You guys I'M BACK! :P

I could tell you now that I had a massive sort of writers-block but that would be a lie. I did't plan to start writing again. One single favourited story for this story changed everything in less than one hour. Oh well...

I know this chapter is short but I try to upload the next chapter as soon as possible. Work and school and everything is keeping me busy at the moment but I promise I'll keep writing!

Much love to all of you and thank you for taking your time to read this!

On Monday morning, the boys had school. Jo wasn't there that day, since she only returned from North Carolina at 11 a.m., so Miss Collins gave her one day to rest.

From what Logan had witnessed, the girl was pretty pissed at Kendall, for ditching her yesterday but Kendall had shown no sign of regret, at least not in front of Logan.

Between school and work, the band had one hour to relax, so James visited "smart girl", Carlos went to the pool and Kendall and Logan stayed in the apartment. Logan was in his room, when he heard someone arguing in the living room. He got closer to the door and recognized the two voices as Kendall's and Jo's.

"Will you just talk to me?"

"I wanted to talk to you yesterday, but you weren't willing to wait for me."

"I've already explained that to you."

"Yes, you did. Little Logan was so sad, so you had to hold his hand to make him happy again. That totally makes sense."

"Come on, don't be like that. I think there's something with him and Camille going on again."

At that even Logan had to roll his eyes. Camille. That girl was crazy. She broke up and got back together with Logan on a weekly base and most of the time, he was the last one to find out, if they were "together" at the moment or not. Still he didn't want to hurt her feelings, so he just went with it and hoped one day, she'd lose interest in him. The more he thought about it though, the more it seemed like Kendall was doing the same thing with him and that idea made him sick in his stomach. He shrugged it away fast and started to listen to the discussion going on in the living room again.

"God, when are you going to open your eyes and learn the facts?"

"That would be?"

"Urgh just… forget it, okay? Just don't forget who you're belonging to, please?"

Logan couldn't see her but he knew, she was playing all sad now.

"Of course not, baby. How could I ever forget that?"

With an aching heart, Logan went away from the door then, knowing they didn't have much more time left before they had to be at the studio. Quickly, he put the mail, with Kendall's songs, in his bag and then got some more homework done, trying not to think about Kendall and Jo, who were still in the living room, probably cuddling and kissing each other right now.

Five minutes later, there was a knock at the door. "Hey buddy, we have to be in the studio in five minutes," Kendall said.

"Coming," Logan shouted back.

"You heard us, didn't you?" Kendall asked, when the two of them were on their way to Rocque Records.

"Well, you weren't exactly quiet."

"I'm sorry. For what she said, I mean. She didn't mean it, she was just angry."


"Okay, you need to tell me something and please be honest with me. Do you even like Jo?"

Surprised by the question, Logan took a deep breath, before answering, "Not really."

"Why not? I always thought you two get along well."

Of course you did. You'd think Voldemort and Dumbledore were best friends.

Trying not to sound rude, Logan said "I just don't think that she deserves you."

"Well, but that's not your decision, Logan."

"I know," he replied, his voice almost breaking. They remained silent for the rest of the walk, each one, thinking about what has been said.

When they arrived at the studio, Gustavo yelled at them for being late. During one of their breaks, Logan sneaked out to put the mail with Kendall's songs on Gustavo's desk, just like he planned with the other two boys in class that day. Logan of course hated that but he did it for Kendall.

After that they tried some more versions of Gustavo's song. Some of them weren't even that bad, but Gustavo was still not satisfied with the results.

After work, the band came back to their apartment, where Mama Knight and Katie had returned from their weekend-trip in Orlando. Katie excitedly told the boys everything she had experienced in Orlando, while they were eating dinner.

Kendall hadn't talked to Logan since their walk to the studio and he was getting worried, that he messed it up. At dinner, Kendall didn't even look at his best friend.

Worried and confused, he went to his room that evening, grabbing one of his books and trying to get his mind off of things.

When Kendall came into the room, he still didn't look at Logan at first. After he changed into his pyjamas, he sat down on his bed and sighed. "Are we… okay?" he asked, finally looking at Logan.

"I hope so," he answered.

"Okay. Good night, Logan," Kendall said, turned around and went to sleep.

More confused than ever, Logan turned the lights off and went to sleep as well.