'' The New Season of Total Drama is open us!'' Chris Mcclain said flying in a helicopter above the Amazing and Beautiful Hawaii!

''Chris Mcclain here and we are have a new season of Total Drama, With New Contestants and Harder Challenges'' Chris Said…'' This Season Will take place in the beautiful hawaii!...On this deserted wasteland they let us rent for this Season'' Chris Said With a Laugh

The Plane Skims Over To the deserted crappy island in Hawaii..''Here we will be having crazy challegens like never before…And of course the prize being 100,000 dollars!'' Chris Yelled. '' This is… Total…Drama…Resort!''

'' Alright!..lets Introudce the contestants'' Chris Said..As a Short But Muscler Boy with messy brown hair a black earring on his left ear wearing a navy blue shirt with a green lantern symbol on the chest, along with a orange jacket and navy pants to match. '' Marcus! Welcome Buddy!'' Chris Said Smiling

''What Nutty Shenanigans You Got Planned Mcclain?'' Marcus Said With a Laugh as he high fived Chris

'' Just the Usual..Death Defying Stunts That Could Scar You For Life'' Chris Said With A Laugh

As a Tall Brown Haired Girl With A Little Muscle, Wearing A Pink Tank Top And Blue Jeans Walked up with a sports bag. '' Allie! The Future WNBA Player..Welcome'' Chris Said

'' Ive Always Wanted To Go to Hawaii!'' Allie said

''Then Youll Hate it here!'' Chris Said smiling big As A Really Skinny Guy Juggling A bass guitar A Deck Of Playing cards And A fake dead baby, dressed in a red hoody with curly brown hair a nice beard on his chin and a grayish fedora on. '' Crazy Dave! Its Great to..Is That a real baby?'' Chris Asked

'' What Baby?'' Dave Said As He Threw the Fake baby into the water

''Moving on..'' Chris Said As A Heavset Boy With a Brown Crewcut, Wearing a Eagles Jersey And Blue Shorts, Who walked like a penguin came up. '' Brian! Sporting Your Favorite FootBall team huh?'' Chris said

'' You Know it! Foot Ball is my life'' Brian said

''Yeah…Its No Wonder why you have time to be here on this show'' Chris Said Sarcastically, As a Short Light Brown haired girl Wearing a Purple Tshirt and Black Shorts and Fingerless gloves walked up. '' Morgan! Great to see you babydoll!'' Chris Said

'' Really Happy to be here Chr..'' Morgan Said And studdered as she saw Marcus and there eyes met, '' woah..she has nice tits!'' Marcus Accidently Said Outloud..

'' Well…looks like we already have romance going on!'' Chris Said. A Tallish Strawberry Blonde Hair Girl Walked up wearing a baby blue tangtop and short white shorts and white flipflops walked up smiling and fist pumping. ''Margot! The Party girl!'' Chris said

'' Chris Mcclain!'' Margot Said As she Tackle Hugged Chris

''Okay…Hands Off the merchandise..'' Chris Said As he Shoved her Off. Then A A Dark Skinned Boy With Long Black hair, wearing a dark green hoody,dark blue jeans and a sketch book walked up. ''The Artist Mikkel!, Hows it goin man?'' Chris Said

''Thanks For Haven Me Chris'' Mikkel Said Sorta Quietly As he started drawing something in his sketchbook''

''Alright Up next!'', A Tall Skinny boy with Short Brown Hair Wearing A Black T-Shirt With Gray Pants And Black Fingerless gloves Walked up with a very serious look. '' Austin! Comedic Guy'' Chris said

Austin ignored Chris and kept walking to the contestant area

''Alright…anyway'' Chris Said, As Another Tall Skinny guy but with a bit more weight walks up, With Long Black Hair And Glasses, Wearing A yellow long sleeve shirt with a red t-shirt overlaying it With a TAPOUT Logo on it with blue jeans and red converse on.''Matt! Welcome Fan'' Chris Said

''Youd Be Smart to just give me the money now Mcclain'' Matt Said

''Id Be Smarter if I acted like you didn't speak'' Chris Said Sarcastically, A Short Girl Medium weight girl with shortish blonde hair,glasses and freckles. Walks up wearing a white jacket with a purple shirt under it and blue jean shorts. ''Megan! Welcome''Chris Greeted

''Thank You Chris'' Megan Said Respectfully

''Finally A Competitor Who doesn't say something ridiculous''Chris Said with a laugh, As A Tall Very Muscler looking guy walks up with a strawberry blonde buzzcut, Diamond earrings in both ears, wearing a phillys jersey with blue jeans. ''Martin! Welcome big guy''

''Thanks Mcclain..theres no challengen I cant handle'' Martin Said Proudly flexing

''Sure..'' Chris Mumbled. As A Skinny Girl in a dark gray dress,glasses and gray heels with blonde hair that just flipped perfectly walked down. '' Sarah! Hows it going!'' Chris Said

'' Hey Chris! You Look Really good today'' Sarah Said In A Flirty Voice

Chris Smiles At Sarah Trying Not to look creeped out. As A Tall Boy Who Also Muscles but not as much as Martin..with semi long blonde skater flippy hair wearing a long sleeve gray shirt with a blue batman shirt overlaying it, with blue jeans and his ears pierced with diamond studs. '' Brandon! Hows it going B-Man'' Chris Said

'' Good to see ya chris'' Brandon Said as he high fived chris

''Alright up next!'' A Meduim Height Boy with Long Dirty Blonde hair wearing a gray longsleeve but a green shirt overlaying it with gray pants walked up '' Billy! Great To Have you!'' Chris Said

'' Thanks Man! Im Happy To Be here'' Billy said fist bumping Chris,Brandon And Marcus

Then, A Skinny Boy With Very light blonde hair, wearing a blue jacket and faded blue jeans and white sneakers came walking up while reading a collage prep geography book. ''Dan! The Milk Man!'' Chris Said.

''Hi!'' Dan Said Ina really cheery voice, '' Im Glad to be here in Hawaii, I had to get a passport , put gas in my car..'' Dan said being interrupted

''Okay Dan I don't need your life story'' Chris Said, As a tan girl with long black hair a red tangtop, white shorts and white shoes on came walking up as she brushed her hair outta her face. '' Caroline Sunshine!..The Straight A Student'' Chris Said.

'' Thank you for having me chris..im happy to participate'' Caroline Said

''Whats That mean?'' Matt Asked In All Seriousness As he starred at caroline

''It means you're a moron'' Austin said as everyone including Chris Started Bagging up

Then, A Short Blonde Haired Girl who has in hair tied in a ponytail, wearing a kitty hoodie, with black pants and pink flip flops walks up. '' Jillian! Good to see you!'' Chris Said As Dave Starts starring at her boobs.

'' Meow!,'' Jill Said As She Noticed dave starring and blushed at him

''Wow I didn't know you were part cat'' Chris said with a chuckle, Then A Skinny Boy with a brown buzzcut, wearing a dark red hoodie and blue pants and gray and yellow sneakers that don't match walked up. '' Triston The Triskit!'' Chris Said High fiving triston

'' Whats up! The Ladies Man is here…!''Triston Said

''Really? Is he behind you or something?'' Dave Said

Jill,Billy,Brandon And Curry All Chuckled. Then A Girl wearing a really short blue and gold cheerleading outfit, with long red hair and freckles walked up trying to be sexy.'' Eww…I Mean Bridgit!" Chris Said

''Hey Chris its so fantastic to be here!'' Bridgit said in a annoying voice

Then Your Hear A Motocycle roar, A Girl wearing a leather jacket, with a red tangtop under it with black shorts and black biker boots came driving up as she got off her motorcycle, She took off her jacket then her helmet exposing her goergous redish blonde hair with a regular colored red streak in it, All The Guys Except Dave Starred At her in awe. '' Molly! ! The Biker Chick Rebel!'' Chris Said

'' Hey Chris! But Call me Brie, that's what everyone else does'' Brie Said As The Guys kept starring at her.

Then A Muscler Guy who wasn't very tall at all with very long brown curley hair, wearing a purple muscle shirt and black shorts and black flip flops walked up with a smile on his face. '' James! Whats up my man!'' Chris Said In A Happy voice

''Sup Mcclain! So Siked to be here'' James Said in a cheery voice

''Alright Now for our last contestant!'' Chris Said in Relief. A Tall Heavyset Dark skinnged guy with short black hair, wearing glasses,a white shirt,black jean shorts and black sneakers walked up with swag.''Everyone Our Final Contestant..Tariq!'' Chris Said

''I thought I was going to Hawaii, not this shitty beach''Tariq Said Kinda Mad

Chris Smiled At tariq. '' Alright Everyone Over to the Tiki Ceremony Area So I Can Pick the teams'' Chris Said.

Everyone Started Walking, '' Im So gonna win this, then im gonna get surgery to make my boobs bigger so I can be the sexiest cheerleader ever'' Bridgit said walking with allie, triston and margot.

''Boobs aren't everything you know, there more to us woman then boobs'' Allie said

''No there isn't..'' Triston Said Outloud And Proud

Allie Wedgies Triston And Margot Smacks His head. Billy, Marcus, Brandon,Brian and Mikkel walk in one group and Jill,Morgan,Megan,Sarah, And Brie walk in one next to them, As Marcus And Morgan Keep starring at each other.

'' Do you like that girl dude?'' Billy Asked Marcus

''What Girl? Me? No..''Marcus Said

''Way to be suttle on that..'' Mikkel Said with a chuckle

''Why Don't you go talk to her?'' Billy Asked, '' I just Met her'' Marcus said. Billy Shrugged And the groups kept walking. ''So Many cute guys here I don't know were to look!'' Sarah said. ''I Hope Your Not on my team, Cause im actually going to concentrate on the game'' Brie Said.

'' Oh come on!, you only live once!'' Sarah Said

''that's the problem'' Megan Said quietly as was reading her favorite book. '' Harry Potter''

'' Dude if we lit this sand on fire it would be so hot'' Matt Said. '' Hes Not gonna here long if hes on my team'' Dave said with a laugh to James,Martin,and Dan, they nodded in agreement. As All The Contestants arrived at the tiki ceremony area. ''Welcome Contestants, Here We Will Decide Your Teams And Where we will host our elimination ceremonys'' Chris said

'' Alright For Team Storm''..'' Billy, Brie, Brandon, Mikkel, Sarah, Caroline,Margot,Brian,Dave,James and Tariq''

''Aw I dont get the retard on my team'' Dave Said Really Fast Outloud by accident

Everyone Looked at Dave for a sec, '' Whose He talking about?'' Matt Asked. ''Anyway…'' Chris Said

'' Now For Team Sky'' ''Austin, Marcus,Jill, Dan, Megan, Bridgit, Allie,Morgan,Matt, Triston And Martin''

Dan Facepalms, Marcus And Morgan smile at each other then look away blushing. '' Alright Contestants, Find your camp sites, Girls Sleep on one side, boys on the other, yada yada We all know'' Chris said

( Confessionals)

Morgan: That Brown Haired Boys So Cute, I just hope he doesn't think im creepy.

Brian: Im pretty happy with my team, They seem like cool people, but that wont stop me from winning this thing.

Dave Eats Pudding. Dave: Im Just happy that fucken idiot Matts not on my team.

Martin: Tomorrow will be a good day, il prove my dominance on my team, but il need an alliance

''Tomorrow We Begin The First Challegen'' Chris said in a Hyped voice

There ya have it! The First Chapter of The First episode of Total Drama Resort!, Stay Tooned For the next chapter of this episode!