Holding out for a Hero

Well I was listening to the remake of Footloose's soundtrack and the one song that got my muses churning out ideas for Holding out a Hero by Elle Mae Bowen, along with the other versions of the song I have. So be patient, I just fell in love with IkkakuxOc pairings. So Bleach is owned by Tite Kubo. Also, this is rated M for later lemons and who knows what else I might throw into this thing. You have been warned.

Chapter 1: Congratulations, I Hate You

Her smile didn't have a chance to waver, which was slightly irritating. It was work, however. It was better then nothing. She rather do this instead of working with her mother at the flower shop she owned. A sigh escaped her at the thought of the woman that she could barely stand anymore.

"Tomoko here's your order." The chef called, handing her the plates that were needed to be hand out. Smiling at her employer, even if he annoyed her a bit, she went on walking around to give out the food.

Sighing, Tomoko's eyes took in that she had another table to do with new people sitting at it. Biting back the disgust that rolled through her body, she handed the last plate to a couple that were on a date. Why go to the bar then?

Shrugging, the young woman strolled over and took her notepad out and smiled. "What would you like? The specials today are fried rice with teriyaki beef and Ikameshi. The special sake today is Ishidaya sake."

"Regular sake." One of the men stated, making her want to glare at the shihakushô that both were wearing. Disgust still rolled in her at the people that she was forced to serve. "Ikkaku-san?"

"I don't care as long as its sake." Ikkaku grumbled as he tossed a hand up in the air, letting it fall to the absentmindedly. His ebony eyes – that looked like it were just his pupils – the eleventh division member looked over at the man that he fought, and drank, with when Ichigo and the others showed up.

Tomoko gave the order, receiving two bottles and cups from one of the other chefs that worked in the back. Narrowing her eyes and sighing, the sapphire eyed woman turned on her heel to give the order. Repulsed that she had to search shinigami made her just want to take the rest of the day off. To go outside and actually get away from people once more like the week before.

"Here's your order." The azure eyed woman said, handing the four objects to the men. Looking over and catching the gaze of the one that she didn't look at fully, a laugh forced its way up. Stifling the noise, she held the tray to her body. "I have a question for you."

"Nani?" Ikkaku grumbled as he dumped most of the sake onto the cup, almost to the point it could overflow. Raising an eyebrow at the woman, he set the ceramic object down, not spilling a drop.

"Did one of those demons you call hollows eat your hair?" Tomoko inquired and finally burst out laughing. Bending down to try to hold some of it back, it continued to attack her in waves. Even a few joined in since she rarely acted like this, or they just thought it was a harmless joke. It wasn't one of those kinds of jokes. It was the exact opposite of what they thought.

"What the hell?" The third seat inquired as he stood from his seat. She wasn't informed that he hated people asking about his head or even talking about it within hearing distance. Reaching for his entire sword to slap her on the side of the head, his hand was frozen by Iba's.

"She didn't mean it Ikkaku-san. Am I right?" Tetsuzaemon asked at the end with a weary smile on his face. It wouldn't be good if a fight broke out because it seemed like the captains were the first to know about those things especially Unohana-taicho. Feeling his friend tugging to break the contact and do what he was going to do, he struggled to hold onto the wrist that was in his grasp. "Ikkaku-san please. She was just kidding."

"Like hell." Tomoko hissed and finished up her laughter. Narrowing her eyes, that desire to show her distaste of shinigami boiled under the surface, waiting to be shown. Turning on her heel, she started to walk away when something stopped her. Turning around, her blue eyes almost resembling the gems that women loved, she smiled with her teeth starting to show. "I don't like shinigami. That's final."

Iba's ebony eyebrows pushed together at the declaration. How can someone hate shinigami when they protect the other souls? As he thought about it, his hand was pushed off by the third seat. "Kuso! What would Zaraki-taicho say?"

"Who cares?" Madarame shouted as he aimed the solid object to the side of her head. Seeing that fierceness in the woman's eyes, they almost reminded him of Ichigo's and everyone else he fought. Swinging as hard as he could, something pushed him back in the seat he was previously in.

"My. Attacking a woman is very rude Madarame. Are you all right my dear?" Shunsui's voice entered the other man's ears as he turned to look at the woman that was just staring at the bald man. Watching her turn to look at him slowly, he smiled a little. "He hasn't harmed you?"

"Of course not. Get out of my face so I can work." Tomoko growled as the azure eyed woman stepped away from the commotion that she started. She would proudly admit it but with her luck she'll be lectured again by her employer. It didn't matter. She had to show her disgust to the men that practically caused her to be like this.

"Harsh almost like Nanao-chan." Kyôraku muttered to himself and turned to the lieutenant of seventh division and the third seat of eleventh division. "What exactly happened you two?"

"She said I was bald that's what happened! That wench!" Ikkaku rambled only to have a foot shoved onto his mouth by the yakuza-styled person. Narrowing his eyes at the foot, he was almost enticed to bite the object but the aftertaste wouldn't be pleasant.

"That's kinda easy to believe. How exactly though?" Shunsui asked as he sat down in an empty seat and looked at the two. Looking back at the woman that was talking to the chef, he exhaled.

"She asked if a hollow ate his hair." Tetsuzaemon stated, pointing down at the man that was glaring at him. Taking a gulp of the sake that was given to them by the said woman, he sat down himself but his foot was still on the other man's face still. "She stated that she didn't like shinigami."

"I see." Kyôraku said with a small nod. His attention was turned to the woman that was taking an order from someone, a smile on her face. She almost looked nice to be around but why would she hate shinigami? Did it just go for just one division or the entire Gotei thirteen? Getting up, he started to walk away. "Behave you two. That goes for you mostly Ikkaku."

Iba's foot let loose of his comrade's mouth, only to be slapped by the sheath of the blade. Holding his cheek and rolling his eyes behind the glasses, he turned to look at the man. "Just drink up."

"Like hell! That baka needs to learn some manners!" The sable eyed man hissed with his arms folding. No one talked like that to him unless they were new and didn't know what shouldn't be said. Narrowing his eyes and watching her flutter around with her plain kimono following after her, he huffed. "The nerve."

"She's quite nice looking. No wonder Kyôraku-taicho went to keep you from hurting her." The lieutenant of seventh division stated as he kept his gaze on the woman.

"Who cares? All she is, is a good-for-nothing wench that doesn't know manners."

"That can be said about you." The dark-haired shinigami said under his breath before taking a gulp of his sake again.

A slow chapter but it works for me.