So Im gonna have two or three chapters for this.

I havent wrote anything in a while

My last fanfic was Moonlight on the Water

So yeah read review if you can it makes my day.

What am i forgetting

Oh yeah, disclaimer: I ondt own Percy Jackson blahblahblah

Ok You go ahead and read now.

Sea and Sky

Percy Jackson lay down on the railing of the Argo II staring at the eternal blue sky. He was trying to decipher exactly what color it was. it was mesmerizing in a way. He could never get it right, seeing as it changed continuously. Like the water beneath the warship he was dangling his left foot over.

For most people, if they attempted such a position on the thin wooden railing, they would fall off at the first crash of waves.

But not Percy. Being the Son of Poseidon had its perks.

In all truth, he was a bit bored. The camps each packed barrels of things for entertainment, but Percy just wasn't in the mood for Super Mario Bros. or anything like that.

Already the Argo II was going as fast as his nautical and Jason's wind powers can push it. On top of that, Leo's engine was chugging the best it can do. He had no other jobs to do right now.

So he just lay there, waiting for Annabeth.

Oddly, it was relaxing. Percy finally understood what those yoga masters were raving about -a bit of deep breathing can do wonders to you.

The sound of footsteps came closer from the deck to Percy and he turned to face the newcomer.

"Hey Jason, care to join my yoga class?" Percy grinned.

That confused Jason, "Yoga? Lying down on a chunk of wood where one small breeze could knock you into the water is a form of yoga? I'd say that's a form of stupidity, not meditation."

"Oh shut it, Grace"

Percy and Jason laughed.

"Actually, I came here because I was sorta bored," Jason said.

The son of the sea god sat up and did a sideways glance at his cousin -it continued to surprise him, how alike they were.

"I need a practice dummy to sword fight with, interested?"

Percy slid off the ledge and onto the deck, "I was gonna go easy, but practice dummy? You've just earned yourself no mercy."

Riptide grew into a glowing blade in Percy's hands.




Ill update as soon as i can.

Im not the best with deadlines though :)

Review button is down there folks