I know I'm not done with Episode Swap... Oh well... i wanted to do something new too so i took a break from it. Plus, the reason i am doing this story is because i am waaay into Yaoi! I love it with a passion! Not joking! My fave couple is Hichi/Ichi. So if you don't like it then don't read it, and for the people who are reading this please review if you liked it. :))

Chapter 1: The Smell


Ichigo was walking home from a long day at school. Can the teachers get any more annoying? Guess so... He ruffled his orange hair and sighed. What is there to do in this town? He turned into his driveway, and walked up to the door. Ichigo opened it and stepped inside. "I'm ba-" Ichigo was cut off when Isshin kicked him in the face, sending him flying out the door and on the driveway.


Isshin laughed. "HAHAHA! You need more trai-" Ichigo punched him in the face to stop him from talking, then kicked him in the gut to have him double over on his knees to land a faceplant on the floor. "Nice...kick...son." Isshin was still able to give him a thumbs up.

Ichigo sighed. "I'm going to my room, call me when dinner's done." He took off his shoes and walked up the stairs. He threw his bag on his desk and plopped onto his bed taking his I-pod off the nightstand turning it on, blocking all the sound comming from his father downstairs. Probably sobbing on Misaki's memorial about how his son treats him so badly. He shook his head then turned over and stared at the fading sky through his window.

"If only there was something to do in this damn town." Ichigo closed his eyes, as sleep took over him. Surrounding him in darkness.


"GOD DAMN YOU FUCKING DEMONS!" Shiro yelled as a demon lunged at him. The demon looked like a human except for the eyes which were red (the whole eyeball), and it smelled unaturally disgusting, like a rotting corpse. It had long black fangs sticking out of its mouth, it's nails grew into sharplike talons. Shiro dodged the attack and ran his hand through the demon's heart. Watching it go limp, he threw it off to the side. It faded into the air, until nothing was left. He listened to the quiet sound of the park, before speaking.

"Tch...Damnit. Every fucking night. Can't I have one night to relax?" Shiro sighed... Guess not. Shiro stretched, and turned around to walk back home, but he froze. He could feel another one about a couple blocks away."God damnit!" Shiro ran out of the park and down the street, towards it.

He took a left, then stopped. He saw it sitting on a roof top by a window, on a clinic. What the hell?! The demon resembled the one that Shiro defeated at the park but with a tail and shorter fangs. Shiro bolted towards it, and jumped. He grabbed it by the neck, and threw it at the road. It slammed into it making a dent. Shiro jumped off the house, and landed in front of it.

"Any last words?" Shiro asked. The demon hissed at him, then smirked.

"They'll be comming after him, and they wont stop until they get him." The demon lunged at Shiro's throat, but only failed to have Shiro drive his hand through it's heart. It coughed up blood, and glanced up at Shiro. "You...won't be able... to resist... the smell, Demon... Slayer." Then faded into the air. What the hell was he talking about?! What smell? He sniffed the air, only to come accross the most delicious scent he ever breathed. His eyes widened, and his mouth watered as he jumped to the window the demon was by, and peeked in.

There was a figure sprawled on the bed. It was a boy. He had orange, spiky hair, and a muscular body. He was shirtless, so his chest and stomach were showing. Shiro slid open the window as quietly as he could not to wake him then jumped over the bed, landing with a soft thud beside it. Shiro heard him stir behind him and just hid in the shadows by his door.


Ichigo blinked as he felt a cold wind cross over his body. He looked up to see that the window was open. I swear it wasn't open when I went to bed. Ichigo just shrugged, and closed it again. He through his legs over the bed and stood up, streching, until he heard a satisfied 'pop' in his back. He walked towards his door, until something through him backwards and onto the bed again. What the fuck!?

Ichigo looked up to see a man with white skin and hair. He had the most beautiful eyes he had ever seen. His eyes had black pupils, gold irises and black sclera (the area of the eye that is suppose to be white). Ichigo didn't know if he should be swooning over him or be scared. The next thing he knew, he felt a double pinch on his neck. He flinched in pain, and tried to think of what was going on.

He cluthed at the white hair. He wanted him OFF! But Ichigo couldn't move when a wave of pleasure went through his body. W-what is this? He couldn't help but moan at the new experience. "Ahh-haa..." Ichigo could feel himself getting hard when the thing drank from him more and more, but at the same time getting weak. The man leaned back, and Ichigo could see some of his blood smeared at the corner of the man's mouth.

His eye's widened at the sight. "I... I need to get out of here... " The man looked Ichigo in the eyes, and said in the most soothing voice he had ever heard, "Sleep, and forget what you saw tonight." Ichigo's eyes closed as darkness took over, and put him to sleep.


"Che...I can't beleive this." He said as he was walking away from the house. He covered the boy up in his blanket, and not to mention, cleaned his bite mark quick while holding his breath. He closed the window before he left and bolted a couple blocks away from the smell. It was the most delicious thing he ever tasted. He wondered why. When he drank from different humans in the past...none of their blood tasted that delicious!

"Shiro! Where ya been?!" Shiro looked up to realize he was in front of his apartment. Grimmjow was standing at the doorway at the top of the stairs (like orihime's house but in a different location). "We were getting lonely."

"The fucking usual..." Shiro said as he walked up the stairs and past Grimmjow through the doorway. "You reak of wet dog, by the way... Go take a bath." Shiro stretched and walked down the hallway and into his room. He just pulled off his shirt, and crawled into bed. Closing his eye's, waiting for morning to come as he fell asleep.

So? What do you think?! Damn... im obsessed with stories like this. So i hope you liked it! if you have any ideas on who grimmyboy should fall in love with please tell me...im having a hard time deciding... Well please reveiw if you liked it! :))