Here is the next and final chapter finally. Sorry for the long wait.

Again I own nothing.


The rest of the week passed pretty much uneventfully. Harry continued to talk with Snape and hear stories about his mum and got to actually know him. And Harry behaved himself around Malfoy. He realized that he really couldn't get away with anything around him.

But Harry had yet to sleep well. It was starting to put a toll on him. He could feel himself slipping sometimes like he was about to black out. He just hoped Rodolphus would be home soon so he could get a good night's sleep. After all he just had one ore day. Rodolphus would be home tomorrow afternoon.

Harry pulled himself out of bed and got dressed before dragging himself downstairs. He didn't want to anger Malfoy but, he really wished he could just stay in bed.


Lucius glanced at his watch as he and Severus waited for Harry to come down for breakfast. He sighed and stood up. "I hope Mr. Potter has a good excuse for being late for breakfast. I thought we had gotten past all this."

Lucius walked out of the dining room and started heading upstairs when he saw Harry standing at the top of them frozen. Lucius called Severus to him.

"Severus help Harry to bed. I'll get the cool cloth for his head."


Harry felt himself coming to. He also felt someone patting his forehead and with a cool cloth and stroking his hair. He groaned softly and pulled the covers over his head. He may have been learned to tolerate Malfoy but he didn't want him comforting him. He wanted his Rodolphus. He didn't want anyone else.

"Harry please come out from under the blanket." Harry knew that voice. He hoped he wasn't just imagining it. He slowly peaked out and smiled seeing Rodolphus there. He slowly sat up as Rodolphus placed a gentle kiss on his lips. Harry kissed him back and rested against Rodolphus who had been sitting on the bed beside him.

Rodolphus grabbed a bowl of vanilla ice cream that had been sitting beside the bed and started feeding Harry. "How are you feeling now?" He asked Harry feeling his forehead.

"Like I'm hallucinating. Have I been out for a day?" Harry didn't care though. He had his master back. "No when Lucius found that you had blacked out he contacted me and I was able to come back early. I worried about you while I was away and hearing that you weren't doing well I had to come back." Harry took the bowl of ice cream and set it beside the bed.

"I missed you so much." Harry said as he wrapped his arms around Rodolphus neck. He went to kiss him but Rodolphus place a hand on his mouth. "I'm glad you're feeling better Harry. But I need to know how you've been for Lucius." Rodolphus said as he gently made Harry let him go.

Harry pouted sitting back. "You would keep love from me if I've misbehaved?" Rodolphus raised an eyebrow and shook his head. "Harry now you know that's not what I said. Haven't I told you not to put words in my mouth?" Rodolphus had a hard time to resist holding Harry close and making up for the missed time but, he couldn't reward Harry if he had been misbehaving.

"It's not like I was going to behave better for him than I do for you." Harry was really worried that Rodolphus would be disappointed in the way he had acted. "I've been well behaved for the past few days. I wasn't punished for a few days now. But the first couple days I was mad that you left me behind so I rebelled."

Rodolphus stood up. "Would you like to admit what you did before I ask Lucius?" Harry bit his lip. He was afraid what Lucius would tell Rodolphus but knew it would probably be better just to admit it. "He spanked me a lot the first day because I said I wasn't going to come down for dinner and eat. But it was just a fib. I was going to get food later. I just didn't want to eat with them. And then when I went down I kept back talking to him."

Harry didn't want to look at Rodolphus as he told him but, was afraid Rodolphus would see it as a sign of disrespect if he didn't. "And then the next day I was late for lunch and started snapping at him again. He likes spanking a lot more than you. I wasn't use to it." Rodolphus couldn't help but chuckle a little at that.

"Yes I hear he does. Now relax and Dotty will bring you some real food while I talk to Lucius." Rodolphus left the room and Dotty came in with a sandwich and soup for Harry. "Thank you." He said softly and started eating. He was really worried what Malfoy was telling Rodolphus.

A few minutes later Rodophus walked into Harry's room as Harry was setting his empty tray aside. Harry looked up at him concerned. "It seems Lucius thinks you were corrupting Severus into misbehaving. But he says that you behaved better than expected. So I have your surprise for you." Rodolphus stepped out of the room and came back in with a little black kitten.

"I've gotten a kitten for my kitten." Harry smiled as he took the little kitten kissing it. He smiled more as he felt Rodolphus sit by him and hold him close. "Now if I have to leave you while I go on a business trip again I will leave you in Lucius' care again and I do expect you to be better behaved since you've already tested his limits." He gave Harry a stern look and Harry nodded guilty. "that being said if I must leave for so long again I will bring you with me. I was afraid that you would get bored but, I also don't want to cause you stress."

Harry smiled and kissed him with all the love he felt for his master. "I'm still tired master. Will you stay with me until I fall asleep?" Rodolphus smiled and picked Harry up. "I'll do better. I'll take you to our room and stay with you till you wake up. I haven't slept well lately either."

"Thank you. I miss sleeping in there with you. The first night I almost fell asleep in there. It helped me deal with missing you." Rodolphus laid down with Harry and rubbed his back. "I'm sorry. I thought it would make you miss me more. I won't keep you from sleeping in here next time." Harry nodded and laid his kitten down as he cuddled closer to Rodolphus falling asleep. Rodolphus rubbed Harry's back until he himself fell asleep.


Thank you for reading. I will start working on the prequel soon where Harry and Rodolphus meet.