Okay, So This Is My Edit To The First Chapter. I Also Edited The Second One , So Make Sure You Read That One Again. It's Not Much Change , But Still , I Believe It's Better . Hope You Like It (:

Chapter 1

The strong, gusty wind fingering through my recently groomed hair is certainly distracting me from my driving. Although it is a straight road, I could very easily swerve off into the dry grass. Especially with everything going on in my mind.

I am sorry, my name is Lucky Hamilton, but, if you do not want your face rearanged, you better call me Lucy. Normally, one would say they grew up with their mom and dad. As for me? Well, I pretty much grew up with my best friend, Solange, and her family.

You see, my parents are rarely ever home. They are always away at some weird hippy convention or a meeting where they stip naked, put mud on their faces, and run wildly in the woods. Yeah, my family is weird. Do not ask.

Anyways, they are rarely ever home and if they are, it's for about a week at a time. They never trusted me home alone so they send me off to the Drake's, Solange's house. That is where I'm headed at the moment, for my parents just left for a three month long convention.

I am perfectly fine spending so much time with the Drake's. They are my second family and I love them all to death! But, the thing is, they are not normal. Not normal at all.

Solange, along with her mom, dad, aunt, and seven older brothers, is a vampire. It doesn't faze me at all. Actually, I think it is cool. The only thing is, Solange is the first girl vampire to be born and not made in over nine hundered years. That was thought to be a problem with the ruler, Lady Natasha, until Solange's dad, Liam Drake, who is big on treaties, had requested a meeting with Lady Natasha and did a vampire swear that Solange was not after the throne and all was peaceful again. Solange's 16th birthday was about two weeks ago and she had also undergone the blood change that turned her from a human to a vampire. But it is ok cause she got through it with no troubles at all.

And, because Solange is perfectly fine, we can spend the next few months enjoying ourselves. That is, if her annoying overprotective brothers let us.

I let myself get away from my thoughts and back to my driving. My parents had decided they would spend a lot of money on me to make up for always leaving. I didn't mind one bit seeing as they got me a new convertable, lazer eye surgery so I don't have to wear those annoying glasses, and this special formula that makes your hair grow fast. It actually works cause I grew my chocolate colored hair out from an awkward bob to where it gracefully grazes my hips. None of the Drakes have seen me since the change, so I am hoping to surprise them.

Luckily, the Drakes only live down the road from me and it was about a three minute drive. I pull into the rocky driveway and hop out of the car. My red tunic is fluttering in the wind and I have to cling tight to my bag with all the stuff I will need for the time I am staying here so that it does not fly away with the wind.

It is about seven o'clock, but I can tell there are clouds in the sky. I can also tell that we are in for a really bad storm.

I walk up to the front door, rocks hitting my exposed toes from my flip flops, and ring the door bell. It takes only a matter of seconds for the door to creak open and a very familiar face with the same familiar choppy, black hair to appear. Her icy blue eyes go wide and her jaw drops. "Lucy! Is that you?" my best friend, Solange, asks.

I smile up at her. Mission accomplished. "Yeah," I tell her, running my fingers through my hair, emphasizing the change, as her eyes search over me, seeing what all has changed.

"How...?" she starts, her voice questioning and then she looks me over once more and there is some recognition in her eyes. "Let me guess... Parent guilt money?" she asks, opening the door wider and stepping out of the way with a huge smirk on her face.

I match her smirk. "Of course," I say walking into the huge, victorian stlye sitting area. It only takes a second for me to realize that her whole family, excluding her Aunt Hyacinth, who rarely ever comes out of her room, is all gathered there. Only a second for the family to realize I am there and only a second for them to start gaping.

"My god," Quinn, one of Solange's annoying brothers says. He's one of the most annoying. He's also a huge flirt with anyone and everyone that he isn't related to and that is a girl. "what have you done with our dear Lucy?"

I simply roll my eyes at his remark and continue on my journey to Solange's room on the second floor. I expected one of them to say something like that and the Drakes never dissapoint.

"So...," Solange says once we reach her room and close the door, the light reflecting on the pictures that are scattered perfectly on her black walls. "How long are your parents gone this time?" She plops on her red, velvet bed and looks at me curiously.

I sit down on the red bean bag that she always has out for me. I love this house so much. It's victorian styled except for the bedrooms, which are huge, where the owner could decorate it however they want. Solange had decided to theme it in her favorite colors: pitch black and blood red. The colors really compliment her pale skin, so I see why she would like them. The furniture is very chic and modern, and her california king bed is to die for! But then again, that's what most of the rooms are like. To state the obvious, the Drake's are rich. "Three months," I tell her and watch as her eyes go wide for a second time. "I know! They keep getting longer and longer. Not that I mind."

She nods her head in an understanding manner. She knows how I feel about how my parents leave all the time. I still love them, but they're never really there for me. The Drake's have been there for everything I went through. They were actually the ones to teach me how to walk. If I ever had to choose between the two, I would definatley choose the Drakes and my parents even know that. "Well... your timing wasn't exactly the best. Mom and dad were just about to take me hunting for the first time," she tells me and I can see desire in her eyes. I'm not sure if it's desire for my blood, cause I know she has been having trouble controling the bloodlust around me since she turned, or if it is the desire to learn how to hunt.

"It's alright," I assure her and wave a hand to emphasize my words. "I will be perfectly fine here alone for a little while." I make sure to give an assuring smile. I could always play with the dogs. The Drake dogs love me, probably cause I'm the one that feeds and plays with them the most. The Drakes see them more as gaurd dogs than friends. And if they're too lazy, I could find something else.

She smiles a quick 'thank you' and makes her way out of the door to tell her parents, no doubt. I understand that she doesn't want to miss learning how to catch a bunny rabbit or something seeing as she's gonna have to be doing it the rest of eternity. I wish I could go, it would be funny to see Solange kill something. She's very squemish around blood which is why everyone always thought I would make a better vampire than her. It's not a bad idea to me, but to everyone else it is.

I walk out of the room as well and go to what use to be a guest bedroom, but is now my bedroom. I loved being able to decorate it with no budget. I'm the one with the passion for designing and fashion. I also have the brightest room in the whole house. I chose orange and white as a color theme. There are pieces of cloth draping on the cieling and pictures and posters on the walls. The bed is the fluffiest bed I've ever seen and the furniture is just very well put together. I put my bag down and start putting away the items in it.

I hear a door slam shut and my only guess is that the Drake's have all gone hunting. They never leave one behind except for Aunt Hyacinth and when there was a Drake that hadn't gone through the blood change. And now I'm all to my lonesome. I have never been in the house and there was no one to talk to. It is a really different setting that I'm not use to.

Once I have everything put away, I get out my silk tank top and shorts from the dresser. I start to take my tunic off, but stop when I hear that dreadful voice that never seems to leave me alone. "Lucky."

I turn around quickly to see Nicholas, Solange's youngest older brother standing nonchalantly in the doorway. His icy blue, almost silver, eyes on me. "Yes, Nicky?" I say in a mocking tone. He hates being called Nicky just as much as I hate being called Lucky. I continue to change. I've lived with the Drakes so long that I'm comfortable enough with all of them to change infront of them.

He gives me a quick glare before changing it into a smirk. "So... this new look," he says looking me over once I am changed into my pajamas. I kinda feel exposed to him now which is very unusual. I always wear stuff like this in the house and the fact the he and I are probably the only one's here kind of makes it feel different. "Who's it for?"

I roll my eyes at him. Of course. Nicholas is always bugging me about me and other guys. Actually, he's always bugging me in general. "No one of your concern," I tell him. It's actually not for anyone but if he knew that, where would the fun be?

NIcholas and I have been going at each other's throats about anything and everything ever since we met. It's not that we hate each other, it's just that we don't like each other and find that it is fun to push each other's buttons. It has even been rumored that my first words were "Nicholas is bugging me."

His face immediatley goes red and his jaw looks clenched. His hands are also in fists! This is how he gets when he gets mad, but why exactly woud he be mad at what I just said? I mean... he doesn't usually get mad when I say stuff like that. Or does he and I just don't notice it? Is there a possiblity that maybe he... No. It's impossible. Isn't it? There is absolutely no way. Right?

"Mhmm. Just...," he starts, his voice soft and gentle like he's talking to a baby. Something that is very unusual for him. Especially to me. He comes a little closer to where he is directly infront of me. "know that, if you have to change the way you look for anyone at all, they obviously don't deserve you."

I look at him, my eyes wider than they ever have been in my entire life. Why would he ever, in a million years, say that? I mean, I knew he was very protective over Solange cause she was his sister, but me? That's new. Even if I've lived with him long enough to be his sister, he never really treated me like one. Well, I guess he did but it was in the annoying brother kind of way, not the protective way. Maybe he is trying to use his vampire pheromones on me.

Pheromones are an ability that vamps have to get humans to do what they say. It's kind of like hypnotizing someone but it works a little differently. Each vampire has their own pheromones which isn't a distinct smell, but it's a smell that can make you fall under their control. Me, living with vampires practically my whole life, makes me pretty much immune to pheromones. But, is there even the slightest possibility that his still work on me?

I shake my head, leaving my thoughts. "What are you talking about?" I ask him with a concerned expression on my face and gentleness in my voice. For whatever reason there is, the softness in his voice is making me soft as well. This is new for both of us, which makes me wonder about what's going on even more.

His beautiful eyes find mine and I can't help but melt into them. No matter how much it pains me to say it, Nicholas is actually very gorgeous. All of the Drakes are, but Nicholas always stuck out as the best looking to me and when we look into each others eyes, somehow, somewhere in my being, I find peace and relax myself into him as our lips meet.