Ranma gets tossed into the Naruto universe by troublesome love-rivals.

Chapter 1:

Fool that he apparently was, Ranma had expected things to cool down after the whole Saffron incident was over – after all, nothing's hotter than a phoenix demi-god, right? He really should have known better during those two months of calm following the failed wedding. Calm-er was one thing, dead calm for two months was quite another. Ryoga, Mousse, and Kuno had all decided that rather than bow down to his awesome superiority and throw in the towel they would instead start training in earnest. Thankfully he'd done the same. After all, a brush with potential death at Jusendo had left him a bit wary that other crazy-powerful supernatural beings might crawl out of the woodwork with an intent to cause him or his friends serious bodily harm. He was willing to bet he was the most powerful human in the world, or near enough, but after being assaulted by the part-dragon Herb and the part-phoenix Saffron he couldn't help but wonder what else was out there. A full-blooded dragon? A rampaging evil kami? An alien with giant laser beams? Who really knew anymore what was possible? The point was, he had to be prepared.

She sighed as rain splattered down, completing her shift from male to female. Now this, this she was prepared for. A drawstring on her pants with a swift tug rendered her Chinese silk pants fit for wear. Her hand swift swung back out as her arms snapped back to flight position, arresting her fall. Yep. After nearly two months of training she'd managed to achieve flight using only her ki. Her black and crimson cape with gold highlights completed her superhero look perfectly in her opinion. Some American had called "very fetching", whatever that meant.

She grimaced as the raincloud wafted away as quickly as it came. Damned kami. Her brief hiding spell in the downpour was over and now the barrage of ki-blasts, weapons, and wind cutters forced her to dodge with increasing effort through the air. 'Well its now or never.' Mouse had given Kuno enchanted glasses that made him think she was still male. If she could just knock them off he'd probably start fighting the other two and give her a chance to escape – and with that new magic sword of his he'd probably even avoid getting knocked out for a minute or two. She certainly hoped so. It was almost as if Nabiki was planning this whole venture. They'd kept her from staying on the ground for more than a few seconds in the all day thanks to that tracking charm of theirs. As she dove towards their smirking faces she couldn't help but wonder if this wasn't a bit too well planned if their goal was simply to beat her up. As the giant butterfly net swung down around her she began to realize the depth of their plans. 'Oh shit.'

"At last, we have caught the vile sorcerer!" cried Kuno.

"Quick Mousse, cast the spell! That net won't hold him for long." Ryoga stubbornly swung in circles, the motion keeping Ranma inside the magically enhanced giant butterfly net.

"Shampoo will finally be mine!" Cutting his finger he brushed it on the ancient scroll before intoning, "Let the prideful one know true despair as he is consigned to the Abyss!"

As light lashed out at her from the scroll Ranma couldn't help thinking that this was one scenario she had not prepared for. Maybe Pops was right and learning to fly had been a frivolous use of her time. Still, it had been pretty awesome while it lasted. 'This is the last time I let Shampoo magically handcuff herself to Akane...'

Fortunately for Ranma the spell had been designed to punish wayward husbands. Neither husband, male, or arguably even unfaithful, it was only natural the spell locked onto a different destination.

"Wh-where am I?" Hey head felt like it was resting on something fuzzy.

"Imprisoned, trapped, condemned." In a fluid motion Ranma flipped upwards onto her feet, turning, only to fall back under the water. "Little one, does my visage displease?" Ranma's jaw slowly cranked itself back into place.

"Uhh, I was actually expecting a dragon, or maybe a phoenix. A kitsune is actually new for me, especially a giant one."

"A dragon, you say? I wonder, then, how you came to be here, in the cell of the Kyuubi no Kitsune."

Ranma's eyes darkened. "Just the usual. I was attacked by everyone who knows me." Ranma took a look around at her surroundings. Bars rose to an unseen ceiling, far higher than the kitsune despite its massive size. Tunnels went off to places unknown, their entrances just barely visible from the red-gold glow of the Kyuubi no Kitsune, little drips sounding from their depths. The water that lapped at Ranma's knees felt ever so slightly of oil, tainted and dark. Grimacing she craned her head back towards Kyuubi. "May I sit on your paw? I need to eat something if I'm going to get us out of here, and this sewer water is weirding me out."

"Do you know nothing of me? This prison was built to hold me until my death, how could you hope to free us?"

Grabbing a water bottle and sandwich out of Hidden Weapons Space Ranma hopped into a lotus position on top of Kyuubi's paw.

Kyuubi might have crushed her at that moment for the presumption but the girl was certainly intriguing, and Kyuubi had been alone now for quite some time. "You carry seals?" If she was truly a seal master perhaps there was a chance-.

"Seals? Na, that was just a little trick I picked up along the way." Kyuubi sighed. "But don't worry about getting out of here, I think I feel a flaw. I doubt whoever built this prison expected someone like me to land in here."

"And just exactly who are you?" Surely the child was joking. She'd hardly been here a day, most of that asleep, and she'd already found a flaw in the seal?

"Ranma Saotome, the best martial artist in the world!"

Kyuubi resisted the urge to swat her for resemblance to Naruto. At least she didn't say 'Believe it!' "Martial artist? Not kunoichi?"

"Kunoichi? Listen I'm not really into all that crazy ninja stuff. Konatsu has it covered, I wouldn't want to edge him out of the market. Err, this is probably a weird question, but am I still in Japan?"


"Uh, never mind, I'll work it out later." Ranma polished off the last of her sandwich before tossing the empty water bottle into Hidden Weapons Space. "Alright, let's do this!"

"Wait! If you collapse the prison I'll die."

Ranma stretched, spine cracking pleasurably. "Don't worry. Just follow my lead and we'll make it out of here." Ranma's aura exploded to half the size of Kyuubi before focusing towards a point only she could see. "Besides, who wants to live forever?"

Previously clear space between the bars became a shimmering plane of force, glow tinting towards purple as cracks began to run along its surface. "How can this be? Can you really do it?" Ranma didn't respond, droplets of sweat forming on her forehead. Slipping into hanyou form, currently both female and nude she placed a hand on Ranma's shoulder. Knee length golden tresses were the only thing that covered her form and Ranma faltered for a moment before aligning her gaze once more with her point of attack. Yoki flooded into her from Kyuubi's touch, corrosive and violent and full of bloodlust but oh so powerful. More and more power crashed through Ranma's body as she channeled it into the vibrating barrier. A faded specter of a man appeared for a moment, holding his hand up as if to halt them before everything around them exploded in a wave of crimson.

"You did it!" A woman perhaps twenty years old shouted before hugging her. "I'm finally free of that wretched place!"

"Kyuubi?" Blood and bits of flesh drenched the two of them, the corpse of a young boy at their feet.

"Call me Saya. You know, I've never told a human my name before." Ranma felt a disturbing sensation as Saya's hair brushed the top of her head. It was a testament to her shock that she wasn't flustered by the attractive naked woman pressing against her. Reaching a hand up to probe her scalp she gave a strangled scream. "Oh calm down, they're lovely additions." She drew one finger across their tips, smiling as they twitched. "It's a shame you didn't grow a tail too, but the fox ears will be enough to help me forget you're still mostly human. Nasty monkeys."

Ranma was spared the pain of restarting her brain for a response when a needle formed from ice came hurtling towards her. Catching it without any conscious thought she brought it in front of her to study, finding it out of place with the relative warmth of their surroundings. The fact that a weapon was thrown at her, however, was something she was already quite accustomed to.

"Oh my, it appears we've appeared right in the middle of something, ne?" observed Saya.

Ranma was quite unconcerned at the moment with the temporarily halted combatants staring at her. "Y-you didn't tell me the we were inside of a person!" she spluttered.

"Would it have changed anything?" Ranma's chin tilted into her chest. She wasn't sure. Trapped and starving she suspected she could have brought herself to do the deed regardless.

"Naruto!" A grief stricken cry came from outside the panes of ice that formed a broken dome around the pair. Only a coughing gasp came from the second boy lying on the ground them. Ranma turned from that unseen girl hidden in the mists towards the boy. Not yet a corpse he nonetheless looked much the worse for wear. Still, none of the needles appeared to have stricken vital organs, and with bleeding minimal there was a good chance he would recover.

"Who or what are you?" called a girl (?) from inside one of the ice panels. Ranma's Konatsu meter was registering a nine, even as she bristled at the question.

"Leave them, Haku." Two men appeared from the mist, twenty feet between them. The one who had spoken carried a massive sword, while the other had gray hair and nearly the entirety of his face covered.

The one-eyed man didn't even glance at the other as he spoke. "You would leave me to fight alone, Zabuza? Even someone not of Konoha should recognize that yoki, the Kyuubi no Kitsune. It's still weak, this could be our only chance."

Zabuza laughed. "Her power is rising by the moment." He leveled his sword on his shoulder. "Come, Haku. The Wave Country is already lost."

"I never thought you a coward, Zabuza," said Kakashi softly as Haku retreated from the ice panels, hoping he could work off the man's pride, if nothing else.

Zabuza and Haku merely faded back into the mist, not even attempting to close with their target now guarded only by the panic-stricken Sakura. "You've already made my list, Kakashi. If you live, we shall fight again, I promise you that."

Ranma studied Saya as the ice panels began to melt around them, the two power signatures of Haku and Zabuza now completely gone from her radar. "Saya, what did you do to make them so afraid of you?"

End Chapter 1.

Well. That was fun. Please be kind, it's my first fanfic. Haku lives! Though considering the likelihood of him (?) re-entering the plot any time soon it's not all that different from Haku dying... The name Saya was a shoutout to Blood+ by the way, though her personality will likely be closer to Diva's or Riful from Claymore. Anyways, please R&R, my job doesn't pay well and well-crafted reviews are better than funnel-cake. P.S. Rated T or M?