Hey sorry it's taken me soooo long to update. What can I say life happened lol.


I'm not ashamed to say I was afraid when she said that. Only this slip of a human could smile so sweetly yet say something so mean. I believe her too. She's the only girl I know that could find a way to give us food poisoning. Though watching her walk away was not a bad view.


I can't be to mad that they are throwing a party, the boys love any excuse to eat, and I can't stay mad at any of them. I'm just glad that I'm not crazy and all my dreams from my coma are true. Ok well not glad because all the bad things but there wouldn't be good without bad right. And if it weren't for Edward leaving I wouldn't have met Paul, my imprint. Though he doesn't know that I know, he never told me per say but I was told what it was like, and when I woke up I felt it, though it was much stronger than what they said.

I hate that I'm already tired and worn out, I've just made it to my back yard!


"Welcome home." Is said by everyone at random times. Before I can think I'm being scooped up in a hug by none other than Jake.

"Glad your home Bells" he says letting go.

"Me to Jake, I hate hospitals."

"That's cause you're in them all the time cluts." Paul says wrapping an arm around my waist pulling me close. The glare he sends Jake does not go unnoticed though.

"We can't all be big tough guys with super human ability."

"Yeah I don't think it would be good if you were a guy, then Paul, Jake and half the guys in Forks would be gay." Embry claim walking up to us. Jake glares, and I see a hint of pink, Paul just laughs. I like to hear him laugh, it's deep chuckle that makes his chest rumble.

"Thanks Embry you're sweet." I giggle.

"You want to sit down Bells?" Jake asks.

"No Jake I'm ok for right now."

"You look tired, you shouldn't push yourself. It's not good for you."

"Jake, I'm fine." I look up at Paul. "I'm going to go talk to Emily and Kim."

"Ok." I go to my tip toes and give him a kiss on the cheek before walking toward the girl.


She kissed me. I can't keep the grin from my face. She KISSED ME! I want to dance and shout. God this imprinting stuff isn't as bad as I thought.

"She needs to take it easy." Jake scoffs "I figured you would care."

And like that my good mood is gone.

"Jake keep your mouth shut, if I notice her getting too tired I'll make her sit down. Right now all it will do is piss her off. She wants to be back to normal strength, she doesn't want to be treated like she's breakable or weak. If I made her sit down and not move she would probably never speak to me again saying I was just like jack ass, and thinking I know what is best for her, better than she does. I'm not going to do that to her, right now this is what she needs, not an over bearing parent to tell her not to fall, but a friend to catch her before she does." I'm still shocked that I can be calm and not shaking with anger, baby alpha used to piss me off more than anyone. Now that I get to see Bells for more than a few hours in the Hospital and she actually talks back, I can take him with a smile. It also helps that I know he hates that the spirits decided that Bella was the perfect girl for me, not him.

Jake of course walks away in a huff.

"You seem to know my daughter quite well. You're right of course though with how she's changed, she'd probably throw something at you." Charlie said walking up behind me with a thoughtful smile.

"Yeah she probably would, or try and give me food poisoning like she told me earlier for having the party for her." I say with a chuckle.

"You've been good for her. She's smiling and laughing. While she was in her coma, at the beginning anyway, I didn't think I would see her smile again, even if she woke up. I'm glad to see her happy, but don't get me wrong, if you ever hurt her, I'll kill you, plain and simple."

"Charlie, if I ever hurt her, I'd let."

He gives me a knowing nod and heads toward Billy.

I walk to my Bells, as I head that way I see her legs are trembling a bit. I know she's getting tired but she refuses to sit down.

"Hey Bells, Emily, Kim" I greet them. "Bells hun, you getting tired?"

"No I'm fine thank you." She says with a smile. I lean down and whisper in her ear.

"It's okay to sit down, I can feel your legs trembling. You're doing great, but you shouldn't push yourself to hard." I pull back and smile big, "I'll let you sit on my lap."

She giggles at me but I can tell she's sad. "Fine."

"Just for a little while. Are you hungry?" I ask trying to distract her.

"A little bit."

"What would you like to eat?"

"Doesn't matter, make yourself a plate, I'll eat from that."

"ok, I think I can do that."

BPOV- While she's talking with the girls

"So you and Paul?" Kim askes.

"What about us?"

"He's your imprint right?"

"I think so, he hasn't told me, but with how he acts and I've had the feeling described, and I feel that pull."

"Well he had diffidently had an improved attitude." Emily says with a smile.

"He told me he used to have a temper. Well, he did in my dreams anyway."

E-"He used to be bad."

K- "Bad. He was the worst. I mean I kind of get why but I mean, anything and everything used to set him off."

B-"I'm glad he's better, I probably would've yelled at him if I saw any of that."

K- "Well, if you put him and Jake together for too long, you just might get your chance."

E- "He's a good person, just a little rough around the edges."

B- "I think I like those edge." I say with a smile.

I feel Paul walk beside me.

"Hey Bells, Emily, Kim" he greets us. "Bells hun, you getting tired?"

"No I'm fine thank you." I say with a smile. He leans down and whispers in my ear.

"It's okay to sit down, I can feel your legs trembling. You're doing great, but you shouldn't push yourself to hard." he pulls back and smiles big, "I'll let you sit on my lap."

I can't help but giggle at him even though I can't help but be a little sad. "Fine."

"Just for a little while. Are you hungry?" He asks sweetly.

"A little bit."

"What would you like to eat?"

"Doesn't matter, make yourself a plate, I'll eat from that."

"ok, I think I can do that." He gives me a peck on the cheek and walks to make us a plate, as I start to blush.

Hope you like. Please Review