Chaos. Have you guys read my AU?... Yes? WHOO! If you haven't! FUCK YOU AND READ IT NOW! I LOVE YOU DAMNIT! Dx so... blah blah blah I changed my username... blah blah blah... I haven't updated for a long ass time... blah blah blah... I'm sorry... That sums up the AU (idk why I called it an AU when it's an AN). BUT! I really am sorry that I haven't updated... Reading all the KHR, and One Piece stories that I have been... and reviewing THEM to upload another chapter made me think that I should do the same for you guys! I understand if ya'll are pissed and stuff... but honestly? What the fuck am I suppose to do? I'm STILL in a fucking writers block so i'm just gonna try and go with the flow! ALSO! PLEEEEASE READ MY STORY 'Unexpected Love' It's a Gareki/Tsukitachi fanfic for Karneval. If you haven't heard or watched it yet... WATCH IT NOW! ITS SO FUCKING GOOD! -drools- OH! I don't have a beta reader... Someone volunteered a while back but I never got to talk to them about it so i doubt they'd still do it now. honestly...even though I've been on this site many years? I'm still kinda new... (sad right?) So... idk if I have to send it to someone for them to read it or something to check for errors or misunderstandings in the chapters... but I'll check to see if a friend of mine could help (She doesn't have an account so please don't ask who it is) If not I'll just reread the Chapter and try to see if everything is okay. ANERWAYS! I'll try my best to see if I could get this story back on track! I'm back BITCHES! xD ... enjoy


Chaos~ Haha! xD sorry about that. i didn't mean for it to scare you. lol and i'm actually gonna use it as a greeting now since i'm so obsessed with Reborn TT-TT. and thanks, that makes me happy that you do! ^-^

BOOGEY-MANN-HEART-ICHI~ calm down sir O-O. haha! xD thank you for the enthusiasm, and thanks for mentioning Kaien! I totally forgot about him! D:

sanitysugar~ thank you! and no... and actually I think I was listenig to this song when I first thought about the story! Cx

Hollow Ichigo-Ichigo~ Thanks! (By the way, I love your stories! Big fan! xD)

yay-for-names~ thanks but sadly I didn't go, I was told last minute... TT-TT and I am sorry...

anime-lover890~ thanks and really?! personally I didn't get into Grimm/Ulqui till after I read a story with them in it... that was like two years ago tho xD haha! and thanks, I thought that the lemons scene would be more on the "Not Really Lemon Material" side... haha but thats just me. and thanks for the encouragement! If I remember correctly... I think I passed them. C:

And thanks Everybody else! Sorry I didn't get to this in forever, and didn't mention your name! I only did the people who reviewed for Chapter Seven! I guess I better stop talking though! haha! Cx


(Authors Note)


WARNING:I do not own bleach...if I did I would have continued the anime and put more romance in it! e-e

Chapter 8: An Unexpected Occurrence


'Aizen...' Just the thought of the name sent shivers down Ichigo's spine. He had never met the man or even heard of him until Shiro said he was being targeted. It's been a few days since they found out and Ichigo was feeling uneasy. He only left the house once with Grimmjow and had this nagging feeling that someone was watching him the whole way and back from the store. Ever since then he hasn't taken a step outside.

Ichigo called his dad to let him know he wouldn't be coming home for a while. It was obvious he was worried for his son, but understood. "I love you son...Be safe." His father had said before he ended the call. Ichigo was scared... He didn't want to be away from home but he had no choice. Shiro made sure that he was with him as much as could be, but if he wasn't he'd make sure that either Ulquiorra or Grimmjow was with him until he came back.

Ichigo was laying on Shiro's couch in his living room, while Grimmjow was sleeping on the chair, remote in hand with the TV on a random channel. As time passed, Ichigo could hear footsteps coming up the stairs. Ichigo was about to get up until Grimmjow jumped off of the chair and hastily made his way to the door. 'That's weird...' Ichigo thought.

Ichigo watched from the couch as Grimmjow swung the door open, stepped out and looked down the steps. His face was masked with irritation as he started to yell. "WHERE THE FUCK HAVE YOU BEEN!? WE'VE BEEN RUNNING INTO TROUBLE FOR A MONTH AND YOU JUST UP AND DISA-FUCKING-PEAR! NOW YOU SHOW UP!?"

"Gomen, gomen! Haha! Sorry I worried you guys but I had something to do." Ichigo tilted his head in a curious manner at the unfamiliar voice. 'Who is that?' But by the sound of it, it was a man.

"Well! Thanks for telling us! So glad to know you had something important to do!" Grimmjow said with sarcasm. He sighed and walked back into the house waiting for the other to walk through the door. Ichigo's breath hitched when he saw who it was. The man had black hair and somewhat looked like Hichigo but a little older, with the same colored skin as himself. Ichigo couldn't help but stare. 'He is fucking GORGEOUS!... DAMN! nononono Ichigo... You love Shiro! but... he's so good looking... TT~TT' As Ichigo was internally crying, the man closed the door and took off his shoes, a big playful smile on his face.

"Aww... C'mon now Grimmy... don't be so mad! I-... Who's that?" Ichigo froze, and slowly looked up. The man was staring at him, confusion written all over his features. When neither one answered, the man walked up to him, grabbed his face with both hands and started to turn it this way and that, examining him. "What are you...?"

"L-let go!" Ichigo stuttered, pushing the man away from him. 'What the hell!?'

"Oh! Sorry if I startled you..." He gave an apologetic smile, then stuck out his hand. "The name's Kaien! Kaien Shiba! Nice to meet you!" Ichigo looked at the hand then back up to... Kaien's face, which was now holding a breathtaking smile. Ichigo hesitated for a moment before clasping his hand onto the others, and shaking it.

"L-likewise. Ichigo Kurosaki." Ichigo let go and ducked a little behind the couch. 'Why am I feeling so fucking shy?...'

"Hoh~ So that's your name! For someone so breathtaking, it suits you perfectly." Kaien smiled again, and winked at him. Ichigo blushed and hid behind the couch some more looking everywhere else but at the flirtatious man.

"Hey now... Don't be flirtin with him! Shirosaki will rip out your throat." Grimmjow said.

"Haha! Come now, like he would do that! Besides! He's just so cute!" Ichigo blushed again, and hid under a blaket that was settled on the back of the couch. Not long after listening to Grimmjow bicker, while Kaien throws sarcastic or witty remarks back at him, the door opens and a voice echos throughout the room.

"ICHI! I'M BACK! I MISSED YOU!" It was Shiro. 'Fucking idot...' Ichigo couldn't stop the smile and blush that formed onto his face. Thank goodness he was still under the blanket. "Ichigo...?" All of a sudden, part of the blanket lifted in front of Ichigo's face, and Shiro's smiling one came into view. "Hey! Why yah hidin'?" Before Ichigo could even answer, Shiro picked him up and slung him over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes, giving him a few good pats on his ass. "C'mon! Let's go cuddle!"

Shiro started walking but stopped at the sound of someone clearing their throat. "Ahem!... Uhm Shiro?" Ichigo looked up to see everybody stareing at them.

"Huh?..." Shiro turned around and froze. Then before Ichigo knew it, he was dropped onto the floor and Shiro was running towards Kaien. "KAI-NIICHAN!" Ichigo was shocked. 'He just fucking dropped me!... NIICHAN!?' He was so confused that his thoughts were spinning in circles. "When did you get back!? I missed you! Why were you gone for so long!? It's been so boring since you've been gone! How come you never called or picked up your phone!? I was so lonely! Why-" The more Shiro rambled on, the more Ichigo got annoyed...

Ichigo stood up, surrounded by a darkening aura, and started walking towards Shiro, who was still rambling and oblivious to the danger behind him. Grimmjow and Ulquiorra backed away against the wall, and Kaien started to sweat with fear, holding his hands up in a calming matter. "Shirooo~..." Ichigo purred. At the sound of his name, the albino tensed and very slowly turned around.

"Y-y-yes... Ichi...?" Shiro squeaked. Ichigo didn't say a word and grabbed him by the collar, dragging him back into their room. The three men in the living room cringed when they heard a few screams, and a large crash before everything went quiet. Ichigo calmly opened the door and stepped out into the hallway, shutting it behind him. He walked back into the living room, sat down in a chair by the table, and crossed his arms. His face not showing any emotions, until he sighed.

"Please explain to me what is going on..." Ichigo said after a moment of silence, looking up at Kaien.

Kaien looked towards Shiro's door for a brief second while clearing his throat, before he stepped forward. "From the looks of things... Shiro hasn't told you anything about his past." He paused for a bit before continuing. "I'm Shiro's biological brother." Ichigo stared at him in astonishment. 'Really!?... NO WONDER HE'S FUCKING GORGEOUS!' Ichigo shook his head, and sighed... "Plus! I'm actually his older brother! We're separated by a year." Kaien smiled, and placed his hands on his hips, looking proud.

Ichigo gave a small smile in return, and stood up, walking towards him until he was just an arms length away. "I suppose that explains a lot!" Sticking his hand out towards the man, he smiled. "I should formally introduce myself this time! I am Ichigo Kurosaki, your brothers boyfriend! Pleased to meet you!" Kaien stared at Ichigo, stunned. He quickly shook his head to recover and took the waiting hand, shaking it once again.

"Likewise!" before Ichigo could let go, Kaien pulled him forward and placed a kiss right on his lips. Ichigo was surprised, and before he could react Kaien pulled away and used his other hand to grip Ichigo's chin. "Please take care of us..." Kaien whispered huskily, making shivers run down the orangettes spine. Kaien gave a satisfied smirk and let go of Ichigo, while starting to walk down the hall. "I'm heading to bed! See you guys in the morning!" He waved, and walked into a room next to Shiro's, shutting the door behind him.

Ichigo didn't know how long he stood their until Shiro came back out begging for forgiveness. "Ichi! Im sorry! I really am! I-... Hey?... What's wrong?" Ichigo jumped a little when Shiro came into view, his face filled with worry.

"Oh... it's nothing! Just tired! C'mon, lets go to bed." Ichigo said while giving him a smile. He grabbed him hand and led him into their bedroom. While they snuggled into each other under the covers... Ichigo couldn't help but think about what had happened earlier... 'What the hell just happened...?' was his last thought before drifting off into sleep.

oOoOoOThis is a line C:OoOoOo

In the morning, Ichigo felt really comfortable and warm... a little too warm. 'W-what...?' Ichigo's eyes fluttered open, and he was greeted with the sleeping face of Shiro. Ichigo smiled, and went to snuggle closer to him but found that he couldn't move. 'Why can't I...?' His thoughts were cut off when he felt a pair of arms tighten around his waist from behind him. Ichigo froze, and turned his head to see none other than Kaien sound asleep, hugging him...shirtless.

"...WHAT THE FUCK!?" Kaien and Shiro snapped their eyes open, and abruptly sat up while letting him go. Ichigo sat up, and stared at the raven haired man. "Why are you here!?" Kaien just blinked a few time before understanding what happened, and then yawned. While he stretched out, Ichigo felt something hug his waist and snuggle into his lap. Looking down, he saw Shiro lazily looking back at him.

"Why the yelling...?" Kaien mumbled before wrapping his arm around Ichigo's shoulders, and placing his head in the crook of the orangettes neck. Taking a deep wiff of Ichigo's scent, Kaien sighed. "It's...too early..."

"...GET THE FUCK OFF ME! BOTH OF YOU!" Ichigo yelled before shoving them away. Shocked, they both watched him get off the bed and stomp out of the room. "I'M TAKING A SHOWER! DON'T DARE TO FUCKING BOTHER ME!" Ichigo shouted before slamming the bathroom door shut.

Once inside, Ichigo leaned against the door, and closed his eyes. Shoving all thoughts to the back of his head, he quickly stripped and climbed into the shower. Once clean, he wrapped a towel around his waist, exited the bathroom, and went back into Shiro's room. Kaien and Shiro were sprawled across the bed, still sleeping. Ichigo focused on Kaiens mind to make sure he wasn't faking and quickly got dressed. Throwing on a black tank-top, a pair of boxers, and gray sweatpants, he exited the room, ignoring the dirty dream Kaien was having about him...and Shiro? 'WHAT!?'

(WARNING! A little bit of some rated M'ness! This is Kaiens dream! C:)

'Kaien had just walked into Shiro's room to ask about something, but stopped when he saw the scene before him. Shiro had Ichigo's arms pinned above his head, and was kissing his torso. Both Shiro and Ichigo were shirtless, their faces flushed crimson. Neither had noticed the raven walk in, still in the process of excitement and pleasure building.

When Kaien took a step back,about to leave, Shiro's head snapped up at him and stared wide eyed for a moment before a playful smirk spread across his face. Still looking at him, Shiro leaned down and left a trail of saliva from Ichigo's waist, up to his collar bone. Using his free hand, Shiro played with Ichigo's nipple, while licking and sucking on the other, having Ichigo let out a moan.

Kaien could feel his pants starting to get tight, and shifted uncomfortably. He couldn't take his eyes off of them. He watched as Shiro flipped Ichigo onto his back, picked him up, and made him face towards Kaien while kneeling. Shiro was running his hands all over Ichigo's body, and was kissing his shoulder. Kaien didn't know what how but he was then standing in front of the pair, and kissing Ichigo while running his hands down his back and then gripping his-'

'NONONONONONONONONO! A FUCKING THREESOME!? A THREESOME!? WHAT THE FUCK!? THAT'S-... uhm...' Ichigo blushed. Why was he thinking of actually going through with it... he loved Shiro for gods sake! but... He couldn't understand how the raven could make him feel this way... Before his thoughts could go any further, Ichigo puffed up his chest and charged back into the room, yanking the blanket off of the bed. "GET THE FUCK UP!" He shouted pushing them both off the bed and onto the floor.


Meanwhile, at the Kurosaki household, Isshin and his daughters were sitting at the table enjoying a wonderful breakfast, until suddenly their door was slammed open. A mysterious figure stood in the middle of it, with a fox-like smile on the face, while another figure in the background just stood an watched the wonderful horror unfold.

It was about a few hours later, until one of them finally spoke. "Gin... that's more than enough."

"Yes, Aizen..." Gin stood up from the mangled body and smiled at his master, blood smeared and splattered across his face. "Can I take them with me as souvenirs?" He asked, staring down at the one by his feet.

"Of coarse..." The man called Aizen had said before looking at the bloody mess the house was in. He smiled at the work, closing his eyes and taking a deep breath of the wonderful scent that came from it. "What a beautiful smell..."

He sighed, and almost gracefully walked up to a wall, taking a picture from it to throw it behind his back. He took the rest down, and did the same. kneeling down, he smeared his fingers in a puddle of blood before standing back up, writing a message onto the wall. Once finished, he turned around and walked out the door, signaling Gin to follow. Gin did as told, and followed with three bodies in his arms.

The door shut, and all that was left was the broken debris of the once fine furniture, the blood smears and splatters across the whole room, and an eerie message on the wall.


Shiro was sitting on his couch hugging his knees, with Kaien right beside him. Ichigo was standing in front of them with his arms crossed, looking down on them. Ichigo opened his mouth to say something until he heard a door open, and someone yawning afterwords. Instead of it being the hall... the door was directly off the living room, with a man standing their staring at them with a confused expression. "Ulquiorra-san...?" The man said before looking towards table, where Grimmjow and Ulquiorra were eating bowls of cereal.

"...Shuuhei...are you all healed up?" Ulquiorra asked before taking another bite. Hisagi walked over and took a seat across from Ulquiorra, and nodded yes to the previous question before laying his head on the table while letting out another yawn.

"HOW THE FUCK CAN YOU SLEEP THAT LONG!?" Shiro watched as Grimmjow started yelling at the man before he finally shut up and began to eat again, grumbling while shoving spoonful after spoonful into his mouth.

"So... Uhm... Who are you?" Shiro asked. More and more people were starting to show up and even though he somewhat liked the company... it was starting to irritate him.

"Shuuhei Hisagi. I'm Ulquiorra-san's apprentice." Hisagi mumbled into the table.

"...Oh..." Not really feeling like finding out more about it, Shiro turned back to Ichigo who was still standing in front of him and Kaien. "So Ichi...why yah mad again?" He asked. He wasn't really paying attention since Ichigo was in a nice fitting tank that showed off his muscles, and a pair of sweatpants that made him look dead sexy... "Say again...?" Shiro looked up at him, a trail of drool coming from the corner of his mouth. He didn't pay attention yet again, too focused on his lovely god of a boyfriend.

"Shiroo~... If I have to say it one more time after this~... I'm going to fucking neuter you~..." Ichigo sang with a eerie smile, and a vein protruding a bit from the left side of his head. Shiro paled (yet again... if that is possible!) at his lovers words and quietly listened this time, looking away from him to actually focus. "Again... I'm mad because one: your brother fucking kissed me, two: you don't seem to give a shit!, three: I woke up this morning to find him in our bed! and four: I had to repeat this FIVE FUCKING TIMES!"

"... YOU FUCKING KISSED HIM!?" Shiro yelled looking at his brother. 'WHAT THE FUCK!?'

Kaien was laughing. "Haha! Y-yes! I c-couldn't help i-it!" When he finally calmed down, and smiled at Ichigo and rested him head on his chin. "He's just so interesting and cute." Ichigo tried to stop the blush forming on his face, so in an effort to try and hide it, he threw on a put and turned his head away. Shiro was so mad at this point that he jumped on his brother, making them both fall off the couch, and wrestled him on the ground. "Heey~ Calm down Shiro! I only gave him a kiss and snuggled up to him in the bed! Nothing bad!"

"NOTHING BAD!?" ARE YOU FUCKING JO-" Shiro stopped everything when he suddenly heard a phone ring.

"Oh! It's mine, sorry." He said before answering the call. "Hello?" Shiro got off of Kaien and stood up listening to the voice on the other end speak.

"Is this Ichigo Kurosaki?" A man said.

"Yes, this is he." Ichigo answered.

"Thank god you're alive..." The man sounded relieved.

"Uhm...excuse me, but what do you mean?" Ichigo asked...concern apparent on his face

"...A friend of yours stopped by your house, and when no one answered he walked in and saw blood everywhere, with the furniture ripped to shreds... I am terribly sorry... but we didn't find any bodies..." The man said, his voice turning into a whisper near the end.

After the man got done speaking, Ichigo dropped the phone. Everybody in the room... had a shocked look on their faces. Shiro and Ichigo had a look of pain mixed in with theirs. All of a sudden, Ichigo turned and bolted towards the door, flinging it open and running down the stairs. "ICHIGO!" Shiro yelled running after him. When he finally caught up to him, the orangette was already home, standing in the door way. Police tape lining the outside of the house Shiro walked up to Ichigo and gently put a hand on his shoulder. "Ichi..."

Shiro watched as Ichigo dropped to his knees, tears flowing from his eyes. Shiro glanced into the house, but then couldn't tare his gaze away. Blood. Everywhere. The Only thing that stood out the most... was that damn message on the wall...

You Will Be Mine.

(Scooter)Shi: WHAAAAAT!? I almost cried while writing this chapter! Dx it was so sad... but it makes a good story... :I so!? WHAT DO YOU THINK!?

Aizen: So beautiful...

Shi:... Shut the fuck up...

Urahara: Ohh~ Is the next chapter where I come in?

Shi: We'll see... o- o Anyways! If you like it please review! and please look me up on facebook! Idk why but the url is fuckng up when I paste it! It's fine when I save but when I post the chapter its like 'FUCK YOU!' bam! But hey... on the bright side I finlly got this in... I stayed up late cause it was just starting to flow into my mind! Just as I was about to save and shut my laptop down, another idea just pops into my head, making me write more! And idk if i made this chapter longer or not... I tried though! I swear! I had to sit back and think a few times on what to write! I wanted this done to make you guys happy! WHOO!

The thing is, I had to save my story to my phone and skim through the chapters to see what was goin on... And i totally forgot that Kaien and hisagi were in it... thanks to a reviewer I remembered Kaien! I found out about Hisagi when I skimmed chapter four... I felt so fucking dumb afterword and then I laughed my ass off cause I realized that he was in the same room for about a month, and slept through the hot sex that Ichigo and Hichigo were having! xD I thought 'HEY! I SHOULD PUT HIM BACK INTO THE STORY!' Cx wow... im still giggling about it.

Plus, Thoughts about Kaien!? :D I like how I portrayed him as the brother! PLUS! I am still wondering If I should hook him up wwith Hisagi, or just keep him in the love triangle with Shiro and Ichigo? Both sound soooo tempting! :3 haha! i'm getting excited...i'm starting to get into this story again.

I am also surprised! I thought that this chapter wouldn't be done until the end of the month! Now that I'm back into it, I'll probably update faster! So yeah... and sorry for the type of writing... I can tell that it has changed quite a bit... but please bear with it!

Once again please look me up on facebook and like my page! I'll be posting pictures of this story on the character transformations and probs some sneakpeaks! Also random anime pics I have on my phone! Some will be yaoi, yes. C: Review if you liked this chapter! Put some Ideas in their and plus if you don't want your ideas to be public, just PM me! Thank you! Untill next time! Ciao~