"No wait! Get your ass back here! Don't you dare turn away from me!"

He grabs your arm, slams his beefy fist into your face. Veins popping out of his neck he kicks you over and over. You are on the ground screaming, crimson liquid pouring out of every orifice. All you remember is pain. Just lying there, crumpled on the ground like trash, him screaming, yelling until it all fades to black.


"We're losing her! CLEAR!"
That's all you her, then the warm blanket of darkness coats over you again


Darkness and light flash back and forth. You like the darkness; there is a little light at the end where it is fun and warm. Every time you plunge into the darkness you get closer and closer. You are so close to the warmth, it's soothing on your skin, raw and red. Cracked and beaten. It's all going away with the light. Until you here the voice that brings you crashing back to earth.

"SANTANA! SANTANA! NO STAY WITH ME" You hear your girlfriends voice as she crying. The only tether that's keeping you on earth is her. She is the light. She is the best thing your world, hell the whole world. Everyone she meets. Everyone loves her. But she chose you. Even when you treated her like shit. She's a goddess. You don't deserve her, but she still chooses you. You would take 1000 bullets for her. Hell a million. A billion. It doesn't matter the number. Anything that she wants you would get for her. She waited for you until you were comfortable admitting it. She loves you. And- BAM darkness. The light is getting closer. What were you saying? The light is so pretty…



Brittany. She loves you. Just those 3 little words bring you back. You have always been a fighter. Hell that's why you were at his house. To save her. To fight for her. He needed his ass kicked. He needed to step back. He thought I was kidding when I told him to back off Brittany. That she's your girlfriend and love of your life. When you explain he laughs in your face, saying that a girl that pretty can't be a 'fucking dyke'

Right then you knew. There was going to be trouble. You kept calm for her, until he started it.

He said, "A bitch like her just needs a good fuck, she just needs a little meat in her. I'm going to go over there now and teach her."

That's when you snapped. Cursing in Spanish, yelling at him up and down. You turned and walked away. You thought after yelling enough that he pissed himself would be fine. And that's when the trouble starts. You here him tells you to come back as you keep walking. Just looking over you shoulder as he punches you in the face and kicks you over and over until he is satisfied. You're lucky that right then the police showed up. Apparently your Spanish was loud enough. 5 people called the police for a domestic disturbance. Even though you lay crumpled there for like a minute, it felt like hours, the pain fogging your vision and then just sinking into the darkness. Letting it overpower, becoming one with the blackness.

You hear paramedics and the wail of ambulances. People grab you and take you. All you care about it Brittany. You tell them to get her. He is coming. Save her, forget about you. Save her.

They don't say anything. Just shut you in the ambulance and drive away.

The last thing you remember clearly is the ambulance feeling warm and then the dark. Besides the flashes in and out, you are mainly in the dark. Just as it is bout to sweep you away you burst open into reality. You are in the hospital, hooked up to crazy ass machines. None of this matters to you. All that matters is Brittany. Your eyes are wide; you don't know how long you will be before you are back in the dark. Your eyes search for Brittany and you find her. You don't know how much time you have before the dark capture her. "Brittany, I love you." She nods and starts to say "
Crash. Back to black. You don't even here her words.

"Hello." You are in the light part of the dark. Still trapped in the world called darkness, but not in the pitch black. An old haggard women approaches you. She was the one who greeted you. This is a trip.

"How do I get out of here? Where is Brittany?" You scream at her.

She is unperturbed by your outburst. She just walks away and you follow her. She leads you to a stream and she finally turns around. You open your mouth to berate her in Spanish, but before you can even speak she tells you

"This is the river lethe. It removes you of your memory, temporarily." The old woman says.

"Why would I need this fucking river? This doesn't matter just take me back to Brittany" You scream at her, exasperated how she wants to show you a fucking river

"Oh, dear you don't understand do you? Oh well. No time like the present."

You are lifted up Damn she's strong you think. Shaking your head from the thought, you scream at her to put you down, but she just looks at you with a wicked grin. Before you can blink you are thrown into the water.

You wake up and are back into consciousness.

Someone screams your name, a girl runs and grabs you. She seems excited. Who the hell is this person?

"San, You're awake you're finally awake Iv-"

You stop her. Who the hell is this person?

Why does she call me san?

What's going on?