Chapter One

"Stupid Hitler. He could have captured zem on ze spot vithout having to vorry about anyone seeing…" mumbled a bored, blond German whom was sitting in his recline, reading a book about Hitler. Germany still praised Hitler, but only because it was in his nature. Truthfully, he would rather leave that history behind and move forward, but he felt as though it was his obligation to enjoy the mans history. So, he read books about him, day in and day out. He always found flaws in the genocidal Germans plans.

Mumbling about another flaw he's discovered, the only thing that could be heard was the flipping of pages and the soft dismay in the blondes quiet speaking. Germany shifted his legs to get in a more comfortable position, not wanting to be disturbed or annoyed from his reading. He wanted to finish the book and make sure nothing had been missed.

Suddenly, Germany's front door burst open, the morning light from outside pouring into the semi-dark manor of Ludwig's. Germany shielded his eyes and stared into the light, only making out a tall, dark figure. It moved closer.

"Haha~ These British bands ROCK! Ever heard of Muse?" questioned the obnoxious American. Alfred had ear buds in his ear and was jamming to some music. He takes a seat in a chair adjacent from Germany and begins to sing. "Oo, baby don't you know I suffer? Oo, baby can you hear me moan?..."

Germany seemed almost puzzled. He walked over and pulled one of the ear buds from America's ear. "America, vhat are you doing in my house?" he asked a bit curiously. He rarely had ever had America over. The times when he has been over, he was usually hanging around Britain. He thought about the mans previous question concerning a band called 'Muse' and shrugged, not caring to answer.

"What am I doing in your house?" America asked as he put the ear bud back in his ear. "Dude, don't you remember? I agreed to help pay off your war reparations in return for a nice trading policy concerning our two countries!" He banged his head slightly to the music. "My people really love German cars… Holy crap! I love this song!" He turned the volume up on his iPod and began singing again. "Kiss me 'til you're drunk and I'll show you…"

Germany blinked and looked up in thought, a finger to his chin. "Oh yes. Now I remember. I can't believe I didn't remember zat…" he said, looking down at the content American. He then sighed at America's stupidness and turned to his book about Hitler. He stared at it before sitting in his chair again and turned to the page he had last got up to, removing the bookmark from the page to read.

"Now vhere vas I?" he asked himself and scanned the page and continued from where he had last left off. The silence returned except for America's mumbled singing.

In the midst of an epic song, America glanced over to Germany to see him reading a book, and then got curious. He threw his iPod on the chair and took a few steps toward Germany, bending down so he can see the title.

"Hitler, huh? I thought you put his past wayyy behind ya. I heard that most German's even deny the fact that WWII even happened!" He said with a laugh as he straightened up. "You guys really were crazy back then... I even joined sides with Russia, despite my hatred for Stalin, to defeat you!" He turned his back on Germany. "It turned out that Stalin hated Hitler, too, and the enemy of my enemy is my friend, so I did what was best for the world and swallowed my pride, which I do NOT usually do..." America continues to ramble on about history and some sort of UFO Nazi conspiracy he has been studying lately.

Germany listened to the blabbering American man about how he and Russia had hated his leader, Hitler. He slowly got annoyed but calmed a bit when America ranted on about some weird UFO conspiracy he was studying and sighed. He slammed his book closed to signal America to be silent and Germany looked at him.

"So, America.. If you had expected me to be vay behind Hitler's past und put it behind me...," He started slowly regretting he was going to ask this favor of America. "Vould you like to help me vith zat problem..?" He asked, his voice getting softly quieter as he spoke to the insane American. He never asked America for a favor before, so this was going to either turn out bad or good, depending on America's answer.

America stared at the serious German, set aback by him asking a favor. He crossed his arms and leaned to the left a bit, studying Ludwig's face. He watched as his closed eyes twitched from the effort of asking a favor, but then decided he would be the good guy. He smiled and laughed his little American laugh. "Of course, dude! Anything to get rid of that Sadistic freak of a man from the mind of the world!" he began loudly. "Besides, this might be good for everyone. First things first, though! Sign this document. It signifies our agreement of trade. You game?" He asked as he held the paper out to Germany.

Germany looked at Alfred and blinked a few times at his laughing. When he agreed to help him, Germany sighed softly. He glanced at the paper that America showed forth to him and got out a pen. He signed his name pretty fast then put his pen down on the side table next to his chair. "Zere..." He said softly, then seeming a little nervous. This was his first time asking a favor of America, and it was also going to be hard to forget about Hitler, or easy maybe? Whatever the case, Germany knew he had to get up sooner or later, but just decided not to just yet.

America took the paper back, tucking it into his jacket, then zipping it up. He smiled. "'Kay, brah! I'll get that few mil here as soon as I recieve that shipment of cars." Alfred looked out of a window, watching the trees sway slightly to the light breeze outside. America closed his eyes, letting the ideas flood over him as they usually do. He looked at Germany, a sudden steely resolve infecting those blue spheres .

"And now about this memory problem. We can either go to the solution, or I bring it to you." He smiled slyly. "Choose wisely, little German. Choose wisely."

Germany blinked and seemed to pale a bit at America's last words. He looked at the males sly smile then looked away to think.

I vould need to learn how to overcome zis problem.. So I vould obviously have to bring it to me.. But zen again, people vouldn't see me.. He thought and sighed coming to a decision. He stood and looked at America.

"I guess ve go to it, I suppose.." He said slightly doubtful with his choice. He wasn't sure how far they were gonna go, and how hard it would be to get there, but as long as he fixed this problem about his leader Hitler. Maybe people would like him then, and not hate him, like half of everyone he knew.

America looked him up and down, and then smiles wider. But his face soon drops the smile and becomes serious. He pulls a cell phone out of his jacket pocket, flips it open, presses one button and holds it to his ear. Ringing can be heard, and then the noise of someone picking it up. Alfred whispers deeply into the phone.

"This is agent Hero. We've got a request for a code 136A," Alfred listens for a moment, and then he grimaces. "Trust me on this one. This guy is serious." He listens again. He seems to become angry and then yells into the phone. "I don't CARE what it takes, just get over here now! And I mean now." He snaps the phone shut, pinching the bridge of his nose with his eyes closed. "Idiots." He says under his breath. The frustrated American then looks at the confused German. "They're on the way."