Alfred walked around in the large storage room. It was freezing in there, but he couldn't seem to find what he needed. He knew it should have been under the correct label, but when he had looked, it wasn't there. Now he just aimlessly roamed the mass freezer, checking every vial and bottle he could.

He brought his arms around himself and rubbed them. He was extremely cold, but he had to find the correct serum. He checked two other vials. They were labeled 'Benzene (1-butylhexyl)' and 'Benzene (1-butlynonyl)'. America sighed and put them back in their place. He looked down the row to see how many other Benzene relatives there were. His eyes widened at the result.

America put his face into his hand, wondering if he would ever find what he needed. He needed a form of Phenyldodecane, but again, it wasn't where it was supposed to be. Maybe he should go back to his lab to tell the others the dilemma... And then he could have some people help.

America shivered violently one more time before he headed to the door in a trembling mess. The only thing he had on his mind at the moment was getting out of this damned place...

He forced his numb arm to the scanner next to the large air-tight door. He had a hard time keeping his wrist still long enough for the computer to read his code.

"Access denied."

"...What?" America hovered his arm there for a second, wondering if the scanner had made a mistake.

He put it up closer to the scanner, sure it was nothing but a mistake.

"Access denied."

America dropped his arm helplessly. He wasn't sure at all what was going on, but a sudden feeling of panic rolled through him.

He punched his code in manually on the small keyboard below the computer, hoping it would realize it was wrong.

"Access denied."

He did it again.

"Access denied."

And again.

"Access denied."

"No!" Alfred threw a cold fist at the keyboard and hit it hard. He pulled his hand back and held it protectively to his chest, waiting for the scanner to do something.

"Warning: Do not try to harm the technology."

Alfred stared at it in wonderment. It had never done this to him. Ever. Why is it now? And in a time like this! America began to fume. He was cold and tired, and his friends were waiting for him. He had to get out!

He punched it again and again, completely unaware of the consequence that might follow. He continued to punch the screen and keyboard as desperate tears began to form in his eyes. What if he was left in here to freeze?

He gave it one last kick in the teeth and backed down, panting from anger and self-exertion. He glared at it, practically daring it to displease him.

The small screen began to flash red and a single ear splitting screech emitted from the speaker. Alfred covered his ears and shouted at the sound and kicked it again, hoping it would stop.

"Shutting down..."

America turned back to the small thing in disbelief. It was now black and the sound had quit. He took a few step towards it and pushed a single button. Nothing.

Alfred stared at it. He was no longer panicked, but just completely ignorant to the situation; depression overflowed him. He was trapped in here, with temperatures ten below freezing with nothing to keep him warm but his usual outfit. What was he going to do?

On the other side of the door, a Russian spy stood. He was dressed like a normal American scientist, but he had a belt of strange gadgets surrounding his waist. He looked at one he had placed on the scanner on his side of the door; he smiled. Inside that gadget was a small chip that was programmed to make the entire building deny that idiot Americans code, and he was now trapped in that freezer.

He laughed darkly before pulling out a transistor radio. He pushed the button on the side and spoke rough Russian into it.

"U menya yestʹ amerikanskiĭ pod kontrolem. Mozhno s uverennostʹyu prodolzhatʹ to, chto bylo zaplanirovano …"

A voice sounded through it in return. "Good, good. You've done great. Now return to the base area. We are having some problems with the other scientists..."

The spy placed the radio into his belt once again. He looked at the door with a smile before turning around and walking away.