Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Twilight characters.

This story is going to start off with the rating of 'T' but will most likely change in future chapters. I hope everyone enjoys.

Bella Swan had just arrived at the reservation with Jacob Black while Edward and the rest of the Cullen's went out to hunt and search for the vampire, Victoria. Earlier that day when Edward had dropped Bella off with Jake, she had been taken by surprise when Jacob had informed her that the two of them would be going to a party that evening. At that moment, Bella began to feel more than a bit apprehensive, mainly because it was a get together for his tribe. Jacob's whole tribe was going to be there. Bella looked around at the site before her as they started to walk towards the campfire where the others were already gathered, getting more nervous with every step.

"Are you sure this is okay?" Bella asked softly. "I really hate being a party crasher."

"Technically, you're a council meeting crasher." Jacob informed her, with a slight grin, then looked back at the gathering that was still a few feet away from them. "You see? The council, Dad, Quil's grampa and Sue Clearwater, she took over for Harry when he died."

The moment that Bella heard that this wasn't a party, and that it was a council meeting that she was to be attending, made her not want to be there even more. It was bad enough thinking that she was going to a party with people from Jacob's tribe, but a council meeting that, really, had nothing to do with her. She was certain that she should not be there. "Okay, I should not be here." She said as she stopped and turned to Jake.

"You're okay. I thought..." Jake said reassuringly, stopping a moment to take a breath, and figure out what he wanted to say, before continuing. "I mean, they thought it would be good for you to hear the histories."

"The histories?" Bella questioned, a bit puzzled for a brief second before realization struck. "You mean, the tribe's histories? Aren't they secret?"

"We've all got a role to play, and you're part of this." Jacob explains then looking back to the the group of people seated around the fire. "I mean, it is the first time Seth, Leah and Quil'll hear them, too. But you are the first outsider. Ever."

With that, Jake began walking again towards the gathering, Bella felt compelled to follow along with him. Knowing that the tribal elders were going to be telling the legends of the Quileute and how they came into contact with the 'Cold Ones'. Even though she was told that it was not only her first time hearing the legends, but it was going to be Leah, Seth and Quil's first time hearing them as well. Still she felt awkward hearing these, considering she was the first 'Pale Face' to be invited to hear them. Bella knew that Jacob was trying to make her feel better about being there, but it wasn't helping.

"If I had known that, I would have, like... I don't know, dressed better."

"Jake!" a young male voice interrupted, causing the pair to look up. They saw a young teen jog up to them with a smile on his face. "It's about time you got here. Paul's been hoovering the grub, but I saved you some burgers."

"Good looking out, bro." Jakee nodded before turning to Bella. "Bella, this is Seth Clearwater, Leah's brother. Newest member of the pack."

Bella smiled and offered her hand to Seth who eagerly took it, shaking her hand with a big smile on his face before they dropped one another's hand.

"Newest, Bestest, Brightest." Seth smiled.

"And slowest." Jake added as he caught the younger boy in a head lock.

Seth was able to escape the head lock with ease. When he emerged Seth still had a smile on his face. "Come on, your dad's about to start." He told them before jogging back to his spot next to his sister.

Once Bella and Jacob completed their short journey to the fire, they took their seats next to one another directly acrossed the fire from Leah and Seth. Bella scooted closer to Jacob in order to share his warmth during the tale that she was about to hear about Jacob's ancestors, as told by, Billy, Jacob's father.

"The Quileutes have been a small tribe from the beginning, but we have always had magic in our blood. We were great spirit warriors, shape-shifters that transformed to the powerful wolf. This enabled us to scare off our enemies and protect our tribe. One day, our warriors came across a creature. It looked like a man, but it was hard like stone and cold as ice. Our warriors' sharp teeth finally tore it apart, but only fire would completely destroy it. They lived in fear that the cold man was not alone. And they were right. She took her vengeance out on the village. Our elder chief, Taha Aki, was the only spirit warrior left to save the tribe after his son was killed. Taha Aki's third wife could see that he would lose, the third wife was no magical being, with no special powers but one, courage. The third wife's sacrifice distracted the cold woman long enough for Taha Aki to destroy her. She saved the tribe." Billy explained the story to the gathering.

As Bella listened to Billy tell the story of his ancestor's actions, she could not help but envision Taha Aki's third wife who sacrificed herself in order to distract the vampire long enough for her husband to attack and kill the creature. Saving the tribe, through her sacrifice. It was an amazing story, and Bella couldn't help but feel sad for, and yet proud of, the third wife being so brave. She only hoped that she could be that strong, that brave, if she were ever put in a situation like that.

"Over time, our enemies have disappeared. But one remains, the 'Cold Ones'. Our magic awakens when they're near, and we sense it now. We feel the threat in our blood. Something terrible is coming, and we must all be ready, all of us." Billy concluded the telling of his peoples history.

Taking in a few deep breaths, Bella looked up from the fire to where Leah Clearwater sat. The two girl's eyes met, and locked onto one another. Both girls took in sharp breaths, as they were pulled into a vision of, what seemed to be, their future. Together. The vision showed them both everything they wanted: Happiness, Love, and Family. When they came out of their shared moment, Bella felt an instant, magnetic pull towards the female wolf across the fire from her, she could not make herself look away. It was then when Bella realized how truly beautiful Leah was. She could not overcome the urge to continue to look into the most beautiful eyes she had ever seen, and by the look in Leah's eyes she knew she couldn't look away either.

That was until a loud voice interrupted their moment, causing them both to break eye contact.

"Leah, WHAT THE HELL!" Jake bellowed, jumping to his feet next to Bella, which caused the smaller girl to jump from the sudden outburst.

Seeing Bella's reaction to Jacob, Leah jumped to her feet just as fast as the wolf had. She moved to protect what was now her's. She locked her dark eyes on the male wolf across the fire from her, glaring daggers into him. "You know I had no control over it Jake!"

The whole pack knew what had just transpired before their very eyes. Everyone knew what had just occurred, everyone that is except Bella. Bella wasn't quite sure what had happened, or what was happening. What was she feeling for Leah, how had her feelings for this girl she barely knew grown so strong so suddenly? She felt stronger about her than she had ever felt about anyone, or anything before. These thoughts would have to wait cause Jake was yelling at Leah now.

"How could you? You knew how I felt about her!" Jacob bellowed over the fire.

"I'm sorry. Trust me, if I had a say in this Jake, she wouldn't have been my first choice!" Leah growled back over the flames, her eyes flicked to the side of the other wolf and she instantly regretted the words she had just uttered.

Bella didn't know why the two were arguing all of the sudden, but she did know that hearing those words come from Leah hurt her as if she had been slapped across the face. It was obvious that Leah was feeling the same pain from those same words, when the two girls eyes met briefly. Leah wanted nothing more than to run to Bella and wrap the younger girl in her warm embrace and comfort her pain, but she knew she couldn't back down from Jacob. Not until she and the other wolf had said their peace.

"You're lying! You already admitted that you didn't care who you imprinted on. You just wanted to get away from the feelings you had for Sam!" Jake ranted, his body was beginning to shake from the barely controlled anger filling him. Everyone knew what was coming if he couldn't get control over himself.

"Jacob. Calm Down." Sam said, in his firm Alpha voice.

Hearing the Alpha command, Jacob immediately obeyed the best he could, relaxing fractionally. Jacob tried to calm himself, but it really wasn't working. Considering that he couldn't get over the fact the one girl he loved more than anything, the girl that he had hoped to imprint upon, had been swooped right out from under him. And by Leah Clearwater! Jake was livid, only controlling his emotions with the aid of Sam's command. Still he struggled not to phase and rip Leah to shreds. Jacob took a couple of ragged deep breaths, before grabbing Bella's arm, jerking her to her feet, not realizing that he was venting some of his pent up anger on her.

"It's time to go, Bella." Jake hissed through gritted teeth, as he started pulling her away from the campfire.

"Ow! Jacob, you're hurting me." Bella winced at the pain in her arm as he dragged her away.

Just seeing Jacob manhandling 'her' girl like that made Leah shake with rage, barely able to control herself, until she heard Bella's pained voice. In an instant she closed the distance between herself and her pained mate, and source of mates pain. She tore Jacob's hand from Bella's arm. She quickly positioned herself between her mate and the wolf that had hurt her.

"Keep your hands off of her Jake!" Leah snarled, in warning.

It was in that same moment that rest of the pack stood from their positions around the fire. All of them responding to the instinctual call to protect their packmates imprint, from anyone or anything that may harm it. Right now it was Jacob who was harming Leah's imprint, Bella. Jake immediately stopped himself from challenging Leah as soon as he noticed the reaction of his brethren. Turning away from Leah's glare, Jake glanced towards Bella who was cradling her injured arm, instantly he felt guilty for harming her the way he had.

"Bella, I am so sorry..." He began to apologize, stepping towards the his injured friend. He was stopped short when Leah stepped between him and her mate. Jake stared at the she-wolf before him, trying to calm his own inner wolf, before shaking his head. "No. I'm not going to let you take her from me."

Bella still didn't understand what was going, but she knew that she was the center of it, seeing Leah and Jacob arguing over her. Why Leah was involved was beyond her, but she truly didn't care anymore. Especially after seeing the way the older girl had pushed Jacob away from her after he had hurt her. Bella was certain that Leah was trying to protect her, and she was happy for the protection, Jacob was starting to scare her. Bella realized that she wouldn't want anyone else, but Leah standing up for her right now. Bella knew that something had changed between and Leah, the way she looked at the older girl and by the looks of things the way the older girl felt about her. It seemed as if Leah had become her everything in that one instant.

Leah clenched her fists while she stared down the younger wolf, letting him know that she was not backing down. She couldn't, not after hearing Jake say that he would be fighting this imprint all the way, something that she knew that he would do from her own experiences. The she had felt after Sam had imprinted on Emily, how she had pined after Sam, hoping that her love for him would help him overcome the imprinting, and he would come back to her, but it wasn't going to happen. He gave into the imprinting, once you've done that you're hooked. That was also the reason she wasn't going to fight this imprint, she was going to let it take over. Like Jacob had said, she had wanted to find someone to imprint, she didn't care who it was, all she wanted to do was get Sam off her mind. Of course, she hadn't expected her soul-mate to be Bella, or any other girl for that matter, but she had imprinted, now her thoughts were filled with the beautiful brunette that was standing behind her, not Sam, not anymore, it was Bella and only Bella. She was not going to let this feeling go away, she finally felt happy.

No one was going to take this feeling, this happiness away from her. That meant no one was going to take her Bella away from her. Bella was hers, not Jacob's, most certainly not that over-sized tick Edward Cullen's. That's when Leah realized, she wasn't just going to have to fight Jake for her Bella, but also that blood sucking oaf Edward, who was still technically dating her mate. The last part was something that was going to change very soon, she was not going to have her Bella around those leeches anymore.

"Leah! Jacob! Enough!" Sam ordered, as he moved towards the stand off. He looked at his ex and took a deep breath. He remembered the love he once had for her, and felt awful for hurting her the way he had, but he couldn't help it. But seeing the way that Leah was protecting Bella, her imprint, made him feel happy for her, she had finally something to live for rather than merely existing for the memory of him. "Leah, take Bella home."

"what!? No way! I'm taking her home. I brought-" Jake's yell fell short as Sam shot him a stern look. When the Alpha spoke the pack listened, Jake knew this and he shut up.

"I'm sorry, Jacob, but Leah and Bella have a lot to talk about." Sam knew that Bella was clueless as to what was going on, and it was only right that Leah should be the one to explain it. The two needed to get to know one another. He turned back to Leah, gave her a nod and said, "Go on."

She nodded her head but her eyes never left Jacob. Taking a few steps backwards, because she wasn't ready to turn her back on Jacob just yet. She knew she would be okay with Sam there next to her, but she wanted to show the younger wolf that she was letting this go. When she finally turned around, she walked over to Bella and looked down at her mate's wounded arm, which was being cradled by Bella's other hand. Leah's eyes searched Bella's for a moment, trying to ensure that she was alright, before actually asking the question out loud. By the way the younger girl looked she could tell that her arm still hurt, that worried Leah. Instead of checking Bella's injuries right there, Leah decided it would be best to look at it once they were up at the car, that way she could be sure they were away from Jacob. The two walked in silence the whole way up to the black Blazer that was parked next to Billy's truck.

The pair stopped at the passenger side door and Bella slowly turned around when she felt Leah's hand gently on her arm. Their eyes met once again as Leah began to gently slide the sleeve of Bella's jacket up her injured arm so she could see the damage that had been done. Leah's dark eyes remained on the shorter girl until she had the sleeve rolled all the way up, only then did she look down at the large bruise on her mate's arm. The bruise was in the shape of Jacob's hand, it was a dark purplish color with hints of green. Leah's throat let out a growl that she could not suppress.

Bella looked up at the tall beautiful girl in front of her, hearing her growl and seeing the look on her face, it was easy to tell that Leah was pissed. It was comforting for Bella to know that she cared that she had gotten hurt, but Bella still did not understand what had happened back at the campfire. "Leah." Bella murmured softly, trying to get her attention. Leah's eyes rose to meet hers. "What happened back at there?", Bella asked.

Chapter 1!

I hope that everyone enjoyed this first chapter. I'm hoping to have more written and posted as soon as possible. Sooner if I get some feedback, it always helps to get some feedback. Please let me know what you thought and if you would like to read more.
