Heyho guys! So this is the first chapter of my second story! Yay!
This story contains a lot more drama than my first one...

The name and the first part of the summary of this story are inspired by the songs "Devil in me" & "Unfair" by the amazing Kate Voegele! So I just wanted to put that out!

Disclaimer: I don't own anything!

"Dude, stop staring at him like that", James said smirking.

"Huh?", Logan replied but then it hit him. He accidentally stared at Kendall again, while he was thinking. This happened a lot this past few months and it had a reason.

Logan was in love with Kendall. He loved the blond boy with all his heart and he wanted nothing more than to be with him. However, Kendall was straight and he was in a relationship with Jo.

Kendall and Logan have been best friends ever since both of them could remember. The taller boy with the green eyes was his friend, his brother, his protector, his shoulder to cry on and the smart boy just recently noticed, that he was also the love of his life.

He didn't always know about his crush on Kendall. For the longest time he saw the boy just as a friend. When the brown-haired boy noticed the change of his feelings, he hated it. He hated how he started to blush, when he saw Kendall shirtless or how he wanted to kill somebody, when Kendall flirted with some random chick.

However when Logan decided to just accept his feelings, he only got more desperate. He started to stare at him, when he thought about something, without even noticing it. There were a lot of nights, in which Logan cried himself to sleep, because his best friend flirted with a girl or even had a date with one of them.

Then, there came Jo. If they were in another situation, Logan may would have liked the blond girl but she was dating Kendall, so Logan hated her. He also hated Kendall, for loving her and his friends, for liking her. He sometimes even hated Mama Knight, Kendall's mom, for treating her like a daughter. But Logan hated himself the most.

He would have never thought, that he would going to be someone, who tries to destroy a relationship, especially when they were happy. But that was exactly what he was doing this past few weeks.

When they were at the pool, Logan made sure to sit next to Kendall, always trying to touch him somehow. When they had a day off of work, he always asked the blond boy to spend the day with him so they had some alone time. And most of the times, Kendall just went along with it.

Logan had no idea, if Kendall was aware of his crush on him. He knew for sure, that James, Carlos, Katie and Jo knew it. But with Kendall it was different. He never said one word about it, neither did he show any sign of awkwardness between the two of them. James and Carlos on the other hand, always made some suggestive comments about it. Katie sometimes talked bad about Jo with the smart boy, so he thought, she was aware of it as well. Kendall's little sister didn't talk bad about people a lot, so Logan found that weird. But she was someone, who knew somebody's personality after seeing them once. So maybe Jo really wasn't all that nice, just like Katie said.

Jo glared at Logan. A lot. Logan thought that this made sure, that she was aware of his crush and he couldn't be mad about the glaring, since he would do the same thing.

"You're drooling", James commented.

Once again, Logan found himself staring at Kendall, who just sat down next to him on the orange couch in the living room of their apartment.

"Shut up", Logan whispered to James.

"So, do you want to watch a movie?", Kendall asked them.

The three of them were the only ones in the apartment. Carlos was at the pool, chasing after the Jennifers, Stephanie, Lucy or who knows which girl it was that day. Mama Knight and Katie were out for shopping.

"Yeah, of course", Logan replied.

"Awesome! Oh and Jo is coming over later", the blond boy informed them.

"Cool", Logan answered, while his heart shattered into little pieces.

"Okay, so you're cool with some chick-flick, Jo wants to watch as well?", Kendall asked.

"Sure", the brown-haired boy responded and closed his eyes to keep himself from crying.

"Kendall?", someone said.

Logan opened his eyes. He must have fallen asleep, since he was now in a laying postition with some some sort of pillow under his head. When he raised his head he saw Kendall, looking at the door.

"Hey baby", Kendall said.

Logan turned his head to the door and saw a slightly angry Jo standing right there. Confused he turned his head again and suddenly he undertood. The pillow he was laying on was Kendall's lap.

Immediantely, Logan sat up, looking at the ground embarrassed.

"I- I must have fallen asleep, I'm sorry", the shorter boy told them.

"You did! And Kendall made me go to my room so you wouldn't wake up", James responded while entering the living room.

"Oh really? You know, I can leave again if Logan is so tired", Jo answered.

On the one hand, Logan felt sorry for bringing Kendall in this situation. On the other hand, he felt himself becoming very tired all of a sudden.

"No I think Logan is awake now. I just didn't want to wake him up. Come on honey, I've picked out a movie", Kendall replied. Somehow, he didn't take that conversation all that serious. Probably, because there was absolutely no need to, since he would never like the smart boy in that way.

Jo looked pissed but sat down next to Kendall anyway and the taller boy placed an arm around her shoulder. James, who was making popcorn in the meantime, was now putting the DVD in the DVD-player. The pretty boy then put the popcorn on the table in fornt of the couch and sat down on his original spot, beside Logan.

The situation was pretty awkward for Logan. He sat there with Kendall and Jo, all cuddled up right next to him. When they started to kiss each other as well, Logan couldn't bare it anymore.

"I'm going to go through my homework", he said, stood up and started to walk to the room he shared with Kendall.

"Didn't you do that yesterday?", James asked him smirking.

"Shut up, James", Logan responded and stormed away angrily. The brown-haired boy knew, he would going to cry. He really feared that Kendall would going to end their friendship someday, if he kept acting this way when Jo was there. But right now, Logan just needed to cry.

Thanks for reading & please review!
Much love!