Joshua sat on the old bed, wearing a pair of worn pants, the blankets pulled to his waist. He held his bible in his hand, reading the words that he had long since memorized. He glanced towards the elevator when he heard Alya's loud laugh echo through the suite. She stumbled into the room, bending her ankle in an awkward way and causing her to fall at the foot bed of the bed. She groaned and quickly pulled the heels off tossing them aside. She tried to stand up as gracefully as she could, whipping her hair back and smiling at, Joshua who raised his eyebrow. He carefully laid his book across his lap and watched the girl. Alya, turned around and awkwardly reached behind her back, trying to find her zipper to the tight dress.

"Come here." Joshua, sighed. Motioning to the girl.

She stumbled towards him, bending down so he could reach her target, he carefully pulled the zipper down. "Thank you." She slowly stood back up and slid the dress off her shoulders, letting it puddle around her feet.

"Have you been drinking?"

"Yes." She turned around and attempted to climb across the man to the empty part of the bed. "Are you just in your bandages?" She smiled as she looked from the man's chest to his face.


She straddled the man's waist and slowly pulled the blankets down. "Too bad." She replaced the blankets and put both her hands on the man's chest and slowly moved her face closer to his. She looked into the blue eyes while tugging at the wrapping that covered his mouth. She softly pushed her lips to his and closed her eyes. She slowly pulled away and looked down at, Joshua. "Do you ever take control?"

"Excuse me?"

"I expected you to be more... I don't know, hands on. For you to be the aggressor in these situations, to control me."

"Control you?"

She laughed. "I know it sounds so stupid." She sighed. "Do you remember in Zion, how you grabbed me and kissed me? I thought you would be more like that."

His brow furrowed as he looked up at her. "And you liked that?"

"Well yes, I trust you, Joshua." She smiled and touched his face. "I show you how I feel, but you never show me."

"You want me to show you?" He took the book from his stomach and laid it onto the floor.

"Yes." She smiled.

He grabbed the girl by her waist and quickly flipped her onto her back, pushing her legs open with his hands, running them down the inside of her thighs as he laid between. He pulled the worn bra until it gave way, tossing it aside. He tore the wrapping from his mouth and kissed the bare skin of her chest, causing her back to arch as she took a deep breath. He stopped and looked up at the girl before sliding off the bed and grabbing her legs, pulling her to end of the bed before wrapping his arms around her and pulling her against his chest. She clung to him, kissing his scared mouth as he carried her into the bathroom. She carefully pulled at the wrapping that covered his face, pulling it off his skin and letting it fall down his back. He slowly set her down on the floor before turning to the large shower and turning the tap while the girl continued to unwrap the thick white cotton. She kissed the burned skin that covered his back while she reached forward and fumbled with the button of his pants. He stopped the girl's hands and turned around, reaching behind her and grabbing her combat knife. He unbuttoned his pants and pushed them down before taking the knife and cutting down the wrappings. She smiled and gently took the blade from his hand, tossing it aside before turning back to, Joshua and wrapping her hands around his neck. They slowly walked into the shower, Alya kicking off the rest of her clothes as Joshua slowly dragged her into the shower. She watched the water as it ran down his scared face and between where their chests touched.

"Won't this hurt you?"

"That's what the water is for." He grabbed the back of the girl's thighs and lifted her off the floor. She quickly wrapped her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck. He pushed her against the cold glass that surrounded the shower. "Hold on to the top of that." He nodded up to the top of the glass.

She carefully gripped the edge and pulled a little bit of her weight off of him.

He slowly ran his hands down her stomach between them and slipped them between her legs, watching her face when his fingers buried inside her causing her to arch off the glass and push into his hand. He bit at the front of her neck as he worked the two fingers inside her, carefully pulling away and replacing his hand with himself. He gasped as he entered the girl, a sharp pain shooting through his body. He grabbed a hold of the girls hips, digging his fingers into her smooth flesh as he pushed inside of her hard, burying his face into her neck. Alya, moaned his name as her legs tightened around him, pulling him deeper inside her. Joshua ran his hand up her side and to her breast, cupping it in his hand and he plunged into her faster. She leaned forward and caught his lips with her own, massaging his tongue with hers. He pulled the girl away from the glass shower wall, causing her to let go and hold onto him, He wrapped his arms around the girls back and carried her towards her bed, carefully laying her down onto the old mattress. He leaned back onto his knees, pushing the girls legs open farther as he moved his hips. His eyes set on the girl and watching her face as she moaned and withered underneath him, his fingers digging into the flesh of her thighs as his breathing quickened. She moaned his name again as her back arched up off the bed and she tightened around him, grabbing his arms and pulling him atop her as an amazing feeling tore through her body. She kissed him, holding on to her face while she moaned into his mouth. He slowed his pace and lifted himself up onto his hands and smiled down at the girl. She smiled and ran her hands over his shoulders and down his back, she pushed her hips upwards causing Joshua to roll over so the girl could straddled him. She leaned down and kissed him as she slowly moved her hips back and forth, the water dripping off her hair and onto his chest. He took hold of her hips moving them faster, she began lifting them upwards and coming back down slow, drawing loud moans from the man who looked at her under hooded eyelids. She brought her hips down again, taking all of him, and moving them back and forth quickly before lifting off of him again. She moaned and threw her head back as the familiar feeling began again, causing Joshua to sit up right and wrap his arms around the girl as he plunged as hard as he could into the girl causing her to scream out in pleasure. She tightened around him again bringing him to his own release, he buried his face in the girl's chest as he moaned in tune with her. Her arms wrapped tightly around him as they both came to a stop and tried to catch their breath. She sighed and kissed the top of his head, hugging the man tightly.

She leaned back and took his face in her hands, looking at the horribly scared and burnt flesh. She smiled and kissed his lips. "You are an amazing man." She breathed before climbing off his lap and walking back towards the still running shower.

Alya slowly opened her eyes, slowly lifting her head up and looking down at Joshua who was now completely bandaged. She smiled and laid her head back down onto his chest, closing her eyes as the sound of each breath he took surrounded her. His arm tightened around her, as he stirred from his sleep. Clearing his throat and readjusting his head on the pillow, he stretched out his legs and took a deep breath.

"How are you feeling?" She rested her chin atop his chest and looked up at him.

"Sore." He sighed and pushed the girl's hair out of her face.

"Can I do anything?"

"No." He smiled.

Her eyes narrowed as she looked at him. "You seem much different."

"How so?"

She shrugged and moved up a bit on the bed, burying her face in his neck. "You're more relaxed."

"Aren't you?"

She chuckled. "Yes, you could say that."

He groaned as he moved, the pain becoming uncomfortable.

"Are you sure you are okay, Joshua?"

"It's nothing I haven't dealt with before. I just need to rest a bit."

She slowly sat up. "I'll go see if I can order us some food from the kitchen." She slid off the bed, pulling his white shirt from the floor and over her shoulders. She buttoned as she walked towards the bot that always stood outside the elevator. "I need to breakfasts sent up, please." She said as she continued towards the large kitchen in the suite. She walked down the stairs looking over at the large monitor that she could see through the torn drapes that separated the room. She sighed and continued towards the old fridge that held the water and various juices they had shipped from Vault City. She pulled the door open, pulling out two bottles of water and two more juices. Kicking the door shut with her foot before walking back to bedroom. Joshua, was now propped up on the pillows. Fumbling with an old remote that worked the large T.V. She laughed and took it from him, dropping the bottles on to the bed and walking over to the old bookcase that held the videos. She took one from its place and popped it into the slot, pushing play before climbing back onto the bed with him.

He ran his fingers up her spine under the shirt. "That scar on your forehead. Who gave that to you?"

She ran her finger across the scar that her hair hide from view. "His name is, Benny. As you know I am a courier and lets just say I am still trying to finish my last job." She turned around to face the man, handing over his two bottles. "I was hired to deliver a chip to Mr. House. I don't know what exactly was on it because when I arrived here and confronted Benny on why he had shot me, things... happened."


She sighed and rubbed her brow. "I had a few drinks and I... slept with him."

He choked on the water, quickly covering his mouth.

"I know, I know." She groaned. "Anyway, I awoke in his suite and he was long gone. I found Yes Man and he's been working with me ever since I killed House. We've found the location of Benny and now I'm just trying to get to him."

"Where is he?"

"With the Legion. You see, whatever that chip is, it was made for a bunker that is located within the Legion camp. I don't know what Benny thought he would do trying to get in there but according to Yes Man the bunker hasn't been activated which can only mean two things, Benny is dead and Caesar has the chip or he is alive and Caesar has the chip."

"And this is why you will not allow me to storm the camp."

"Yes. I need that chip. Whatever is on it, Yes Man thinks it is valuable. He has been searching through House's data trying to find out why it is so important."

"I will not allow you to go into the camp alone, Alya."

"Joshua." She sighed.

"No. This is not an argument. I will not allow you in front Edward alone." He grabbed the girl's face as he pulled the wrapping away from his face and kissed her.

She sighed and rest her head against his.

Veronica cleared her throat as she entered the room.

"Oh I'm sorry, we didn't her you come in." Alya, hurried off the bed and over to her friend.

"Who is this?" Veronica smiled nodding towards, Joshua.

"Ever hear of the burned man?"

"Well yes of course, who hasn't?!"

"Well, this is him. Veronica this is Joshua, Joshua... Veronica." She took the plate from her hands and held one out to Joshua.

"Oh my." Veronica covered her mouth. "So Boone was not lying. I wasn't sure if I should believe him or not."

"Well it's true." She smiled as she climbed back up on the bed.

"Can I ask you something?" Veronica walked closer to Joshua.

"You may." He corrected her as he fixed the wrapping on his mouth.

"How did you survive that?"

"By the will of God." He answered.

Veronica raised her eyebrow and looked at Alya who shrugged. "Hmm... interesting."

"Is that all you have to ask?"

"Do you love, Alya?"



"Don't you think that's rather private."


"I think that is between her and myself." He glared over at the girl.

"Right. Well..." She stood up. "I think I better head back down, there's still quite a few drunks down there wanting food."

"Thank you, Veronica." Alya smiled up at the girl.

"She's brotherhood."

"How do you know?"

"I ran into a few of them when I was with the Legion, they are quite the tough group of people."

"Yes they are." She commented, turning to her food and eating a bit of it as she watched the old video on the T.V.

They ate in silence, Alya crawling up the bed towards Joshua once they had finished. She waited till the man had fallen asleep again before dressing and sneaking out of the room. She stepped out onto the packed casino floor, checking in with one of the King's men before she continued on to her large office. She pulled open a folder that held a few papers of the casino's earnings. She sat down as her mouth dropped, shocked at how much they had brought in within the few.

"Did you see it?!" Cass bust opened the door and hurried into the girl's office.

"Fuck yeah I did!" She laughed, tossing the paper down.

"We are rolling in damn caps!" She spread her arms open. "We own the god damn strip!"

Alya laughed.

Cass smiled as she pulled up the chair and sat down in front of the desk. "What is this I hear about you having the burned man cooped up in your room."

"Yes, Joshua is here."

"You sure do like danger, don't ya?"

"He's actually a sweetheart, once he allows you to get close to him."

"What does he look like?"

"Well he's wrapped from head to toe in white bandages."

"I mean under the bandages."

She laughed. "Why don't you ask him yourself?"

"Mhm, is that before he kills me?"

She smiled. "You think you can take care of everything with the casino today? Give me a day off?"

"I'm sure I can handle it."

"Good." She stood up and handed over the folder. "If you need me at all just call up to my room. I don't plan on going anywhere today."

"Will do, boss lady."

Alya walked back out of her office and to the elevator, quickly stepping in and pushing the button for her suite. She leaned back against the wall, watching the numbers that counted above the door. She stepped out when it reached her room, hurrying into her bedroom. Joshua was no longer in her bed, she could hear the water in the bathroom running. She carefully pulled her shoes off and climbed into the bed. Laying down against the pillows he had been lying on, still warm from his body.

He slowly stepped out of the bathroom, looking down at the girl as he slowly made his way over to the bed. "Where did you disappear to?"

"I had to go check on the casino real quick." She moved over as he sat down on the bed. "How are feeling?"

"Better." He sighed, lying back against the pillows and grabbing the girl's arm, pulling her against his chest.

She carefully laid down against him, wrapping an arm around his stomach.

"When do we head for the Legion camp?"

"Well, we have to set up a plan first and you need to feel better."

"I'm fine, Alya."

"You aren't, Joshua. I can see it in your face and the way you move. Last night was a mistake, I shouldn't have pushed you liked that."

"It was not a mistake, I knew the risk but I think it was well worth it."

"Well, why don't we give it a day? Tomorrow we can set up a plan and see how you feel." She kissed his forehead. "For now, you need your rest. The more you get, the better you will feel." She snuggled into the man.