AN: Hey, everyone. If you read my note in the next chapter (which is Finn's reaping) it'll explain why I switched some stuff around. This is just a glipse into a future event of what will be going on. It's nothing big, more of a teaser of sorts.

Blaine's fingers tightened around the handle of the axe in his hands. He wasn't even aware of how hard he was squeezing it, since he was running at full speed. He just knew he didn't want the blade to slip out of his hands. With his free hand, he shot it forward, placing it on the log that was in his path and hauled himself over. His feet slammed onto the ground, sending him into a roll. Quickly he got back to his feet and started off again.

No matter how fast he ran it didn't seem like it was going to be enough, or fast enough. His heart was beating so hard, he wouldn't be surprised if it exploded inside of himself right now. His hand gripped the nearest tree, and he swung himself around it. This way was faster and didn't lead into the direct opening of the field. Arms flaaping, trying to push himself faster then he was going.


The sound of the unexpected cannon made him freeze in his tracks, spinning to look at his left. Who died? It.. wasn't him.. It couldn't be. Blaine jerked himself back around, breaking into the running pace he was before. He needed to get there now. He could see the clearing through the trees not. Feet going on their tiptoes, trying to push himself faster. It wasn't long before his arms flung the last branches out of his view and he was in the field.