A/N: So this is my first fanfic. It's basically starting with how I would have written the situation with Xavier. For now anyways, I've got lots of drama planned so I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I am writing it!

Brooke Davis Baker was sitting at the dining room table. If anybody had looked in on her at that moment; they would have assumed that she had just zoned out - maybe thinking about a new fashion line or whether or not to buy those Gucci dungarees for her twins that she had recently seen in a shop window.

In reality, she was thinking about what she was going to do. Fast. She knew that her husband Julian Baker would be awakening in about 10 minutes and she knew that him to see the letter which she held in her hand would be an impossibility. She thought he was gone. He was never supposed to come back. You see, the letter which Brooke had just received was from one North Carolina State Prison. It regarded a prisoner who was due for parole who wished to meet with the young designer before the court case. The prisoner's name was Xavier Daniels.

The day that Xavier Daniels had broken into Clothes Over Bros, was the day that everything had changed for the 21 year old fashion designer. She suddenly felt weak and vulnerable - two things Brooke Davis really hated feeling. So when that man then kidnapped her daughter - and she had that gun pointed at his face - she really couldn't wait to make him feel the same way she had. Weak. Vulnerable. But he didn't. He stared at her with these cold, dead eyes of a man who really couldn't care less. If it were not for Sam; at that moment, she knew she would have pulled the trigger.

2 years later she was married to an incredible man and had been blessed with two beautiful twin boys. Aside from a couple break-ups, a pregnancy scare, a fear that she was unable to have children and a terrifying night on the Gable Bridge which nearly resulted in Brooke's death, life couldn't be much better.
And yet, somehow, 'X' still managed to make Brooke feel weak and powerless.

As she was debating whether to tell Julian about the letter or not, she heard one of the twins crying. As she walked into their room, she dropped the letter onto the kitchen counter - not really noticing where it fell.

Sleepily, Julian stumbled into the kitchen, where he grabbed a coffee mug and got the ingredients out to make breakfast for himself and his wife. He looked down, and while doing so, grabbing the letter on the counter - assuming it was a bank statement or something.

Brooke had just finished changing Davis when she heard the loud crash which appeared to originate from the kitchen. She ran into the hallway to see Julian standing besides the counter - a look of pure dread and anger slowly crossing his features as he read the letter in his hand.

"Babe, what's wro-" She stopped as she finally put the pieces together. She looked from the counter where she had left the letter, to her husbands face which she imagined was mirroring her own at this moment.

Oh crap. She thought. This was certainly not how she was hoping to tell him.

"Brooke." His voice was soft - almost as if to cushion the pain that she was feeling reliving what happened at the store that night. That's what she loved the most about him. Even though he was probably freaking out right now; he knew that he was her rock and that she needed him. Her cool breeze. She knew that there was something she should say. But at that moment, there were no words she could think of. So, instead, she walked into his arms, and for the first time that day (although she sure had wanted to), she cried.

A/N: So, I know it wasn't great, but I promise I will try to improve as you guys tell me what you would prefer. Please review! Melissa xxx