So I've had this idea for a while, but never wrote it down. But now that I have some free time I will :D. I love the idea of Romano and America being best friends. It makes me giggle and I just love it. Most people think Romano and Canada would be friends, but America and Romano is more historically accurate, plus I think their personalities are a better match. I mean they're both kind of dumb, and loud. Plus, I think Italy and America are Allies. Every time I see them as friends I giggle, and smile but if they're "together" I want to punch a wall. It's like pairing France and Spain together, or Japan and Italy! THEY ARE FRIENDS, NOT LOVERS. Urgh! On with the fic!

"Dude, what's wrong?" Alfred questioned as Lovino dragged him down the street, towards their normal hang out spot, Café Hetalia. Most of their friend group hung out there because two of the group members worked there, but neither Antonio nor Ludwig had a shift today. Lovino pulled him into the almost empty Café, and latterly pushed him into the booth. Alfred glanced around, the nearly empty Café. They were the only ones there aside from the Swedish waiter and his 4 friends.

"Alright Lovino why did you drag me here and throw me into the booth…. Did Artie force feed you his food? Just because he's my adopted brother doesn't mean you should take it out on me!"

"No! He didn't. I just… I have something to tell you and I don't want the others to hear…" Lovino mumbled.

"What is it?" Alfred asked, straightening his glasses.

"I… Alright listen, this is going to change the way you look at me… But… Just… Don't hate me alright?" Lovino said.

"Dude, you're my best friend. We've been friends since pre-k. I doubt I could hate you. Plus I'm the hero! Hero's only hate bad guys!" Alfred told him.

"Yeah, yeah and you're the hero. But... It's… It's pretty big." Lovino said, not making eye contact.

"What, did you take your Grandfather's tommy gun and go on a killing spree?"

"No… Not that big, but it's pretty big."

"Just tell me already."

"I… I think I might be gay." Lovino said quietly. Alfred sat there in silence for a moment, then said.

"Really? Because if that's it, I'm kind of let down. I was expecting you too be like Batman or something!" He said then laughed slightly

"You… You're not grossed out?" Lovino asked "You don't hate me?"

"No! Whether you like pussy or dick, we're always B.F.F.W.A.S.O.B.A.T's. Best Friends Forever With A Side Of Burgers And Tomatoes!" Alfred exclaimed.

"Yeah… Yeah… Th… Thanks…" Lovino mumbled.

"So, now that I'm aware that your gay, who do you like!" Alfred asked.

"Um… Er… Antonio…" Lovino said quietly.

"What was that?" Alfred asked.


"Hahahaha! Right! You love DAT ASS right?"


I don't even know. I thought it was cute.

