It was a pretty simple question. "When did you fall in love?" X couldn't answer for Robin, although boy wonder always said it was when Red X retrieved Robin's case for him. For X, it was much more gradual. It started out as blind, shallow lust. The first time he saw Robin up close, after stealing the suit, Red X noticed how good looking he was. For weeks afterwards, he couldn't get those long legs out of his head. He gave up fighting against the fantasies that kept pushing to the forefront of his mind. The next time he saw Robin, Red X went out of his way to corner him and pin him against the wall. Seeing Robin snarling and cursing at him, frustrated and refusing to submit quietly for every a second damn near drove him crazy. "Fuck kid. It's not fair to look this sexy without trying." Robin had frozen, staring at him, and Red X had fled, not even bothering to grab his loot.

The time after that, during the race, he was determined to get back to his old self. Fuck Robin. No, gha, bad choice of words. Although, now that you mention it…NO. Forget Robin. He was going to get the case, sell it to the highest bidder, and put Robin out of his mind forever. Until the kid had to go and ruin it by saving him. Feeling Robin so close to him, even for a second, relit that fire faster than X could ever hope to stop it. He gave up, agreed to help, (thank god he did, seeing as that was about when the attraction became mutual), and leapt off the back of the R-cycle.

The last thing X had expected was a kiss. But no, Robin had chased him down an alley, grabbed his arm and thrown him up against the nearest brick wall. Robin pushed up X's mask just enough to expose his mouth, and gave the thief the best kiss of his life. Robin's hands and tongue were suddenly everywhere, eager to explore. "K-kid?"

"Shut up, I can tell you love this." Red X grabbed Robin by the hips and responded. The soft 'mmhmm'of pleasure from the smaller teen was downright intoxicating. He wanted more. Robin pulled back and whispered, "Thanks." And then Robin gone, leaving a very confused, suddenly very aroused Red X standing alone in the dark. Seeing what was under Robin's clothes became his obsession. Their banter became more heated, at times downright sexual. They didn't bother being subtle. "Oh man kid, the things I wanna do to you…"

"I wonder, did I look as drop dead sexy in that suit as you do?"

"Heh, looks even better on the floor."

"Prove it." Every cell in Red X's body felt like it was on fire, begging to touch and be touched. But Robin, cautious as ever, had still been half-convinced it was all a trick. Plus, there was that whole good/evil thing to sort out. Red X would never admit that part of him wanted to give up the Dark Side and all its benefits just for the privilege of gracing Robin's bed. Somewhere along the way, it quit being just lust. Finally, after months of lingering glances, wandering hands during fights, and the occasional breath taking kiss, Red X broke into Titan Tower. In the dead of night, he crept into Robin room and shook him awake. "Kid, I can't take it anymore." He hissed, eyes raking that oh so tempting body. Robin, without a second of hesitation, started pulling off his clothes. "Thank God. I thought you'd never crack." It was awkward at first, but Red X loved every second. They slowly figured each other out, learning where to kiss and nip and stroke. X finally had those long, beautiful legs wrapped around his waist, and that rough, passionate voice shouting his name in an entirely different tone. But love? The exact moment he fell in love? "X." A voice, sleepy, content, broke into his thoughts. He looked over to find Robin yawning next to him. "You had that look again."

"What look, kid?" Robin snuggled closer, smiling. "That look that means you're think too much." Heh. He fell in love every time he looked at Robin.