Written by Kaijuguy19 and me

We with mysterious yet omnious footsteps creeping in giving a bonechilling vibe, as the creature explores its world, its world is nearly dead, but full of radiation. Then slowly as the credits begin to come up we see a montage of monsters from all over the world, then we go to March 1, 1954, when Godzilla first emerged, we see Howard Stark, Daisuke Serizawa, Kyohei Yamane and their men investigating the monster and attempting to take it down. culminating in the atomic bombing of Bikini Attol on March 20, 1954, as we then go back to black as we hear Godzilla's roar show up with the title of the movie shows up.

Date: August 19, 1997.

Location: Phillipinos

as we cut to the Philippean Islands which we see a wrecked village which then leads to a pathway towards a largecave. We then see a team of scientists led by Ishiro Serizawa and his wife Emiko who looked around the site.

Ishiro sees some animalistic tracks leading into the cave.


They'refairly fresh though they're contaminated with a good does of radiation

he then turns to look at Emiko


Any luck finding other clues to where it lead off to?


Actually where they left off to. I spoke to one of the surviving witnesses at the village and he reported they were two and the destruction was about them fighting over territory last night. They carried the fight into there before dawn.

Ishiro nods then to the others.


Make sure your safety weapons are on. We can't be caught off guard with them.

They all go inside the cave seeing some blood and oddly enough what seems to be bones. They seem to belong to the same beast they've described. Ishiro notices one that looks different. Hetakes a closer look. Hmm...Except this one.

Emiko looks at it as well then looks a little amazed.


Could this be..."Him"?

Ishiro looks again.


No...This is far older...A relative of his most likely.

He sees more foot tracks and blood.


Let's move on!

They follow the footprints which start to get more messier with more bloodright into the seashore where they see a recently deceased Megafauna/Kaiju who is Kamoebas The researchers look in shock as they go near the corpse taking pictures.


This one hasn't been in our rader since the 70's.

She gets a call fromsomeone then she picks it up.


Emiko Serizawa speaking.


Our tracking drones managed to track down the kaiju that left the island you're on some time ago which we can now confirm that it's the Catagory 3 kaiju Gomess. We have orders to take it out though there's a catch.


...Does it have to do with any possible loss of human life?

She looksat Ishiro who in turn looks concerned.


We'll do our best to prevent that from happening, but I can't make any promises

location: Japan

Meanwhile around Japan at Janjira we now look at a camp site near the nuclear plant which has to do with uncovering a strange stone like object with strange markings. We see then Raymond Martin and his girlfriend Samara Burr among the crew doing the excavation. we see Ray talking to the foreman


Listen if it's not a lot of trouble Mr. Takanada we'd like to make sure we get enough pics for our papers and interview the rest before they head further into the site. You know tomake sure we get enough proof and research.

Takanada nods


Very well but try to hurry it up. It's getting dark and I'd rather not risk being late at home again.


Great thanks.

Ray sees Samara showing up.


Find any more information?


I did but something's come up.


Is it serious?


No actually it's Skye. She came back from school early to visit us. She wanted to say Happy Birthday to you.

Ray looking a little surprised.


Wait it's my birthday? Ah geez I got so worked about the excavation being this close to being finished I-

Samara looks amused.


Hey don't worry about it. We've been both busy.


I know...I'm just worried that I may just not be around longer to see Skye grow up..And being there to see it. she's been from foster family to another foster family. i am worried she will be taken away and she will lose yet another family.

Samara places her hand on his shoulder.


I know you will be in one way or another, like how we'll always be a part of our lives.

She kisses him then she goes over to the team entering in the tent.


I'll be with them inside the site. We'll let you know if anything's up!



Ray goes and checks for some files then he spots a 9 year old girl running up to him which is Skye who looks happy to see him.


Hey kiddo!


Happy birthday!

They hug


What are you up to?


Oh Samara and I are pretty busy at the moment but it won't take long though. She just needs to go in to check whatever the men inside the dome are doing then we'll go.


Yes! I know where we can go to celebrate later!

Ray smiles.


Wouldn't miss it for anything.

Meanwhile Samara and the crew are inside the dome to look at a strange egg shaped sphere that has odd alien like markings on it with pictures of what seems to be monsters. Samara gets out a camera


If this won't get the editor's attention I don't know what will.

Takanada looks at the other workers


Get the equipment out and be careful! This thing could be full of radiation for all we know.

Then he looks to Samara.


I may have to ask you to do the same. Press or not, fatal causalties arethe last things we want at this point.



She looks at the rock


I still have a hard time processing if either this was made by people long ago who really have an artistic talent or something else entirely...

One of the workers in protective suit gets close to the rock then spotting a hole which making him curious goes and starts to put his arm in. Takanada see's him


Jiro what the hell do you think you're doing?!


I'm being careful about it sir don't worry.

Jiro puts his arm through.


I think there could be something else inside the-AUUUGGGHHH!

Yells in pain as he tries to get his arm out.



He looks to the workers.


Men help me get him out!

They all go and help him out with Samara looking quite freaked out. When they pull him out they see a worm like creature devouring Jiro's arm off.



Backs away in fear then she rushes over to hand one of the works a pikaxe.

Worker: Thanks!

He rushes over and rushing over to the monster who bite Jiro's arm off clean then slithers to it's next victim but the worker wacks it many times until it lies dead on the ground. Everyone thenrushes to get Jiro help with wraping a bandage around his now lost arm with the rest looking at the body. Samara takes pictures of it


What the hell was that?!

Takanada is in a stunned trance.


Something that I'm damn thankful is dead now...

Suddenly they hear a rumble and what seems to be a roar. He and the others look around not knowing what's coming next. Then they hear more sounds coming from the rock then to their dismay more of the worm monsters come slithering out of the rock hissing and lunging out attacking more people who try to fight them off. Samara runs to the comm section hitting any worm that got to her. she slams it on.


Come in this is Samara come in! Please!

Outside the rest of the people feel the rumble and more roars comingout. Both Ray and Skye look shocked not knowing what it was. Then Ray hears Samara's cries for help at the control booth and rushes over to answer.


Samara what's wrong?! Did you feel that?!


Yes I did but that's not important right now! That rock we were looking at just have those-those look I don't know they are but they're swarming and killing people in here!


Samara what things?! I don't know what you're talking about! Please just-


Ray just stop! We need to get out but you need to press the button next to the door that turns on the containment device!


Wait which button is it?!


The black button but Ray I don't think we can make it out-

Ray is looking scared.


Honey please don't say that! We'll get out of this I promise! Hold on!

He turns off then sees Skye who looks just as scared.


Honey listen you need to get out of here!


What about Samara?!


She's coming back just go with Genjii!

He calls Genjii over



He rushes to Ray. then Ray looks at him


Please get her safe!

Genjii nods.


Come out alive Ray.

He takes Skye and runs. Ray rushes over to the door seeing the button. he hits it, opening the door. He gets out the walkie talkie and calls Samara.


Samara I'm at the door, i've opened it!


Thank god!

Helps out one of the workers up and goes with the surviving crew fighting off more of the monsters as they head to the door but some of the monsters rushes ahead of them to the door. Ray begins to see the monsters shocked at what he's seeing and terrified for Samara.


They're heading up to you!


Oh god...Oh god oh god please!

Now looking horrified at the likely choice he has to make.


Don't let them out!


Not until you're out!


It's too late please do it!


Please don't make me-

Then sees the monsters lunging out at him then he screams in despair as he slams the button trapping the monsters. He then sees one of the workers picking up a gas bomb then he's about to ignate it to stop the monsters for good. He then sees Samara looking at him looking at him in despair then the gas explodes taking them all out right in front of Ray's face. He then kneels down and sobs for a while. Skye sees Ray in front of the dome sobbing which then fills her withdread. Then all of the sudden the rumbles and roars are becoming louder with the sound of missiles hitting impact on whatever was roaing but then the impact lead a stray missile hitting one of the power plants which sounds the alarm for the nuclear radiation coming out. Skye is lifted up by Genjii as she sees Ray following them looking like a broken man as she also looks around seeing people screaming in terror to escape the radiation. She then closes her eyes which are beginning to fill with tears.

Date: December 1st 2011

Location: Antarctic region

On top of Russia large slabs of Ice float around looking peaceful then a glow begins to come out of one of them as then slabs starts to fall apart which reveals and let loose a creature grunting and growling in annoyance then it starts to slowly swim eastward to an unknown destination with a large unknown figure with a cloak with a gun looks at the creature with a type of curiosity and wonder.

Location: New York, Manhattan.

Then we cut to New York City with Steve Rogers AKA Captain America is in his apartment looking up videos and documentries on WW2 then pausing them to looks for files next to him sent through the mail about the fates of his old friends from the war. Most of them say deceased with the exception of Peggy Carter and Dum Dum Dugan. He sighs then gets up to leave his apartment to explore more of the now changed NYC. He goes to stores, exhibits and the occasional shows, both plays and musicals along with other activities soaking into the new world he now lives in. Finally he goes to his old neighborhood in Brooklyn as he sees whatever remains of his old home and seeing the new people among them.


My old house seen through better times, yet there it is still...Wonder if I'll be as lucky in the future?

He now goes to anoutside cafe in Manhattan as he's about to order coffie as he looks

around the buildings. He then notices someone sitting across him with a laptop. It's revealed to be Skye she notes Steve's face then gets a little shocked.


Hang on. is he really?

Looks at her laptop to hack into the SHIELD database to find out Captain America's info and finds out how he's been recovered. She looks at him again thinking to herself.


It is him! A war hero in front of me.

She looks at him directly


Um..Hey I'm Skye..I know it's not normally a name used often but.


No worries. It's a pleasure to meet you. Name's Steve Rogers.

Skye: Thanks. So how's living in NYC doing so far?

She then starts to think, as she sweats a bit.

Skye *thinking*:

Better not mention his alter ego right now at least. After what he's going through right now I don't blame him if he's still feeling off.


Honestly a lot different then what I was used to. The buildings, stores, neighborhoods and all that around here are stillsurprising me even after I'm getting a lot of info about them. Like how that group called...Impractical Jokers is it are able to pullcrazy stunts like that on each other that back in mind would have their hauled hauled to jail faster then they can blink.


If it makes you feel better sometimes I get a little behind the

new trend at the city too.

Steve looks a little amused.


Fair enough.

Skye then hears her phone ringing then she picks it up to talk on it.


Yes?...Yes this is Skye..Uh uh...Wait when?!

she looks a little upset


I see...Yes I'll be there soon...Thank you.

She hangs up, Steve looks concerned


Something up?


*Sighs.* That's putting it nicely. one of my many adoptive fathers Raymond Martin is

behind bars at one of the local jails in Tokyo and one of the officers there who knows English told me this overseas.


What did he do exactly?


Well I've been told that was he caught trespassing around Janjira again which I don't get why he's even attempting it to begin with! Has he forgot that it's not filled with radiation?!


Hope I'm not diving into...Personal stuff but did something happened between you two? Something tells me that there's more to his behaviour other then just going where he shouldn't

Skye looks gloomed.


Since the death of Samara, one of my many adoptive mothers, Ray hasn't been the same. He's been away more often, getting more and more obessed with what happened that day. I've told him that it's probably just some accident with the ships or some earthquake but he only replies that it's some cover up that's being kept from all of us. Eventually he stopped making contact...God it's like he's now lost touch with realty.

Steve looks with sympathy knowing what it's like to fell that type

of loss.


I'm sorry to hear about that.


*Sighs.* Thanks...I better ask a friend to get me a ticket to the most recent flight to Japan and then pack up. I hope to God that I can just talk some common sense into him this time around.


Would you mind if I tag along? id like to see how the rest of the world, after...after


World War 2?.

Steve stays silent for a brief moment


Yes that, and to see if there's anything I can bring to the table to help Ray out.


Hey listen you don't have to do that.


I know...But it wouldn't sit well with me if I just didn't at least try to tell him about knowing when to let go.

Skye smiles.


Good point.

Later on we see them board on a plane at the JFK airport to gostraight to Tokyo. Steve then on the way is reading a book then he looks over to Skye who's taking some sleep. He then looks back at the book, feeling a bit better about checking her.

Date: December 2, 2011

Finally they arrive at Tokyo airport as they head to the prison place. As they arrive, Skye talks to the officer at the desk.

Skye *Speaks in Japanese.*:

Good day I'm here to pick up Mr Raymond Martin?

Officer *In Japanese*:

He's waiting there.

He then opens the door to his office, where they see Ray sitting.

Officer *In Japanese*:

Be sure to keep him out of trouble. This

isn't the first time he's been here.

Skye sees Ray looking ruffled and seen better days.

Skye *In Japanese*:

I...Can tell. Thank you.

She goes over to Ray.


It's been a while...


I know...My god you look-


We better continue the talk back at where you're at. And yeah there's a lot more to talk about.


Right right..

h sees Steve.


Wait is that-


Yeah it's a long story.

We now cut to the apartment room where it's filled with news paper clippings,books,videos,DVDs,etc all tracing back to the Age of Monsters right up to the current events most of them involving Janjira. Ray goes over to clean the place up a bit for Skye and Steve who look understandably shocked and confused about all this.


Sorry about this. It's been a while since I'd had company over.


So...Mr Martin are you in the reporting business?


Used. I left it due to them not really willing to accept some of my last few reports and...Some personal reasons.

Skye grabs a book that reads "Behind the curtain. Unveiling truths

that seem to be told otherwise.


Is this what you mean? Ray what is all this? Was this what you've been up to this whole time?!


*Sighs.* Yes...After what happened back at Janjira before itwas...Shut down...Something about how they'd "explained" what happened didn't sit right...They sounded like that they weren't beingfully honest. Turns out after doing extinsive research I may not be wrong after all.

Steve sees some newspaper clippings of the different monsters from the Age of Monsters.


I take it that this research ties into these giant beasts in some way is that right?


Not certain yet though I was able to find out that there were earthquakes all around that didn't feel like they were random fromcertain parts of globe and believe me I did try to get answers but sadly no luck and-


Ray will you please quit talking about all this?! It's bad enough you didn't at least let me know that you're fine but this isn't normal!


Skye this isn't how it looks. I'm not crazy...All of this what I'm doing here match up too much with other and I just can't stand by and not know why! And I damn well couldn't risk having to tell you much in case of-


Ray...I'm sorry but can't you just look at yourself? You're not in touch with realty anymore. You've pretty much cut contact with everyone we both know and care about and...I don't know why...It's like I've lost you long ago like with...

Ray is looking pretty remorseful, he walks towards her and grabs her shoulder.


Skye...I'm sorry it's just...I'm just trying to find some solace, peace of mind, well I don't know what to call it...All I do know is that I couldn't cope with not doing anything if I felt something else was up and see people suffer.

Steve is looking sympathetic.


I can attest to that...Look why not just give it a rest for at least a few months if not ever. At this rate I don't think your current state's going to leave you doing much of


Ray sighs then looks at Samara's picture.


...Fair enough...

he looks at Skye.


Skye perhaps if it's possible I can board to spend time at your apartment?

Skye smiles


Of course...its more like a Van where i live *giggles*

she hugs him.


I'm glad to see you again...The real you.


Yes...I've missed it too.

he hugs back.

Date: December 3, 2011

We now go to around Canada where we see one of NEST's team which are Wheeljack, Bumblebee, Arcee, Ratchet, Lennox, Epps and other soldiers enter into a cave. Lennos looks at Wheeljack


You sure this is where it's leading to, Doc?


Of course! It's doing a marvelous job at doing scans on theEMP waves that's causing blackouts around the local area. And to take caution I've managed to equip myself and the others with chips that'll block any coming waves so you won't have to worry about us falling flat on you.


Somehow that's not making me feel better...


Hey don't worry. We've faced things far larger then any of us and we haven't been scrapmetal yet. This can't be any more different right?

Ratchet sees creepy looking rocks and caverns, looking uneased.


Wish I share the same feelings. Primus how did early man manage to live in such caves like this for a while and not be unsettled is beyond me.


*Using different voice records,attempts a joke about cavesbeing a dream home for Dracula's vacation house but does a lame job at it making the soldiers both look confused and groan a bit.*


Sorry Bee but I'm not sure you're cut out to do stand up shows just yet.

Bee looks annoyed at it then slumps off. Wheeljack looks to Ratchet.


Ratchet I thought Bee wanted to protect the Witwicky boy yet he's not there. Why is that?


The new NEST director, Charlotte Mearing revoked his permission to live with Sam, saying that him being around the house would not only cause people to suspect something's up, but she also, quite bluntly I should add, that his additude needs to be adjusted if he has any chance of being a competent guardian to him.


Oh dear...From the sounds of it, she sounds quite demanding and hard to put up with.

Arcee looking annoyed at the mention of Mearing.


Hmph. That's apretty nice way to put it. If you ask me, she needs someone to tell her that same advice to her face. I know I'd love to.

They then go up to a cliff where they suddenly hear breathing


Was that...Breathing?!


Everyone quiet!

Epps hears Wheeljack's device


That means we're near the source right?

Wheeljack nods.


Don't know if I should be glad to hear that or terrified.

They then hear wheezing as they see something moving in the little light there was. Then they hear a roar that almost shattered their ears then rumbling as whatever it was walks out of the cave and into the outside as trees begin to fall down.


*Does a "What the F*** is that?!" voiceover.*


Something that's going to take away lives for sure!

Wheeljack gets out a gold and orange bird like drone then activates



Well we won't lose track of it! Off you go Sunder!

The drone flies up to follow the beast. Meanwhile at a distance, a man in a coat sees this then gets out his phone.


Sir we've found Detalious. And I'm afraid it wasn't alone in that cave.

Back at Ray's apartment, Skye is having a pretty bizarre dream. She finds herself in a desert looking confused and freaked out. She wanders for a bit noticing more and more strange objects that lead into a giant temple like building that she enters in. Catiously she walks around seeing labs that contain glass giant containers with shapes that resemble monsters. She then sees a group of what seems to be blue skinned humanoids checking around talking in a different language. Then they turn on a switch to a container in front of them as the container then explodes on top revealing a bat like monster screeching out in fury. Skye then wakes up very shook up. Then she sees Ray talking on the phone in Japanese then hangs up.


Who was that?


Someone who's been helping me with some information for a while now.

Steve (Waking up.):

Ugh...Still trying to get used to sleeping in this type of apartment...

Skye keeps talking to Ray


Really?...Does this call have to do with what I think it is?


*Sighs.* Yes...But it's not what you think Skye it really isn't.


Does he know that?


I've told him about that. He's having trouble keeping his homelife afloat and I've been helping him along with him finding out what he know...It's at JanJira again.


Your last trip didn't exactly end well, and at this point, I don't think you'll be lucky to get a baliff next time.


It's just a quick check. I promise once it's done,I'm done with the whole thing...But before hand, I think you might find the breakfeast here interesting.

Afterwards we see them meeting up with the man Ray's talking to, leaving Steve and Skye a little uneasy about what they're heading into. Then they grab a motorboat that secretly head to Janjira which seems to have seen far better days. Then they land in suits to protect them from the radiation with Ray using his radiation scanner.

Skye looks around getting memories of the city.


God I never thought I'd see any city that'd looked like Sauron made a new home at let alone Janjira...

Ray scans around.


Think I'm picking up something...Let's hurry!

They start to go to the source though Steve then sees the destroyed city, He catches up to the other two then seeing a dog.


That Dog shouldn't be even alive around here.

Ray seeing his scanner again then seeing that there isn't any

radiation traces.


...I wonder...

Takes off his helmet much to Steve and Skye's shocked reactions who attempt to call out stop but he looks fine..


There's no radiation.


But...How? Radiation doesn't just lift off one day, it takes years to get it off.


Who's to say that this didn't happen the way nature wanted it?


Come again?


Like somehow it was sucked away by something or even someone who has advanced enough tech to pull it off. That's what I got so far.


Valid theory...Let's see if there's any more mysteries to find out.

Steve and Skye both take their helmets off, feeling relieved at there being no radiation. they then go to one of the buildings to look around. Ray then finds out that there's a room in the building that he starts to reconize as his and Samara's old apartment. He peers in to to find pictures of their life together along with Skye when she was young. He looks away not wanting to break down at the sight. Unaware to them, they're being watched by 5 men who share matching uniforms with the MONARCH label on them. Steve suddenly spots them then carefully motioned Ray and Skye to follow him downstairs.


Captain what's with the sign language?


We're being watched.




Yes...Don't know who, but what I do know is that if they're being shady like this, it can't mean good for us.

Steve then leads them out the back gate, then they hear bullets fire at



Get down!

He leads them to a wall to dodge from the bullets.


What the hell are they trying to do?! Hunt us for sport?!

Skye gets out her phone but doesn't have reception.


Oh no no no don't do this now! Damn it! Why didn't I install the increased Wi-Fi connection?!

Steve spots an opening.


Over there!

They run to the coming across more of the armed men. Steve clobbers some of them then they rush out back to the direction of the boat. They all spot more soldiers blocking their path but Steve throws a trash can to strike at the city hangers to fall on them tangled. As they approach the ship they get ambushed by more men. They're now surrounded.


Place the shield on the ground slowly then stay where we are or we WILL use lethal force if we have to!

Steve looks frustrated but knowing this is a fight they can't get out without force if alive, so he backs off. giving off worried looks to Ray and Skye who looks equally nervous.


Thank you. We're going to give out questions to you about how much do you know.


Funny. That's what I was about to ask you! Who the hell are you?!


That's classified info. And to make sure all of you don't rat out the trip to where we'll question you three...

Nods to some men who shoots the trio with tranqulizer darts to knock them out.


Keep them cuffed,just in case if they wake up early especially him

Points to Captain America who's knocked out.


He isn't famous for just wearing a fancy suit.

Meanwhile in San Fransisco at the Kaiju museum we see Serizawa reading one of the letter sent to him by Monarch's head Nelson about his current changes to the science department. He then sighs and places it on the desk looking disgruntled. He looks at the photo of his Father.


I don't know what I'm doing with my life anymore father. Working with people that I'm starting to have doubts over is making me question if I'm still helping people now...

He hears Emiko come up.




Ichiro something came up at Janjira. Adams from the strike force at Monarch told me this.


Janjira? What incident?


Three people being around it. Nelson had them captured and taken in for questioning.


Dear God...

He grabs his coat.


I dread to think what Nelson would do to them.

Meanwhile we see the MONARCH ship heading off to the lower part of the Pacific with Skye and the others still knocked out. Skye then has another dream this time she finds herself at a field with what seems to be Dinosaurs doing their usual activities, She then sees the Kree up ahead leading large tank like crates that has monster noises coming out from them. Stopping the Kree then open them releasing dozens of monsters a the Dinosaurs killing them in sight with one blurred by motion, being the tallest of all. Skye runs from the chaos only to bump into what seems to be a tall trunk then she looks up to see a kaiju looming over roaring in difiance on top of her. This is actually Godzilla but this is meant to be hidden so far. She then wakes up to see herself in a seperate room with a woman dressed in a buisness suit looking at her.


Hope you've gotten enough sleep. Because you'll be here for a while.


Wait where's Ray and Rogers?! What did you do to them?!


Don't worry. My friends are keeping them company in separate rooms. Now I'm going to ask some questions about why you were in Janjira.


What would you say if I say none of your damn buisness?!

The woman is amused


A tough girl are we? I like that but it won't do you good forever. You'll break.

Meanwhile we now get a better look at MONARCH's headquaters. it's located closely to an Island. Inside we see getting off the elevator is Nelson the head of Monarch He then goes up to one of his officers.


How are our "Guests" doing?


They're waking up right now and we have our team ready to interrogate them.


Good. Is it true that one of them is none other then the Star Spangled Man himself?


Yes sir. looks like SHIELD found him after all. We've made precautions with him especially due to Captain America's enhanced...Talents.


Wise move. Bad enough that he's SHIELD's personal favourite errand boy when it comes to sticking their noses where it doesn't belong.

He sees the Serizawas walking up to him looking not pleased.


Well now. Seems that you've decided to come see our newest intruders.


Nelson you're taking things too far this time!


Really? I don't recall trying to keep people off MONARCH's property going too far.


But rounding up people who have no idea what they've stumbled upon?! Is that what you're having us do next?


Listen I assure you we're not being HYDRA here. Also those people aren't exactly innocent if that's what you're implying. We've ransacked the Martin fellow's apartment and it turns out he was this close to finding out what we're doing. His former adoptive daughter and Captain America knowing this too didn't help.


The Captain? How is he-


We're figuring that out now.

He goes up the stairs to look at the ledge where we see the same egg like container that Skye saw in her dreams.


But I want your reports on this instead of your usual morality cracks.


*sighs.* So far we're finding out that it has the same symbols that was found on the stone that we've uncovered in Janjira and that it seems to responding to the heat wave we've been using to get it to remain still. Lately it's being active like it's about to hatch out.


Doc why keep it contained? After all you and your wife's life work is pretty much kaiju related so why the fuss?


Because we know too well about dealing with a Kaiju we've yet to understand. Something that I think you of all people should know due to your background.

Nelson grew a little darker.


First up, NEVER bring my past into this. Secondly, my former life as being a smuggler for Kaiju parts and using them to con some saps into giving me money payed off with my skills in this field. So hard as it to believe I've worked my way up.


I warn you Nelson for your sake. No good will come with thinking that you can control anything you see fit.


Whatever. Just keep watch on the thing already. I'm going to meet up with the visitors.

He walks away not seeing that the egg starts to rumble a bit. He goes up to Ray's room where he's starting to get furious at the treatment he and the others are given.


You just won't take the hint will you?! I was only trying to find out what this is all about! Can't you bastards see that?!


Sir get a hold of yourself. You'll only make it worse!


Not at all. In fact it's already worse now! You people aren't fooling anyone when you're telling people that what happened at Janjira was only a natrual disaister all right?! You're lying! It was not an Earthquake,it wasn't a Typhoon it wasn't any of that! What I do know is that you know something that everyone has a right to know! Because it's going to send us all back to the stone age the rate at this is going!

Nelson watches and hears this outside the interrogation room, as he stares at Ray thru the window.


God, I can't stand drama.

Outside the caccoon starts to shake then crumble apart. Sirens are now blaring out. Ichiro sees the scanners now looking terrified. He and Emiko rush out to get people out of there. Steve while he was being interrogated hears the sirens.


What's happening?


It's nothing. Just answer my question. Are you sent by SHILED?


People are starting to scream out there. I think this isn't important right now!


Just shut your trap!

They then both feel a giant rumble then the solider then looks worried.


Ok ok good point!

Opens the door then they rush out then Steve gets Skye and Ray out of there. In the meantime the cacoon starts to crack apart revealing the monster inside it which is Bagorah, It roars as it starts to rip apart the egg. Skye then finally gets a glimpse then looks at horror as she notices that it's the same egg she saw in her dream.


Skye we have to move out!



Follows them into one of the vans. Meanwhile Nelson looks in horror and rage at what's happening.


Get it contained! Use the damn electric rods!

The rods open up and fire mazers at Bagorqah only to have it let out an EMP scream that knocks out the power leaving the building in darkenss and everyone even more panicked. Bagorah then knocks over parts of the building and killing people as it walks. Steve then as he's about to start then gets out.


Wait here. I need to get these people out!

He spots an shield that belongs to Monarch, he grabs it and rushes off fending off debris and helping people up.


I got you!

As Skye and Ray trying to get composure they notice another power line falling on the y scramble out in time. However as they're trying to find another route sKye sees a worker stuck


We'll get you out!

She goes there to get the worker out.

Bagorah then starts to flap it's wings as it destroys more parts of the hideout. Ray sees it about to fall on Skye



Then pushes her out of the way only for him to get crushed, to her horror



She tries to help him out.


Oh god someone help him!

As Steve manges to get as many as he can,he sees Ray stuck then rushes over to lift up the debris. Bagorah then flies off to the air roaring again as it flies to it's destination. Emiko after being with Ichiro in one of the resuce vans gets out her phone.


Coulson? This is Emiko Yamane-Serizawa...This is urgent...Remember our last talk?...I'll send you the locations quickly. and prey to God that there's still time to fix this...

While this was happening we see a cruise ship sailing through minding it's own business with the visitors relaxing and all, then they begin to hear a small growl which turns into a snarl as they see a shadowy head rise up and then dive back to the ocean with spines following it. They look dumbfounded at the sight. Back at MONARCH's headquarters, we see SHILED agents swarming the place as they go over what happened. We then see Fury talking to Nelson who looks quite venmous.


Mr. Nelson, I've been enduring the silent treatment you've been given me and let me tell you, I'm not a fan of any silent treatment, Now we can do this either peacefully or not...May i remind you that Howard Stark alongside Kyohei Yamane and Ichiro Serizawa started MONARCH as a sub-division of SHIELD, so technically you should report to me...Are you going to tell us what you were trying to do?


...Like I'll rat out to you Fury! You're just wanting to make sure you get your slimy hands on what we've worked on, MONARCH stopped belonging to your "club" since Stark died, its mine now. One Eye.


Funny you should mention SHILED having slimy hands when you're not exactly giving me any reason to believe that you don't have any slimy hands of your own.


Pfft. Typical SHILED talk. Always bragging about how they're the world's most righteous watchmen. You have no idea on what's going to happen.

Then both Ichiro and Emiko go up to Fury with Hill with them.


These two are willing to talk. They actually wanted to find me to tell you this.

Nelson glares at the Serizawas.


Never thought you two traitors would sink this low! Do you have any shame?!


I'm afraid I was going to ask you the same question Nelson.

He looks at Fury


We'll explain everything Fury.

Coulson looks at Emiko


Good to see you and your husband in one piece. We've already lost a ton of excellent people in your field as it is.

Meanwhile Skye sees Ray being carried in a carrier looking worried sick.


We don't know if he's going to come out all right but we'll do the best we can to bring him back to health.



Goes over to calm herself by sitting down. She sighs as she tries to get her mind off by writing notes. Steve goes over to see what's up.


How are you holding up?


Rattled but I'll manage which seeing as how we've almost died by Nosfuratu's demon pet, it's amazing that I was able to say that.


All right...I've heard that rumune's being served as refreshments so if you're up to-


thanks but I want to be alone for a while...With what's happening and all...


...Sure thing.

Looks understanding and goes to the other direction thinking.


Hope God's watching over Ray...Bad enough he hasn't gotten enough time to spend with Skye...

He sees Coulson and Fury up ahead who then turn to se him looking a little surprised.


Huh...Oddly enough this is someone I never thought being here at

Coulson hears beeping coming from Fury's computer then they go and check it out.


It's William Lennox from NEST. What's he have to say?

Lennox (From the transmition.):

Anyone getting this? If so then we got some not very good news.


Fire away. Can't be any more worse then where we are now.


Well we were able to track down the source of the EMP waves that was hitting the town around Canada to some cave and well...There were more then just bats. The waves came from some giant monster we think.


Wait another monster?!


Yeah it escaped before we were able to get a good look and-hang on...What do you mean by another one?


Rogers encountered something similar to what you're telling us right at this base that we're still digging info on.

Lennos looks pale.


Damn...Another one of them...Like we need that right now.

Skye pokes her head out of the tent then she sees SHIELD



Then pokes her head back in. meanwhile Wheeljack stands next to Lennos as they keep transmiting to SHIELD.


If I may gentlemen. While we were unable to stop the beast,I've managed to have my micron drone Sunder keep tabs on it. From what we can gather, it's heading to Toronto and it may seem odd but it's heading directly at the Radioactive station over there..Don't know why yet but I'm betting it won't end well for the poor folk there if we don't go there...Wait we're getting live feed from Sunder! It's sending us live footage as we speak!

They look to see the footage Sunder's sending them. We see Detalious entering into the city spewing out acid sliava across the streets killing people and troops. Tanks firing on Detalious then quckly get crunched. Detalious then sees the plant which has Stark written on it. It then walks over to the source which is underground, inside the building, some abandoned and scrapped Stark weapons that used radiation were stored and locked away, the creature follows the radiation of those devices. then the STARK workers sees Detalious digging through making the building fall unto itself. The workers scramble in panic to get out but then Detalious destroys the building entirely killing the workers as the result. Detalious roars then moves on. Steve looks in complete horror at the sight.


Oh primus...those poor souls...

Coulson is equally as horrified.


...Does Stark knows about this yet?!




Tony Stark, guy who invented the Iron Man suit.


I'm sorry, I don't listen to many current topics lately so I don't know much about him yet.


Stark will hear of this. Though knowing him, he'd likely do something reckless afterwards.

Fury ends the chat. Steve still silent then goes to a wall then punches it through in frustration about what's going on then leaves for his tent.


Hey he just punched through evidence!

Agent 2:

Want to try telling him that now?

Fury looks at Coulson


Get Pym and Agent Van Dyne on the phone and have them guard the nearest STARK industries that you can locate them in. that building that damn creature destroyed, contained weapons Howard made during the atomic age, they could have hell of radiation, i know Howard stored more radiactive weapons on other buildings, If it's eating off radiation, then we at least have an idea on where it's going to next.



Coulson gets on the phone. Fury looks at the rest of SHIELD agents


Rest of you get yourself ready for the next attacks by those things! Our weapons department will supply you with the tech we haven't used in 4 decades since the last time we've faced off against those damn monsters. Next time we'll make them bleed.

Meanwhile Skye carefully sneaks out of her tent and heading to one of the cars. she then suddenly sees crates that contain what's left of the egg, Bagorah came out of. Remembering that she recognizes them from being from her dream she goes over to take a closer look at them.


There has to be a connection between that thing and my dreams.

She carefully takes some samples and puts them in the bag then as she turns around she bumps into the agent having her phone fall out.


Oh er..hi there! Didn't catch you there. Went the wrong way!

Agent picks up the phone then reads the back which says "From SKYE OF THE RISING TIDE.


Care to explain this miss?

Skye panicks.


Oh er...Just a small silly prank my friends did on me? He he funny right?


Yeah good one "Rising Tide."

He cuffs her.


you'll never pester us again with your trouble now!


What's going on?! Where are yo taking her?!


Taking in a criminal that's what. She's been giving us trouble for some time now and we'll be addressing this very soon.

Steve looks at Skye


this is true?!


Love to say it's not but I'm no liar...


Wait can't we just talk about this?!


No can do. She's a hacker and she must be dealt accordingly.

He takes her in leaving Steve a little confused at the Hacker term. meanwhile Nelson is hidden in a corner with his phone.


Miller, this is becoming a disaster! MONARCH's going to be ruined! Are you sure you've kept the other egg safe?

Miller who is at a different headquaters talks to him thru his phone


Rest assured sir we're making sure they won't find out about our second project.

He looks over to an even larger egg.

Location: Malibu, California

We see Tony's home in Malibu California as he's making a new suit.


Hmm...could use a bit of Blue thrown in. don't want to make the new suit too similar.


Sir I've received some urgent news concerning one of your plants in Tontronto.


If it's just a strike for more raises, more vacations or the usual worker stuff, just tell them that I'll have one of my staff just listen to them and work things out and everyone wins.


Actually sir...It's far worse then that.

JARVIS turns on the news to show Tony, Detailous's attack on the plant which leaves Tony

stricken with horror.


...I...See that...but...what the...hell is that?

Hears his phone ringing then picks it up.


Stark speaking...


Good that you're there Stark. One of your plants was-


Don't need to tell me. Found out from the news I'm watching now...


I see...I still need to inform you that we have another creature flying around though. SHILED's on high alert and our fighter jets are following the flying bat.


Glad to know that you've prepared yet also upset about hearing another monster on the loose...They better not get any ideas on visiting NYC and wrecking my yet to be completed tower.


Don't worry. We're making preperations to make sure that won't happen.


Ok then...Well if we're lucky either of them could turn tail and run if they find out about the city's bad rep about the garbage islands.


Not sure if you're trying to be funny about this or not.


Gotta have some coping mechanisim here.


Fair enough. We'll also get guards to make this even more reassuring.

Tony hears wind outside.


Hold the phone.

He now hears screaming then goes over to one of his suits and gets in it.


Gonna have to call you back Romanov. Something just came up.

Hangs up, as he suits up on the Mark 4, then flies to the source of the noise in the ocean. Suddenly he sees a sonic boom aimed at him then he dodges seeing bagorah in it's full appearance shrieking in rage.



the creature roars


Afraid that you lost your turn to Dracula's lair!

Fires repulsor rays at it but Bagorah blocks it with it's wing then swining his tail but Tony dodges again and fires the missle. but Bagorah then fires another sonic wave from the mouth exploding the missle in contact.


Ok bat boy not feeling like playing nice anymore? Good. So am I!

Flies around shooting more repulsor rays at Bagorah but the kaiju then raises the flap on it's back then slams it back down sending out an EMP wave, making tony's suit go dead.



Starts to fall but Tony uses the wind's direction to make him fall to the ground

softly. He sees Bagorah fly into the air


Hate it when they get smug about winning...

Location: Diego Garcia

we turn to where NEST is currently at with Charlotte Mearing speaking to Lennox.


This situation's starting to go downward even more for those who were about to ask me what's going on with this monster crisis right now. The one who destroyed the STARK industries is heading to New York City and the bat monster from that island which Fury was at, is about's heading to God knows where to. This is going to be a nightmare telling this to the United Nations.


There anything else we could do in the meantime? It's a lot to process for me but I could at least figure out a plan to at least drew their attention.


Much as I want to be open to any ideas, Mr Lennox, I prefer it, if we make it about killing them if we can.

NEST soldier, Ryan Throws his hands up in frustration.


This can't be happening! I just can't accept that the planet's going even more damn crazy by the minute! Aliens, Green Monsters, Spider people, etc. If the next time I see or hear that we could have humanoid roaches disguised as humans running theme parks, I'll toss myself into the Loony bin!


Crazy or not, We still need your skills to fix this Mr, Ryan. So is anyone else trying to do something about this?!


Well we did contacted SHIELD, so we do have some edge to this thank Primus.

Optimus enters the room

Optimus Prime:

As much as I'm pleased with this news Wheeljack,I fear even that won't be enough. All the same, we'll aide them in their efforts.


I was able to do research on more of those monsters and from what I've found out, it was far from being the first time that this happened.

Shows them pictures and videos on the screen.


During the 50's to the 70's there are events and rampages from giant monsters, or as they're now known by Japan, Daikaiju or Kaiju for short, that devastated many parts of the planet and taken many lives in the process. What makes it even more baffeling that most of those kaiju aren't just from long ago in prehistory but from other methods either by mutations,experiment, or from galaxies far away even! The forces of every nation SHIELD included found out that using conventional weapons wouldn't work on them so they resorted to using new technology such as Maser Tanks. they were successful with taking down some kaiju but the rest weren't so easy. then one day they stopped eventually since then. Though nowadays that's no longer the case.


Hmmmm...We all know too well about such events can bring enormous tolls on a world which makes it even more important we prevent this from growing worse!


After looking at the video of the creature Sunder caught, it was feeding off of radiation so that does give us an idea on how to track it.


Have you managed to look up where its heading to next if that's the case?


Ahead of it actually. It's heading to New York City.

Location: Buffalo NY

Date December 4, 2011

we take a look at Hank Pym and The Wasp who were taking a breather after watching over the STARK Industries in that area. Wasp is stretching her arms out


Ugh Thank god we're allowed to get out! I wasn't sure if was able to remember what the sun looked like!


Agree with you there Jan. You'd think someone like Tony Stark would at least give the employees some more flashier ways to kill time while guarding old radioactive weapons.


Yeah and speaking of radiation I think it's starting to make my powers rouse me to make eggs too

Sees Hank stop dead in his tracks looking shocked.


Hey it was just a joke, Hank.


*sighs.* Oh...Jan you must not joke about things like that. I'm still a little worried about if the particles will react to any other source of energy or power source, what kind of effect they may have. after all it caused you grow wings.


Well i am not growing mandibles or something like that so far if it's any reassurance.


That's true...By the way, how were your recent missions going? Haven't heard much about them yet.


Eh, some of them were bit of the usual spy tasks though we did come across some nutjobs and guys who have some serious anger issues. Like this ex SHIELD scientist who I dubbed Dr Egghead for looking like that fat walrus doctor from that Hedgehog game who attempted to nuke Moscow with this gas bomb made of hemloch barriers..


I've looked him up. Shame that he just threw away his position to help people all because of some huge ego he's got going.


Oh and speaking of huge ego. That jerk I've met back at my collage years who tried to beat me at gymnastics but got his butt handed to him instead by me now has this crazy tornado making suit calling himself Whilrwind now!


Really? How was able to get himself even that? He's lost his degree due to failing so much from what you told me.


He did but knowing the guy, he's found some dirty way to try to get himself back on top. also he still hates my guts for messing up his life though he's pretty much did that on his own..Anyway he did take some exchange students hostage to trade for a million grand but he didn't count on Fitz and Simmons to short circuit his suit while I was doing smacktalk on him. *Chuckles.* Man I won't forget his face. It was red as a dakon radish!


Oh yeah Fitz and Simmons I came across them once. They were nice if a bit on the fan side. Agent May was right about keeping my distance from them if I don't want to get swamped. *Chuckles.*

Around Manhatten we look to Spider Man swinging around the city deep in thought.

Spider Man (Thinking.):

With the reports of these monsters coming up, I'm don't know how I'm gonna face off against one of them if not more! I'd really be a pest to them due to well,not being such a giant. Wish I could have done something to help those other folk that got attacked but then NYC wouldn't be in any better position even if I did. Then again I don't know how an army of super heroes would fare any better against them.

Spidey sees SHIELD vehicles heading to Stark Tower.


Hold the phone. Wonder what party they're going to?

As he swings to follow them he notices JJJ coming out of the Daily Bugle window to glare at Spidey.


Ya got tons of nerve showing your menacing mug around this window ya web crawling sociopath! I hope you go and lose your powers or something cause that'll be grand karma!

Spider Man (Teasing):

Well hiya to you too sunny JJ! Oh and not to be a party pooper but haven't you heard?

Shoots webbing at JJJ's cigarrete and pulls it off


Smoking's not good for your health Ta ta!

He swings away. enraging Jolly Jonah.



Slams the window grumbling, Spider man then reaches the SHIELD agents at the tower.


Man: Hey fellas it's been long!

Does some high fives with them.


Down low too slow!

Spidey sees Natasha walking up to him.


Hey have we met? Cause I don't recall any kick butt female agent last time I've met SHIELD. Speaking of which name's Spider Man in case we haven't.

He streches his arm to her, expecting an arm shake, she doesnt streche her arm. he puts it down.


We haven't though I've heard of you. Especially the incident with the Symboite.

Spider Man is looking a little embarrassed.


Er yeah that's kinda of a sour topic that I REALLY don't want to chat about if you don't mind. Anyway why are you and the rest of the SHIELD boys hanging around here anyway? Some sort of a disco rave?


Guarding the tower against the reported monsters or God forbid even more pop out.

Spider Man:

Think it could help if we plant mines around the top of the tower in case any of them decide to go King Kong on it.


I'll keep that in mind. I'll go oversee the other agents guarding the rest of Stark towers and non Stark related buildings.

She goes to the computer rooms.

Spider Man:

Yeah and I'll be around to check out some...Stuff and all...Huh never figured that it's hard to think of something to kill time in a snazzy place like this.

Spidey goes to the other agents.


Hey fellas guess this mean we're in for a giant game of Twister?

Meanwhile we now see Iron Man flying trying to locate Bagorah around the south part of North America.

Iron Man:

Jarvis are you sure that your scanners haven't picked up even the slightest hint of a giant vampire bat around here? I mean it's not exactly tough to miss.


Due to the somewhat otherworldly aura that the creature is sending out if that is the word for it sir, I was unable to get an exact lock on to where it's heading next.

Iron Man:

Otherworldy? As in like from space?


That would be an accurate term.

Iron Man:

Would find it interesting normally but right now, I'm not in a mood to let it throw any more death attacks.

Hears detecting noises as it leads to Area 51.

Iron Man:

Well hello.

follows the location till he sees Bagorah ripping apart a SHIELD cave filled with radiation. It grabs some canisters in it's mouth,claws and tail and it flies off


Iron Man:

Looks like it has a sweet tooth for Radiation. Jarvis take some notes on this. Would be useful later.

continues following Bargorah carefully, At the Hellicarrier we see Skye with her hands in cuffs sleeping yet again. She gets into another dream this time more vivid and wild. She's now back at the alien ship like building with the Kree seeing a large egg/container that's the largest of all the containers. They set it outside a field to be released then they enter in the same slab that was featured in the beginning. It opens and coming out is a kaiju that looks like a chimera walking upright which is Bagan. It roars as it fires out bolts of napalm from the mouth at more dinosaurs and men with Skye looking stunned. She then sees the smaller kaiju walk up to Bagan carrying the atomic containers that the Kree made. They laied in in front of Bagan who took it and drained the power then Bagan fires out tiny nukes which then explodes on impact leaving out mini nuculer blasts. In the distance, Skye then sees a herd of Godzillas running towards Bagan then she wakes up. Startled she then writes this down in her notebook which contains more of her dreams. She then sees Steve walk up to her.


How're holding up?


Eh a little better then I thought but not by much considering I've been to worst places where you get locked up.


That does raise a question I've been wanting to ask you. What were you arrested for anyway?


I hacked into SHIELD's network and other sites every time I was able to come across new information for what I'm trying to do for the last few years.


That would be what exactly?


*Sighs.* I just wanted to know who my parents were and what happened to them. Being from family to family didn't exactly fill that missing void since it's like none of them wanted me around at all. Thought the first one I was at that I did liked the most was with Raymond's family. Guess you could say that's how I've met him to begin with. out of all my foster families, He's also the only one I'm able to make contact with.


From what I've looked up in the files, SHIELD was targeted the most by you. Why is that?


Well back then I came across a group that calls themselves RISING TIDE. Odd name aside,the reason I did join up with them was because we just shared a lot of opinions with each other. Things like Freedom of speech,accesibility of information,and all that. It was among the best if not the all time best way to getting closer to finding out data of my real family even if I spent most of my life now in a van. One day I did came across SHIELD and I've encrypted files about something that happened at a village around China. Ray told me I was from the village which was the same information the orphanage told

my foster families. A woman left me from the place and she was from SHIELD too which in a way sort of ironic.

She now looks upset.


and now Ray's in critical condition and I can't fathom what'll be like to lose the one person that was almost...Like a actual father to me...

Steve looks sympathetic.


We'll get more news of him soon and whatever happens. I'll make sure you won't end up being treated like a war criminal. That's a promise.

About to leave but Skye stops him.


Wait there's also something else I want to tell you. theres a notebook on my pocket in my pants, take it out

Steve takes the notebook and reads it


what it is?


Nightmares i've started having since this began,


There a reason for this?


Right on the money. I've been dreaming about weird blue men from I think around prehistoric Earth and they have these giant monster pets or rather bio ware machines that devastated living life around them.


That definetly can't be a coiencidence. given what's happening right now, sometimes dreams can be like Precognition.


I do think thats possible, i am not a clairvoyant. but I still don't understand how the hell I keep getting them but they starting to more and more likely to be connected. In

fact those two monsters we've seen so far are in those dreams too. What's even more interesting that Godzilla's in it.




Yeah that famous kaiju movie star that Toho made...Like somehow he's actually real.


Or something like him?


If you want to put it that way..yeah.


I think I may try to talk Fury into-


There's no time. I'm not allowed to make any contact with the head honcho of SHIELD at least not yet but I think if you get the chance to talk, tell him about this. Maybe they'll give some hints at least to know how to stop this chaos.

Just as Skye stops speaking, a doctor walks.


Miss Skye...I've been requested by Mr Martin to bring you to him to talk.


Is he fine?!


*Sighs.* I...don't know how to tell you this...But...His injuries did too much damage to his body to fully recover and...Well..

She's horrified


Oh god no...


I'm so sorry...we will lead you to him.

The Doctor and some SHIELD agents leads Skye to where Ray's on the medic bed looking bad.

Ray (Weakly.):

Hey kiddo...Guess we've finally had enough time to talk for awhile...


Yeah we do, don't we?...


Then again...Being in a café would be more of an ideal place to chat...*Chuckles while coughing in pain.*


Ray listen..I don't know what to say..But..I..I just wanted to say that even though we didn't talk for years..I never hated you..


I know...I..always felt that anyone else would yet... you never seemed to be that type of person...One who'd...Never stop giving up on you or...At least not let themselves be..Consumed..

Skye holds his hands, as tears start welling up.


Ray please I don't know what to do at this point...You're my only family left!


Skye...There's also going to be a family in your life one way or another...You'll never be truly alone..Never forget that...Like I have forgotten long ago...i..*dying breath*

His last breath leaves, leaving Skye slumping over in tears. Back at the Stark Industries at NYC, the Autobots surround the building to keep watch over the building. Wheeljack looks to Bee who's looking and touching a Cat


Bee I don't think that stray cat's taking kindly to you trying to pet

Wheeljack looks to Optimus


I swear that bot's curiousty's getting to be larger then it should be.


True but at the same time, it's understandable that he's wanting to pass time somehow..


Well that I can attest somewhat. Still looking forward to doing more test runs on "Project Decepticon Hunter." Name needs work though...we havent heard of our friends in a while now, but we need to be ready.


There is something I've been meaning to ask myself Wheeljack concerning the Age of Monsters.


Like what exactly?


Was there any record on how it first began like any specifics?


Oddly enough,they're rather hard to look into. I did came across some records of an incident in 1954 that could be considered the start of the Age.

they then hear a rumble.


I say,what rumble is that? Are we getting a thunderstorm around here?

They then hear more rumbling and we cut to around the west side of the place STARK Towers is at. as we see Detalious coming out of the water and stomping his feet on the streets roaring in fury as he crawled over the streets, cars and people as it then fired out more acid streams,destroying buildings. Hawkeye stands on a building keeping guard then hears the rumble and rushing over building to building then stopping to see the destruction happening with a stunned look. Then seeing Black Widow coming up next to him.


Got one of the unwanted tourist here...And it doesn't look happy.

Black Widow get out the comm link.

Black Widow:

This is Romanoff. The Detailous beats arrived around the west side of the Island. Sending out orders to get out the assault army.

They both spot one of the buildings fall over to the side, trapping people.

Black Widow:

We also got civilains trapped. Sending you the location right now. Hawkeye and I will help get as much people as we can in the meantime!

Hawkeye gets an arrow out.


Better ask them if they have arrows that can tranqulize Kaiju just to be sure!

they both run down to the building then he fires a bomb arrow making an opening for the people to run out. Both Hakweye and BW run in to help the injured.


Easy there folks. Help's coming!

At the meantime NEST with tanks,Maser cannons and jets coming towards Detailious begin to fire on the kaiju but they only provoke Detalious enough to fire acid on some of them with biting on the jets,running over the tanks and when the maser tanks begin to hurt him a bit he roared and rammed into the cannons destroying them. He then spots the plant and starts dashing towards it. Optimus can see the explosions and disaster from the distance, as the creature approches them.


Team stand your ground!

The NEST team heads towards the creature, They start using their guns on Detailious but then Detalious uses EMP on them knocking them back.


Urrgh! Fall back! I don't know if the resitance to the EMP Wheeljack installed in us will last long! I can feel it frying!

They all fall back a bit yet keep firing at Detalious who takes no notice as he crashes into the building to get radiation. Just then BW and Hawkeye arrive with more of NEST's army and SHIELD carrying more maser tanks as they fire upon Detalious making him roar in anger and confusion as he backs off into the river which he then heads into Manhattan. Spider Man then swings over and sees the beast swimming towards the city with a look of terror on his face.


Please. no

He then hears sirens and he swings over to help the closest medical emergency team. Near the bay we then see another kaiju swimming with spines coming out of the water.


The hell is that? Oh Crap! *Screams*

Fishermen look scared and run as the beast rises and walks over to where Detalious is heading. As for Detalious he continues to rampage through the streets, taking out buildings and streets. We then see people running around trying to avoid death then they see another foot slam down to the pavement across from Detalious. as we see Godzilla fully who does a challenge roar at Detalious who then charges forward and they both collide ripping into each other with claws,feet,and teeth. Detalious bites on Godzilla's arm who roars as Godzilla jabs at Detalious's face as they wrestle each other into Times Square. Detailous rams into Godzilla's backside making him topple into the Hard Rock café,then grabbing a subway train from under the cracked subway station he swings it at Detalious's head making him back away in pain, Detalious in rage sprays more acid at Godzilla's chest making him roar in pain. Now with the spines glowing blue,Godzilla then fires his Atomic breath sending Detalious flying acroiss Times Square and landing around south. At the meantime. Spidy and the other SHIELD agents seeing the battle as they go around resucing many civilains as they can. Spidey sees a kid then goes and help him out.


Easy sport. I'll take you somewhere safe from those big lizards.

Using his web he swings across the nearest emergancy van as he swings by JJJ's office who opens the window.


What in the dang blue sam hill's going on out here?!

JJJ Sees Spidey.


Ah HA! I figured you'd be behind it somehow! What did ya do to bribe some mad scientist to make those god forsaken bahemoths?!


Listen JJ, I don't have time to do quips at you so while you have the chance, get yourself and the staff now ASAP!

Spidey Swings along.


You don't get to tell me how to run my staff! Friggen staff stealer. Speaking of which.

JJJ uses his comm link.


Robbie I need you to get Parker in here! I don't know where he's at and I'm going to let him have it for being so late once he gets here! Robbie?! You there?! Brant?! *Grumbles.* Terrific What is this day to them anyway?! "Take off work day"?!

JJJ tries to find a camera on his desk


Must I do everything around here?!

JJJ looks up to see Godzilla at the window snarling at the direction of detalious.


Hey watch it you overgrown Jurassic Park reject!

Godzilla looks at him.


Yeah I'm talking to you Mr Barney's ugly cousin! Don't think I'm gonna let you freaks off easy just cause you're not like those super hero thugs and J Jonah Jameson here's not

gonna take being looked down upon by the likes of you fat bellied crocodile and antoher thing too ya-uuuhh..

Looks nervous as he sees Godzilla roars at him


and I just wanna... ...Oh crap...

Godzilla finally snorts out a gust of wind which knocks back JJJ to the wall



Godzilla then resumes his battle with Detalious. as JJJ lays on the floor


Ughh...Note to self...Never let this hit the pages or I'm never gonna hear the end of it from Spider freak...

Spiderman secretly seeing this since he just dropped the child off then he chuckles.


hoo hoo I think I'm liking that creature a bit now.

Now we cut back to the battle Godzilla and detalious are having. Godzilla uses his tail to hit Detalious across the face making him stumble. Detalious pushes a building towards Godzilla almost knocking him over but Godzilla uses his breath to break it into pieces. They then wrestle with each other more with claws swiping at each other. finally Detalious fires acid at Godzilla's face making him temporarily blind. Godzilla roars in pain as he falls over. Detalious then leaps on top of him to deliever a killing blow but Godzilla lunges out and bites down hard on Detalious's neck not letting go. Detalious roars in pain as it struggles to get away from Godzilla making the kaiju roll around at the streets but not succeeding. Detalious's efforts grew weaker and weaker until eventually Detalious goes limb, dead by Godzilla's hands. Godzilla then rises up and roars in victory then he heads over to the Hudson river and swims away from the city leaving Spiderman looking at awe at what happened. Meanwhile at the carrier both Skye and Steve who was reading about Skye's dream book saw the footage of the destruction made by the kaiju in horror and shock and seeing the heroes and medics helping people out.

News reporter *on tv*:

This is one of the mayor disasters that struck the city of New York city since 9/11. Million civillians have been declared dead and others are missing. the damaged caused will take billions of dollars to fix. what were those creatures or where they came from is unknown, we will keep you all updated as more information comes...Geez the world is getting weirder every say.

Steve especially is reminded of his war days through a minor flashback yet sees that this is far worse. We then see Fury and Coulson look at the news footage of the events that happened in NYC in the copter they were looking quite grim. As they land in NYC they walk out,getting intel as much as they can from the agents that were there. Fury then gets a call from Serizawa.


You saw what happened at NYC?


I did...I never thought I would see Gojira return after all these years.


Same feeling we all had till now. That scaly bastard knows how to make an entrance.

We now cut to the Autobots, Wasp, Pym, BW and Hawkeye arriving. as Fury helicopter lands on the remains of NYC and joins the team.


We saw explosions and fire coming from where we were at. God if that wasn't some fight of the century!


Question now is how long will it take to get the city back on track and how would we keep more off in the meantime!

Hawkeye looks at Optimus


Think any of your tech could work this out?


At the moment I think not.


Had a feeling that would be the answer but worth the question.

Natasha gets a call from Tony




You there Stark?


Yeah just checking on you guys. Jarvis informed me of the battle and well, I wanted to see if you're alive and kicking or not.


We are,but I can't say the same for the city I'm afraid. in case you were wondering your Tower is still in 1 piece. We haven't heard much of you lately, whats going on?


I'll explain more details once I've arrived at your location well that is if it's not destroyed.

hangs up. Natasha looks at the team


Stark's meeting us here soon. He has info.

Fury then calls Maria Hill.


Get the Helicarrier back to the ocean and wait for us there.

Fury then looks to the others.


Rest of you,follow me. We got a lot of talking to do.

Then he walks towards Natasha


By the way, make sure Stark does make it because I'm in no mood for men playing hero.

Around Nevada where the other MONARCH base is at the large container which has Bagan inside it stirs a bit sensing what happened. It let out a rumble alerting the scientists there. In the shadows, Laserbeak lurks around getting more info then seeing the egg, grows a sninister grin as he increasese the shock making it overload as it causes the

container to shake violently as Bagan's hand breaks free roaring as the sirens blairs out. Laserbeak cackles quietly as he flies off. Back at the helicarrier we see everyone in it, Maria greets Fury

Maria Hill:

Welcome back sir.

She sees the crowd.

Maria Hill:

The room that houses at least large crowds is ready as well.


Good. Cause we have a lot to discuss.

He leads them into a the room, later Both the Serizawas enters into the room seeing the guest and looking midly surprised at the Autobots. Optimus looks at them


I apologize if seeing us is a little off putting, Mr Serizawa is it?

Ichiro Serizawa:

Yes and don't worry. After what happened today, seeing you for the first time doesn't really faze me much.


Fair point.

Hank Pym looks at Serizawa


I've heard a lot about your works Mr Serizawa. i've read some your books

Ichiro Serizawa:

Thanks...Though not all of them were true. You'll all see why eventually.


At this rate we should be discussing any new weapons we could use next. Perhaps a ray cannon from space that shoots artificial black holes could do the trick. Question would be if it'll be out of the way of cities.

Spider-Man looks at Wasp

Spider Man:

Hey heard about your adventures! Pretty cool and people are starting to give you fun nicknames too like "Winsome Wasp." and-huh?

Wasp backs away from him looking annoyed.


Er guess you're not in the mood? That's weird. Kay then

Wasp (Thinking.):

Geez I hate it when he just tries to just act cool like some hipster! There's something about him that drives me wild!

She looks at Bee

Wasp (Thinking.):

Though he's fun to be with. Love his cute dances.

Outside, we see Iron Man landing to the helicarrier as he takes off his armor. then he enters the rumor

Iron Man:

Glad I've made it to the party.

He sees the Autobots.

Iron Man:

Perhaps a large party from the looks of it.


Glad to see you're not made into a monster mini snack Stark.

Iron Man:

Eh,what can I say? I did hard after all.

Steve enters in the room not looking pleased.


Do any of us have an idea about this?!


Kinda rude not to say hello. didnt they tach you manners?


I'm sorry it's just I'm starting to get at a loss about this!


Listen we all are but freaking out about it isn't going to help.


Don't you guys think you should be asking more pressing questions like I don't know. Like if we just saw Godzilla you know the monster that was fictional, turned out to be anything BUT fictional?!


Hey lay off them! It's not like they weren't getting to it!


I wasn't! I didn't mean to come across as confrontational unless if it's some big shot villain or anything like that!

then everyone starts getting into some form of argument about the situation and slightly on some personal manners.


Everyone just calm the hell down and we'll tell you!

They all stop and sit down, knowing that even though they're frustrated, fighting

isn't getting them anywhere.


I promise I'd share information about everything and I'm keeping it.

flicks on the screen to show pictures of prehistoric kaiju.


Back when Earth was in the prehistoric era, Thru means we cant explain yet, Radiation was at an all time high in the air, which fed the largest of beasts that were among the last remaining Dinosaurs, plenty of energy. fossil records we investigate suggest they came after the asteroid crashed on Earth 65 million of years ago. These giants are called Megafuana long ago or in a more popular and well known term from Japan, Daikaiju which translates into mysterious beasts. Others called MUTOs by some expertise. Many of these beasts are among the highest mega predators and they often proved their might at the top of the food chain and dominance. One species in particular as we found out had a connection to the same monster that people once thought to be a fictional creation. That beast was Gojira or Godzilla as most Western media calls him. He especially has not earned his title of King of the Mosnters for just appearences alone as you all have seen in NYC a while ago, He along with the rest of the Kaiju eventually went into hibernation once the radiation was stripped from the planet.

Emiko then starts showing then slides of the events that lead up into the 1954 attack.


While there were reports of the kaiju being sighted among history, they didn't rise up again until after man started using atomic power. Godzilla himself was the first to awaken by this, along with another kaiju which is codenamed Gigamoth. one day they were sighted among the Bikini Atoll Islands fighting for territory by the group that later became the founding members of MONARCH. Godzilla had his victory in one of his battles against Gigamoth for a while of course but wasn't without injuries. they decided by then it was time to strike at the monster using radioactive bombs.


Deploying a bomb that can only feed a monster that already has an atomic diet? Yeah not very smart. Feels like some of those scientists weren't exactly thinking more about what to use against the Big G no offense.


So you haven't heard yet about your father Howard Stark being part of it yet?

She shows him the picture of Howard Stark with their fathers. which stuns him.


...Excuse me?!


What Emiko said was true. Your father along with my father and hers, Dr Daisuke Serizawa and Kyohei Yamane, they all founded MONARCH, they took part of this mission to end the destruction that was happening the villiages at the islands and to keep the Kaiju activity secret to everyone except to SHIELD. Godzilla and Gigamoth finally had their last fight in the islands which resulted in Godzilla winning and thousands of people dead.


My father had always wanted to look into how Godzilla and the other kaiju function the way they do and he did implore that using force on Godzilla will only make things worse, but at that point most of the people involved had enough of it. Howard Stark secretly share their opinion from both my father and Ichiro's. They developed the bomb to take out Godzilla which they conceled it as being just a test. Howard Stark added some extra touches of the energy from his prototype Ark Reactor, which led to the Bikini Attol bombing

Tony slumping over on his seat.


Unbelieveable. Figured I've found out the whole gig with my old man's secrets but then this happens.


I'm sorry that this is a lot to take in Mr Stark. Your father was ultimately just trying to save more lives, but he along our fathers felt that using power would solve the problem. Though they found out it did the exact opposite the hard way. They've managed to drop the bomb on Gojira but it only managed to make him furious and in pain due to the extra energy included in. Enraged, Gojira went and took his anger out on Tokyo, laying waste to the city and claiming more lives as a result. Eventually he left the city and wasn't seen since then.


Then God knows how they've managed to do it, managed to cover the whole affair up, stories state that the guys who worked on the first movie of Godzilla witnessed the monster and were inspired to do movie on it, i cant verify if its true, also giving how he took down Detalious, I'm betting he's feeling territorial again and going after the bat wonder next.


If SHIELD is aware of this from the get go then how come I wasn't able to find the files on this?!


Only a specific rank of SHIELD agents are allowed to look them up solely because we don't want anyone who we can't trust fully to just blab it out and cause panic, or landing in the ears of wrong doing thugs.


How do you know if some of those specific ranks are more trustworthy? Like how do you know if any of them are just getting on your good side?

Fury eyes raised up at the question.


We have ways of making sure that we're not giving blind trust. Anything you're implying about SHIELD, Pym?


No...Just wanting to know if SHIELD doesn't have some agenda that makes me worried. *Sighs.*

Steve looks to Serizawa, looking shocked


What reason does MONARCH have for keeping this a secret from the entire world? To keep people have blissful unawareness?


Captain, they felt it was for the best that despite the Age of Monsters,the world would be better off knowing that the idea of monsters roaming around the planet should remain in the past. Which was why MONARCH took such great care that with any other monster event that happened after the Age of Monsters was to be kept top secret and dealt with carefully. an specific area was eventually found where the monsters were kept to be studied, there were no incidents till now, Everyone who lived in that era understood that feeling too well of giants walking around them.


That didn't stop people from dying in the end, and it also drove a man I've met mad with trying to find the truth and it killed him, leaving his adoptive daughter alone and distraught! I'm sorry but I fail to see how MONARCH's methods helped more people then hurt them especially with the Nelson fellow having no problem getting dirty.


*Sighs.* I assure you, MONARCH didn't always have men like him. The other heads in the past never went to the lengths Nelson took in order to get things done. but once most of the original founders like Howard and ours fathers died, he took over. I've first heard rumours of what he did with people who found out. Terrible ones that I don't wish to repeat. I had no proof to back it up but I've kept my eyes on him.

Steve looking more upset as he gets up.


I...Need a breather right now.

Storms out,growing more upset by the minute at what he's found out,and what kind of man,Nelson's sounding to be. Wheeljack looks concern for him then follows.


I say, are you all right?


I'm fine..I'm...About to give Nelson to him straight about what damage he's done!

Wheeljack sees Steve's shaking fist.


I understand your frustration with the man, but even I'm not that upset with him...Is there anything else troubling you? don't try to hide it...I'm very keen on emotions

from time to time.

Steve then leans on the wall.


*Sighs* I don't know how to put this but...I don't know what to make of all of it!


All of it? You mean the current situation?


Well yeah but not just that,Everything!


I'm afraid I don't quite follow.


What I'm trying to say is that...It's the not knowing what to do is what's killing me. Back in during the War I've always had a sense of what to do..Not perfectly but enough to get an idea...But right now I'm not so sure...It's like trying to solve a puzzle that you have no idea where to start..

Wheeljack looking more understanding now.


Hmmmm..Those are somewhat the same words, Optimus Prime use to say back on Cybertron.

Steve looks at him.




Of course! He wasn't always sure of what he'll do next and he often tell this to bots who can listen,like yours truly. You're one of the greatest war heroes in history,Captain and while I don't know how you'd find a way to feel more at peace with this,but I can say,is that you'll eventually find some way to cope with all of it. Like how the Autobots coped with our planet no longer being our home.

Steve is looking a little better.


That really did set up some interesting things to ponder about. Thanks.


No problem lad. after all I'm not just someone who has a good knack for inventing.

Just then they hear some shouting from the next corrider. Both Steve and Wheeljack peek in to see Nelson angerly talking on his phone.


How could you just let a 100 meter tall freak of nature just waltz out of there like that Miller?! You had ONE job you bastard! .JOB! Get many of the equipment ship out to my location! Yes my secret one you dolt! I'm going to get ruined and what makes it worse is that I'm already in hot water! If you don't manage to keep the situation under wraps Miller,your hide is mine to flog and that goes for your insurance for your house too!

Hangs up then marches to the room Fury's at in anger. He then runs into both Steve and Wheeljack.


Could you two move?! I don't have time for your crazy accusations about me being some insane villain or some other crap!


What were you talking about on the phone Nelson?


None of your God Damn business you has been now step aside!

Steve blocks him off glaring.


Hey are you hard of hearing?! I told you to MOVE!


Not until you answer my question.

Nelson (tartly.):

Well well,stubborn and hard of hearing. Guess that didn't mention that in the history books!


Let's just say I have a hard time trusting folk who aren't honest about their jobs. Especially when they're keeping secrets that killed thousands.


Oh get off your high horse already! People die every day, so what? So what if some sappy fool decides to get sentimental about his quest to get answers? That's his fault, not mine so why do you-Urk!

Gets grabbed by the collar by Steve.


Insult Raymond Martin like that again and I won't be this friendly.

Steve lets him go, in turn Nelson gives him a death Glare


you know what your problem is? you just don't know when you're not needed anymore. You and the Kaiju have more in common then you think. You're both in a time where you all don't belong!

Storms off again,leaving Steve in silence. Wheeljack i taken aback at the scene goes over to Steve.


Are...You feeling fine?


*sighs* Yes I'm cool...

Steve feels the notebook Skye gave him making him remember what she told him, then he gets it out.


Listen,I know this may sound odd, but a friend told me she had dreams that she keeps in here that could have connections to the kaiju, godzilla's fighting.


Are you sure about it?


I don't know, but Skye's not a liar from the time I've been with her. If that's the case, it could gives an idea on what to do to take on the kaiju.

Wheeljack takes the book.


I'll be sure to inform the others about it. What will you do in the meantime?


Getting ready. Can't afford to slack off more training against our large friends

Meanwhile around Las Vegas, as people are going about their routines,they hear rumbling then they see cars being thrown towards buildings then the MGM building bursts open as Bagan,marches through roaring as he lets out some bolts of fire from the mouth,destroying everything in his's path. The MONARCH vehciles go over and try to trap the beast with electrical nets but Bagans just slashes it with the tail. Bagan then does his beams around the veciles on the ground,destroying it. Then his eyes glow and he does a limited levitation on the buildings to rise up and slam them across other buildings. He roars as he levitates up and goes on his way. We also get a glimpses of what he's carrying. It's the same rock slab that was featured at the beginning of the story. Back at the Helicarrrier. we see Skye looking for things to get out of her cuffs. she then notices a pen that fell off the table. Getting an idea she picks it up,takes out the tip and uses it as a key to unlock the cuffs. Rubbing them she then sees a closet that she goes to and opens it.


Hopefully time's on my side a bit.

She sees an old SHIELD laptop inside the closet. she takes it, goes to the table.


Ok let's do the magic.

She tries to turn it own. it doesnt turn she keeps trying to turn it out, it does. but only fries up


what?! No no no NO!

Slams in fists on the table.


Why am I always so close yet not close enough to finding them?! I...I can't go on remaining alone...

Tears in her eyes begin to swell up then Coulson comes in finding her.


Gotta give you credit. You know how to break free on your own.


Look it's not what you think. I wasn't trying to hack data to some evil group or-


Listen it's all right. Captain Rogers told me everything. No need to explain again. You've had a rough life, so I can understand that a bit.

Tears welling up more then she tries to cover it up not wanting to cry in front of Coulson but he seems to know and goes over and pats her on the back.


I'm sorry about what happened to your adopted father too. I've heard that he's a good man that wanted to make sure no one else went through he did. You're lucky to have had him.


*sighs* Thanks.

She gives him the laptop


you can have it back. I'm not really in the mood to do more searching right now. the thing is dead anyway...

Coulson takes it.


No problem and likewise on the thanks part too. You have a lot of potential that you've shown so far. I always like that about people but I always like trust too and I want to make sure that I can trust you around the base.

Skye looks a little surprised.


Wait hold on. You're offering me a place to stay here?


You can say that. Wouldn't sit right to kick you out after what's happened and your talents. I promise we'll find out what we know about your parents although...

He places a tracking braclet on her.


We need to take precautions for now. It's to stop any equipment that'll tie into the Rising tide. Wasn't my idea but the heads want to make sure no funny business until they're sure they can trust you.


Errr yeah sure thing...Gonna take a while to get use to this though...


Trust me, it'll feel like wearing a watch eventually. I think the first being the trust bond, you can help other people evacuate once we got locations of our large friends and another favor too when you get time.


What other favor?


You'll know soon.

Date: December 5th, 2011

Location: San Fransisco

where see Bagorah fly towards San Fransisco and starts using the sonic boom to destroy streets and buildings. People start screaming in horror as they try to run away but Bagorah's wing powers blows a lot of them to their deaths. Jets then come flying in trying to bring down Bagorah but the kaiju again gains the upper hand striking them with the wings and chomping down on the rest. Then it looks down to see buildings being pushed aside through levitation,with nalpalm blasts firing to make a crater. It swoops down and in the smoke it sees Bagan walk down looking triumpthent. Bagorah leans down in respect as it lays down the radiation canisters in front of Bagan. Bagan then uses them to set them up in the creator and using the slab to release the worms that were stuck in it. Far from San Fransisco Godzilla swims at the direction of the city then raising his head up to see the two kaiju then has a flash back of what Bagan did to him and his clan. He remembers the carnage Bagan did to many of his kind and using their bodies as food source and eggs for the worms and leaving Godzilla himself with scars. He snarls at the memeories and swims on, wanting revenge. Back at the Helicarrier,Fury,The Serizawas, and Nelson have a serious talk/argument about what to do next.


Ok let me just back up and listen to this hullibaloo again. you mean to tell me that this Skye kid's dream has connections to the kaiju?! Tell me is she on meth?!


First off,she's not a drug addict and secondly what she wrote in her dream book matches up eerily close according to what the Autobot scientist Wheeljack told us about. Like those two kaiju before actually being a lower class of some time of alien life that serves a larger class like some symbiotic thing between Rhinos and birds because the larger ones seems to have power to make some bio bomb using radiation.


Oh so now they're aliens?! Ok now I know that kid's nutter then a fruitcake!


Let me finish. From it says they're mostly activated by worms coming out of stone slabs as a way to dig the bombs into the crators and kill off anything they'd see to make sure they keep on working. Son in short,except for Godzilla,those kaiju are just giant bio weapons made with the intent on taking out vermin namely us for some colony project or something.


Well I have weapons ready of my own to make sure that won't happen! I've got bombs that increased the radiation levels to an all time high that not even those damned things can't take it so that way it'll take care of the crisis for good!


I strongly advise against this. The radiation would only present more problems for the city and the people which could even carry out to the rest of the country if not the world even if manages to kill them.


Serizawa I swear to God if you don't shut your trap right now I'll-


Watch 're on dangerous waters.


No offense but you're no position to tell me who's in high waters!

He looks to the Serizawas.


You're more like your fathers then I thought and by that I mean you're both spineless cowards!

Emiko glares at Nelson


You've kept a second kaiju secret from even us and because of that,now we're in a worst position,yet you still prefer to pin blame on others instead of confronting them yourself. The only coward in the room here is you Nelson.

Finally having enough and enraged Nelson goes over and violently shoves Emiko down with Ichiro quickly going over to help his wife up.



He gets seized by SHIELD security.


Let me go! I'm trying to save all of our asses here!


Sorry but you've done a pretty poor job at it. You're relieved from being MONARCH's head.


How dare you!? You have no right to relieve me of command!


Really? Cause I just did. Have fun looking for a paroll.

Nelson is dragged away.


I'll fix you fury. I'll fix all of you dirty stinking rats! Everyone will see I'm right! YOU HEAR ME?!

Gets dragged out of the room.


Are you all right Emiko?

Ichiro is looking extremely worried.


Yes... I'm fine just a bit shook up...


Well I prey to God,Monarch finds a better head who hopefully doesn't have anger issues and a huge ego..

Fury looks to Ichiro.


Have any other ideas of how to take care of them?


I do recall the Autobot scientist, telling me that he developed a bomb of his own that can absorb the radiation and properties of the worms and canisters. So at the very least, the bomb will be dealt with.


Good but I'm also wondering about the larger problems.


I believe Gojira would have that covered.

Fury is confused


With all due respect,doctor,that could also cause some more damage. As much as I agree with not using Nukes as last resort, is there another reason why you're against it?

He sees Ichiro get out a dogtag from the WW2 era that says in the Japanese writing, DAISUKE SERIZAWA, LAGOS ISLAND 1947. then he puts it back


I share a lot of his opinions when it comes to those matters.


You sure what you're saying is right?

Ichiro looks out at the window


The arrogance of man is thinking that God and nature, is in his complete control. and not the other way around...Let them fight.

Back at NEST,we see the resident NEST soldiers along with some SHIELD agents,Autobots and some of the local heroes wait for further orders. as Wasp is checking out some of her new upgrades and suit.


Hmm, may want to add some more flair to the earrings.

She sees Steve in his Captain America suit checking out his shield for inspection.


Hey I was wondering how you're doing since last time we've met!


I know. Just had to have some time to reflect on a few things.


That's good. Cause well I don't think people would be too happy about seeing you turn into Captain Gloomy. They look up to you.

He smiles at her joke


I know.

Wheeljack starts getting his bombs ready


Oh Primus let these work for the people's sake!

Epps is looking on edge as he's getting his stuff prepared.


Can't believe this is where my life's heads, can't even comprehend

Keeps on grumbling then Lennox comes up.


Hey you ok? You're getting on edge lately and it's not just about our next mission is it?


Look man I'm sorry but I've been doing this this whole crap for like what? Couple of years and what do I have to show for it?


Epps we both know sometimes, this line of work's not often a thankful job.


I get that but now I have to wonder if even if we get small thank yous, would we even matter that much in the long run, like would be even remembered in the records?


How about we talk about this later? I mean if there is a later. We've both done a lot in our lives. Even if the public doesn't know,that doesn't mean no one else would.


*sighs.* I guess.

We see General Morshower. go up and getting ready to announce the news.


May I have your attention everyone?

Everyone stops and pays attention.


We've now have a location to where the rest of the kaiju are at. The one that escaped from the secret MONARCH base is now around San Fransisco and has met up with the bat kaiju and from what we know are planting a bio bomb that'll have severe consequences to the surrounding area if not the entire country. Teams of you will have their asignements ready to carry out to make sure they don't cause any more death It's highly likely that Godzilla himself will also be heading to the site to make confrontation and should that happen, be prepared to get yourselves out of harms way and not engage unless needed to. Team A will go inside the city to deal with whatever is there, Team B will protect nearby areas, Team C which is already out there will help whatever survivors as they can, I relizie that this is likely a mission that many of you may not come out alive, but I promise you that your efforts will not go unnoticed no matter the outcome. Your courage has never been needed this much as it is today. Go now and God speed!

We now cut to the Golden gate bridge where we see Skye, Jemma Simmons and Leo Fitz riding on Bumblebee to help out evacuating the city. Fitz Sees the army going out helping people out.


Not sure if I should be excited that I'm seeing a kaiju event happening or terrified. Probably both...

Bee *radio:

(talk to him through radio clips about feeling like wetting himself making Fitz a little annoyed.)


Hey I'm not that tense.


Being here with one of the Autobots making me be more at ease myself...God knows if the city's going to recover fully after this...

She sees Skye looking worried an deep in thought. We can see Skye is having a flashback with her time with Ray and Samara long ago.



skye snaps out of the flashback.


huh? Oh..Sorry...Just letting my thoughts wonder.


Just wanted to check.

Then they hear swimming noises and they look out to see Godzilla's spine rising up as he starts to rise up. the tanks start firing on him, making Godzilla roar in annoyance. Fitz gets afraid


Step on it Bee!

Bee blurts out in agreement then Bee starts to drive fast into the city dodging tanks as he drives away from Godzilla's direction. The Tanks started to fire more on Godzilla who then growls in fury as he swipes at some of them sending them flying around. One tank almost hit Bee.


Oh god oh god oh god!

Simmons is looking mortified.


Bee get of the van's way-No wait take that turn!

they drive on faster as the tanks keep on firing at Godzilla's body which makes Godzilla back up and destroy some fot he bridge in the process. Godzilla then moves on the center of the city. We now get a closer look at the city now looking like something that came out of hell. buildings twisted into shapes like jagged stones with Bagan in the center in a throne like structure powering up the bomb with radiation he collected. Bagorah ina few distance keeps guard as he's perched on top of the Pyramid. He then spots Godzilla coming out of the water then he screeches in challenge then it jumps off and flies towards Godzilla destroying building windows in the process. Back on the streets,Skye,fitz and Sommons get out of Bee who transforms then help the rest of the people left behind to get away.


Everyone this way! Don't fall into holes!

Simmons is helping an elder up.


Easy there, follow the others!


Yeah and please not shoving each other! That's not going to make things any bett-Huh?

He spots Bagorah flying in their direction.


Oh god not now!

The other sees this too in horror then they see Godzilla rising up from the bay in the opposite direction,glaring in defiance. People then started to panic at this. Skye,fitz,Simmons and Bee struggle to get everyone calmed down as they lead them into the last of the resecue vehicles then they close up. At that moment Godzilla then fires his Atomic Breath at Bagorah making the flying kaiju dodge it then ram into Godzilla making the King of the monsters fall down. Godzilla then uses his tail to slam Bagorah into the ground then proceeds to stomp on then lets out a near splitting screech making Godzilla move backwards a bit giving Bagorah enough time to fly towards Godzilla and bite him on the shoulder. Godzilla roaring in pain,then swipes at Bagorah's face,making Bagorah let go. Bagorah then snarls and claws him with his feet, Godzilla then does another swipe. Bagan then sees the conflict happening then deciding to take care of Godzilla as well,gets up and walks towards them,firing Nalpalm rays at sees this coming and uses his Atomic breath at the Nalpalms doing a beam battle with Bagan like in Godzilla vs Mecha-Godzilla 2. It explodes having both Godzilla and Bagan get knocked back. Godzilla after getting up grabs Bagorah by the tail throws him at Bagan who gets slammed into a building. After heaving Bagorah off,Bagan grabs a building then throws it at Godzilla's head hitting him in the chest. Godzilla again roars in challenge. Meanwhile as they fight, we see in the sky the SHIELD and NEST planes carrying the heroes,Agents and Autobots who are now doing the airthing that we saw in the Legendary Godzilla movie though in some cases some of the heroes fly down. We then get a close up to Steve who's in his CA suit rushing towards the plane door and falling down first with the rest following him. As they fall Steve then catches a glimpse of Godzilla, fighting Bagorah and Bagan in abrutal manner as he keeps falling. He then activates the parachute which helps him and the others fall saftly down. Steve takes his parachute


Ok we got the location of the cretor. Everyone accunted for?

We see Optimus with Wheeljack, Sideswipe and Jolt.


This team is!

Steve to the rest of the heroes and agents.


Let's move out!

they begin to move out as they go through ruined buildings and streets as they see Godzilla and the two other kaiju fighting each other growing more angrier and brutal by the miute. Bagorah then grabs Godzilla by the throat then slams him across a building knocking him down. Bagan then sees the team and attempts to kill them using a building but Godzilla then rears up and fires on Bagan wit the Atomic breath making Bagan stumble.


holy frag did you see that?!

they then sees the crater that took the place of a ruined stadium. They then begin to quietly descend with Steve, Wasp, Wheeljack, Jolt and Epps going downward. As they begin to go through the path they see slithering shadows of the worms watching them.


don't look now but I have a feeling we're being looked upon as the main course of a meal...

Sees one of the worms lunges at him then he fires an arrow across it. Stark sees more coming out

Iron Man:

Too late on the non looking part Burton!

The worms then swarm the group who fires at them in self defense with lasers,guns,and other weapons. The last one lunges at Steve's throat who prepares to slice it apart with the shiled but BW fires at the brain killing it. Steve looks at her


Owe you one.


Just being a team member.


Those things are going to be my nightmare fuel for sure.

Afterwards they then see the main view of the crator,filled with canisters and worm nests all around with bio luminescence spheres glowing brighter and brighter.


Gracious...This reminds me too well of the Insecticon nests back at Cybertron.


That comparison doesn't exactly make this any less chilling doc.



Wheeljack grabs some bomds


Everyone go and take one each and place them around as much as possible! We can't afford to waste time since we're not likely to be alone for long. also don't hesitate to take out any more of those confounded worms!

they all nod as they go around planting the bombs around with some of them running into anjd killing many of the worms. As soon as they're done they quickly move out of the area after the bombs are detonated. As they're running Steve then grabs a nuke secretly in case he needs it and catches up with the others. As they're near the enterance one of the building goes down blocking Steve away from the others. outside Sideswipe rejoins the group.


Captain! Are you safe out there?!


Yeah! Though I can't say I'll be joining you all for a while!


Hey I can probably just use my swords and-


there's no time! I'll go and distract the kaiju, Godzilla's fighting long enough to draw theiur attention rom you!


Are you nuts?! They'll freaking rip you apart if any of them catch you?!


C'mon man don't throw yourself away like this!


Everyone please we don't have any other options right now! go!


*sighs.* He's right everyone. Le'ts move! and Captain be careful out there!

they all leave with Steve then fidning another way out. Meanwhile we go back to Godzilla fighting the other kaiju. Godzilla is getting tired but he's not going down without more fighting. Bagorah uses it's super sonic shriek at him but Godzilla ducks and rams into Bagan, making Bagan crumble under a building. Bagorah lunges at Godzilla's throat biting him,but Godzilla grabs Bagorah's chest as he swings Bargorah around a while before Bagorah flies off of him. Godzilla the gives out a death glare as he sees Bagorah fly towards him again then he swings his tail at Bagorah making Bagorah go into a building spike impaling the bat kaiju thus killing him. Bagan then goes up against Godzilla and wrestles him for a while before hearing an explosion and a mist rise up and vanishes form the cretor he made. Bagan rushes over and sees this,roaring in raged as his project is destroyed. Steve rushes away from the direction of Bagan as Bagan then takes noices of the last canister as ihe attempts to chase Steve before Godzilla rams into him again. Bagan then tosses Godzilla over to a building making the building fall on Godzilla. Steve sees Bagna lunge at him then he throws his shiled at Bagan's face,giving him time to slide out from a car and into an allyway to hide form Bagan for a while who searches for him. Sudenly Spidey,Wasp and tony fly up and give Steve time to escape.


You've overstayed your welcome so go and take a hike!

Spidey-Man shoots webbing at Bagan's eyes.


Here's a trick that'll blind ya!

Wasp shoots Bagan's neck


You can't be this thick skinned!

Bagan roars in annoyance as he swats off the heroes and resumes the search for Steve. Steve goes out again then see Godzilla's face in the smoke, they make eye contact with Steve looking into Godzilla's weary yet lively eyes as Godzilla look down upon him. Steve then sees Bagan spotting him again then runs again. He sees a motorboat then he goes over and starts the enegine which starts slowly. As it goes out into the bay, Bagan walks over to the boat as it heads out into the sea. Steve throws his shield again to strikebut Bagan just grabs it and tosses it aside looking down evilly. Steve then frantically tries to find any other weapon to use but too late. Bagan's mouth then glows as he's about to fire upon Steve,but then it stops glowing as it's revealed that Godzilla is biting down hard on Bagan's neck drivjng him away from Steve. Godzilla and Bagna resume wrestling a bit before Godzilla then opens up Bagan's mouth and fires down the throat with his Atomic Breath. After he finishes he takes Nagan's head which was decapitated by the blast and roars in triumph to the sky then he drops it. Godzilla then goes over and falls down at the front of the city to rest. All of the Heroes suddenly stop as they witness the creature fall down, while on the Helicarrier, we see Fury, Emiko and Ichiro watch on the screen as he falls, the place is in silent. back with the team, Steve then falls over and is slowly going into sleep but not before seeing Skye's face as she came close to see how he's doing.

Date: December 6th 2011

we see the medical centers all around the city with familes being together again and everyone involved being treated. Steve gets up from his bed looking tired yet at ease. He sees Wheeljack checking over him.


Thank Primus you're up and about! I was expecting some type of reprucussions from your encounter with the kaiju.


How are the rest?


Most of them are fine...now just be sure to take it easy a bit. We don't have many people like you in the world and it would be dreadful if we start losing them.

Wheeljack gets up.


anyway I should go help my fellow Autobots out. the city isn't going to rebuild itself.

He turns to leave. as Steve watches him leave.


*sighs in relief.* Wish there were more people like you too Wheeljack

Steve gets up and goes out of the tent seeing the rest of the people getting better and the Autobots doing repairs. the Serizawas arrive to the area. as they look at Godzilla, concerned he may be dead, We go to Epps packing his things at the NEST section in his bag. He slums it over and sees Lennox looking at him in concern.


The team won't be the same without you around buddy.


I know...But I think this is the for best. This is a lot for meto shallow and I don't think I can shallow anymore of this. It's time for me to move on.

Lennox places his hand on Epps shoulder.


Hope you'll end up happy with your decision in the long run. We'll be there if you need us. Soldiers stick together.

Epps nods as he looks grateful for Lennox supporting his choice


I'll see you at the Christmas Eve Dinner.

Epps pats him in the shoulder then leaves with Lennox seeing him off, Optimus walks towards Lennox.


I trust in Epps that he's made a good decision.


Yeah...Deep down I don't blame him for not wanting to spend all your life feeling like you're missing out a lot in life after being on the field for a long time.


I know that feeling too well. That said, I have concerns

Lennox looks up at Prime


what's that?


Do you recall what they said about Godzilla last being spotted around Antarctica and frozen before breaking free?


I do but how come you asked? Think there's another reason for it?


Could be. Before that happened, some of the NEST higher ups at the Pentagon did report some activity occurring around Antarctica, Decepticons signatures were there, but due to the lack of resources at the time, we weren't able to investigate.


...You think the cons may have something to do with it?


Probably or probably not, but knowing Megatron's ever growing desire for power and complete disregard of innocent lives when it comes to his plans, I wouldn't call the theory of him being involved in Godzilla's awakening far off by a long shot. *sighs.* Either way,I dread to think what he and his army are now planning. As soon as we're done cleaning up the city, we'll investigate their current whereabouts. I also fear what the future will hold for all of us.


So do i...

Meanwhile we see Steve looking up at the screen where the local media are doing video coverage of Godzilla sleeping with his face looking like he's pondering at what occurred.


Funny how a prehistoric icon like him is in a time unlike his own yet he still goes on like nothing's changed. I should look into how he manages it.

He sees Skye walk up to him looking relieved.


Glad to see you're ok Skye!


Same to you. I was worried you'd be in a coma or something!


Well I guess being frozen for about 7 decades may count as already being in one..Still I'm ok.


I've been offered a new position at SHIELD though I do have to go through some trust tests first because of well, obvious reasons.


Glad to see that. Hope this means you've finally have a home to stay for good.


Well it's a start for now that's for sure. What about you? Have an idea of what do with your life?


Honestly, I still don't know for sure right now, i need some time to think.


Good luck Captain.

Goes to leave but then turns around to face him again.


Oh by the way, Agent Coulson wanted me to ask you this. He wants to know if you have time to sign his collection of Captain America cards one day.

Steve looks confused



Skye's about to answer but then they hear cries and shocks of awe coming form people as they all turn to see Godzilla rising up from the ground waking up. People and tanks get ready to act should he attack but he just turns and leaves for the bay. Both the Serizawas look at him to see him go back to the ocean feeling content that he brought balance to the world. Godzilla then before entering the sea roars to the sky in triumph as he then dives into the ocean and swims off, finding a new place to rest and live without humanity butting in. Back at the Helicarrier we see Maria Hill go up to Fury to speak to him.


Sir, Godzilla's been reported to awoken and went back to the Pacific Ocean. Should we keep tabs on him?


No need. He ain't the type of kaiju to mess humans up unless we give him a reason to be provoked. Besides I've been meaning to tell you about bringing the Avenger Initiative back up.

Maria looks a little surprised.


Sir with all due respect the World Security Council didn't allow it to go through because-


Of them wanting to focus on the weapons they've been making,I know. I also know that the current events aren't exactly giving this any more reason to think otherwise. But I do see what our local heroes did as a sign that one day,it'll happen. Because if there's one thing I'm always certain about,it's that there's always going to be people who want nothing but to avenge the world.

Location: Namibia, Africa

We see Megatron gazing out into the sun in thought,Soundwave lands behind him.

Megatron: I trust that you have managed to get me the info of the

results of our plan?


We have Lord Megatron. with the creature Laserbeak freed and the one you freed. SHIELD put all their focus on them, with Area 51 wrecked and evacuated Laserbeak was able to obtain the data we needed, from its wrecked remains

Megatron looks proud


Excellent! Unlike many of my other warriors, you two never cease to bring success to me!

He then spots Laserbeak flying to him carrying a half eaten buzzard he was chewing on as he lands near Megatron.


Ah Laserbeak...Your master and I were just speaking about your great deeds. so where Shockwave is being held at?


I'll reveal it to you soon master! He's being held at a base which is left unused for years. It would also be suitable for a new base.

Megatron grins evilly.


Yesssssss...Opertation Pillar will now commence in a few Quartex.

Looks up to the moon.


Say your prayers to Primus one last time "brother." Because things are about to change for you and this planet!