After her death, he no longer ran.

It wasn't that he couldn't. He had fully healed from the injuries a long time ago. His legs worked fine.

It reminded him too much of her.

All the times he'd carried her in her arms, they were too painful. Every time he used his Speed Force, he felt her presence, the ghost of the past, haunting him.

He tried to forget. He tried with other women; some that looked like her and others that didn't. He tried with alcohol, but he could never get drunk enough before his metabolism went through it. He tried with meditation exercises, group counseling, herbal medicines, anything with the promise of forgetting her. Nothing worked.

There wasn't anything he could do, except be enraptured by the constant whispers and shadows of her crowding his mind. She was in his thoughts and dreams and occasional nightmares.

Everything in the apartment reminded him of her; of the fact that she was dead. He'd open a book and find a note of her handwriting stashed in between the pages. Today, he found her journal, and on the last page she'd written on, it read "Today I went to the doctor for some nausea I'd been having, and found out that I'm pregnant! Going to tell Wally tomorrow morning, I can't wait to see the look on his face when he finds out he's going to be a father!"

He cried for hours. The tears rolled down his cheeks in streams and one multiple occasions he choked from pain. His sides throbbed, and his head felt as if it had been smashed into a wall, but he didn't care. He sobbed harder than he had at the funeral, harder than when she shuddered in his arms and fell into comatose, and harder than when her heartbeat on the monitor crashed, and Artemis drifted to another world; the dead world.

It was like someone had plunged a knife into his heart, and then twisted it around.

She had been pregnant. They were going to have a baby. Sportsmaster hadn't just taken one person away from him, but two.

He hated his abilities that he had once prized, for they forced him to keep living and feel such torment continuously. He cursed his emotions. They had broken him. Sportsmaster had broken him. He'd won.

Artemis had replaced the area where his heart had been. And now, Wally didn't have the heart to run.

What was the point if you had no one to run to?