Hey! Sorry for this taking so long! I promise I'll go quicker next time! Just to let you know, I love this chapter because... Ingrid. And also, I looooooove writing Santana like this. She's so cute and vulnerable. Next chapter is one to look forward to :) I'm thinking Santana and Nicole have a sleepover and they talk about a lot...

5 am and it's cold. I hate Coach Sylvester more than anything. We're just running laps right now and I'm really close to falling asleep. Suddenly I feel a tap on my shoulder and I see wide awake Brittany smiling at me.

"Hey Captain." she says with a giggle. As if I hadn't told her I loved her and as if she hadn't broken my heart.

"Hey sexy... Have you dumped transformer and decided you wanted to get on this instead yet?"

I didn't want to say it. That's just what came out of my mouth.

I kind of felt bad when I saw her frown.

"No..." she mumbled.

I just kept running. I would apologize... But she hurt me...

After practice, I went to go take a shower. I put the water as hot as it can go and got in. It burned a bit but truthfully I didn't care. I sang silently, feeling the water fall when I heard someone saying my name. I popped my head out and some sophomore cheerio with an annoyed look on her face came and said "some chick is here to see you"

I smiled when Nicole walked in.

She laughed a bit and said "Sorry... I didn't mean to interrupt..."

I blushed a little and responded "It's fine..."

"I just didn't know where my homeroom was so I thought I'd look for you, since you're the only one I know."

"I'll be out in like a minute... Just wait for me and I'll help."

Nicole smiles and nods, "Alright, thanks."

We laughed all the way to her homeroom and then I smiled. "So I'll meet you at lunch?" I said to her once we reached the door.

"Sounds great."

"Alright bye."


I kept smiling while walking to my homeroom then Brittany stopped me. "Who's she?"

"She's new. Her name's Nicole."

"Well I'm your best friend." Brittany said jealously.

I gave her a look of disbelief before saying "Then start acting like one." and walking away.

At lunch I found Nicole sitting at a table by herself and I quickly went to sit next to her.

"Hey, Tana."

"Tana?" I said with a chuckle.

"Yeah... I thought of it last period... You don't mind right?"

So she was thinking about me. That's a good sign... I think. I just wish I knew if she was gay... But you can't just ask things like that.

"Santana?" she said, pulling me from my thoughts.

"Oh it's fine..."

"Then I'm so calling you Tana." she giggled.

It was adorable.

"Do it." I said with a laugh.

As soon as I went to take a bite of my sandwich, Brittany sat next to me.

"I'm gonna sit with you, Sanny." she said with a bright smile.

Obviously her way of trying to make things up to me.

Nicole gave me a look and I cleared my throat before I turned to Brittany and asked, "Is Wheels coming?"


A guilty frown.

He was coming.

"Then, I'd rather just sit here with Nicole. Bye, B..."

"Bye..." she mumbled sadly and walked away, over to the table with Berry, Tina and Frankenteen.

"Harsh..." Nicole mumbled giving me a look of confusion.

"It's complicated." I said with a sigh.

"So I've heard..."

I just nodded and started eating again. In no time Nicole had me laughing again.

She doesn't push.

"Seriously though, you're auditioning for glee club during free period." I said with a smirk.

"Hell no! I'm not good, okay?"

"You're like REALLY good and you have to find something to do so, why not glee?"

She hesitated before agreeing and I smiled widely.

"Now an audition song." I said, pulling out my iPod.

She stopped me and smirked proudly before saying, "I already have something in mind."

During Free period I went to go find Nicole and I pulled her to the choir room.

"Mr Schue, this is Nicole. She just move here and her voice is incredible so I convince her to audition."

"That's great, Santana." he said with a smile and he shook Nicole's hand gently.

"Nice to meet you." she said with a smile and shook his hand back.

"Great! More backup singers for me!" Rachel said proudly.

"Listen Berry, my girl Nicole here could out sing you any day and truthfully, I could too. But we all just act like we don't know it so we don't have to deal with your issues, ya hear? So if you could do us all a favor and stop acting like the only star in this damn club then maybe I'd do you the favor of being nicer."

Rachel just didn't say anything and leaned back in her seat, she stared at

Santana but Santana just ignored it, so she wouldn't get annoyed as easily.

Nicole just sighed and continued "So um... I'm gonna sing Overboard by Ingrid


Ingrid Michelson. So she's an Ingrid girl... She's good. Real poetic, I guess.

I haven't heard this one though...

That's when she started to sing.

I could write my name by the age of three

And I don't need anyone to cut my meat for me.

I'm a big girl now, see my big girl shoes.

It'll take more than just a breeze to make me...

She looked at me as she sang this an my heart started to race

Fall over, fall over, fall overboard

Fall overboard just for you to catch me.

She looked away and my heart ached but hearing her beautiful voice healed it a bit

But as strong as I seem to think I am my distressing damsel,

She comes out at night when the moon's filled up and your eyes are bright,

Then I think I simply aught to...

She looks back over at me and I smile, she smiles back...

Fall over, fall over, fall overboard, overboard.

Fall overboard so you can catch me.

You can catch me.

She said that last line to me. It clearly was to me. She looked me straight in the eyes and said it...she has to feel the same way.

I watch the ships go sailing by I be your girl will you be my guy

And I never thought I'd be the type to fall, to fall, to fall to fall

To fall over, to fall over, to fall overboard, overboard

Fall overboard so you can catch me.

You can catch me, you can catch me, you can catch-

She looks away.

I watch the ships go sailing by I be your girl will you be my guy.

And I never thought I'd be the type to fall, to fall.

To fall, to fall, to fall...

She looks at Mr. Schue to see if he was pleased and I could tell he was...

To fall over, to fall over, fall overboard, overboard.

Fall overboard so you could catch me.

She looked into my eyes as she said this to me and only me.

You can catch me, you can catch me.

The room bursted into applause as she finished. My heart has never beaten that fast.

"Amazing! Truly amazing," Mr. Schue said shaking Nicole's hand, "Welcome aboard!"

She smiled widely and said a quick thank you before hugging me with happiness.

The whole time I was speechless.

Nicole walked down the hallway the next day going to class when Brittany stopped her

"Hi Nicole..." she said with a scowl.

"Um Hi... Brittany, right?"

Brittany nodded and said "What's going on with you and Santana?"

"What do you mean what's going on? She's my friend and the only one I've got so far so..."

"Well she's mine..." Brittany said with a glare.

"Judging by the way she treats you I wouldn't be so sure..." Nicole said smugly and just walked away, leaving Brittany looking at her shocked.