Title: Mocha (3/3)

Author: Mina Robins

Fandom: Sherlock

Pairing: Irene Adler/Kate (Maid)

Rating: M. PWP?

Last part will be in Irene's POV. This is the last installment of Mocha. I hope it has been an enjoyable read. :3

Perhaps now would be a prime time to test her self-control.



I watch as Katherine begrudgingly answers the phone, her thumb hitting the answer button with more force than necessary. Her 'hello' is pushed through gritted teeth. Whoever was on the other end seems to be someone of importance since she's opening her laptop and checking dates on The Calendar.

Perhaps now would be a prime time to test her self-control.

I lean forward and murmur in her ear. "Do you recall Paris." I state clearly and end the sentence by biting down on Katherine's small earlobe.

Now that Katherine knows I'm playing the game fully, she's making an effort to contain the moans and gasp that I'm so fond of hearing. Seems I'll have to double my efforts.

All I have to do is tug once on our entwined hands and Katherine is immediately standing. Oh, so obedient. Sweet, darling, wild Katherine. I've seen her talk down men a whole head taller than her and glare down a police officer that had slowed our ride to the airport.

With me however, oh. She's absolutely decadent. I test myself too. I've mastered my own pleasures and needs and thus always attempt to exact control on myself, how else could I deliver pulsing craving and lust to my clients if I didn't know how to control my own desires. However, with Katherine, it's hard to resist just pulling her flush against me. It's been a full week since I've been inside her.

She's so willing to give me everything. It makes me nearly euphoric. I'm throbbing already. It still surprises me how much she compels my body.

Katherine is visibly shaking now, the tremors making me smile wolfishly. She keeps making agreeable 'aha' to whoever she is conversing with. Her eyes following my movement excitedly. This was going to be entertaining. If I lose one client in this it'll be worth. I move my hand to cup Katherine and even though she jumps from the contact I can feel her need seeping pass her panties and lace leggings. Fuck the whole lot of customers.

I lead her easily to stand in the middle of the living room, where nothing can get in the way nor aid her in standing. She's wearing six inch fire ruby velvet pumps. Her marble legs shrouded in black floral lace contrast beautifully with the beige carpeted floors. She's trembling.

She knows the rules of our Waiting Game, she's not allowed to pleasure herself unless I am with her and give her consent. Can't say she doesn't know how to tempt me. My fiery vixen is wearing my favourite pair of pumps, the pair she damn well knows that almost guarantees I'll fuck her mad. We're both so wound up by now I doubt she thinks I'll tease her.

Hmmmm, I don't want to be too predictable.

I'm casually walking around her trembling frame. When I've circled back in front of her I make a show of licking my fingers clean of her juices and then move to kiss and lick her plump lips. When I pull back I watch as her tongue peeks out from the corner of her lips to mimic my actions.

The caller on the line must have complained since Katherine blushes. "No, yes, I'm listening."

She's evidently not. Her eyes are dilated and her lips are pursed open. I circle predatorily behind her and pull back my hand. "Now, you know Paris rules."

Katherine nods enthusiastically, her pretty scarlet mane waves down to her shoulders. I like it when Katherine has long hair. I can maneuver her whichever way I pleased when she's between my legs. Then again, Katherine already knows exactly what I want.

"You may speak to the caller." I smack my hand down her to derrière and feel her almost stumble forward. "But if I hear so much as a peep from you. I stop."

It's been an entire week; this is going to be a challenge for both of us.

I brush away those gorgeous locks of strawberry red and line a trail of kisses along her pale neck. She's valiantly remaining silent, so I bite at the nape of neck. Kissing at the indents I've made.

Katherine makes not a squeak but inhales deeply, then amends. "I'm just shock is all."

The caller seems to take this explanation with grace and continues the endless retelling of something that I'm sure seems terribly mundane compared to the events unfolding now.

"Mmmm." I hummed, impressed. I begin sucking lightly; gently smoothing my tongue over my bite marks as my hands brushes delicately over the silver buttons of Katherine's burgundy blouse. Making sure my fingers never once touch any erogenous zones.

"That's, nice…"

I freeze, becoming a statue behind Katherine. My hands immediately drop to my side, I step back.

Katherine spins around and glares at me, with smouldering fire, passion, and warning. "It shows that she cares."

Ah, I see. She was speaking to the caller. I smile pleasingly and instantly Katherine's face flushes an appealing pink, she drops her eyes to the floor. She seems ashamed that she had dared show me resentment.

I move in to kiss her collar bone, knowing she likes it when I pay attention to her pretty contours; I make sure I lick at every single piece of exposed flesh I can get to. I hungrily grin at her, there's perspiration rolling down the valley of her breast. It may be the warming weather, but there was a higher chance that it was me. I click the last of the buttons open and noticed that she was wearing a rather expensive Christmas present I had brought her; I'm going to guess she's adorned with the matching raspberry sherbet hued panties… Pity.

I hooked my finger to the middle part of her bra and wink up at her. Katherine shakes her head pleadingly but I've already made up my mind. I yank hard enough to rip the tantalizing material that the bra is composed of right off her body. The lace bra straps tears and it tugs her down to meet my lips, no apologies from me and not a sound but a full body quiver from her.

I reward her by sucking onto the bottom of her lip between my teeth.

Katherine's hand instinctively reaches out to steady herself by grasping onto my hip. One passive glance from me and she's retracted her hand. Her eyes are so wide, she opts to switch the cell phone to the other hand instead. "Yes, that's right."

She's doing wonderfully. Her voice doesn't even shake. Well not that much.

Now, back to the task at hand. Her gloriously creamy breasts are now freed from the confines of the piece of material. Her nipples are tightened; I take a moment to take in the sight of her. Her is face so open and needy, so lewd is her expression. I begin kissing down the valley of her breast, following the trail of perspiration, while dancing my fingertips along her rib cage. Katherine grunts in sexual frustration but I ignore her with a smile. Allowing this one slip of tongue. My hand caresses her soft flat stomach and I ghost my thumbs over her hip bones.

My red haired angel juts her hips towards me but I evade her easily. "That is two strikes."

"The grunt didn't count." Katherine grimaces and speaks into the phone again. "That day out front didn't count."

It feels like a day for claws and shredding. I kiss the corner of her still glossy lips. It sticky and thick, tasting uniquely of her and of the vanilla lip gloss I had brought her last weekend. Taking the collar of her shirt in my hand I haul the silk material against her shoulders. Katherine backs away from me just in time and covers by murmuring into the phone. "You should maybe give it a try."

As she's speaking she's throwing her blouse off and smiling apologetically at me. "You're talking about it a lot, so you obviously care."

Is my darling attempting to give sane, sage advice when I want to fuck her senseless?

I tilt my head and lick from Katherine's navel to her collar bone. She tastes salty, reminds of the sea and sex. Of mute summer afternoons and glorious hours in bed, floor and table. And that time I had her against a wall of mirrors.

It makes her scowl since I'm ignoring her breasts entirely. She shifts minutely, trying to create some friction between her legs. But then stops, remembering herself. I place my hands on her ass and hold her in place as I finally move in to kiss around her areola while using my other hand to tweak her nipple. It triggers her to drop the phone, thus causing the caller to miss the exquisite sound that emits from her lips. I pinch this time, declining the idea of digging my nails into her delicate skin any more than necessary.

Katherine sighs, thankful I was still continuing even though she had technically been very very bad.

"Katherine," I look down at the phone. She looks at my hands. "I'll follow through, now pick it up."

I release her and she dives for the phone. Returning to her upright position quickly without wobbling too much. There's blood on her mouth. She's been biting down on those sensitive lips, refraining herself from uttering a single pleased groan.

I nod approvingly; she's being an exceedingly well behaved girl today. She beams at me, and I run my fingers over her pretty features, tracing my index finger over the arch of her nose. Running my digits along her jaw then tugging her close till her lips is but a breath away. So precious. I move to lick the wine coloured liquid, slowly dragging my tongue over her cut.

I noticed that the caller doesn't seem perturbed by our messy kissing. Did she dare mute our end of the audio? There's no need for me to have stated that being a rule. It was implied.

When I pull back, Kate's lipstick is a complete mess, but I've cleaned the blood off. I take her wrist into my hand and wrench the phone away from her ear. The screen informs me that it hadn't been muted.

This doesn't merit a smile or nod; she's just done what I considered mandatory. I return the phone back into her control. She cradles the cell against her ear, her eyes distant but focused on me. "Mmmm."

I kneel down onto my knees, the power is still in my hands. The rules of the game still mine, she's entirely mine. I drag my nails down the fancy lace pantyhose and kiss at her first her right hip bone then her left. The blouse had been spared, the bra before wasn't enough; there needs be a full sacrifice of clothing by the time I was done. The lace slashes open under my manicured nails, leaving livid red where my fingertips had pressed and Katherine aids me by kicking off her shoes and letting me jerk the ruined pantyhose from her legs. She dutifully steps back into her pumps when I'm done. She knows her panties can't be saved.

Yes, so fastidiously submissive. Always knowing exactly how I wanted it.

I start kissing just above her knee, heading to the inside of her thighs. My hands gripping onto her firm buttocks to make sure she stays still. Her satin skin pebbles under my attention. When I reach her heated core I instead change direction and lavish attention to her other thigh, biting down hard against her unblemished skin. Katherine shivers, and shifts impatiently with yearning but the moment is miniscule enough to ignore.

I've begun messaging her perfect little ass, just the way that causes her to moan, I bet her lip was bleeding again since I can't hear a single thing. Well that won't do. I flick my tongue in a quick swipe over her soaked panties, too swiftly for her to be prepared.

"YES." Katherine's eyes are tearing up; her lip is bleeding all over again. A pause, then to her caller. "Yes, that's the right plan!"

I dip my fingers under along her waist, yanking the g-string from her body easily and then unceremoniously throwing them backwards towards the living room counter. They land on top of the letters that amuse me so.

She smells so needy, wanton, tantalizing. I precede licking and sucking along her folds, long, swift swipes that leave her panting. I glimpse up at her and see her knuckle being bitten. There's going to be marks on her skin that aren't mine. I turn my head and suck on her thigh until I'm sure a bruise will blossom.

Katherine tremors under my ministrations.

My hold on her sweet derrière tightens, causing Katherine to waver above me. Once she steadies, my tongue continues to delve into her slickened folds. The sigh above me makes my heart burst, her chest moves up and down in an erratic fashion; she's trying to breathe through her nose quietly but to no avail so the phone is being angled away from her nose and mouth. She pushes the cell hard onto her jaw. Using her flesh to mute the exquisite noises I extract. My hands trail down her shivering calves then back to her hips.

Katherine has wrapped one arm around her middle, trying to steady herself. There's nowhere to lean on, no shoulder to balance her vibrating limbs against. I almost feel a tad cruel.

I jam two fingers into her, there's no fear of causing her anymore damage, she is already so wet I could have pushed in all four. My fingers rub against the ribbed inner walls that I know will cause her to crash into oblivion. I blink up at her; her jade irises are shot olive. If she willed it, we could end the game immediately and I would push her gently onto the floor to finish her off without her needing to strain.

All she needs to do is admit her safe word.


"Katherine." The flight was excruciatingly long and now that we were finally alone in our Paris hotel suite I wanted to take her until she saw in a crescendo of sound.

"Yes, Miss. Adler?" She's smiling but pressing her lips together in the hopes of concealing her glee.

"You'll have to choose a safeword."

Katherine are cheeks are flushed crimson, she takes a hesitant step towards me then raises her hand to unleash my hair from the tight bun I had kept it in for the duration of our travel. Her fingers glide through my tresses in a smoothing manner, tenderly untangling my chocolate hued hair and coaxing it down my shoulders into the form I had left it last night.

"Mocha." Her voice is a soft whisper against my skin.

I swipe at her hand and jerk her back. Her eyes are wide from shock, her emotions chaotic in her bewilderment of my will. I smile reassuringly, just at the start to show her that she has done no wrong. My grip tightens and I guide her towards the bed.


Yet, she wants this; she wants me giving her impossible guidelines and to control her, to own her. To bend her to my slightest whim.

I enter a third finger, curling them towards me and twisting a number of my pushes. All the while my tongue has increased the rhythm which I have probing against her engorged clit. I feel her walls clench tighter against my fingers and I only quicken my pace.

Katherine's eyes are watering above me but she still remains silent other than her wheezing. The droplets flow down the contour of her cheek and land delicately onto my shoulders. She is knighting me in her tears.

I've trained her so well.

With one final lick across her folds I move my lips onto her clitoris and nibbled down hard.

"Irene!" Katherine pants, and then I feel her legs go slack. Her body collapses and I dive to catch her. My hands on her lower back, carefully moving with her to sink us down onto the carpet. I then crawl up, sliding my heated body against her slick sweating one to kiss the remaining tears away.

Her lips are curved in a beaming smile. One that I feel my lips shift to copy.

She called me Irene.

I loop my arms easily underneath her shoulder and knees. Bridal style I carry her over to the sofa and drape the comforter over her resting body.

She called me Irene.

I walked back to pick up the phone that was now playing the Dr. Who theme show song, a bloody craze in Britain. I personally would admit that Amy Pond has a certain appeal.

"Adler speaking."


"Yes." I replied simply, staring at my glimmering digits. "There will be no bookings for the remainder of the-"

"Put Katey on the phone," Whoever was speaking on the phone was referring to Katherine in a manner too familiar for my liking… wait, that ring tone, ah this phone… I smirked. "She's not available at the moment."

I glanced at my maid, my lover, my caring friend, my sweet everything. She appears so darling on the couch, so relaxed. I want to make sure she'll always be able to feel this way.

"Adler, I know you're Katey's employer, so can you just please-"

"She's passed out I'm afraid, unconscious." I tried to keep my voice bland and calming.

"Oh my god, is she okay?" It was plainly did not work.

I can hear shuffling over the line and before I can hear the jingle of car keys I add. "From a fantastic, earth shattering sex, Katherine needs a quick nap."

"I was just talking to her!" The shuffling hasn't stopped and I distinctly picked out the metallic clink of keys. "Don't make shit up, is she breathing alright, can you-"

"You are correct, you were talking to her." I interjected, no one needed to wake up to their sibling after sex, and I'll ignore the cussing. "You were talking, and she was listening and if I'm not mistaken you would have heard her going through what I can assume sounded like she won a marathon."

"Oh, holy." Jennifer was silent over the line for a second. "You have to be fucking with me."

"Not even on appointment." My eyes roll to Katherine's peaceful face then added quietly. "It wouldn't be right."

"You're insane."

"I assure you that I am not." I head towards the guest washroom and picked up a fresh towel. "You're Jennifer, I presume."

"Yeah, good guess." I can hear her huff, but at least the shuffling has ceased.

"I care about your sister, very much, and as long as she wills it and it is safe for her, I wish for her to be by my side." I would normally never be so forward with my feelings, but this was Katherine's sister and if she needed some vocal explanation from me to settle her I would. Even if I felt that she had no privy into my private life. I turn on the taps, letting the corner of the towel catch up the lukewarm water. "I will always try to be cordial to you for I know how important you are to Katherine; do not let that cause you to presume I'll allow you to barge into my house after I'll specifically order you not to."

"This isn't over, I'm coming over this weekend."

"Charming, I'll be looking forward to your companionship, have a fair day," That explains why Katherine had opened the scheduling Calendar, I wonder if she planned Jennifer's visit around my working time or intentionally during my sessions. "And Jennifer, I'll have Katherine call you back."

"Thanks, I guess."

I'll never understand how Katherine has such a juvenile older sibling. The way they interact and the mannerism that Jennifer speaks causes me to assume that Katherine was the older sibling. I sat at the chair beside Katherine and carefully wiped away at the blood that had trickled down onto my red head's chin.

She had called me Irene. It was the first time in all of these years that she's ever called me Irene. It causes me to realize how personal it sounds along with the symphony of moans from her lips as I brought her to the edge of passion and caused her to plummet over into sensation.

She had just referred to me as Irene, a common place situation, yet since it was coming from her, someone that had refused to use my first name since the day we met; it felt as if she had admitted something entirely different.

I wasn't sure how to respond.

To be continued?