My Dear readers it had been long and I have discovered a new obssession. Repo! The Genetic Opera.

So now due to legal reasons I must place a disclaimer.


Beauty in Negative Spaces.

"Its hard to find beauty in negative spaces." she mumbled into the night walking around Crucifixus like a lost puppy, it had been almost a week since that fateful opera. Each memory stung her with an almost unbearable pain in the pit of her stomach. Probably the withdrawal she thought, she had read about withdrawal in her fathers medical books. She still hadn't returned to the daunting house she had been sequestered in, nor did she know how to get there.

"Hey sweet pea do I know you from somewhere?" a Z-addict muttered from the nearby corner. She shook her head, her wig tangled and caked with blood from her father and godmother. She hadn't gotten a chance to bathe, obviously, in a week. Maybe she could find the one person she could trust, the one person who knew his way around the city.

"Do you know a man they call Graverobber?" she had to find him… soon. She wanted to get out of this bloodied get up and get some sleep in her own bed, and sleep with the window open. She wanted to get rid of all of the relics of her father's secret life and her dead mother, all of the medical equipment that kept her bound to her bedroom.

"Of course I do. Come on." He drawled obviously Z hungry. She didn't enjoy the twenty minute walk with the addict, because he wouldn't stop commenting on how familiar she looked to him. She looked familiar to everyone, she was 'That Wallace Kid' that covered the headlines for all of five minutes until Amber showed up with her cavalry of bullshit and a pretty new face paid for by her dead father. She walked beside the addict into the extremely familiar alleyway filled with the scents of cheap perfume and death. Neither of which were great smells in themselves, but mixed she was prepared to hurl all over the place.

"Zydrate comes in a little glass vial!" his familiar voice filled the alley as Z-addicts hiding in every corner of the alley came out to smile their one-hundred percent plastic smiles at him. "Who needs a hit?" the addicts bunched around him, including her guide. And the Zydrate gun goes somewhere against your anatomy, and when the gun goes off it SPARKS and your ready for surgery… Her inner voice whispered. This is sick, sick, sick business Shilo don't go and ask him for help. "Shut the hell up." she mumbled to her inner self. You can find a more reliable source than a, drug dealing, grave robbing, stranger you barely know. She growled.

"Graverobber you know I always get my hit first." Amber Sweet, most powerful woman in all of Crucifixus still getting Z'd up, although she had the largest store of Z all to herself. "I can wait until they are all gone then I ask for help." Shilo whispered to herself. Amber has it out for you, if he knows where you are he could tell her where you will be hiding. "Didn't I tell you to shut up?" she buried her face in her palms, and dozed off for a good half hour.

She awoke from her quick nap to find the alley almost empty and Graverobber sitting atop a dumpster. She spoke loud and firm. "Hey… you." He replied quickly. "I'm out of Z if that's what you're looking for." she stepped out of the shadow. "Kid is that you?" she rolled her eyes. "Yeah and you can call me Shilo. I need help getting home."

I would love some reviews of the first chapter. It can help me out a lot.