Blaze of glory

Chapter 1: Crush

This is a separate story to my legend hunter story and shatter; this story will be long and will contain the occasional lemon (between 5-6 chapters) there will be swearing and some intense action sequences as well.

Pokemon doesn't belong to me.

Ash: 23

Hilda: 21

(Ash's POV)

I have been living in Kanto for the better part of ten years now when my mom moved from another region, to settle my angst over the move she got into contact with the local Professor, "Damn this blows I have been journeying and still haven't won a league yet" I said in frustration as I walked out of my house.

I walked to professor Oak's Lab to visit my pokemon that I have caught over the years, "oh Ash nice to see you" an elderly man wearing a red shirt, brown pants and a white lab coat greeted me with a smile, "so Ash do you have any plans?" the professor asked me with a grin.

"Yeah Professor are there any other regions I can visit this year?" I asked the professor hoping there was a region out there that I could visit.

"Yes there is Ash I am going to visit that region now" Professor Oak answered happily, "I am sure there are plenty of pokemon that will be different to the ones you have already captured in the other regions, Pikachu jumped up onto my shoulder and readied itself for another journey with sparks flying.

"Then it's settled I will follow you Professor" I said with a grin before leaving the lab with Pikachu on my shoulder, "I have this feeling that this new region will help me find the forgotten piece of my past" I said in a different tangent while Pikachu looked at me strangely, "Oh sorry buddy I am off on another tangent again right?" I asked my longtime partner while walking back to my place, "I guess I can put this place up for rent" I told my partner as I rang up a trusted friend.

(An hour later)

"Thanks Ash I did need a place to stay at while I lived in Kanto for a while" the friend said with a smile.

"I just have one condition Paul no parties, I know how much you love to party you bastard" I said with a grin he frowned at the prospect of this knowing that I was serious about it, "I know what happened to the last time you partied Paul you trashed the other house" I said jokingly as Paul got angry, "what's the matter Paul I was only kidding" I said with laughter.

"Ash I was planning on visiting another region so I can't take you up on that offer anyway" Paul remarked with a smile, "there might be a chance that we can renew our rivalry" Paul told me with a laugh.

"That's fine with me Paul I guess I will just put an advertisement up in the local trade tonight" I pointed out happily, "I guess I hear Dawn calling for you" I said as I heard Dawn calling for Paul.

"Alright Ash I hope to see you again" Paul said before hanging up.

"Damn I still can't believe Dawn chose Paul over me" I said with a laugh as I looked at the picture of her and her bright smile, "Oh well I guess there are other women out there besides her" remarked with a grin before making dinner and going to bed.

(Hilda's POV)

I was awake for a while I just couldn't get to sleep I wanted my first pokemon so badly that I forgot about visiting my friends, "I still need to follow my dream of beating the best trainers" I remarked happily, "I can't discount visiting the other regions" I told myself with a smile while looking at the maps of the different regions.

"Hilda the time has come for you to choose your first pokemon" a female voice called out to me, I quickly made my down stairs and quickly picked up some food before taking a look at a picture of an old friend, I opened the door to see a woman with brown hair tied up, white lab coat, green skirt, white shirt and red and white shoes, "Hilda what took you so long?" she asked me as I yawned still trying to wake up.

"I sort of went to sleep late" I confessed while scratching the back of my head, I placed a photo in my pocket and followed Professor Juniper to her lab, I looked around to see pokemon flying through the streets of Nuvema Town while a morning breeze set in causing the trees to sway. After the walk to Juniper's lab we walked in to see the busy people running around trying to get work done, "wow Juniper this place is busy" I said with a smile.

"Yes we have a situation in another region involving a criminal organization called Team Plasma" Professor Juniper stated with worry, "Plasma always operates in this region but they seemed to have moved their operations abroad" Juniper stated with fear.

"Wow those guys must be a real pain in the ass" I said with a faint smile, ' I thought my brother dealt with them three years ago' I thought to myself thinking of Hilbert who was on his journey in a different region, "So professor is it alright if I choose a pokemon now?" I asked the Juniper who looked away from the screen and walked towards the lobby of the Lab.

"Alright Hilda time to reveal which pokemon you will be traveling with" Juniper said with a smile as she pulled out three pokemon, one of them was an orange pokemon with a black face and ears and a thick strip of yellow over it's nose, the next one was a mostly green pokemon with a cream underside yellow eyes and structures coming from it's shoulders and the last one was a small pokemon with a light blue body with dark blue ears, feet and tail, white head and arms with a shell sitting on it's body.

"Wow so many coices" I said to myself as I inspected the pokemon, I first looked at the grass snake pokemon, "Snivy this one looks so proud" I said as I walked passed it to the next one, "Oshawott a cute little water type" I told the little water otter pokemon before reaching the last one, "and Tepig a sweet looking fire type" telling myself as I walked back to my original position.

"So Hilda, which one would you like to have?" Professor Juniper asked me.

"Well my brother chose Oshawott for his first pokemon and everyone in my family chose Oshawott" I said with a smile, "so I will be a spiteful bitch and choose Tepig" I said with a smile before I was handed Tepig's pokeball, I returned the little fire pig pokemon and received a few items.

"This is your pokedex and pokeballs these devices will help you capture more pokemon" Juniper said with a smile while handing me the items I needed for my journey.

"Professor we have a guest coming tomorrow with a trainer" one of lab assistant said with a smile.

"Seems like my good friend Professor Oak will be here" Juniper responded happily as she walked off to get ready for the visitors.

"A trainer could it be Ash?" I asked myself hoping it would be the case, "He moved to another region so long ago" I told myself as I walked out of the building, "I will put the start of my journey on hold until I make sure he is the trainer" I said while I walked home.

"Hello Hilda did you choose Oshawott like everyone else in the family?" Mom asked me as I pulled out the pokeball.

"Nope I chose Tepig" I responded happily as mom glared at me, "I am waiting here for the night so can meet up with a trainer" I said as I looked at a photo of Ash. "it has been ten years Ash wonder how you are going" I said to myself as I walked up the stairs to go to bed still knowing that mom was pissed off at the fact I didn't follow with tradition. 'Knowing the time difference of the regions it means that Ash will be here in the morning' I thought to myself, 'I wonder if he remembers me?' asking myself in though before going to sleep.

(Ash's POV)

I had been flying for some time I didn't know much about the new region except for the fact there will be new pokemon that I have never seen before, "So professor what is this region called?" I asked the sleeping professor next to me, 'great that old bastard is getting lazy' I thought to myself while glaring at him, "so Pikachu you excited about this new region?" I asked my starter pokemon.

A flight attendant walked up to me to offer some food and a blanket, "We are about half way between Kanto and the Unova region you will need so sleep" the woman told me with a smile, I looked at her for a second and started to question her.

"The Unova region I remember that region I used to live there when I was a child" I remarked calmly, "I had a lot of friends there but there is one I can't specifically remember" I said quietly, 'Oh I am on some other tangent right yeah I would like to have a blanket and a pizza along with some beer please?" I asked the flight attendant.

After eating and drinking I feel asleep and awaited the next day and for the arrival in the new region. It had been some time after I feel asleep before I started to dream, "Whoa where am I?" I asked myself as I looked around a dark space, there was a person standing in the middle of the space, "Hey who are you?" I asked the person as I walked closer.

As I walked closer it showed a young woman with long brown hair wearing a white shirt covered with a black vest and denim shorts, "hey I am talking to you" I told the woman but it was ignored, a sudden gust of wind blew me over.

A mysterious noise started to roar through the air, "a great destiny will reveal itself to you very soon" a mysterious voice called out to me as a light started to flicker.

"What the fuck was that?" I asked myself as I looked around for the mysterious voice, "destiny I don't believe in that crap, but who was that woman?" I asked after berating that voice as I continued to look around until I found two pokemon fighting it out, "what are these pokemon?" I asked myself as they turned around to look at me they growled for a second before unleashing their attacks on me, "Oh fuck why me?" I asked until I felt someone trying to wake me.

"Ash are you alright?" the person sitting next to me asked in concern, "We are almost in Unova now" Professor Oak declared as I looked out to see the sun rise over the horizon which showed a few mountains and a small town .

"We are on a approach please put your seat belts on and await for further instruction" the captain told us over the PA system of the plane, we began our decent but I remained calm and I began to think about the dream I had.

"What a weird dream" I said to myself as I placed my hand on my chin, "I can't believe someone would mention the word destiny" I told myself as Professor Oak looked at me strangely, my thoughts were soon changed to the woman that was placed in my dreams, "who is she?" I asked myself as the plane made a successful landing near the small town. We waited for a moment until it was safe to unbuckle our belts and to walk out of the plane.

"So Ash I will be heading off to a friend's place to see here new findings of her research" Professor Oak stated his plans as I looked around the small town seeing the tree lined streets, small houses at the back of the markets standing in front of me, "Ash what will you do first?" Professor Oak asked me with a smile.

"I will be getting something to eat" I told the Professor happily as Pikachu jumped onto my shoulder, "then I will look around for a bit for some reason this place is familiar to me" I said as a strange feeling started to feel the air.

"Alright but don't do anything stupid alright?" the Professor told me as we walked into separate direction, I walked to the markets and got some food while looking around at the shops.

I looked over my shoulder for a second, "Pikachu I think somebody is following me" I told the small yellow pokemon with a lightning shaped tail, I continued to walk through the streets until I waited for the perfect moment, I turned around and grabbed the person and pushed them to the wall of the alley way, "alright what do you want?" I asked a woman who looked at me and smiled, 'this woman was she the one from the dream?' I thought to myself as I looked into her eyes.

"Hello Ash it has been a while" the woman said with a smile as I removed my hands from her shoulders, I looked at her for a second trying to figure out how she knew me, "What you don't remember me?" she asked while her smile turned into a frown.

"Who are you? And how do you know my name?" I asked the woman as she placed her hand over her mouth in shock and started crying, "Please don't cry I have only lived in the Kanto region for ten years and I decided to travel here for a while" I told the woman as she cleared up her tears.

"Ash if you have forgotten then my name is Hilda" the woman introduced herself to me as she pulled out a photo from her pocket, I looked at the photo for a second and looked at in shock.

"No fucking way that's me how did you get this picture?" I asked as a piece of my memory started to appear in my mind.

"Ash we are childhood friends" Hilda told me with a grin as we walked to the next location, "when you moved away from the Unova region a part of me was lost" she said remembering the past like it was yesterday.

'What the fuck is she talking about?' I asked myself as she continued to talk about our past, 'will she ever stop talking?' I asked myself while looking around the small town.

"Are you listening to me?" Hilda asked angered by the face I wasn't listening.

"Yeah I am listening, I am just digesting all the crap you are feeding me" I remarked coldly, she glared at me for a second, "I want to head to the local lab you know where it is, I want to get a new pokedex and a supply of pokeballs" I told Hilda who led the way to the lab.

"You know Ash we should go on this journey together" Hilda suggest with a hopeful smile.

"Hilda I have a question" I said with a frown, "a little while ago in my train of thoughts there was this guy who looked just like me but with brown hair, do you know who he is?" I asked as the new trainer stopped in her tracks and stood there for a moment.

"Yes that is my brother Hilbert" Hilda responded quietly, "He is in the Sinnoh region right now" Hilda told me with a smile before we found the lab and walked towards it, "he is travelling the world he started it about three years ago" Hilda responded happily, "You two are really close friends almost like brothers" Hilda said with a smile.

"Like brothers you mean I lived here a while ago?" I questioned the female trainer as we walked into the lab.

(Normal POV)

"Professor Oak we need to make sure that the two major organizations don't start fighting each other" Juniper told Professor Oak with great concern, "Team Rocket has been operating in the Unova Region for the last year" Juniper pointed out as she drank her coffee, "we can't afford them going to war against each other" Juniper pointed out with sadness.

"Yes I agree with you Team Rocket has been a problem for the Kanto Region for the last twenty years" Oak agreed with concern, "but what concerns me the most is that Team Plasma are operating outside Unova" Oak pointed out as the door opened.

"So we have to deal with Team Rocket and Team Plasma" Ash said annoyed at the fact that this journey was going to be nastier than expected, "I've had my fair share of problems with Team Rocket so I will deal with them" Ash declared confidently.

"No Ash let the authorities sort these guys out you need to gain more experience" Oak told Ash as Juniper stood up and looked at Ash, "Oh Ash this is Professor Juniper one of my great friends" Professor Oak introduced the female professor to Ash.

"Hello Ash you seem like a confident trainer" Professor Juniper told Ash as Hilda walked in, "Hilda I thought you were already out on your journey" Juniper enquired with a smile.

"I know but I wanted to see the trainer from Kanto" Hilda responded with a calm smile, "Professor you were talking about Team Plasma I thought my brother dealt with them three years ago" Hilda stated as she walked up to Ash.

"I thought so too but it seems they have resurfaced a few months ago" Juniper stated as she showed a few photos of Team Plasma working on a building outside Undella Town, "what concerns me the most is that they want to fight Team Rocket because of the difference in ideals" Juniper stated as the tension in the room started to build

"So is there main objective?" Ash asked the professor who showed a pokemon being released with a few Plasma grunts standing in the background smiling.

"They cause people to think about releasing their pokemon and when they do they capture the pokemon for their own design" Juniper responded with sadness, "when all the pokemon want is to work together with humans it's really sad when organizations make it look bad" Juniper said calmly.

"So we aren't allowed to fight these clowns because they are what?" Ash asked as professor Juniper looked at Ash with concern.

"These guys are dangerous Ash" Juniper pointed out, "they use extortion and fire arms to get what they want and that is world domination" Juniper pointed out.

"Great so I have to stand aside and let them get what they want?" Ash questioned as the group looked at him and nodded, "like hell I will stand aside, I will not die wondering I will defeat both of them" Ash told his friends with a confident smile, "these guys want world domination well I will stop them" Ash told Juniper who looked away.

"Should have known once Ash sets his mind on something there is nothing that can stop him" Professor Oak pointed out with a smile. Juniper walked up to Ash and handed him a few items.

"Well since I can't stop you Ash take these Pokeballs and Pokadex" Juniper told Ash as she gave him the items, "also take this master ball" Juniper gave Ash a purple colored ball, "use this ball when the time is right" Juniper instructed Ash as he took the ball.

"Thanks I was just going to ask you about these items" Ash said with a smile, "but the master ball wasn't expected" Ash told the Professor as he walked out of the lab, "Oh Hilda are you coming?" Ash asked the young lady while she was talking to the professors.

"Hilda make sure Ash doesn't get into any sort of trouble" Juniper instructed Ash before she followed Ash out the door.

"Right I will take care of him" Hilda said with a smile, 'yes I get to spend some time with Ash' Hilda thought to herself with a smile.

"Took your time there Hilda why did they need to talk to you?" Ash asked as the woman followed him out the door of the lab.

"It's nothing Ash they were just wishing us luck on our journey that's all" Hilda responded with a smile as they walked to the exit of the town, "So Ash we need to head to Accumala Town" Hilda told Ash as they started to walking into a tree lined fields of route one.

"This isn't a bad place" Ash said with a smile as pokemon floaked around the route while the duo were walking, "So many pokemon to catch" Ash said as more pokemon started to run around the route, "which one will I catch?" Ash asked himself as continued to look around, "that one" Ash pointed to a small eaglet pokemon, "Pikachu time to catch that pokemon" Ash called out to his partner pokemon.

"Pikachu use Thunderbolt" Ash called out the attack, Pikachu charged up for the attack until he was surrounded by an aura of lightning and unleashed a mighty blast of electricity, the small pokemon ws knocked out in one hit allowing Ash to throw a pokeball at the defenseless pokemon, "damn I should have gathered information on the pokemon first" Ash said with a smile.

"That pokemon is called a Rufflet Ash, they can evolve into a powerful pokemon called Bravairy" Hilda told Ash as he picked up the pokeball and celebrated his capture, "maybe traveling with Ash will not be so bad" Hilda told herself with a smile.

(Accumala Town)

"Are the preparations complete?" a mysterious person with a knights outfit asked, "we need to make sure that Ghetsis is ready for his return" the plasma grunt pointed out in a darkened room, "we also need to make sure that the other six sages don't interfere in our revival" the grunt said with a smile.

"Right once we get the final plans sorted out we will declare our war on Team Rocket" another plasma grunt pointed out with a smile, "but first we need to get the trust of the people" the plasma grunt pointed out.

Meanwhile outside the building a mysterious trio were listening to the conversation, "So they want to play rough ha?" a blue haired man with a black uniform with red 'R' in the middle of his jumper asked with a grin.

"Yes James they seem to want a war with us we will oblige this little request" a woman with red hair and the same black uniform pointed out with a smile, "we better tell our boss" the woman concluded with a malicious smile.

"Right and when we defeat them it will be without a doubt that no one will question our power" a feline pokemon stated with confidence, "Let's go Jessie and James our boss awaits the report" Meowth told his team mates as they disappeared from the scene.

This is a new story but I will continue with Legend Hunter. I don't want this one to be like the anime or the manga. Please read and review the story and take into consideration that this is not a sequel to Shatter.

Make sure to read Legend Hunter and review it please this story is M rated from start to finish so please keep that in mind.

Next time chapter 2: Shadows