A Doctor Who and Being Human Crossover:

Bad Bite – Chapter 1

"Looks like we've landed, Rose," the Doctor said, enthusiastically.

He danced around the console as Rose Tyler stood grinning.

"Where are we?" his companion asked curiously.

"Barry Island, November 5th, present day, 7:50," the Doctor replied, "And the fireworks start shortly, so we better be quick."

The Doctor took Rose by the hand and whisked her out of the TARDIS. Rose zipped her hoodless blue sweater up, as it was mildly cold. They left the beach, where the TARDIS was parked and strolled a small way up to the nearest town, and gazed around in wonder.

"Sometimes I think I'd like to live at the seaside," Rose commented, "However, it wouldn't be as fun as travelling with you, and seeing the stars. I want to spend the rest of my life with you, Doctor. And if it were ever possible, eternity."

"Do you know what, Rose, so would I," the Doctor told her.

He smiled at the thought, with gleaming eyes, as bright as the stars. Oh how he'd love to spend eternity with Rose Tyler. She had turned him into a better person and wiped away the darkness that had burned inside him. Without Rose in his life, the Doctor may not have become a better person.

The Doctor and Rose stopped in the town and leant forward, balancing their weight on the rusty railings. They looked ahead into the horizon as the fireworks were released and flying free, soaring in the sky, like raging rockets. As they exploded, the life and the colour burst from them.

"Brilliant, absolutely brilliant," the Doctor mumbled.

"I defiantly agree," Rose said, as she rested her head against the Doctor's shoulder.

They watched as the sky came to life with light, before continuing down the streets of the town. The Doctor and Rose turned down onto a street where the crowds were high, with people travelling in different directions, surging around them. Rose let go of the Doctor's hand and found he was nowhere near her. They had got separated through the busy crowd.

Shoot, Rose thought as she frantically turned to search for the Doctor. He's probably looking for me too. She dashed down the street, telling herself that the Doctor must be nearby. Rose turned down another street, much quieter, where she stopped at the entrance to a dark desolate alley, to get her breath back.

Suddenly, a vampire appeared behind Rose. His eyes were the colour of deep black, and were as dark as the endless sky. His mouth opened, revealing fangs that were gleaming in the moonlight. He slowly approached Rose. Her luscious scent overwhelmed him and he couldn't turn away. It was too much to ignore and turn away from. Then it happened. The vampire grabbed Rose and sunk his teeth through the fragile skin on her neck, before she had had a chance to scream.

A/N: More coming soon. Please review.