And this, my dear friends, is a new little oneshot collection in George's third person POV. A 'memory collection' of sorts. The very last one will be Fred's funeral. Other than that, it'll jump around in time. :)

George sat up, glancing around at the other boys. He was just a little homesick. Hogwarts had been fun the few hours he'd been there, but he still missed home.

He could talk to Fred. That always made him feel better.

George slipped out of his bed, wincing as his bare feet touched the cold floor. Fred's bed was disturbingly far away. George wasn't used to not being able to roll over and touch his shoulder.

Okay, their beds weren't that close together, and they'd stopped sleeping in the same bed when they were seven. But still. It was weird.

George shook Fred's arm. "Fred. Fred, wake up," he hissed, glancing around the room. Lee muttered something in his sleep, but nobody woke up.

"What?" Fred muttered, face pressed into his pillow.

"Fred, I'm cold."

"Percy'll know what to do. Go ask him," Fred said, sitting up.

"Come with me."

Fred bit his lip, glancing at George's bed. "Just grab your stuff and come over here. I'm kind of cold, too."

George nodded and grabbed all of his blankets and pillows, almost tripping and falling. Fred scooted way over to the left side of the bed and George slipped into the right, piling blankets on top of both of them. They both fell asleep almost immediately, comforted by the warmth of their other half.

Soon, George's bed became fairly unused. When they went home for Christmas, it was too weird to sleep away from each other, and they ended up piling into Fred's rather tiny bed.

They managed to stop this habit just before entering their third year. It was time to 'grow up.'

George Weasley didn't truly grow up until his other half died.

Fred Weasely never grew up.

Um. Yeah. That's short, but I'm sure there'll be some long ones in there. Some long was and short ones, like this one. :)

Oh, and updating for this -

This will be updated when I don't have Straight A's. Like at the moment. No Straight A's = no anime = no inspiration for anime fanfiction = excuse to procrastinate updating Of Eyepatches and Revenge.

So, if you like this, root for me to continue to have an 88 in French. x3