A/N: I'm back! The idea of 'sex before dating' has been on my mind for some time, and I was happy as hell when I finally figured out a decent plot for a multi-chapter story. This fic is a little different since Flynn and Yuri will be both top and bottom. It'll also be an M rated story right off the bat (I'm sure you're happy about that). I hope you enjoy it!

Little boys were supposed to like little girls…that's what he had been told at seven. Guys were supposed to go out with girls…that's what he had been told at eleven. Males were supposed to have sex and reproduce with females…that's what he had been told at thirteen. So then why…why, did every fiber of his being scream that there was something wrong with that? He knew why…and it had taken him seventeen long years to figure out just why the words of the people around him never sat well with him.

He was gay, plain and simple.

But the problem was that it wasn't so simple. Flynn Scifo had always known that something was off about him, that he functioned in a different way compared to his peers, but had never once tired to recognize it. In the past he believed that if he did it meant admitting that he was abnormal, and the last thing he wanted was to be labeled as a freak. So he began to live a lie. It was easy when younger, since he could've just claimed that he found girl's 'icky' and therefore people would think it was just a phase he'd outgrow.

But when older it became much harder…Flynn was always hounded by his friends as to why he, a good-looking blonde haired, blue-eyed guy, had never once gone out with any girl at school. He joked about it but never once told the truth, but the truth was also something he had pushed into a deep part of his being, hoping it never saw the light of day. It was his dirty little secret, but after a while he began to feel sickened by the fact that he was diminishing his own self-worth. Quite frankly, he hated himself, hated that he was scared of something that had always been there and that would never go away not matter how much he tried to bury it.

Admitting it to himself was the first step to acceptance. When he finally gathered up enough courage he faced himself in the bathroom mirror, locking eyes with his reflection as he spoke the words that had been caught in his throat for years. It was amazing how uttering two small words made him feel better, if not frightened by the things he allowed himself to think. He liked men, liked the way they looked and so desperately wanted to touch and be touched by them. Fantasizing was a dangerous thing; he did it about as often as any normal boy his age did, and because of this he had to remove himself from gym class.

He had already earned that credit anyway so it wasn't like he really needed to be there, but he was questioned about his sudden transfer. So what did he do? Lie. He was so sick of it…but there was no way he'd tell his guidance counselor that he had been ogling his fellow students. Flynn was sure there'd come a time when he could be open about everything he was feeling, but until it came he'd have to continue playing the character he had built up over the years. When alone in his room, door locked and mother away, he could finally unwind and be the Flynn he wanted to be.

Pretending to be someone else took far too much energy out of him, but as he nestled down into his bed sheets, mind wandering over to the things he had been keeping in all day, he just let go. Sometimes he'd masturbate, getting out all of his sexual desires in one five to fifteen minute session. He never felt guilty afterward, in fact, he felt great. Being isolated did have its perks since he could do whatever he wanted to himself, but after a while he began to crave companionship. It didn't necessarily need to be physical; of course that would've been great but he really just wanted to be with someone who understood him.

And it was for that very reason that he was currently walking into a gay bar, wondering if he should even be there to begin with. Finding the place actually took some doing, the blonde having to visit the rumored 'gay part of town' and ask around, which was an experience in itself. It was one thing to say the words 'I'm gay' to himself behind a closed door, but it was another thing to say 'I'm looking for a gay bar' to a complete stranger. There were apparently several in the area, so that meant asking which was the best to 'meet people'. He didn't know how else to put it, and he was sure of the implications that came along with his words but it was fine…whatever happened, happen.

There were a few things bothering him about being there, which he probably should've taken into account before he arrived. For one it was eleven at night, Flynn having snuck out of the house two hours after his mother had fallen asleep. The last thing he wanted was for her to check on him and panic if he wasn't there, though the odd of her getting up were pretty low. There was also the fact that he was miles away from home, the bus stop he had gotten off at a whole five blocks away. If anything were to happen to him he'd really have nowhere to run to, though the odds of that were fairly slim as well.

The real problem seemed to lie with his nerves, because there was no denying that he felt out of place. The music blared over the sound system so loudly that he had to cover his ears upon walking in, his eardrums throbbing painfully until they became use to the deep, trembling base that reverberated throughout his entire body. His eyes were treated a little better, though only a little with the strobing lights occasionally flickering so fast that he was surprised that no one had a seizure yet. They did calm down after a while which allowed him to see exactly where he was going, but there was no denying that he was a tad disoriented.

Now that he thought about it…where was he going? Wandering around aimlessly would obviously get him nowhere fast, so since he was in a bar he decided to head for the alcohol. Of course he wouldn't be drinking, not that he was allowed to anyways. While on his way there he noticed how…free everyone look, as if they didn't care that it was eleven o'clock on a Wednesday night. Bodies ground together, some shirtless others merely revealing their chests through their open button up shirts. They moved in time with the music, though quite a few of them seemed far more focused on the person in front of them.

Flynn couldn't help but jump when he felt something brush against his rear-end, upon turning around he found a much older looking man smirking at him, blowing a kiss at him before returning back to his prior company. The blonde's chest tightened, a feeling of discomfort filling him not because of the action itself but because of the new feeling he was getting because of it. It might've startled him but Flynn was pretty damn sure he liked it, because someone else's hand had finally touched him. But he decided not to let such a small thing get him so riled up. The last thing he wanted to do was show that he was even more of a newbie to all of this than he already had, because he was sure there were people around who smelt that kind of weakness and would've loved to exploit it.

Taking an empty seat at the bar he looked around again, noticing that besides the grinding quite a few people were making out right there on the dace floor. The prospect of kissing another male had always been on his mind, and he truly envied his friends who openly kissed their girlfriends whenever they saw the chance. He couldn't do such a thing…He couldn't just go up to some guy he found attractive in school and ask them out, kiss them where everyone would be watching and live happily ever after. The blonde wanted…attention.

"What'll it be, Blondie?"

Looking around he finally locked eyes with the bartender, surprised to find a woman staring right back at him. Her tight, low cut T-shirt left nothing to the imagination, and if that had tickled his fancy he probably would've been staring. But because he wasn't he was more so focused on why she was there, though it did occur him that she might've been a lesbian an therefore explaining everything. If she wasn't into girls then she had picked a rather good place to work because the odd of her being hit on by male customers was pretty low. Since asking her for anything alcoholic meant showing I.D. he decided to forgo that route, the blonde ordering one of the few non-alcoholic drinks he could think of.

"A, um…Shirley Temple…" He managed to get out, the bartender eying him up and down before turning her back on him.

"New guy huh?" She said, Flynn watching as she prepared the non-alcoholic drink he had ordered, "How long have you even been out, Blondie?"

"W-Well I…haven't really told anyone I know, but I've at least come out to myself…that was two months ago" The blonde fidgeted slightly, though when the bartender placed his drink in front of him she offered up a kind smile.

"Good for you. Take your time with other people, you've already gotten over the hardest part."

Flynn smiled a bit at the comment; he really had gotten over the highest hurdle, now all he had to do was open up to at least his family about the real him. He talked with her whenever she wasn't serving someone else, the blonde feeling a bit more comfortable than he had when entering the establishment. At some point she had removed her hair from the tight bun it had been in, shaking it out so it fell over her shoulder. He questioned why she did this, the bartender stating that she had a feeling one of her favorite customers would be coming in and he apparently hated seeing her hair down.

It was her way of teasing, and the blonde decided to just leave it at that…but he couldn't help but choke slightly when she asked if he was 'leaving with anyone' that night. The short answer was that he wanted to…the long answer was that even if Flynn deeply wanted to it wouldn't have been the smartest thing for him to do. Going home with a complete stranger, besides being terrifying, was irresponsible…but he had already snuck out of the house so it wasn't like he was the poster boy for the right thing to do anymore.

"Though you do look like jail-bait, just saying." Judith said as she began mixing another drink, the blonde's throat tightening a bit at the comment. Flynn was jail bait, and even if he would be turning eighteen later on that year the fact still remained.

He could've seriously gotten someone in trouble for sleeping with an underage kid, and the last thing he wanted was for someone to be sent to prison because of him. But then again…if it was a one night stand he didn't really need to worry about giving out any information about himself, not to mention he'd probably never see the guy again. God…an hour out of the house and his thinking had done a complete one-eighty. But he at least had a point…if it was only a one night stand there didn't seem to be a problem.

So he mauled it over, but made sure to be discreet as he eyed the men around him. Flynn really wasn't sure of his 'type' but was sure he was looking for someone relatively young. His was brought back to the bar when Judith began speaking to him again, pointing out a few guys on the dance floor while illuminating their likes, dislikes and quirks. They all sounded pretty interesting, though the blonde wasn't sure if he had the nerve to actually go up and talk to them. He wasn't shy or anything, in fact he was pretty outgoing when at school, but to go up to someone with the intent to sleep with them was…completely new to him…

"A Jack and Coke with a shot of vodka, and for the love of god Judith, put your hair up, you look like a ten dollar whore."

"Ohh, five dollars more than a few weeks ago, someone's in a good mood."

His attention was instantly drawn to the person who had just sat down next to him, and given the comment he had made about Judith's hair he could tell it was the customer she had previously talked about. He was rather attractive, face indicating that he was still young but definitely older than him. His long, dark locks traveled down to the middle of his back, Flynn watching as he pushed his dark bangs behind his ear in one swift movement. He tried not to stare too much but the blonde found that he just couldn't help himself, so he wasn't all that surprised when he was caught.

The long haired man looked his way, but soon turned back when his drinks were placed in front of him. He took the shot first, downing it in a second before be began taking sips of his other drink. Judith came back and teased him a little more, asking if he was slacking off which caused the longer haired stranger to scowl a bit.

"Slacking off? Fuck that, I deserve a little fun after being cooped up for weeks." He spat, the bartender laughing a bit as he turned to make another drink. Once done she turned back, leaning over to whisper something into the new person's ear that Flynn clearly couldn't hear. He didn't pay much attention to it, deciding that their little conversation was none of his business and the last thing he wanted to be was nosy.

"Trust me on this." She made an odd gesture with her head before disappeared to the other side of the bar. The blonde watched her for a bit before turning to his own drink, finding that he had hardly touched it at all.

"Haven't seen your face around here before." It took Flynn a moment to notice that he was being spoken to, and upon looking over at the man that had taken a seat next to him he found a smirk on his face. It made him slightly uncomfortable but he couldn't turn away, the other male's dark eyes piercing into him in such a way that he knew the person before him was demanding his attention.

"U-Um," Was all he managed to get out at first, but soon regained his composer, "Y-Yeah, I've never really ventured out to this part of town before."

"Really? Couldn't tell…" His words dripped with sarcasm, and even if the blonde took some offense to it he quickly got over it.

"So I…take it you come around here often…" The blonde began, trying his best to get some kind of conversation started.

"Often enough," He took a small sip of his drink before continuing, "I'm not a drunk or anything. I come to unwind."

"Oh, I see…Your job must be pretty stressful…though you don't look all that stressed."


"W-Well, I mean…you look good for someone working so hard-"

"You know, you're a really bad flirt."

"I wasn't, I mean, I-I…I'm sorry, I'm never hit on a guy before." The blonde rubbed the back of his head as he looked away, a small tint of pink gracing his cheeks. He really was making a fool out of himself, wanting so badly to just shrink down and bolt for the door.

"Wasn't that hard to tell, though you're cute so most guys will probably overlook that. The virgin thing is probably an added bonus."

"Wait, how did you know I was a-"

"You just told me, Blondie."

Flynn started at the long haired male before him, a small chuckle escaping his lips as he once again ran his fingers through his hair. Well that was embarrassing…even though there was no shame in being a virgin, but he didn't want everyone to know.

"There's nothing wrong with being a virgin…though…" Flynn watched as he man reached over, grasping the maraschino cherry out of his drink and placing it against his lips, "I could help you out with it if you wanted…"

A shiver slowly made it way down his back as the other male's tongue came out to lick the cherry, bringing it into his mouth were he chopped down in it, ripping the bright red fruit from it's stem. Flynn might've been naïve about a few things, but he knew an invitation when he saw one…and the blonde had no intention of rejecting it.

"Then…help me out…"

He quickly followed the long haired stranger out, the unnamed man calling back to Judith to put their drinks 'on his tab'. Flynn's stomach began to churn uncomfortably as they stepped outside, mind once again telling him that going home with a complete stranger was a horrible idea. What if he ended up on the news as one of those guys who was killed because he was looking for a good time? Or worse…what if he was held hostage against his will and tortured? He was well aware that some people had that kind of fetish, and it wasn't like he could tell if someone was crazy by just looking at them.

Shaking his head he tried his best to rid himself of such thoughts, because if he kept thinking like that there was no way in hell he'd get himself laid. The walk wasn't too far from the bar, something the blonde was rather thankful for since the chilled spring air was starting to get to him. As he looked around he noticed that no one was staring at him, only giving him the occasional glance before going about their business. For some strange reason he believed that people could tell that he was going to have sex, that they would stare at him with such intensity that he'd have second thoughts.

He knew it was just paranoia, but…it was the thought itself that scared him. But there didn't seem to be anything wrong, in fact it seemed that everyone looked like they had their own dirty deeds to attend to. The two of them stopped at a fairly nice looking apartment complex, Flynn briefly wondering just what kind of income the person he was being escorted up the stairs by had. Because it was a rude thing to speak about he didn't bother to ask, instead silently following the raven haired stranger until they reached the top floor.

He could only tell that the apartment was spacious upon stepping inside, his attention immediately brought back to the person who had brought him there, their lips coming together in a rough manner. Fingers ran through his hair as he was forced against the now closed door, the other male's tongue ravaging his mouth in such a way that he damn near lost his sense of balance. His knees were weakened by such an attack, but he had no intention of fighting back because it felt so good. He tried putting up some kind of fight, but it was quite clear that he was no match for such a skilled mouth.

They were so damn close…so close in fact that he could feel the unnamed man's heat right up against him. He took his time to run his hands along the stranger's back, slowly bring them down and feeling his muscle through his loose shirt. Lower he went, fingers stopping mere inching away from his rear-end. Just because they were in a compromising position didn't necessarily mean he had free rein over the other's body…though this didn't stop the long haired stranger from feeling him up. His crotch was cupped, the action causing his body to jerk and knees weaken further.

This wasn't fair…something should've been done to his attacker…So he moved his hands, cupping both of the other male's cheeks and squeezing them slightly. A low groan emitted from the stranger's throat, the blonde taking his as a sign that he liked the attention he was getting. He moved his leg a bit closer to the other's crotch, rubbing it a bit before the two of them finally parted.

"Such a virgin." He sounded amused as all hell, Flynn wanting to voice is irritation but was promptly cut off when lips were once again attached to his. Screw getting mad…it was a waste of time and he needed the energy for something else…

When he felt his collar tugged Flynn allowed himself to be led wherever, the two of them never parting as he tried to follow the stranger's footsteps. It seemed as if their route was a straight shot, Flynn noticing that they never once took a turn or stopped for any reason. He really didn't mind since it sped things along, the two of them finally stopping when his back collided with a soft surface.

"Just relax." The raven haired male said as he climbed onto his lap, gaze never leaving his, "I'll take care of everything."

And that was that…It was probably always in Flynn's best interest to just lie there and allow whatever to happen to him happen, but somewhere in the back of his diluted little mind he actually thought he could just wing it. Obviously he was rather glad he didn't act on such a stupid fantasy. Their lips met again but in a much gentler manner, the other male's long locks brushing against his skin, tickling his cheek. It was a rather nice sensation, though he had to admit that the roaming hands felt much better than the hair against his skin. They were slowly making their way down his chest, and when flesh met flesh under his shirt he shook a bit.

Fingers ran themselves up and down his stomach, Flynn groaning at the way they left warm streaks in their wake. Even though the man had said he'd take care of everything just lying there didn't seem very proactive, and even if it was only little things he still wanted to participate. The blonde reached up, hands shaking as he began to unbutton the other male's shirt. His fingers brushed against exposed skin, loving how warm to the touch the still unnamed man's body was. Right…he still hadn't asked for a name…Flynn hated to do it, but he broke the kiss, inquiring what his given name was.

"Let's save the formalities for later, 'kay?" And before the blonde could say another word he felt lips on his neck, all the words becoming caught in his throat before dissolving into nothing but a pathetic moan.

Fine then, no names…it was easier that way.

The thought of asking the still unnamed man if he could hold off on the hickies had occurred to him, given that it meant explaining just what it was if anyone saw it. But to hell with it…nothing else mattered at the moment, and when the issue came up he'd deal with it. His entire body shook when he felt teeth against his neck, slowly going down his jugular and finally coming to a stop at his clavicle. For his first hicky everything seemed to be going well, moaning at the contrasting hard nips and soft kisses he was receiving on that spot. The supposed mark was given a small kiss before the other male raised up, their eyes meeting as he licking his lips.

Flynn could barely stop himself so before he even realized it he had cupped the stranger's cheek in his hand, gently running his fingers down his silky skin. He really was a gorgeous creature, and if he hadn't known he was a male because of his voice at first glance he clearly would've thought he was a woman. He moved down a little lower so he could run his thumb over his lips, slowing gliding it over the slick region and blushing a bit at the reaction the other was giving him. His eyes were half closed, head cocked to the side ever so slightly as he let out a small moan. It was a complete turn on, but when the other male placed his hand on top of his, guiding it over so he could suck on his thumb, he swallowed hard.

Goddamn…if he wasn't hard before he definitely was now…

His thumb was inserted and removed at a slow pace, the other male's tongue licking the tip before biting down on it gently. Flynn squirmed under the other male's gaze, and he was once again faced with the same problem he had in the bar…even if he wanted to turn away he couldn't. The stranger was demanding his attention…He groaned a bit when he felt the long haired male's lower half rub again the bulge in his pants, wanting so badly to relive himself but knowing it would come in time. Right now he was far too focused on what was being done to his thumb.

The other's lower half moved again, but this time the blonde couldn't ignore the way it felt. It didn't help at all when he began stroking the bulge, Flynn's body tensing up as a response. He arched up into the touch, not wanting it to end and wishing his clothes weren't in the way. It was a bit frustrating so it didn't surprise him when he let out a small growl, hid body shaking a bit when that smirk from before was once again directed at him. And then the long haired stranger began to descend, piercing gaze never leaving his even as he reached the zipper of his pants. Using his teeth he pulled it down at a leisurely pace, hands working on his belt all the while.

It was an agonizing wait until he was freed from his confines, and before his stiff member could even hit the cool air of the apartment he was immediately met with heat. Flynn bucked his hips unintentionally, fingers gripping the sheets below him as his entire body was taken over by the sensation going on between his legs. It was completely different from when he used his own hand, the slick tongue of the long haired man hitting spots he didn't even know existed.

He tried holding back a moan as it moved upward, but when it reached his tip, licking over the slit, the blonde bucked and moaned loudly. Moving his head a bit he watched the other male work through half-lid eyes, slightly embarrassed at how plump it had become from just as few movements. But then again his cock had never been use to anything other than the strokes of his hand, so he tried to calm his embarrassment with that logic. The blonde gasped as his entire length was engulfed by the other male's mouth, and he really tried his best to control his bucking hips but found it far too challenging to even continue doing so.

He was being blown in an apartment by a man he didn't even know the name of…if he ever told anyone about such an experience he'd probably be laughed at. He would've laughed at that moment if not in such an erotic position, because venturing out on his own and picking someone up was so unlike him. The other male's mouth left his member briefly to give it a few strokes, but returned at the base of his cock to give it a quick suck and nip. Flynn once again shook from the pleasure he was feeling, squirming a bit as his member was completely engulfed yet again. He hesitated before inching his hand downward, stopping once his fingers had laced themselves in silky strands of hair.

Because he had never actually known any guy with long haired he was mesmerized by it during their first meeting, wanting nothing more than to run his fingers through it but found it highly inappropriate to do so. But given that there didn't seem to be any boundaries between the two of them it seemed all right to touch it, if only a little, because he wanted to know if it was as soft as he had originally thought. And it far exceeded his expectations. His fingers glided through strand after strand flawlessly, Flynn not having time to wonder if it was natural or because of what he washed his hair with because he was brought right back into the moment.

The blonde jerked a bit when the unnamed male began rolling his balls, something completely new to him since he had never bothered to deal with them before. Nothing special was ever done to his dick, just a few tugs and that was that, but to actually have someone take care of a body part he usually neglected was…a little odd. It was still very much enjoyable, his toes curling clearly giving that away, and he made a mental note to give them the attention they needed from now on. But sadly even if he was loving it an all too familiar feeling in the pit of his stomach meant that he needed to do something quick.

"W-Wait, please, I-I can't…" Was all he could manage to get out before his words once again dissolved into another moan, but it seemed he managed to get his point across. He relaxed a bit when the mouth around his member was removed, body still shaking as the other male kissing his way back up, planting a sloppy one of his lips upon reaching them.

There was a bitter taste on his lips, and even if he disliked the taste at first it slowly began to grown on him. The snuffling of clothes caught his attention, though he didn't bother to find out just what was being removed and from whom. Flynn managed to come back to his senses enough to notice the long haired stranger shrugging off his shirt, deciding to offer some assistance when it came to undoing his belt and jeans. There was a little more rustling and a lot more kissing, and by the time he was completely conscious of his surroundings the both of them were naked.

His face was dyed a deep shard of pink as he ran his hands along the other male's chest, thin fingers slowly making their way to his back and down. Flynn stopped when he felt the other's hand touch his, but when it bypassed it and moved lower his chest tightened as the longer haired male began moaning on his own. The blush on his face deepened as he watched him, eyes closed and lips parted as he became closer to him. His body seemed to rock against whatever he was doing, the more inexperienced male leaning up a bit to meet his parted lips. The gesture was returned in a rough manner much like before, but this time he managed to keep up with the other male's movement.

The two of them parted abruptly, the long haired stranger sitting back with an intense desire for something present in his eyes. And Flynn knew what he wanted…He emitted a low grown when his member was stroked but coughed and tensed as the unnamed male began descending upon it. He inched his way in, the heat he was already receiving from the other male nearly driving him over the edge. But he refused to be one of those guys who came way before that were supposed to, so he tried to hold it together…even if it wasn't fairing too well. It wasn't his fault that he wasn't use to the tight heat that was someone else's hole, and his squirming and groaning made this quite apparent.

"F-Feels pretty good, right?" The man above him asked, the smirk on his face clearly strained as he practically sat on his dick.

"Y-Yes…" Flynn muttered as he pretty much melted into the soft sheets below him. And then the other male started to move…He placed his hands on his chest as a means to balance himself as he moved his both half, the blonde feeling himself slowly losing whatever control he had over himself.

But then again, what good was control during sex? Reaching up he held into the other male's waist with his hands, allowing his hips to buck into the tight, deep hole that the long haired stranger possessed. He completely immersed himself in the sensation, loving the way the other's tight muscles contracted around him and the way he moaned and panted into the air. His ego was a little bloated as he thought about the fact that it was him making the other react like that, though it deflated just the same when he felt horribly familiar tingling in his lower half.

No…he wouldn't allow himself to come too early…

Biting down on his bottom lip he tried to hold it back, wanting to ride the feeling of being inside of someone a little longer. Flynn began to grind the other's hips against his, the action apparently to the stranger's liking since he doubled over, hands now on either side on his head as his hair shaded him from what little light had been coming from the window nearby. Their kisses were extremely sloppy, but at that point no one was trying to correct their technique. The unnamed man's cries of 'harder' and 'faster' only turned him on more, his fallen hair once again tickling his cheek but this time he decided to brush it aside.

He didn't know what the hell he was doing, but the simple tactic of 'fuck hard and don't stop' seemed to be his friend. Of course he knew that this probably was a horrible technique to keep up, but figured with a little more practice with others he'd manage to learn the ins and outs sex. God…he was already thinking about the next person he was going to sleep with…what the hell had happened to him in such a short time? His body jerked when he felt something wet and hot against his right nipple, the blonde letting out a pathetic sounding whimper.

The raven haired male tended to the other one as well, his index finger and thumb pinching it before twisting it back and forth. Another new feeling…though he had to admit that it wasn't the first time someone had touched his sensitive numbs. The first time wasn't at all gentle, his bastard of a 'friend' decided to giving him a purple nurple out of the blue when he was ten. Of course what he was currently experience was nowhere near painful, in fact he tried to get himself a little closer to the mouth that was attacking him. But sadly he had reached his limit.

Gripping the stranger's rear-end he slammed into it, crying out as he came probably the hardest he ever had as his seed began filling him up. The blonde's entire body shook from his orgasm, it collapsing against the bed as his struggled to catch his breath. Flynn felt dazed, head completely in a fog as he felt the tickle of hair against his cheek disappear. The pressure around his now flaccid member was slowly being removed, the blonde having little no to no energy to protest as he felt his body being moved.

"Geez, I didn't come at all…" There was no hiding his annoyance but that was a given considering his predicament, "But we can fix that."

Upon regaining a little more awareness, the fog that had settled on his mind lifting a bit, he found that he was on his knees, cheek pressed against a pillow and ass completely in the air. Flynn looked back to see the other male smirking down at him, though he didn't feel any sort of threatening air directed at him. It was purely mischievous. Turning his head back he allowed whatever to happen, happen, because it would only add to his experience. However, it didn't stop him from letting out a surprised sound when he felt something wet against his hole.

"Just relax, I'm not going to eat you." Came a chuckle from behind him, the blonde blushing at his ridiculous reactions.

He jumped again when the feeling returned, deducting that it was the other male's tongue probing his entrance. It felt a bit odd at first, but the fact that he was slowly becoming hard again was enough to say that he liked it. The blonde's body was already sensitive from having come once, so every little touch he was given felt like Heaven. His lower half twitched as the longer haired male's tongue began to slip in and out of him, the feeling of it wiggling inside of him causing him to let out a deep and low moan. He twitched a bit more once he was fully erect, Flynn wrapping his fingers around his cock only to have his hand removed by another.

"I'll deal with that, you just lay there and take it."

The blonde's only response was a small whimper, because with nothing happening to his ass he felt cold. He couldn't tell which but a finger was now pressed against him, and before he could jump at the pain he received from it leisurely penetrating him something else took his mind off of it. The part of his lower half that he usually ignored was once again getting attention, the blonde gripping the pillow as his balls began to be suck, dick stroked in time with the unnamed man's licks. Actually forming words seemed impossible, Flynn's mouth only producing groans and high pitch moans.

He really felt like a slut for allowing himself to be treated any old way, but then again he hadn't come to the apartment to be treated like a princess…he had come there for unadulterated sex.

When the finger penetrated him deeper something inside of him was hit, his back arching as he cried out for more. And thankfully he wasn't denied. Another finger was adding and they slammed into the spot again and again, the complete bliss it felt incomparable to anything else he had experience. His lower half rocked against the digits inside of him, but just as he was about to drift off into further bliss the fingers were gone. His shame had flown out the window some time ago, so when he whined and begged like a bitch in heat Flynn saw nothing wrong with it.

"All right, all right, give me a minute." The unnamed man said, Flynn knowing full well what came next but there wasn't any way for him to prepare for it. He jumped a bit when he felt a hand on his lower back, it moving in small, soothing circles as something that clearly wasn't fingers press against his entrance.

The gentle gesture was…surprising to say the least, but then again he wasn't really sure what kind of person the other male was so maybe he treated everyone in such a way. But now wasn't the time for such thinking…instead he focused on the longer haired male's tender movements rather than the pain he felt from being pierced with something so damn thick. Flynn tensed up as he bit down on the pillow below him, wishing the process wasn't so painful. But once again he was given another gentle gesture from the person above; this time he leaned over his, whispering reassuring things in his ear as he continued inward.

His warm breath against his ear caused him to shake slightly, but it definitely made things a little better. Upon feeling the unnamed man's body completely against him he knew his length was completely inside of him, the blonde still tense as he tried to get use to the feeling. He was thankful as all hell when the other male didn't start pounding into his instantly, because he was sure he'd probably pass out and that was the most embarrassing thing he could've done there. The stranger slowly pulled out before pushing back in at equal speed, his breath once again making its way into his ear as he told him to 'relax'. Easier said than done…

"F-Fuck…" As much as he hated cursing he saw it as an appropriate time to do so, his voice cracking slightly from the amount of strain he had put into speaking.

"E-Ease up a little, it'll be better for the both of us." The other male was panting in his ear, his body shaking as a response. That's what he continued to focus on, not the horrible feeling in his ass but the fact such a beautiful creature was breathing on him.

As a result he felt a little less friction when the other male's dick slide in and out of him, his tense body relaxing a bit as the feeling of pain began to lessen. They were still going at a rather slow pace, and after a while it became clear that the blonde was no longer satisfied with it. His voice cracked once again as he muttered the word 'harder', a small chuckle emitting from the long haired stranger as he removed himself from his back. Flynn kind of wanted him to stay, moaning into his ear as he pounded into him with great force. But he really lacked the verbal skills to protest at that moment, so he just lied there and waited for what was to come.

He jerked forward, letting out a loud moan as his body was roughly rocked back and forth, Flynn soon finding that there wasn't any real way for him to prepare himself for having his ass ravaged. But even if it was sudden he couldn't lie and say that he wasn't enjoying it, the stranger gripping his cheek as he relentless pounded into him. The headboard slammed into the wall behind it, the blonde moaning in time with it as he held back nothing. It was amazing just how much he had broken his 'no cursing' rule in one night, the word 'fuck' repeating itself more than a few times.

He was a completely different person that night, one who didn't give a damn about rules, strangers, and decency…and it felt amazing. His voice grew higher as the long haired stranger changed angles, his dick beginning to slam into the spot he had been probing with his fingers, Flynn going completely limp as he moaned for more. All he felt was pleasure, and the more he felt it was more he craved it, his voice crying out for more. The blonde was rather pleased when he felt the other male lean back over him, one of his hands grabbing onto the headboard as he fucked him harder. His breath came out in ragged pants as he drove his dick deeper into him, the hot air hitting his skin and making Flynn shake once more.

Upon feeling that he was nearing his peak the blonde bit down on his bottom lip, trying his best to hold it back so he could continue to experience the sweet, sweet pleasure that he was being given. But to be fucked so hard was truly putting his body at its limit, Flynn begging, pleading for it to just give him a little more time before completely giving out. It didn't seem to work though…as soon as the other male changed angles, hitting his sweet spots and then some, he came hard. His back completely arched up, the sound of his voice filling his ears as his cum spilled onto the sheets blow him.

This didn't stop the long haired stranger from continuing his rapid pounding, the blonde groaning at his unrelenting motion. His body shook violently when he felt something hot enter him, the person over him cursing as he gave him a few more hard thrusts before completely pulling out. He could feel the hot liquid rolling down one of legs, reveling in the afterglow that was his first taste of sex. Flynn felt tired, but know that sleeping in a stranger's bed was out of the question, but he as least needed to take a small break. So he completely collapsed against the mattress, trying to calm himself down enough so he could locate his clothes.

The blonde felt the bed move after a while but thought nothing of it, Flynn listening to the footsteps against the hardwood floor as he tried his best to stay awake. It was clear that lying down only made things worse so he decided to at least get himself into a sitting position, the action causing him to learn that anal sex had unfortunate consequences. A sharp pain shot up his back, Flynn wincing as he leaned against the headboard, body wishing he had just stayed on his goddamn stomach.

"Hurts like shit doesn't it?" The blonde turned his head in the direction of the longer haired male's voice, finding him now clad in nothing more than a pair of boxers.

"Y-Yeah…" He muttered, barely catching the cloth that was tossed at him.

"Clean up, I'll see you out afterwards." He didn't sound in a hurry to get him out of his apartment, but that didn't mean it gave Flynn the right to lollygag. Carefully he cleaned himself, making sure he didn't get himself aroused as he wiped his member, legs and his rear-end.

His entire body was pretty sensitive from coming not once but twice, though he did manage to keep himself under control enough so that he didn't become stiff again. Setting the bath cloth aside he then began to locate his clothes, wondering how in the world his pants ended up underneath the bed. He took a little longer than he wanted to getting dressed, looking around to find the long haired stranger had disappeared once more. As he slipped his shirt over his head he finally began observing his surroundings, finding that the apartment was like one huge room.

It was clearly a studio, the only thing separating the room he was in from the supposed 'living room' being a small wall. Slipping his pants on he decided that getting out of the apartment was more important than studying it, though when he made his way to the front door the other male didn't look annoyed that he hadn't came out sooner. He looked more tired than anything else, a small smirk forming on his lips as he opened the door. Just as he was halfway out Flynn stopped, taking a moment to gather up enough nerve to turn and face the stranger.

"I still wanna know your name." Flynn's voice was a bit raspy, but he didn't let it bother him too much.

"Really, it's not something you should worry yourself over, Blondie-"

"It's Flynn…Scifo…now it's only right that you tell me yours, unless you're a complete asshole with no manners whatsoever."

The other male gave him a surprised look, it quickly turning into one of amusement as he began to laugh. He leaned against the door frame for support as he held his stomach, Flynn somewhat proud of himself for making him break down like that. When he was done he looked him up and down, a smirk returning to his lips as he made himself comfortable against the door frame, his arms crossing themselves as he cocked his head to the side.

"All right, Flynn, I'll make a deal with you…if we meet in the bar again I'll tell you. Sound good?"

The blonde really didn't see anything wrong with that proposal so he agreed to it, deciding to take his leave since he was satisfied with where their conversation had gone. He felt like his head was in the clouds as he left the apartment complex, walking at an unhurried pace to the bus stop that would take him back home. Other than the pain in his lower half he felt damn good, though of course he couldn't really tell anyone just why. His little encounter would probably lead to him having a double life, but if it meant him getting rid of years of frustration then he really didn't mind…

And if he ran into the person who had rocked his world that night, he would gladly see it as an added bonus…