"Who are you?" Tori asked politely to the new comers.

"I am Lief, King of Deltora and this is Barda. Where are you three headed?"

Nic's eyes widened, no it couldn't be could it?



Nic couldn't believe this, the king of Deltora was standing right in front of him, the man he has been ordered to kill. He clenched his fists tightly the familiar feeling of hate and anger burned throughout his body, he began shaking at the sheer amount of power that coursed through his system. Tori could see what was happening and gripped his hand, in which she had managed to unravel, giving it a reassuring squeeze. Nic felt the presence of her hand in his and relaxed a bit, giving her a gentle squeeze in return, all eyes were upon him as he seemed to stop shaking and look at the king in utter disbelief, this had to be a mistake why was he here.

Lief and Barda looked upon the three individuals as they seemed to be relishing in a silent conversation, they cocked and eyebrow at the way the eldest of three's face contorted in expression of anger to that of shock before he finally looked up his eyes connecting with that of Lief's. No-one uttered a word as glances and expressions were exchanged, Barda was the first to break the silence that had fallen upon the group.

"So you never said where you were going you three." His booming voice seemed to knock everyone back into reality. Nic brought Tori and Dan behind him in a protective manner before he took a shaky breath and looked the taller man dead in the eye.

"Where we are going is none of your business, so please let us be on our way." Nic replied his voice stern as he glared at the pair.

"Oi now listen her-"

"Barda just let them be we have no right in pressuring them into telling us." Lief voiced, he looked at the three in front of him and slipped a small smile. "You three wherever you are going should be careful, there is someone around here that is responsible for killing several people and no one knows just what type of person they are." He spoke warningly.

Nic only huffed in annoyance. " We will be fine, thanks for your concern now we must be on our way. Tori, Dan lets go." Grabbing Tori's hand he pulled her away from the two men currently staring at them as their figures slowly faded into the dense forest.

Once they were out of view Lief let out a sigh before turning his horse in the opposite direction in which the three left, Barda following close behind. Soon after several hours of walking the sun finally set cloaking the earth in its dark blanket, Barda and Lief decided that it was time to rest for the night and proceeded to set up their camp. Once they finished they sat on either side of the fire relishing in the warmth it radiated.

"Was it really wise to leave them Lief? With the murderer still out there it could be extremely risky to be wandering around this forest." Barda said his voice echoing slightly in the night.

"Well we won't really be leaving them, we will keep a close eye on them till they are out of immediate danger, then we can return home." Lief replied still staring at the place the three youngsters were.

"But Lief, who knows how long they are going to take. What about Jasmine don't you want to see her? "

"Of course I want to see Jasmine, it's all I've been thinking about while we've been away but I can't turn a blind eye away from those who need help." Lief said his face compelling his determination.


Nic continued to pull Tori through the dark forest while Dan struggle to keep up, as he battled through the think bushes and low hanging branches. Tori looked at Nic with concern but kept quite not sure on how to diffuse the tension. She knew she had to do something, anything but she had never seen him this angry. 'It would be best not to disturb him, I would rather not risk making him any angrier'. She thought while he pushed through the forest in front of her.

Nic was angry, beyond angry, he could still feel the power coursing through him. The red hot sensation that ran through his veins, the strength he could feel deep within his body, aching, begging to be realised. 'You cannot run from your destiny kid, you will kill the king of Deltora whether it be willingly or not. There is nothing you can do to stop the events that will transpire, you were born to help me take control of this land once again'. A dark voice echoed in the back of his head.

'No I will not kill him, I refuse'. He replied to the voice.

The dark voice chuckled. 'You think you will stop me ? Maybe I should show you why you shouldn't disobey me'.

Nic ignored the voice and continued walking, the farther they got away from here the better. He didn't get far however as he suddenly stopped in his tracks, he couldn't move his body. He could feel the familiar sensation travel through him, the burning pain that travelled up his spine. His eyes widened. 'No' He thought as he felt his body move on his own.

His body turned around and faced Tori and Dan, all he could do was watch as his body moved without command. He could see the confusion on Tori's face as he just stood in front of her. 'No please I'll do anything you ask, just please don't hurt her'. He pleaded to the voice.

'Hmph, too late boy. I'm going to take something you love away from you, and all you'll be able to do is watch'.

"Nic are you okay ?" Tori asked in concern, noticing his vacant stare.

He however didn't respond but walked gradually towards her, startled she backed up something was wrong. He had a crooked grin on his face, his eyes flickered from green to red. He slowly unsheathed his sword and it swung in his grip before settling at his side.

Nic continued to close the gap between them his face becoming more and more contorted, his eyes blood red burning with hatred and malice. Tori not knowing what to do kept backing up until the cold bark of a tree hit her back, seeing she had nowhere to run Nic pinned her against the tree the icy blade of his sword pressed against her throat.

"Well girly, time to say goodbye". Nic said as he pressed the sword harder into the flesh of her neck.

"Please Nic, I know you're in there you can fight him". Tori pleaded, Nic could hear her and struggled as hard as he could against the hold the shadow lord had on him, but he couldn't break free. Tears began to leak down his face, why was he so useless.

"No one is going to help you girly, this is the end for you". He said as pulled his arm back ready to strike.

Tori screamed as she struggled to escape Nic's grip as the sword swung towards her neck.


Lief and Barda heard the scream echo through the forest, sharing a quick glance they ran towards their horses their meal forgotten. They rode through the forest in the direction the scream originated from. In the darkness of the forest it was difficult to determine which direction would be the fastest way.

"Lief what do you think happened ?" Barda asked as he travelled a little ways behind.

"I think something bad has happened to those three kids". He replied

They continued on into the forest until they came across the three children, the girl was crumpled at the base of a tree, blood oozing down her temple. The youngest was straddling the other boy as they fought over a sword that was in the grasp of the older boy. The oldest grabbed the youngest by the back of the shirt and flung him off as if he was a mere ragdoll. The young boy flew through the air before smacking into a tree a few meters away.

Now free the older boy rose to his feet, he swayed as he stared at Lief and Barda a menacing laugh escaping his lips.

"Well well well, if it isn't the King of Deltora. I've been waiting to see you for quite a while". The boy said as his red eyes shone in the darkness.

"Who are you and what do you want?"

" You'll know soon enough who I am, as for what I want, I want to kill you". The boy said as he charged at Lief, his sword illuminated by the moonlight.

The sounds of metal on metal bounced through the forest, Lief and Nic were locked in combat Barda stood close ready to jump in when needed. Lief and Nic locked eyes as they swung at each other, Nic's sword swung so close it nicked Lief's hair. Lief pushed Nic back and both breathed heavily trying to regain their breath.

Nic raised his arms, a dark shadow slowly climbing up his limbs consuming his arms then shot from his hands into the ground. The shadows grew into several men, their flesh rotting, teeth yellow, each with a cloak made out of the shadows that made them. Nic stood behind them a twisted smile on his face, he raised his hand and pointed at Lief and Barda and the creatures ran towards the pair.

Lief and Barda fought back against the creatures, no matter how many times they stabbed and slashed at the creatures they wouldn't stop, they just kept coming. They knew they had to get out of here there was no way they could win this fight. Sweat dripped down Lief's face as he pushed another creature of him, he looked at Nic who was slowly walking towards him, once he reached Lief he grabbed Lief by the throat and held him against a tree.

"Finally I will have my revenge, you thought you could stop me, no one can stop me I am the Shadow Lord !" Nic yelled.

Lief's eyes widened, he struggled as he gasped as the demand for air grew. His vision was starting to black out as the lack of oxygen became too much. However as the fast as the darkness in his vision grew it dissipated, he sucked in air as his airways cleared. He looked to see the hand that was around his throat was now laying on the forest floor, Barda stood above him sword glinting in the light. Nic stared vacantly at his missing limb, shadows seeped out of the wound disintegrating in the air. Barda quickly hauled Lief to his feet and they both ran back towards their horses, each grabbing one of the fallen children on the way. Once they were all secured on the horses they rode back towards Del. They needed to warn everyone of the Shadow Lords return.

Nic reached down and grabbed his amputated limb, putting back on his arm the shadows reattached and surrounded the hand. He looked in the direction the pair had left in, time to put his plan into action.

"Just you wait king of Deltora, you will soon see the intensity of my power and I will finally kill you and reclaim what is mine".