Night Drive Chapter 27

Santana POV

"And that's not even the worst of it" I remember as my dream ends.

That's all I remember, but when I look at Brittany, instead of that warm fuzzy feeling, I feel an ache. I don't know right now. I love her. I think. I hope.

No I know. It will all be ok in the end right?

Brittany POV

I wake up with no Santana beside me. I miss her so much. She is me. I love her. And I know she loves me. But I still feel that pang in my stomach that she doesn't know how badly I treated her. I treated her like shit and she doesn't know.

"Hey Rory, I want to get back together"


"She cheated on me"

"Well then you ready to prove how much better I am. Prove that I'm the one for you"

I shake the rest of that thought in my head. I honestly can't believe I chose Rory over Santana. I made up the boyfriend shit originally, but I made him serious because that one puppy dog look that he gives melts my heart.

But not as much as Santana. She melts my heart with just a talk, a smirk, a smile, a laugh. Anything she does makes me weak. I just wish I didn't do what I did.

She's starting to stir so I break out of my thoughts and bury my face in the crook of her neck. I pretend to be asleep, but I'm looking out of a crack in my eye. I see her look at me, and then get up.

Why didn't she kiss me? Whatever it's the morning, you're just worrying. Still, I keep worrying that she'll leave me. That she'll find someone better.

Santana POV

I'm disgusted about my dreams last night. They were so real. I think they actually happened. I turn around and look at Brittany. Usually I'd cuddle her until she would wake up, but I can't even look at her without feeling paint drip down my back. It was her and another guy. She and a bunch of her friends threw paint on me and called me a dyke. That just keeps repeating over and over again. I don't know if I can trust her. But then I met a girl, and she was awesome. But I never forgot about Brittany. I saw her panhandling and like a puppy I took her home. But I honestly don't remember anything after that. Did I forgive her? Did she hurt me again? Did anything else happen? I can't deal with this. I have to talk to her. I have to know.

"Santana?" Brittany asks in a sleepy voice. So hot. I love her. Or do I? I don't know. I haven't been this confused since I woke up from the accident.

"Brittany. We need to talk." I say with no emotion. I don't want her to feel nervous. But the look on her face gives her nerves away. I can tell she doesn't like where this may go.

"What's wrong San?" She says as she moves towards me. I can't hear her use that name for me. I feel paint dripping down my back. Paint. The metallic floury taste in my mouth, burning my eyes.

"Don't call me that." I say, gritting my teeth. She can't call me that. I feel paint. That's all I feel right now. Not love, just paint. But paint comes in many colors. Maybe I should forgive her? No, I can't. Yes you can. No I can't. Yes. No. Yes. Let's at least get a solid answer.

"I remember the paint." I say and her face blanches.

"What paint?" She says nervously. I feel sick.

"Don't lie to me." I say quietly.

"San, you have to understand. I didn't mean—"

"Didn't mean to what Brittany. What? Humiliate me. Call me a dyke? Throw paint in my face? Push me so far. Fuck up all my feelings? What? Tell me the truth. What happened? Why did you hurt me? What the fuck were you thinking about when you killed my heart?"

"I wasn't thinking but San—"

"But nothing Brittany. Here you go." I shove the tickets to her. I was taking her to New Zealand. "Take Irish fucking Potato and go. I hope you're happy."

"San" I hear her say with tears in her eyes "Don't leave me."

"You made the choice."

"NO! LISTEN TO ME!" she shouts

I stop and turn around.

"You're right. I was awful to you. But there's a reason… I just can't tell you yet. You have to believe me. I'm not lying I love you. Come on; let's go on the trip. I'll tell you there." She reaches to grab my hand but I tug it away.

"Have fun on the trip Brittany." I say.

"Where are you going?" I hear her ask

"Home. Don't follow me. Go on the trip"

"I'm coming with you," She says immediately.

"I hate you! Don't you get it? Don't you get what you did to me? I'm done Britt."

"NO you're not done. You can do what you want, deny the truth, lie whatever. But I will never ever leave you again."

"But you already did once, how can I trust you with my heart again?" I ask quietly

"Sanny." She says and walks over to me. "I love you, I love you, I love you like never before."

"Britt. Merry Christmas! We made it!" I see the look of happiness on her face. "Here I got you this" I pull out a box.

"What is it? You know you didn't have to get me anything, babe. All I need after all the shit we have been through is you."

I lean down and kiss her. I love her. She opens the box. It's small, covered in felt and when it opens it reveals a beautiful necklace with pearls and diamonds on it. One the back I had S&B songbirds engraved.

"San why is there birds on the back?"

"Because of this" I get up and turn on one of my favorite songs. It's Songbird by Fleetwood Mac.


For you, there'll be no more crying,

For you, the sun will be shining,

And I feel that when I'm with you,

It's alright, I know it's right

To you, I'll give the world

To you, I'll never be cold

'Cause I feel that when I'm with you,

It's alright, I know it's right.

And the songbirds are singing,

Like they know the score,

And I love you, I love you, I love you,

Like never before.

And I wish you all the love in the world,

But most of all, I wish it from myself.

And the songbirds keep singing,

Like they know the score,

And I love you, I love you, I love you,

Like never before, like never before."

As I finish I see the tears in her eyes.

"Baby I love you. I will always love you" I say and I reach up to hug her, but she gets up, and leaves.

"Where did you go San?" She asks

"No, Britt. I think the question is where did you go at Christmas. Where did you go after I sang songbird to you."

I hear her gulp "You remember?" she asks shakily

She then gets up and kisses me as hard as she can. "Before you say anything I just want to let you know how sorry—"

"No Britt. I'm done. You left me twice"

"I didn't leave you! I LOVE YOU! I've always loved you!" She screams as I start walking away

"And I will always love you too. But right now I can't deal." I start to exit like I did before, but this time she doesn't stop me with words, she physically gets up, hugs me, but won't let go.

"Let me go Brittany. I'm done. This is over"

"I will never let you leave again. I mean what I said. I love you, I love you, I love you, like never before."

"But this time Brittany, I can't let my heart be broken again.

"I will never break your heart again. I literally told you this 5 minutes ago why don't you believe me?!"

I look at her with sad eyes. "Because this time, you didn't just hurt me." I say and I think of gabby. Brittany hurt her too. I know I didn't or don't love her but I still feel bad that left her like trash for Brittany. Brittany, the love of my life, my knight in shining armor. But armor isn't always shiny, love isn't always right. I will never stop loving her, but I need to get out of here. That is if she will let me go.

"Let me go britt. Let me go."

"Never. You're my lobster, my light, my songbird, my soulmate. I know I fucked up, but please, don't leave me."

I manage to wiggle out of her grasp.

"I won't leave you but I do need time. If you really love me you'll let me go."

"Fine." She says and she lets go. With a deep sigh I take my packed suitcase and leave the hotel. I book the first flight to Lima I can. I text heather that I remember, and the plans are off. I ignore 2 calls from naya, 3 calls from heather, 10 from Quinn, 13 from puck, and just 1 from Brittany. The only one I listen to is the one from Brittany.

"San, it's me Brittany." I can tell she's been crying " I know you didn't want to hear from me. I'm supposed to give you space. But I love you so much. So I thought I would sing to you. You sang this to me. And I love you. SO much. Please just listen. And come back to me please. I love you." I hear her sniffle and begin to sing.

"You were in college working part time waitin' tables

Left a small town, never looked back

I was a flight risk with a fear of fallin'

Wondering why we bother with love if it never lasts

I say "Can you believe it?

As we're lying on the couch?"

The moment I can see it.

Yes, yes, I can see it now.

Do you remember, we were sitting there by the water?

You put your arm around me for the first time.

You made a rebel of a careless man's careful daughter.

You are the best thing that's ever been mine.

Flash forward and we're taking on the world together,

And there's a drawer of my things at your place.

You learn my secrets and you figure out why I'm guarded,

You say we'll never make my parents' mistakes.

But we got bills to pay,

We got nothing figured out,

When it was hard to take,

Yes, yes, this is what I thought about.

Do you remember, we were sitting there, by the water?

You put your arm around me for the first time

You made a rebel of a careless man's careful daughter

You are the best thing that's ever been mine.

Do you remember all the city lights on the water?

You saw me start to believe for the first time

You made a rebel of a careless man's careful daughter

You are the best thing that's ever been mine.

Oh, oh, oh

And I remember that fight

Two-thirty AM

As everything was slipping right out of our hands

I ran out crying and you followed me out into the street

Braced myself for the "Goodbye"

'cause that's all I've ever known

Then you took me by surprise

You said, "I'll never leave you alone."

You said, "I remember how we felt sitting by the water

And every time I look at you, it's like the first time

I fell in love with a careless man's careful daughter

She is the best thing that's ever been mine."

You made a rebel of a careless man's careful daughter

You are the best thing that's ever been mine.

Do you believe it?

Gonna make it now.

I can see it,

I can see it now

Well there it is San. I love you so much. Please come back to me. You're mine. You're my everything. I love you. Please."

I'm crying by the end of the message.

I know she's been left before. I feel the desperation in her voice. I take the flight home by myself. I don't see or hear anyone. I'm to deep in my thoughts. I don't care who's around me. It's not Brittany. Stop thinking about her! She's bad for you. But I love her. Well she didn't love you but she does now What about Gabby? Remember what you did to her? What about her? I don't even know myself anymore

Subconscious POV

"What do you mean that wasn't the worst part? What else did she do."

"She didn't just break your heart. She broke someone else's heart.

"Who? It doesn't matter. Look how sad Brittany is! I can't let myself ruin this. Sue I have to—

"No. You can't go back yet. You need to let this run it's course. You and Brittany are special. But you hurt someone else. Remember Gabby? She was in love with you. You hurt her by choosing Brittany. She was proposing to you that night. It was supposed to be a special surprise. But you found Brittany. You took her back like that and you didn't even care about the repercussions! It's sickening." I feel a pit in my stomach hearing what sue said to me. She's right. I was selfish. Why couldn't I get over her though? She's hurt me to many times—

"Don't get down on yourself Sweet cheeks." I didn't even realize that holly came up to me until she was right there.

"Why? I hurt everyone. I push people who love away. I bring people back who hurt me over and over again. I'm some kind of masochist or something—"

"No. Stop it. You're not. You're just confused. You didn't remember the rest. Let me show you."

Holy grabs my hand, I feel a rush of cold air and we appear in my old apartment.

I see myself crying. I look so sad. I hear the background music of songbird and I realize that I just walked in on her walking out. But I hear the doorknob twist and I see Brittany walking back in with a large present behind her back.

She places it gently on the floor and runs to the past me. "Why are you crying san?

"Brittany?" I hear myself croak in disbelief. "I thought you left me. I thought you didn't love me."

"That's because I don't" I see myself fall and my heart breaks "Love doesn't describe the way I feel about you Santana. And I didn't run out. I went to get you this. I got it for you. Merry Christmas Santana."

She hands me the box and I open it. I see my questioning look and am about to ask holly but she shushes me and tells me to watch.

"Britt? Is this really what you got me?" I ask

"Yes. Don't you love it."

"Well it definentely is unique." I manage to stutter out

What did she get me in the past? A ring, lingerie, jewelry, anal beads? What the fuck isit? What did she get me?

I see myself pull out the gift from its packaging.

"A slanket britt? You got me a slanket?"

"Yes, to keep you warm and cuddly on the couch. You always look so cold. I thought a slanket would help."

"Why not a snuggie?" I hear myself ask

"Slankets need love too. It's not all about the name. Plus I saw it in the sky mall catalogue. It looked lonely. I thought you would want one. Do you not like it?" I hear her say and she gives me the puppy dog eyes.

"No!" I say quickly "I love it. It's… Interesting."

"Well if you don't like it, I can just give you this" she says, pulling out a small red box.

I see myself gasp as she pops it open. It's a necklace. "S and B forever is engraved on the back." It matches the one I gave her. Except mine has songbirds on it Hers is a dainty silver chain with a heart and sapphires and onyx. It's beautiful

"I love it britt." I hear myself say. "Now we match" My heart is breaking. I love her, but I hate myself for what she's done to me. And also to Gabby. She must have been a great girl… but Brittany and I are meant to be together.

"Yes you are. You guys are meant to be together."

"But what about the me now? Why aren't we telling her that?"

"Because they need to get through this. Well you do. They need to get how special they are."

"But what if they don't?"

"They will. You guys are Brittany and Santana. Brittana. You guys are endgame. NO matter what happens."

"I trust you."

"Good, because it's almost time. But we need to be patient."

Brittany POV

I know she told me not to follow her. But I couldn't not follow her. I love her so much. I can't let her leave. I take the same flight as her. I'm watching her from the back. I see multiple guys try to hit on her and my blood boils. She doesn't realize it. But I do. I see everything. I may not be the sharpest tool in the shed, but I'm people smart. And I can see how she's feeling. And it's all my fault. I hate this so much. I see her grab her bags when we land. I then lose her in the crowd but I find her at baggage claim. I watch her the whole entire time. I know it may seem creepy but she's my soulmate. I can't let her go. I didn't mean to break her heart. But she didn't let me finish! I didn't leave her again! She doesn't remember. You hate her for that don't, you? No. I don't Yes No Yes No. But I feel bad about how bad she's feeling about Gabby. As if I didn't hate that bitch already for dating Santana.

I can't blame her. Santana and her happiness is always my number 1 priority. Even though it may be skewed. I love her and she loves me. I can't believe at one point I even left her for Rory. He was, well is, a twat. A fucking Irish twat. But I see her grab the bags. I follow her home, I see her go inside, the lights aren't even on. I walk in a couple minutes after. She's already passed out on the bed. I stroke her hair while she's asleep.

I hope she remembers. I miss her so much. "I love you babe," I say to her sleeping form. I walk out of the room and make my way to the couch and whip out my phone.

I have the best plan to make Santana fall back in love with me again. It will make my last one look like mincemeat. I love her. And I'll prove it to the whole entire world to show it.

A/N Well this is what happened. Don't worry your heads I got this all worked out. Well not really. Actually this story has morphed into imaginationland. I had something and I was going to post a lot faster and then the break up happened. I didn't even watch the episode. Only the brittana parts. And cried. Like a fucking baby. Brittana is love. And endgame. The songs I used were songbird by Fleetwood mac and mine by taylor swift. But I did use some creative liberty having britt sing it instead of Santana. I thought heather singing it on Glee would of made it more appropriate with the lyrics but hey Naya killed that and my heart :(. And I'm part irish too, so I can blast my own culture. But I'm American too so fuck yeah! (not really though :( ) I also think Heather should break up with Taylor too and then HeYa will be on and that would make my life, but hey what do I know right? Anyways drop a review off and I'll try to update soon. Reviews make my day, seriously no matter how desperate it sounds its true. Thanks for reading. I don't own glee. If I did then why the fuck would Brittana have broken up? I don't own the characters, if so they would have made sweet lady babies until the world ended. Anyways I rambled again. Review please. Have a great day. Thanks for reading :)