Chapter 23: The final fight

I stood there, my mind asking a hundred questions. Gem smiled, I don't know what to say, I felt like crying.


"My job is to eliminate you, I don't like repeating myself." Soul glares.

"Then quit repeating and start talking!" Gem gives a wicked smile.

"Maka, though young you are very powerful. Having the potential to make a death scythe, like your father." She walks closer. I walk back alittle. What is happening? What's going on? Why is she saying this? Will I die? Or am I dreaming? I grab Soul's sleeve. Gem giggles.

"Funny how things work out. Last time I checked you two weren't so close. Well not THAT close." I cover my eyes, am I going to cry?

"Well I wasn't expecting this, my plan was to have you all alone, but..." She runs up and slaps me, I stumble back.

"YOU HAD TO BE WITH YOUR DAMN WEAPON!" She started running at me again.

"You are a threat to our kind yet you run away like a little wuss!" She jumps back, Soul tried to hit her.

"Heh what loyalty." Soul looks back at me. I shook my head, even for defence, we can't. She isn't on the list.

"Not going to change... wow easier than I thought." She spreads her hands out.

"Ladies and Gentlemen! Get ready for the grand finale!" She started glowing.

"After all the shit I had to go through, tonight Maka Albarn DIES!" What is this feeling, her soul... I never felt Gem's soul before... WAIT!

"Prepare yourself, I am..." Her outfit changes, a strapless top with a zigzag pattern above her belly and a skirt that goes down to her knees. Her wrists were covered and she wore high heels, she waves her hand at the top of her head, which a hat appeared.

"Dark Diamond Witch, Gem Lozenge!" Her soul, I-I could... hehe. I fell to the ground. It's huge, she's strong, magic... everywhere. Soul looks at me.

"RUBY STRIKE!" I got hit with a strong magic spell.

"MAKA!" I felt Soul next to me.

"Maka you okay?" I cough up blood.

"Damn, Soul... change." He transforms into a scythe. I look at Gem.

"Oh my feeling brave aren't we?" I ran up at her, she made a magic shield that was shaped like a diamond. She pushed me back.

"Do you really think a pathetic move like that would kill me, for a kishin, possibly, but for a witch? HA you have a lot to learn." She jumps in the air.

"Maka it's a simple aerial attack, when ready spin me." I nod.

"LAPIS ATTACK!" I waited for her aerial attack. Out of nowhere the ground began to shake. A giant stone appeared from the ground and about toppled over on me, I crawled away, some rock hit my leg, I yelp in pain.

"Oh you're still alive?" I tried to push the rock off my leg.


"I CAN'T!" I look at Soul. He mumbles.

"Shit." Gem floats down.

"Hold still now." I kept on pushing at the rock. Damn damn damn, get off my leg!

"Moonstone." A large diamond hit me , the large stone was crushing me, I was stuck, I will soon die.

"MAKA!" I felt Soul break the stone, hearing the scraping noise, between the rock and the blade. The rock was off my leg.

"Maka, Maka wake up. Come on dammit wake up!" I open my eyes a bit...

"Gem... ?" Soul looks up at Gem.

"Aw just getting to the good part." Soul sat me up.

"Your leg?" Soul grabs my leg, I flinch.

"Soul I think I broke my leg." I stood but fell, shit! I look at Soul.

"Change back into a scythe!" "Wait... are you insane?" I smile.

"I thought you knew me better." Soul sighs and changes into a scythe. I stuck him into the ground, slowly I stood up and leaned against him.

"Ready?" Gem smirks. We stare at eachother for a long time, her eyes glowed like gemstones.

"Emerald impact." Emeralds, or stones, started flying at me. I grab Soul out of the ground and started spinning him.

"Why do you keep fighting Maka, you're weak and injured." I stayed in one spot, if I try to walk I'll fall over and die. She sent more stones at me. I jumped out of the way and landed on one foot. ...ow ow ow ow! I look at Soul.

"How are we going to attack her, she's not going to come any closer." Soul changes and grabs me.

"You're going to hate me for this!" He picks me up and runs straight to Gem. We got close enough.

"What are you idiots doing?"

"NOW SOUL!" Soul changes and I swing the blade around her and shot her in the air. I brought her back down hard. I landed on one foot again. That really hurts! Gem got up, she was scratched, but that didn't stop her from attacking us.

"Maka we have to run!"

"And what let her kill me later? No thanks!" I used Soul to block her magic attacks.

"Ruby, emerald, sapphire, topaz, diamond." She was ruthless, but what would you expect Maka she is a witch, focus!

"Soul I need to do an aerial attack."

"I can't jump that high Maka, I don't have lower body strength like you!" Fuck.

"Soul, we have to try something." I kept blocking attacks.

"Can you change when I'm a distance away?"

"Have no idea." I look at Gem.

"Throw me."


"Now Soul." Soul changes back and picks me up.

"Now as soon as you throw me, change back."

"Yeah yeah." Gem looks down at us.

"What's this?" Gem cocks her head. Soul threw me and changed, about slipped out of my hands, but I caught him just before we saw Gem.


"Think again." Her hands moved in front of her.

"Stabbing diamond." A diamond hit my shoulder, I swung Soul and cut her hip before I fell, I landed on my back.

"Geh." I stuck Soul in the ground again. Slowly I got up. Gem floats down and walks over to me. She lightly places her hand on my head.

"Now you fall." She pushes me and I fell.

"Now, it's over!" She started using magic, jewels formed in her hand. I glare at her.

"No, I will NOT die today!" I swung my legs around and tripped her, she fell. I got up, slowly and swung Soul around. I dug the blade in into her chest straight at her heart and soul. She began to scream in agony. I got Soul out of Gem, he changes back.

"Now it's over, I win." I about fell, Soul had to help me up. Gem glares at me, she tries to speak but her mouth is covered in blood. Soul spoke up.

"So we're finally getting a witches soul, one step closer." I nod, Gem clears her mouth.

"You know Maka, you are lucky." I was confused.

"You are a strong meister, you have good friends and a strong weapon. But what if I took that all away." I glare.

"What are you talking about?" She smiles. "Before I die, I cast one more spell." She waves her hand back and forth.

"Time." She casts the spell. Everything started changing, what's happening?

I look around, I walk around, where is it? The silence was broken, music began to play. I walk through into the room where the music came from. A boy was playing the piano, wait that's the boy, who threatened to kill me. What should I do, something tells me to go closer. I moved closer, quietly I listen to the song. He was getting so into the song. I walk closer and spoke.

"Hey." He turns his head.

"How long were you standing here?"

"Not that long, but long enough. Does that make any sense?" He shook his head.

"That sounds … stupid." I look at the side. He was right, that sounded stupid. I sway from side to side.

"Um... can I sit down?" He doesn't even look at me.

"Sure, nothings stopping you." I sat next to him on the bench. I listen to the song, every emotion, sadness the one that hides and alone, the one who cries for someone.

"This song." He looks at me, probably waiting for me to leave.

"I don't really understand it, but I like it." I smile.

"What's your name?" He looks at me like, are you serious?

"My name is Soul Eater, I am now introducing myself to Maka Albarn."

"That's me." He kept playing away.

"Hey Soul, why are you not collecting souls with your partner." He stops playing.

"I don't have a partner to make me into a death scythe, but eh I'm cool with it."

"You're a weapon?"

"Yeah why?" I grin.

"Are you thinking what I think your thinking?"

"Yep!" I stood up.

"Let me be your partner!" He smiles.

"You sure about this Maka?" I held my hand out.

"Will you let me be your meister Soul?" He looks at my hand then sighs.

"You got a deal Maka." Now my alone feeling is gone, I'm glad I met Soul, but now what will happen? Guess I just have to wait and see.



Maka: So now you have been on fanfic for a whole year.

Ah... no in Feb. It'll be a full year hehe

Well guess I should thank you, all of you fans for supporting and faving Why do I Love You. Now I guess I say good bye.

Liz: Awww that can't be!


All: Jadyn. What are you hiding?


*gun to the head*

OKAY OKAY I'M MAKING ANOTHER STORY! Check out my profile soon Kay?