Disclaimer: I do not own Percy Jackson and the Olympians, nor The Kane Chronicles.

This is my first fanfic, so sorry if it isn't that good

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Life is so boring.

I mean, what's the point in preparing for a fight when it's most likely not going to come?There's no point.

Brookline House has been preparing for days for the great battle against Apophis. But when we finally get a sign he's rising? He doesn't rise. Not that I want him to rise, of course, that's horrible. It's just, I can't stay in one place for too long. I need to explore. The tension is killing me. What's worse, I haven't seen Dad, Mom, or Anubis, for gods sake. Not since Carter and I went searching for Ra. I'm telling you, I need to get out of here. So I decided to take matters into my own hands.

Time to take a visit to Manhattan.

"Carter!" I called. Where was that lump of a brother when you need him? Then again, Zia had just come back from the 1st Nome, so he was most likely welcoming her. Ugh. The thought of what they might be doing sends shivers down my back. On second thought, maybe I won't tell him where I'm going.

I grumbled to myself, heading out the door. Snow was melting, so I wasn't surprised when a drop a water landed in my eye as I was looking up. Still, it wasn't pleasant. No, what really startled me was the chuckle I heard behind me.

"Anubis?" I asked. For those of you who are wondering, I guess I do have a teeny tiny crush on Anubis. But don't tell Carter that, or gods forbid, Anubis himself. I shook my head as I turned around. Hathor must be messing around with my mind.

But when I turned to look, nobody was there! Now that I think about it, the chuckle didn't even sound human. I barely had enough time to process the thought when a huge black fur ball pounced on me. But don't let the description deceive you. Mark my words, it was a very scary fur ball.

I cursed in Ancient Egyptian. I shall not disclose what I said, for fear of the ears of those nearby. But let me tell you, even I didn't know that I knew those words.

Somewhere next to me I heard someone curse in, was that Greek? Now I was too confused to speak. But my confusion was enough time for that fur ball to scratch at me. I jumped aside at the last second. I grabbed my staff and wand from the Duat, and was about to blast the monster into itty bitty pieces of monster, but someone beat me to it. The monster's form wavered, eventually disappearing all together. I looked to see who killed the monster, and my jaw dropped open.

The boy looked about my age, 13, with long black hair, and blackish-brownish eyes. His skin might have been at one point the color of an olive, but it was currently pale. So pale it was almost white. I knew it couldn't be, but I had to ask anyway.

"Anubis?" I asked again. The boy scowled.

"No", he said. "Nico di Angelo."

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Soooo... What ya think?

Please let me know!