"I don't know!" Rigby defended, "Weird stuff happens at the park all the time!"

Honestly, Benson should be used to the supernatural magics and mayhem that occur in the reality-defying park that they all call home. A creek on fire couldn't even begin to compare to unleashing beasts from another dimension the massive amounts of time travel that Mordecai and Rigby found themselves participating in probably much more than they needed. When those paradoxes would kick in was still a mystery...

"GET OUT." Benson howled.

Rigby's eyes went wide, knowing all too well that this job is what basically held his life intact for the time being, despite how shitty it was. "Dude! Please! I'm sorry!" the raccoon pleaded. If he lost this job, he'd have no source of income for food and necessities, let alone somewhere to live.

And don't even begin to suggest that Rigby go live with his brother Don. The raccoon would rather die in the streets alone than feed his brother's modest ego like that.

"NO! I'M SO FED UP WITH YOU." Benson spat, throwing his clipboard on the ground in rage and pointing a finger towards the park's gates. "GET OUT. NOW."

"Please, Benson! I'll do anything!" Rigby begged with tears in the corner of his eyes.

The gumball machine's fumes died down quickly as his sadistic brain went to work on ideas. Benson gave a wide grin to the raccoon."Anything?"

"Anything." Rigby repeated.

The gumball machine forced the mammal onto all fours from behind, lifting up the raccoon's tail so his bright, pink ring of muscle was clear in sight.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Rigby burst out, only to have one of his boss' metal fingers pressed against his lips as the two remained in silence. Benson twisted the crank above his crotch without a word. The duo listened to the gumball roll down the machine's spiral slope and finally stop against his door.

Benson opened the compartment, pulling out a bright pink gumball, holding it out towards that other male's puzzled face. "Suck it." Benson explained.

"I'm not putting one of your gumballs into my mouth." Rigby frowned.

"I thought you'd do anything to keep this job." the gumball machine reminded, "If not, I can always take care of that."

Rigby stubbornly frowned, allowing the fruity-tasting piece of gum into his mouth. While the candy didn't even taste bad, it was the fact that it was Benson's that had Rigby struggling to so much to ignore everything that was happening.

"Spit." the gumball machine commanded. That part Rigby had no problem with, allowing the ball of gum to roll from his mouth and out onto Benson's hand.

Benson took the wet piece of candy and began to trace around the mammal's hole.

Rigby clenched his eyes shut, whimpering quietly to himself as the gumball went in circles around his entrance. He'd completely seen this coming, but that wasn't what bothered him most about this whole situation. What did was rather the fact that the raccoon's dick was beginning to grow harder with every complete lap around his ass. Surely he wouldn't be able to... er- climax knowing that it was Benson who'd be the cause, right?

The machine pressed the ball of candy against Rigby's pucker until it popped in, the small mammal giving a shiver upon feeling the man's cold, metallic finger against his hole.

"How many more?" Rigby groaned.

"How much do you want to keep your job?" Benson answered sharply, twisting his crank until another pink gumball rolled out his slot. Benson caught the candy in his hand, reaching around and having Rigby wet the ball with his mouth once more.

"You're such a freaking perve."the raccoon let out as his boss forced another piece of candy into his ass. Rigby's tail couldn't help but twitch as each gumball was added, the same process being repeated. The raccoon found himself more and more humiliated with every cycle.

Rigby's cock pulsed in excitement and drooled for attention. Benson chuckled, took yet another gumball from his slot, grabbed the raccoon's eager tool, and wiped the small mammal's excess precum on the candy before offering it to Rigby.

"Dude, what that hell?!" the raccoon let out.

"No arguing." Benson answered flatly.

The male hesitated for a few moments, knowing that any refusals would lead to his ultimate expulsion from the park. But shouldn't Rigby have more self-respect than to allow his boss to take advantage of him with this form of blackmail? Or was the raccoon secretly enjoying this himself.

"Good." Benson chuckled as Rigby opened his mouth, rolling the gumball around with his tongue. Hell, the pre barely made a difference to the sweet, sugary taste of the gum. Rigby let the candy fall out of his mouth and into Benson's hand as his ass continued to be filled with yet another sticky ball of the gumball machine's candy.

"Seriously," the raccoon started, "How many more? It's been like twenty already."

"It's been nine," Benson corrected, "And it's just going to continue so long as you keep up this whining I'm so sick of hearing." the gumball machine sighed. Benson turned his slot just as he'd done all the other times, but additionally let out a small moan himself, shivering as the gumball hit against the metal door of his slot.

Rigby gave his boss an odd look, as well as one to the white gumball that the machine retrieved. Benson held the candy to Rigby's face, but after that display of ecstasy that Benson had just put on, the raccoon wasn't sure he wanted to continue any further.

"What's this?" he asked.

"Something to shut you up." Benson muttered.

The mammal cautiously allowed the gum into his mouth, immediately noticing the distinct change of taste. While the pink gumballs had tasted fruity, it truly came as no surprise to Rigby that the white candy tasted strongly of the cum the raccoon was all too familiar with.

"Chew." the gumball machine added, Rigby nodding and slowly lowering his teeth down onto the gumball, feeling as the sugar easily broke under his jaw. Though, to the mammal's surprise, a warm fluid leaked into his mouth from the candy's core.

"That's so weird." Rigby quietly chewed.

Benson let out a deep breath. "You're still talking?" he groaned.

"You think you'd be nicer to a guy after he takes NINE of your stupid gumballs into his ass to satisfy your disgusting perversion. Not to mention that I chewed one of your-"

"Don't say it." Benson cut in instantly.

"One of your-." Rigby persisted.


"ONE OF YOUR CUMBALLS." the raccoon burst out, refusing to let his terrible play on words go unheard. Benson further sighed to himself once more as Rigby let out a laugh. "Hey, that was good though!"

"You act like I haven't heard that one before." Benson grumbled. "Anyways..." the machine continued, twisting his crank twice around this time, letting out a louder outburst than before and gasping for breath.

A pair of 'clinks' were heard, and out popped two more of the white gumballs for Rigby to chew to his heart's content. The raccoon didn't put up much of an argument at this point, almost welcoming the candy into his mouth.

"Your turn to get off." Benson murmured, adding another pink gumball to the raccoon's ass while Rigby continued to loudly chew his gum without a word. The mammal certainly felt more full at this point than he probably ever could with the blue jay. Mordecai didn't feel this big, though Rigby supposed that maybe the lack of thrusts and sexual was a considerable downfall to all of this; it was all more like foreplay.

Regardless of all that, Rigby's cock was still hard and twitching violently as each gumball was pressed into his pucker.

It was lucky number fifteen that put enough pressure onto the raccoon's prostate to have him spontaneously orgasm hands-free. The sporadic tensing of Rigby's body caused the candy to pop out one by one from his hole while his own seed was spurted in thick ropes onto the ground.

"Ahh-..." Rigby whimpered, nearly choking on the candy in his mouth as each piece of gum slipped out of his ass.

"I guess that's good enough." Benson sighed, standing up.

Rigby however, found his body completely weak, legs refusing to cooperate with him. The raccoon fell back down upon trying to get up, letting out another groan as his dick squirted out even more jets of cum.

Benson couldn't help but chuckle to himself at the sight of Rigby laying fatigued in a puddle of his own seed, surrounded by a mass amount of his discarded gumballs. The raccoon could be so pathetic at times that it dare reached the point of being cute.

"Clean up this mess or you're fired."

Holy fucking shit call for help. Don't worry, I'm pretty disappointed in myself also. But if there was even one; one single boner out there, my job here is done.

I'll probably never get around to writing straight stuff, sorry. Too much of a faggot.

If there's any other m/m pairing you want, suggest it and perhaps I'll get around to writing it some time in 2014.

Hah, get it? I'm fucking slow.