Eric Forman looked at his best friend with concern. It had been over a year since the accident, but Steven Hyde couldn't forgive himself. Even the beer and drugs can't take his pain away, but who can blame him. He was why she was out there alone. He was why she was crying so hard she couldn't see the car rushing towards her. He was the reason the only girl he ever loved was gone. The guilt was killing Steven, but watching it do so was killing everyone else. It was easy for Eric to believe that Steven was moving on when he was safe at home in Madison with his loving fiancé Donna, but being here for the summer made him see how bad it really is. "Damn Fez!" Kelso yelled as he looked at the strange foreign boy who was messing with the record player.

"You pick something to listen if you don't like my choices." Fez said as he sat down on the sofa.

"I will." He said as he got up. It wasn't a minute later that he was holding an Abba record. "We haven't listened to this in forever."

"Kelso I don't think that is the best ideal." Donna said as she looked at the pretty boy.

"Na, it will be fine." He said as he put the record on. The lyrics to Fernando were once a happy memory between Eric and Donna, now clearly killed one of their closets friends. Steven looked as if he was actually crying as he got up he took the record off the player. He started to look like he was going to break it when Donna got up.

"Hyde don't. That was Jackie's." She said as she took it from him.

"Why keep it around here Donna? It's not going to bring her back, but here." He said as he threw the case at her.

"You're not the only one that misses her." Donna said as she took the record and opened the door. It wasn't long before the tall red head left the room. Before long everyone was gone. Steven went to bed and Eric just sat on the sofa watching mindless television.

"Honey, Honey, how he thrills me…" Eric looked around the basement as he listened to the faint sweet voice singing the Abba song.

"Is someone here?" He asked as he got up.

"Eric!" He knew that squeal. He was wondering if someone had put something in his soda as he looked around. There was only one person who could squeal like that. She always made him cringe, but now it was worse. She had been dead for over a year. He had seen her blood covered broken body lying in the street that night. He knew he had to be losing it. How else could he hear her? Then it all got worse there leaned up against the record player was the short brunette. "Jackie." He breathed as he looked at her.

"You can see me?" She was puzzled at first. Then a smile came over my face. "You can make Steven see me. You have to help him." She said as she moved towards him.

"Wow, wait. I can't make Hyde see you. Hell I don't even want to see you. I think I pissed my pants." He said as he looked at the image.

"Please Eric." She said as she looked at him. "I can't move on till I know that he is going to be okay. I love that cheating bastard more than anything in the world. I just want him to know that. I want him to know how much I want to wrap my arms around him. I was going to marry him." She said as she crossed her arms.

"What am I supposed to say Hyde Jackie came and spoke to me last night? They will put me in a mental ward for that." He said as he looked at her. "It's not normal for someone to talk to a dead person." He hissed as he sat back down on the sofa.

"Eric it's not normal for someone to be stuck wandering around in the afterlife yelling at their ex-boyfriend hoping he will hear. I am dead and the douche bag who killed me didn't even get caught." She said as she sat down next to him.

"Wait you know who was driving the car?" He asked her. They never found the car or the person driving. She was a victim of a hit and run.

"Yes I did the bastard got out of the car long enough to say 'oh shit'. If he would of called for help I might be alive right now. I might be Mrs. Steven Hyde!" She squealed. "But I am here and these clothes are so last year."

"Jackie who was it?" He asked her.

"Who was what?" She asked.

"Get your little ghost mind off of Steven for a moment. Who hit you?" He asked.

"Casey Kelso, why do you think he 'reenlisted'?" She asked with a fake laugh.

"Casey Kelso is a murderer." He said as he got up and walked to the fridge. "This folks have his car. I bet the police could pull your blood from it or something." He said as he looked at her.

"STEVEN!" She squealed as Hyde emerged from his room.

"Talking to yourself again Forman?" Hyde asked as he walked towards the stairs.

"Tell him." She said as she glared at Eric. "Tell him I am here." She said.

"Will you just shut up?" Eric asked.

"Dude no need to get pissy." Hyde said as he headed towards the door. "I am going for a drive." He said as he opened the door.

"Stop him!" Jackie squealed.

"No." Eric mumbled as he looked towards the ghost.

"No what?" Hyde asked as he looked at Eric.

"You can't go for a drive I have you blocked in, but mom made lemon squares." Eric said as he looked at his friend.

"Whatever." Hyde said as he walked out of the basement.

"Eric you were supposed to tell him I am here." She squealed.

"Right now I am going to focus on waking up from this dream." He said as he sat down on the sofa and looked at the figure in front of him. How was he supposed to explain this?