it were. It took going from the remains of the Aztec wizards in South America, to the Ice Mage Eskimo wizards in the Far North to finally get his next clue. It came from the Canadian Ministry, after he'd helped some Capours catch a fugitive or two, Capours were the Canadian Ministry of Magic's Armed Forces, the same as the Arrows for the United States, and the Aurors for the British Ministry of Magic. The Canadian School of Magic, he didn't bother learning the name of the school, used to have the scroll in question in their stacks of books, but during the previous magical war, there was a lot of lost items that were stolen and/or sold that shouldn't have been. The only clue that they could give him was that it had been a British Terrorist, known as a Death Eater, that had stolen the scroll and had probably pawned it for some gold back in Britain.

Which lead Harry back here, to Diagon Alley, asked every vendor he came across about where he might find what he was looking for. So far, nine out of ten had all pointed him to the same place. Borgin&Burkes, on Knockturn Alley. That's where he was headed now.

He opened the door to the dark and musty old shop with a bang. Several items trembled and jumped, some turned to 'glare' at him. He glared back, allowing a bit of lightning to dance in his eyes. Everything returned to the way it was shortly after.

"Can I help you?" an old man with greasy hair and missing teeth came out from the back, a permanent frown etched in his face.

"I'm looking for the Scroll of Son Goku, also known as the Scroll of the Monkey King. I have information telling me that you purchased it a little over a decade ago," Harry stated, stepping further into the shop. "I wish to procure this scroll. By any means necessary. If you're going to sell it to me, now would be the time to name your price, because I'm just as likely to tear this place apart looking for it."

Borgin briefly considered the oddly dressed lad standing before him, making bold claims. And to be quite honest, he wasn't even sure he knew what the boy was talking about in the first place. Well, could just as well sell him that old dusty scroll that Malfoy had sold him a while back.

"Where's your mum and dad, boy? Bit lost are ye?" Borgin finally decided he didn't have time to deal with Dark Arts seekers, especially not delusional boys.

A crack of thunder shattered every scrap of glass in the shop, the bolt of lightning that had caused it had liquified the case set between them, save for the few objects that had real power, and even they were looking a bit charred. Borgin looked back up and saw that the delusional boy, delusional or not, had quite a lot of power in him and he knew enough how to use it to cause the proprietor more trouble that it was worth to keep up games.

"They're dead," Harry casually answered, like he hadn't just caused untold amount in damages to the store. "Have been for almost a decade. Allow me to introduce myself, since you clearly don't recognize me. Harry Potter."

If Borgin had been drinking anything, he would have spit it out. As it was, he could only gape and cough a bit as shock overcame him. Before he could say or do anything else however, Harry spoke again.

"The Scroll? Now, if you please!"

Fumbling, Borgin dashed over to the cabinet where he kept that old dusty scroll that he was planning on scamming the kid with. If it got him out of his shop sooner, he would have thrown the most valuable thing he had in his back room at the kid to get him to go away. After getting the cabinet unlocked, it took only a few moments of digging around until he found the item in question, distinguishable only because it had a funny monkey design on the seal. Literally throwing the scroll at the young Boy Who Lived, Borgin shouted, "There! Now leave and never come back!"

Harry caught the scroll easily, examined it at a glance and then broke the seal and opened it up. He pulled out his datapad and made sure his Archive Magic was already scanning the document and saving all the information, faster even than his eyes could read through it.

It wasn't the scroll with the World Gate Magic on it, but it was nearly as useful. It was instead a story about how the Monkey King had taken the World Gate Magic Scroll with him on his Journey To The West... and that his journey had gone a lot further West than many suspected. After reading the story, Harry snapped the scroll shut and breathed a deep angry sigh.

Turning to Borgin, he pulled out a small leather pouch and tossed it to the greasy proprietor. "Thanks. There's your payment. Don't tell anyone I was here." He then left the shop.

After leaving the shop, Harry wasted no time taking to the air and heading North, once he was past the cloud layer that is. Once he was out of the city, he broke the sound barrier and was in the country called Scotland within minutes. He headed towards the mountains, slowing down to his original speed only once he'd reached them. The castle he found there, surrounded on all sides by a deep and forbidding forest at the center of a hidden valley between mountains stood out like a beacon of pure magic. Harry hit the ward line just as the trees of the forest below fell away into developed land.

Despite his good and innocent intentions, he had neither been invited nor allowed past these wards ever before and they would not allow him to pass, no matter what he tried. So, having no choice, he found the main gate and landed there and waited.

He was less than surprised when he saw who was walking up the path to the gate. A bit disappointed that he wasn't alone, but still not surprised. Dumbledore came up with a stern looking witch, her hair in a tight bun, on his left and a half-giant wild man on his right. He recognized him as a half-giant only from having met the full blooded giants in his travels so far.

"You have something here that I need," Harry spoke first before the others could utter a word. "I don't know if you got it before or after I started looking for it, but for the sake of getting home, I'll be polite and just ask for it instead of taking it. Please give me the World Gate Scroll hidden here by Son Goku."

"Mister Potter, what a pleasant..." Dumbledore started to say, but was interrupted by Harry holding up his datapad with a clear picture of the scroll he was looking for, "...surprise. Won't you please come in? Minerva?"

The witch at his side pulled out her wand, quick enough that Harry quickly pulled back his datapad and clenched his fist, lightning sparking all around it.

"Not to worry, Mister Potter," she assured him with a stern tone, "I am merely unlocking the gate so you may enter the school grounds. Albus tells me we have much to discuss."

"Not as much as he thinks we do," Harry smirked and kept his fists at the ready, though at least they did stop sparking.

The gate was opened and Harry stepped through the wards, his fists still clenched tight but no longer sparking. Completely ignoring the witch and the giant, he addressed his harasser and repeated his earlier request, "Give me the scroll hidden here by Son Goku. The scroll containing the secrets of World Gate magic. Please."

"I'm afraid, Mr. Potter, that I have no idea as to what you are requesting," said Dumbledore as Harry walked onto Hogwarts grounds. "Now, if you'll just..."

Harry blasted into the air with a burst of wind. Now that he was in the wards, there was nothing stopping him from continuing his search. First place to look for a magic scroll in what was apparently supposed to be a magic school... the magic library.

He Gated mid-air to where the wards were telling him the library was. Now that the Headmaster vouched for him as a student, he could feel the place like it was alive. It wasn't really, just very very magical, as in filled with so much magic that it bordered on having a soul. Not quite, but it was nearly there. Harry had only ever come across one other place that was like that, and it too had been in another world. A digital world at that.

Once he was in the library, he quickly found the librarian and asked her where the scroll was. She kinda looked like a vulture, and glared at him the way some of the actual birds did when he flew circles around them.

After checking her records, she scowled even more and crooned at him, "Awk! The Headmaster checked it out the other day. He hasn't returned it yet. Awk! You'll have to speak to him about it."

Harry frowned. "I'm really beginning to dislike that old man."

Dumbledore and his entourage met him just outside the Library.

"Where is it?" Harry asked, arms at his sides, fists clenched, lightning in his eyes.

"Mister Potter, do not address the Headmaster in such a tone!" Professor McGonagall snapped at him.

"It's all right Minerva, I'm sure he didn't mean anything by it," the silver-maned wizard placated her. "What is it precisely you are referring to, Mister Potter? Perhaps I can help you find it, hm?"

"According to the librarian, you were the last person to have it," he gestured casually over his shoulder. "So unless you're about to lie to me, or you're in the habit of losing valuable and unique magical scrolls that you borrow from the library, I strongly suggest that you hand it over so I can learn World Gate already and go home! Now, where is it?"

"I have no idea to what you're referring to," Professor Dumbledore answered, his eyes twinkling under his shaggy gray eyebrows.


"Mister Potter, please, we must make arrangement for your schooling..."

"Evasion and lie, since I have not yet officially accepted your offer, therefore we have nothing to arrange."

"Your parents..."

"We've had that discussion already, old man," Harry growled and the temperature in the hallway dropped noticeably.

"I don't have the scroll of Son Goku any longer," Dumbledore finally answered.

"AWK!" the squawk echoed from the library, making even Dumbledore cringe a bit.

"How about the scroll of Sun Wukang, hidden here by Myrddin as a favor to the Monkey King himself? You might better know it as the scroll with the monkey pictures on the seal?"

Dumbledore was definitely sweating by now. "Ah, yes, that scroll," he admitted, absently scratching the back of his head.

"Well, it's not like it will do you any good, Mister Potter," said the Headmaster as he pulled the aforementioned scroll out of his robes, "I have tried every unlocking spell that exists as has every Headmaster before me and a number of scholars that were seeking to learn what was in this scroll. I fail to see how..."

Harry grabbed the scroll out of the old wizard's hands and held his hand over the inscribed seal binding the scroll. It vanished in a flash of light and the scroll easily unrolled itself to finally display it's secrets. Looking up at the flabbergasted looks he was getting, Harry just shrugged and said, "It was a combination lock, requiring three different magic circles applied in the proper order. The combination was on the other scroll that I got from Knockturn Alley earlier today. Now, let's see here..."

He quickly pulled out his Tablet and began scanning the scroll's contents into his Archive. While that was in progress, he also began reading through it with just his eyes and soon began to understand the difference between World Gate and his normal Gate.

For starters, the power requirements. Thankfully it was less than what it took to get the normal Gate magic to do the same thing, IE cross over into a new world. Harry still wasn't entirely sure how it had happened in the first place, but it obviously had something to do with that hurricane he'd eaten while in Dragon Force mode. So, while less than an unknown, dangerous, nearly impossible to control amount of magical energy, he just needed something like five times the amount of power per Gate in comparison. Of course that exponentially increased per person or object that he brought with him through the World Gate. And it merely doubled if the world he was Gating to was outside of his expected range.

He figured the power requirements wouldn't be that tough if he had the opportunity to eat beforehand. Taking a brief sniff of the air, he smiled slightly as he caught a slight whiff of a storm on the horizon.

The power portion of the equation taken care of, Harry turned his attention to the exact mechanics. This was dealing with Worlds rather than just distance across space on a singular planet. With Gate, the most he had to be aware of was the curvature, rotation, and speed of the planet as well as any obstacles that might be in his target zone, such as buildings, walls, people, etc. With World Gate, the scale went from planetary to cosmic. And not just different planets in solar systems, not to mention stars and other spatial anomalies, but also the fundamental basics of the vibrational frequency of the World he was Gating to by navigating Cosmic Strings.

When it came right down to it, the biggest and, as far as he cared, only major difference between Gate magic and World Gate magic was that they used different magic circles and required completely different uses of magical power between invocation and effect.

After he had Scanned the scroll completely into his Archive, he resealed it and handed it back to Dumbledore before sequestering himself away to learn the basics of his new magic in order to become a master of it as soon as possible. Before he got too far though, the old wizard stopped him.

"Mister Potter," Dumbledore called out, "Where do you think you are going?"

Harry just glared at the old man before he flipped him the English 'bird' and Gated back to London.


Three Weeks Later

It took him longer to master than Gate had, but Harry seriously doubted that there were many ten-year-old's, eleven in two weeks, that could actually master a Lost Magic in less than one month. Admittedly, Harry kind of cheated with his Archive and just uploading the spells directly to his own brain each time he used them rather than spend half a lifetime memorizing them, but he could pull it off. It took a heck of a lot of magical power, but if he used the same amount of power he used in Dragon Force mode, just without actually transforming, then it became easy. He just hoped he never had to use this magic after a hard fight, he might have some trouble with it then.

Unfortunately, a big part of World Gate was Astrology, the study of the movements and positions of celestial bodies. Which made sense, he figured after a bit of time thinking about it. Celestial Spirits move between the worlds in accordance with their contracts with Celestial Mages. Too bad there was more to it than just the relationship between Celestial Spirits and traveling between worlds.

It would seem that, depending on the time of year as well as the positioning of the stars in the heavens as well as where you were exactly under those heavens, greatly affecting which worlds you could gate to and when. He was still trying to understand the finer points of it, but he got the gist of it. While the 'portals', if you will, are open all the time and one with the power of World Gate could access them at any time, those same portals are constantly moving and if he were to use World Gate at the wrong moment, he could wind up on a completely different world.

All things considered, after everything that he'd learned, it was an absolute miracle that he had survived overpowering his Gate magic and that it brought him to the right world and even where it dropped him off at. Bloody miracle.

Of course just being able to use the spells and power them didn't make him a master. Gating to another world and back did.

It wasn't his home, his true home; Earthland with the country of Fiore and the Magic Guild known as Fairy Tail. It was actually another Earth. Same everything, except that like Earthland, magic was out in the open, and all the magical creatures in hiding here were part of civilization as normal citizens called Inderlanders. Apparently something happened a few years beforehand that wiped out more than half the human population, forcing those that were in hiding to come forth to keep society from erupting into anarchy. When people had started pointing at him and shouting about demons, he decided to leave before being able to learn much else.

Now, he was back at Hogwarts, partly to figure out when and where he'd need to be to get back to his home, but also to get Dumbledore off his back once and for all. Thankfully he was out for the day when Harry arrived, leaving him ample time to get the assistance of the Astonomy Professor and cut down his work by more than half. Sadly, Dumbledore was back by dinner time, just after Harry discovered where he needed to be in order to get home.

Even more depressing, that location was Hogwarts itself. Specifically the highest point of the Castle, which he'd been told was the top of the Astronomy Tower. Which was ironic because that was the absolute lowest elevation he could be at in this part of the world for it to work. Normally he'd just fly up, but the power requirements were prohibitively high. He couldn't use any other magic while powering up and then using World Gate. If he did... well, he would fall short of the mark and that would not be good. No, not good at all.

"Ah, Harry, I'd heard you had come back," Dumbledore called as Harry entered the Great Hall as those living in the Castle were just sitting down to dinner. "Please, join us! I'm afraid you're a bit early for..."

"*Grrr*!" Harry let out an exasperated growl. "For the last time, old man, I'm not joining your school! I've learned what I needed to learn here already. I'm going home at midnight anyway. That's when the Celestial Paths aline and I can use World Gate to finally get home." He said this even while sitting down and piling on the food to his plate. "Oh, and thanks, don't mind if I do."

"Harry, there is much you have yet to understand," Dumbledore pleaded with the young wizard, "You have a destiny here! A great purpose that only you can fulfill!"

"Mmhm," he mumbled around bulging cheeks.

"You must stay and fulfill that destiny, your fate lies here, at Hogwarts!" the Headmaster pleaded.

"Mmhm," Harry swallowed and proceeded to fill his mouth to capacity yet again.

"Please, Harry, you must listen to reason! Harry? Are you even listening to me?"

"Mmhm," the Storm Dragon Slayer gulped down an entire pitcher of juice to wash down his food.

"MISTER POTTER!" the old wizard bellowed.

"You're ruining dinner, Albus," Professor McGonagall pointed out, not reacting any further to her employer's exclamations. Over the past month, since having the opportunity to meet and speak with Harry on several occasions, she'd lost all illusion over the older wizard's notoriety and fame.

There were some things she would always be grateful to him for and had experienced alongside him that had earned him her friendship and respect. Since his mistakes in regards to young Harry Potter had come to light, she still counted him as a friend, but a great deal of the respect and trust she'd once had in him had vanished like shadows before the dawn. As such, she had firmly placed herself on Harry's side of all matters having to do with Dumbledore's arguments with the lad. In other words, Harry could do what he wanted, Dumbledore's wishes be damned.

The other Professors had jumped at Dumbledore's shout, but at McGonagall's quiet recrimination, they resumed eating, doing their best to ignore the ongoing, if one-sided, argument.

Finally, half the food had been eaten, leaving only what had already been on the other meal-goer's plates, and Harry let out a healthy burp.

"Ahh, thanks for the meal!" he grinned, wiping his mouth. "Now I've just got to power up for tonight and then I'm off home. Thanks for your hospitality everyone!" he waved to the seated teachers as he walked out the door.

"Mister Potter!" Dumbledore jumped to his feet and soon chased after the young Dragon Slayer.

Harry had already Gated away.

That had been particularly frustrating for the wizards of Hogwarts, as they all knew and knew why you could not Apparate in Hogwarts. Apparently what Harry did wasn't Apparition.

He Gated back to Hogwarts, straight to the top of the Astronomy Tower, all his belongings (and more than that all his gold and everything from the vaults the Goblins had held for him in trust) at his side and more importantly the large egg he'd been taking care of for weeks now wrapped up in a warm electric blanket. It had been jumping and moving about for the past day or so. He hoped that it would hatch soon, but not before he had them both back home in Earthland.

Everything arranged around him, he sat down and started gathering his magic power. The silver-blue glowing magic circle for World Gate appeared beneath him, encompassing all of his belongings with him at the exact center. Not long after, he heard the door to the top of the tower creak open.

"Mister Potter?"

Harry growled again, but didn't stop gathering his magic power. He did keep his eyes shut and stayed in the meditation pose that helped him in the endeavor though. Effectively ignoring the interruption entirely.

"Mister Potter, I feel I owe you an apology," said Dumbledore, sounding quite distraught.

He snorted, thinking the sarcastic comment to himself, 'Ya think?' But he didn't speak out loud.

The magic build-up remained stable and constant as the silence dragged on. Harry didn't want anything to go wrong so he was being extra careful with this.

"Mister Potter... Harry?" Dumbledore finally broke the silence.

His ire raising, he briefly lost control and gathered a bit too much magic too quickly, resulting in a sharp crack as a spark of small lightning left a scorch mark on the stones at Dumbledore's feet. Quelling his racing heart, the old wizard cleared his throat and heretofore referred to the Dragon Slayer by his surname.

"Mister Potter, may I... attempt, to explain my actions and choices to you?"

Harry frowned, but remained where he was, silent and still, redoubling his control to make up for his brief loss of said control. Dumbledore ranted on for a while, talking about some old friend of his that he fought with and stole some magic wand from. Then he harped on about 'responsibility' and 'duty' and meaningless drivel for a while, before moving on to subjects that tested Harry's restraint more than he thought it would. He talked about the murderer of Harry's biological parents.

He half-ignored the old fool for most of it, and the rest he allowed to add to his Archive file on the wizard. Meanwhile, he continued to gather and pool his magical power, focusing it on the World Gate spell he was powering. Anytime after midnight for the next two and a half months (the midsummer season in other words) he could go back and forth between England and Fiore, provided he had the magical power to spend on it that is. After the stars fell out of alignment, while it would still be possible to travel between the worlds, in order to get from this Earth to Earthland and vice versa, the geographical location would change, in both cases. Odd that the alignment changed right at the end of August... but Harry put such thoughts out of his mind for the time being.

Finally, he'd gathered all the power he needed and at virtually the same time, he could feel everything coming into alignment. He stood to his feet and the glow of the magic circle brightened in response.

"Mister Potter?" Dumbledore cried over the rising magic, "Have you heard anything I've said?"

"Yes, but it doesn't change the fact that I'm going home right now," he answered.

"But the prophecy!" the old man shouted, moving forward into the range of the magic circle. Harry didn't notice, he was too busy focusing on the spell and allowing it to take him back to Fairy Tail!

"HHUUUAAAHHH! GATE: OPEN! AAAHHH!" Harry screamed without any other warning as he triggered the World Gate magic.

The light of the magic circle built up in intensity and everything within it's range was briefly suspended from the effects of gravity before the light and magical energy ignited in a blinding flash as what was in one place disappeared... and reappeared in a place it had not been.


Magnolia, Fiore

Fairy Tail Guildhall

July 21, X780

"Master!" cried Erza, "Any word?"

"Hm," the short, bald old man sitting atop the bar muttered, his eyes closed in contemplation.

"Aye!" Happy agreed, flying over, "Natsu finally mastered his new magic and he wants to show it off for Harry-sempai!"

"Hm," the Third Master of the Magic Guild of Fairy Tail mumbled once more.

"Master, are you awake?" Lisana asked from the man's feet.

"Hm..." a bubble could now be seen coming from the size-changing-wizard's nose.

Tick marks slowly exploded across half the Guild's faces, but it was Mirajane who moved first, partially transforming her fist into a demonic claw and then slamming it across the Master's head.

"Hey Old Man! Wake Up!" she snarled, her demonic fist glowing with dark power. "Any word on my Harry-kun yet?"

"Your Harry-kun?" Erza growled.

Mirajane smirked and allowed the partial Take Over to fall away as she glared right back at her rival. "That's right, my Harry-kun. He's been missing for weeks now and his birthday is coming up soon. I have a real treat planned for him. I'm sure he'll be ever so grateful."

"Mira-nee!" Lisana exclaimed, embarrassed at the not-subtle-at-all innuendo.

All of a sudden, out of nowhere, a magic circle opened up in mid-air in the center of the guild hall. Everyone took notice of it instantly and for a few brief seconds could only stare at it. Makarov, the Master of Fairy Tail, saw it and instantly recognized what it meant. He immediately used his Titan magic to amplify his voice and shouted out a warning.


The magic circle slowly moved down and seemed to prove the Master's statement true as anything in the space it traversed disappeared as though erased from existence, leaving in it's place Harry Potter and his stuff. Oh, and one very disoriented Headmaster of Hogwarts, Albus Dumbledore.

Harry slowly blinked his eyes open and took a look around. His face broke out into an open grin. A beat later, an explosion of noise that would have knocked him off his feet had he been standing came from everyone preset in the building.

"HARRY!" everyone shouted and suddenly the more exuberant of those that had missed the young Dragon Slayer were dive-bombing him with hugs and warm embraces.

It took a while, a longer than it should have been while, but eventually Harry managed to dig himself out of the dog pile and was standing before the Master, grinning like mad.

"Tadaima, Master," Harry bowed. "I have returned."

"Hm," the short old man mumbled. "With company, I see."

Harry didn't bother restraining himself as he sighed and rolled his eyes without even having to look at the stowaway. "I had to use Lost Magic to return. Forgive me, but I'm still working on my fine control. I'll return him once I've... uh, figured out how." He scratched the back of his head as he suddenly realized that he could think of no way to return the Headmaster without going with him.

"H-Harry," Dumbledore stuttered, still struggling to get to his feet, "Wh-where is this... this place?"

"My home," Harry answered in English before switching back to his 'native' language to address the rest of the guild. "He's the Headmaster of a magic school in the world where I landed when my Gate spell malfunctioned."

"And how was that even possible in the first place?" the Master growled, arms crossed. "You, who has been bragging that you had completely mastered that magic?"

Harry blushed and ducked his head, embarrassed. "I... overpowered it. Also, I think something I ate disagreed with me as I retained almost zero power after it had fully expired in the spell."

"Hm," the Master nodded, having spoken with Mystogan the very same day Harry had disappeared... three and a half weeks ago.

"Harry-niisan!" Natsu suddenly screamed, jumping out of the crowd. "You'll never guess what happened while you were gone!"

Harry took one look at the pink-haired Dragon Slayer and replied, "Lisana taught you Transformation magic and you learned you're really good at it?"

"Lisana taught me Transformation magic and I'm really good at it!" Natsu exclaimed. Half a beat later, the proverbial light bulb came on and he shouted out, "Hey! Who told?"

"You've still got Happy's tail coming out of your pants," Harry pointed and shrugged.

"Oh!" Natsu nodded and them promptly started to 'chase his own tail'.

"Harry!" two voices rang out together.

The Storm Dragon Slayer turned and blinked when he caught sight of both Mirajane and Erza standing before him, arms crossed and ticked expressions on their faces. He wasn't sure exactly why, but he began to sweat all of a sudden. "Uh, hi girls?" he waved and gave them a halfhearted smile.

"WHAT WERE YOU THINKING LEAVING *ME* BEHIND WITH *HER*?" they both shouted, pointing at each other.

"It was an accident!" he protested.

"YOU LEFT ME WITH *HER*!" they shouted again.

"I just spent three and a half months on another world! It took me two of those months of scouring whole countries just to find a clue about how to get back and then the third month tracking it down! It was an accident!" he told them, hoping it would placate their tempers.

"Three months?" the Master exclaimed, his brow raised in surprise.

"Yeah, why?" Harry turned his attention to the Master.

Erza and Mira Jane had likewise cooled their tempers and exchanged startled looks. Erza was the one to answer her friend however. "Harry... you have been gone for only three and a half weeks. We've been worried sick and were only just starting to ask questions about where you could have ended up."

Harry blinked and then tilted his head in consideration. "Hm," he thought out loud, "Well, either I performed the spell wrong and transitioned time alongside space when traversing worlds, or there is a significant difference between the passage of time here and there. Although that is somewhat of a ridiculous equation! I mean, one week here is one month there? But, then again, a day is only twenty-four hours there, and here's it's twenty five and a quarter hours..."

"Harry!" the Master growled. "We don't talk about the Lost Hours anymore!"

"Right, you're right. I'm sorry, Master," Harry bowed his head as everyone got really quiet. The Lost Hours was always a sensitive subject.

"Um, excuse me," Professor Dumbledore spoke in the quiet. Apparently he'd finally gathered enough of his wits to no stutter every other word.

"Ohoo! Hi there, sorry about the trouble!" the Master waved and smiled cheerily in what everyone knew to be his 'Council-voice'. Basically saying and doing whatever it took to stay out of trouble after trouble had already been had. "I'll make sure this boy repays everything he broke or destroyed! Through hard work too!"

"Master!" Harry protested.

"Ah, no, no trouble at all," Dumbledore waved off the bribe, not that it was much of one. "Although I am hoping that you might be able to answer one thing for me if you please?"

"Hm, English, eh?" the Master scratched his chin thoughtfully. "Well, I'll do my best kind sir! You are in our guildhall. We are the magic guild Fairy Tail! And as for more specifics than that, you're in the city of Magnolia in the country of Fiore within the world we call Earthland."

"Earthland?" Dumbledore repeated.

"They call the planet 'Earth' where he's from," Harry supplied.

"Earth what?" Erza asked.

Harry shrugged and replied, "Just Earth. Really unimaginative. And the wizards living there are even worse than the whole population of commoners!"

"Hm," the mage called Titania acknowledged.

"Er, by any chance, good sir, might you explain to me what it is exactly that you, er Fairy Tail, does precisely?" Dumbledore then asked the Master.

"We take in various jobs that people need doing and our wizards go out and complete the jobs with their magic," the diminutive Master replied. "Why do you ask?"

"And how does one, typically, go about requesting these jobs? And perhaps is there a way of ensuring that a specific wizard be assigned the task?" Dumbledore's eyes were twinkling brightly now.

Harry frowned, not liking where this line of questioning was going.

"Hm," the Master scratched his chin, his eyes closed as he nodded his head, contemplating something. Finally he opened his eyes and said to Dumbledore, "Come with me. We'll see what sort of arrangement we can come up with. Understand, we charge a fee just for posting or accepting the jobs, and then there must also be a reward for the wizard who accepts the job."

"I understand completely," Dumbledore followed along behind Fairy Tail's Master.

"I really don't like where that is headed," Harry grumbled.

A few hours later, he was proven right as Erza dragged him away from his, Happy and Natsu's place at the Master's beckoning. The fact that Dumbledore was standing there beside him, usually where a client or requester stood for on of the jobs Harry really hated doing, told him the rest.

Before either old man could say a word, Harry slumped down in his seat, arms crossed and stated as plainly as he could, "No. I'm not doing it. I refuse the job."

"Then you can't do any more S Ranked jobs until you're an S Ranked member of the guild," the Master replied without skipping a beat.

"Then I'm not doing any of those D Ranked weather manipulation jobs you've been selling at a premium since I joined the guild either," he countered.

"Then you won't be considered for any of the future S Ranked Exams, for the next seven years," the Master laid down the final card in his hand.

Harry frowned. He had one, final, card of his own, but everyone in the room right now knew he wouldn't play it. And even if he did, they also knew he'd be bluffing.

"I'm still not doing it. And you need me to do those D Ranked jobs more than I need to be challenged by the S Ranked jobs. So there." He stuck his tongue out at Dumbledore.

"It's a school, not a guild," the Master tried to explain.

"I know all about it!" Harry argued. "I spent over a week there preparing to get back after all!"

"With your new magic you can come and go as you please between here and there. And the time difference is probably just in the way that you used it this time. A bit more experience and you won't be missing months or weeks in time difference. Besides, this is a type of magic that not only is rare on our world, it's a type of magic that has truly never been seen, if only because we never developed the like. Think about it."

Harry's frown deepened. "What's the catch? I already brought everything that I ever owned in that world back with me, including all the gold I would ever need. I could go searching for the Dragons and never take another job for the rest of my life and I'd still be set."

"Seven," the Master answered.


"There are, as you say, seven 'catches' to this job," he replied.

Harry uncrossed his arms and looked between the two. The Master, a man he respected and loved as much as he ever had Azulong, who acted like a teenager most of the time and was one of the Ten Wizard Saints of their world, considered the best of the best by just about everybody. Normally, he bore a silly grin and a sly look of perversion on his face as he freely checked out all the attractive female mages of the guild and walking about town. Right now, there was no trace of the grin. He was as serious as Harry had ever seen him, and considering the last few times he'd seen him that serious, that sobered the young Dragon Slayer's attitude real quick. Dumbledore looked guilty, reluctant, and trapped. Which means whatever they were about to tell him, it was undoubtedly the truth, and certain truths that Dumbledore had obviously wanted kept under his hat for as long as possible.

"I'm listening," he sat back and re-crossed his arms.


Magnolia, Fiore

Fairy Tail Guildhall

August 31, X780

Harry had now gone back and forth between his birth dimension and his home dimension several times now. He'd even discovered how to maximize his use of the magic, thereby minimalizing the power requirements to something far more manageable than what he'd done before. Furthermore, with the experience he'd gained, he could now more safely navigate the paths between the Worlds so that there wasn't any more time dilation and so he didn't have to adhere as... strictly to his placement on the planet prior to Gating.

He'd returned Dumbledore, after assuring the Headmaster that he would take the job. It was listed with the guild as a Seven Year S Ranked Job. After returning Dumbledore, the Master announced that the next S Rank Exam would take place the following week, and that there were two available spots. Harry was among the candidates, but this time he didn't bow out or decline it. Mirajane was another candidate. There were others, but Harry was too distracted to pay much attention.

The exam, as it did every year, took place on Tenrou Island with several challenges that were supervised by the current S Rank Wizards with the Master as the only judge. Things went smoothly, and with Erza and Gildarts there, Harry felt adequately challenged. In the end, either because of the deal with Dumbledore, or because he'd been right in all his bragging and he could have passed the S Rank Exam any time he wanted to, Harry was made an S Rank Fairy Tail Wizard. Mirajane filled the other slot.

That still left him with a couple weeks before he had to leave for "school" but as it would just so happen, the very day that he got back from Tenrou Island, the egg that he'd found on his Earth, his birth world, and had been taking care of, finally decided to hatch. While he was busy with the S Rank Exam, he'd asked Natsu and Happy to "egg-sit" for him. He was sure they got Lisana to help out, and judging by Happy's apparent health, they had good experience. Still, he was very glad to have gotten back in time for the egg to hatch.

Thinking back on it, he knew he would remember that moment for a long time to come.

August 11, X780

"Nee, Harry-nii-san!" Natsu shouted, barreling through the front door of the Guild. "Bout time you got back! Here!" he tossed the Storm Dragon Slayer the white and green egg he'd been carrying around.

Harry quickly caught it with ease, looking surprised at the Fire Dragon Slayer. He'd just gotten back from "doing his shopping on Diagon Alley" and one of the trips he was taking back and forth between Earthland and Earth so he could get more experience with his new Lost Magic. Still, this was the first time in his many trips that Natsu indicated he didn't like egg-sitting for him.

He considered his fellow Dragon Slayer for a few moments before asking, "OK, what happened?"

A sweat-drop appeared on Natsu's head and his eyes went all shifty as he started trying to evade the question, saying that nothing was wrong and other stuff like that. Harry didn't believe him.

"Did you and Lisana have a fight?" Harry asked as he adjusted his grip on the egg. It kept jumping and shifting around a bit.

"No!" Natsu said a little too quickly.

"Where's Happy?"

Here, Natsu's mood darkened, and he grumbled, "With Lisana."

Harry considered. "Is he jealous of the egg?"

Natsu's halfhearted evasions indicated that was pretty close to the truth, although perhaps not all of it.

Before the conversation could go much further, the egg in Harry's hands jumped violently. He frowned, managing to catch it without difficulty. He let loose a small static charge, which always seemed to calm it down. This time, however, that seemed to make it even more restless and it started shaking and jumping like crazy in Harry's arms, enough that he had trouble holding onto it!

"Whoa-hooo!" Natsu exclaimed, seeing the egg jump about in Harry's arms. "Looks like it's ready to hatch! Hey everybody! Harry's egg is about to hatch!"

"REALLY?" Happy was suddenly there, wings glowing brightly, indicating just how fast he'd just flown.

The egg finally wormed its way free of Harry's grip and landed at his feet. Moments after that, it began to crack, and a few heart-pounding seconds after that, the egg exploded and a shining green light shot up out of it. Everyone was momentarily blinded, but the light faded quickly to reveal a small white and green-striped kitten with tiny wings keeping it up in the air. The stripes were more like tiger stripes, though they seemed to be shaped like lightning bolts, while the belly was pure white, like with Happy, the rest were shades of green.

"Another cat! Yay!" Happy was up in the air with joy.

The kitten floated down and landed on top of Harry's head with a purr. And then everybody was celebrating!

Present Day

Harry had named his cat Hedwig. It was the name of a famous witch that helped end a number of the Goblin Rebellions, usually by being the one to kick the most goblin ass. She, his cat, liked spending most of her time with him and though Happy tried to "show her the ropes" Harry had discovered she was more intelligent than most expected.

Not that Happy was dumb or anything, but his time around Natsu probably hadn't helped matters.

Harry had already taught Hedwig the basics of reading, writing and language. Several languages in fact. Their native language here on Earthland, and then also English since it was the one that they'd be using the most often while at School, and then simply because she asked he also taught her French, German, Spanish, Arabic, Cantonese, Mandarin, Elvish, Mermish, Gobbledegook, and how to understand Dragons. You kind of have to be a dragon to speak "Dragon" but it's easy enough to understand if you know what to listen and watch for.

Of course in order to get through all of that information in the short amount of time that they had, Harry had to teach Hedwig Archive magic. And seeing as how the Master wasn't about to do that, again, it was truly left up to the Dragon Slayer who truly, truly, truly sucked at using Archive magic. As compensation, however, he seemed to be pretty good at teaching it, as Hedwig had almost easily mastered the magic, like it had been as instinctive as her Aero magic, the wings that let her and Happy fly.

She could even create the light-screens that he couldn't, having to rely on his computer for most of his Archive use!

As it was, she was looking forward to going to Hogwarts perhaps even more than he was!

"Well, Hedwig," he sighed, putting the last of his needed supplies in his trunk and then vanishing it into his Magical Space, which was similar to the magic that Erza used most of the time with the exception being that he could only hold a handful of items in it (Literally, three heavy items was his maximum limit!), "Ready?"

"I was born ready for this!" she cheered from atop his head. [AN: The Exceed named Hedwig is voiced by Tara Strong, the same actress that does "Ben" in the original Ben10 cartoon, just with a female tone instead of a young boy's. :) Enjoy! ]

"Glad we already made our goodbyes then," he chuckled, adding, "This time. Anyway. GATE: OPEN!"

He held up his hand and the magic circle for World Gate appeared at his feet and quickly shot up, taking Harry and Hedwig with it as it disappeared.

END "Harry Potter and Fairy Tail"

AN: I hereby issue this challenge; write the 7 Years of Harry's Seven-Year-S-Class-Job so that he graduates Hogwarts/Defeats Voldemort/etc just in time for him to participate as an Examiner in the "S Class Exams Saga" and be there when Acnologia shows up. During the Seven Year Job, Harry makes friends and can "go home" for vacations. As I hinted at, Harry's surprisingly good at teaching others magic(s) that he himself may not be so good at, so he's allowed (and expected) to teach Ron and Hermione and his other friends "Earthland" magics.

Must Haves:

Harry teaches Hermione Archive Magic, and she's a bloody prodigy at it! And Harry gets jealous.

Harry teaches Ron some kind of Earthland Magic.

Hedwig is the one that is "compatible" with the Holly and Phoenix Feather wand, Harry's wand is made up of whatever material you want it to be, or he could have had one made to order, or he found it on his globe-trotting adventures of the summer before. Hedwig attends classes with Harry and is Sorted same as him.

Harry actually *fights* the dragon in Fourth Year Tri-Wizard Tournament.

Can Haves:

I came up with the idea of a Creation Magic called "Coco Make", intending to have Ron being able to "make" all different kinds of chocolate and candies whenever and whatever he wants. This is up for grabs if anybody wants to use it. Even for some other kind of story that isn't an HPCrossover.

A rivalry between Harry and the Weasley Twins.

Dumbledore-bashing is allowed, even expected, but not required.

Harry treats Malfoy like (pardon the non-crossover reference) Kakashi treats Gai whenever Gai is talking to him.

Harry can fight the Basilisk without the Hat, Sword, or Fawkes... because of his goggles.

Hagrid's dragon doesn't get shipped off to Romania, Harry helps him train it.

Harry goes Berserker when in the presence of Dementors and they quit after a week with him blasting them non-stop.

Harry takes Ron, Hermione, and any other friends he's made, with him back to Fairy Tail during certain vacations... and Fifth Year, where Ginny Weasley models herself after Erza and Luna and Happy both speak the same "language".

Crossover Potential: I leave the shipping up to the individual author, but I kind of like the idea of Harry and Lucy getting along and eventually getting "involved" with one another.

Crossover Potential: What if Harry Potter, in Edolas, is "The Dark Lord" and also the one that has been "tipping off" the Dark Guild of Fairy Tail to the Kingdom's movements and supplying them with "magic"? Therefore, when he shows up, everybody is bowing and scraping the floor towards him.

Crossover Potential: What if Harry brings the "D.S.A" (Dragon Slayer Alliance) with him as part of the Alliance in facing Oracion Seis and destroying Nirvana? Who would come? Who would they fight?

Can't Haves:

Absolutely *NO* Weasley-bashing! There's enough of that crap on the web already, makes it hard to actually enjoy some potentially great HPfanfics.

Harems, Slash, and CrackFic! material. Harry can have more than one girlfriend... just not at the same time, and not so they're ok with him dating both (or more) of them together. Let's be honest, it's not realistic, and this is an Anime Crossover, where guys get sledge-hammered for being perverts and girls go all blush-y and steam-faced at the slightest compromising situation or revelation of their own perversion

Bonus Points:

- Having Erza go "Eep!" at least once.

- Come up with a completely original catch phrase for Harry and have him say it at least once every chapter.

- Putting not just Harry, but Hermione *and* Ron in Houses other than Gryffindor, *WITH GOOD REASONS*!

- Have Harry decide that Draco is unworthy of being called "Dragon" in Latin and comes up with a "fitting" replacement name for him and from that point on refuses to identify Malfoy as anything other than that "fitting" name.

Final part of this challenge is that you must send me a link when and wherever you post it so I can Favorite it and put links to it on my Author's Page. Enjoy and Have Fun With It!