Disclaimer: I do not own Repo! The Genetic Opera I am just temporarily borrowing the characters to alleviate my own psychotic muse who keeps shooting out ideas every time I watch the movie.

And a big thanks to my wonderful beta dustyashes without her none of this would be possible!

"Daddy!" Amber cried out, rushing to her father's side on stage. Not caring that her face still had no skin on it. She knelt down and pulled him onto his back, putting his head on her lap.

Luigi and Pavi came out onto the stage and Luigi lifted his father's will, Shilo's name was already written on it. "He already put your fucking name on it!" Luigi growled at her.

"Did you know about this?" Amber demanded of the frightened girl.

"N-no," Shilo stuttered. She gripped tightly onto the Graverobber. "I never even met him before yesterday. I didn't have any idea until he announced it tonight. But I don't want it, I don't want anything to do with GeneCo. I'll do whatever I need to get it out of my life."

"I'll set up a meeting with our lawyers, you and your father come and we'll make an arrangement to sign GeneCo back over to us." Amber suggested.

"Very well," Nathan agreed. He stood then helped Shilo to her feet. Graverobber stood and took Shilo's hand in his.

"Graverobber," Amber called out to her friend.

"We'll talk later," he assured her.

Amber nodded her head and turned her attention back to her family emergency. Maybe she'd change her name back to Largo, but she liked Amber so much better than Carmela.

Nathan led Shilo and Graverobber out of the theater and found the driver waiting for them.

"Miss Wallace," the driver greeted with a bow.

"Graverobber," Nathan said to his daughter's protector. "You are welcome to come back to the house with us. A warm meal, hot shower and comfortable bed are yours. For all you have done to keep Shilo safe, you are welcome to stay as long as you wish."

"Thank you," Graverobber said to the doctor. "A hot shower does sound nice."

"To our home then," Nathan directed the driver. Then they settled into the car. Shilo sat in between Graverobber and her father. Graverobber had an arm around Shilo's shoulder and her head rested against his chest with her left hand holding tightly onto her father's hand.

By the time they reached the Wallace house Shilo was asleep in the Graverobber's arms. Nathan smiled softly at his daughter before holding the door open for Graverobber who lifted Shilo into his arms. He carried her easily into the house with Nathan leading and holding doors open for him. Graverobber lay the sleeping girl on her bed and followed Nathan from the room.

"Help me with something?" Nathan asked his new roommate.

"Okay," Graverobber agreed with a shrug.

Nathan led Graverobber back to the first floor and opened the fireplace passage that lead to his lab. Then he took Graverobber over to the tunnel that lead to Marni's tomb.

"GenCop's?" Graverobber asked when he saw the 2 bodies in the tunnel.

"They came after me when I went rogue," Nathan explained. "Help me get them into my lab, and you can harvest from these two and the three in my lab."

"I thank you," Graverobber agreed with a nod. That would be at least 5 vials of Zydrate.

Together they moved the bodies into a line in Nathan's lab. Nathan quickly removed the organs to storage containers while Graverobber took the Zydrate. Then they moved all bodies to a pickup spot for the garbage trucks to take them to a mass grave.

Graverobber left Nathan cleaning up his lab and went to find the kitchen. When he entered the room he found Shilo sitting at the table staring blankly at the wall. Chuckling softly at the sight of her zoned out he waved a hand in front of her face to get her attention.

Shilo blinked up at him and opened her mouth to say something but was cut off by her stomach growling.

"Hungry?" he asked with a laugh.

She stuck her tongue out at him, "It's been a long day."

"Excuses, excuses," Graverobber muttered. He pressed a quick kiss to her lips then began to explore the kitchen for something edible to make for dinner. He quickly found all the ingredients for a beef stew and began pulling everything out onto the counters. "Do you know how to make beef stew?" he questioned his audience.

"No," Shilo answered, shaking her head.

"Come over here and I'll teach you," Graverobber beckoned her closer. He took off his coat and tossed it over the back of one of the kitchen table chairs, using a nearby pen he pinned his hair up. Then he proceeded to teach Shilo his mother's recipe for stew.

About 20 minutes later the house smelled like the dinner and Nathan came wandering in to find Graverobber and Shilo sitting at the table playing cards. Graverobber was sitting backwards on a chair and Shilo was sitting across from him.

"Poker?" Nathan questioned.

"Yeah," Graverobber answered. "I thought she'd be an easy mark, but she's kicking my butt."

Nathan let out a laugh that echoed in the small room. "That's my girl," he stated. "What is that glorious scent?"

"Beef stew," Graverobber answered. "You had everything needed and I got to teach Shilo something new."

"I thank you again," Nathan stated. "May I join your game?"

"Next hand," Graverobber assured him. "Now, about this medicine?"

Nathan looked at his daughter, "You already know what it is, don't you?"

"I do," Graverobber responded. "And so does she," he nodded at Shilo. "We found out in that room waiting for you to arrive. A diluted form of Zydrate."

"I don't have anything I can say to defend myself," Nathan stated guiltily. "I know it was a mistake and very selfish of me. After losing her mother, I couldn't bare for anything to take her away from me. Not even life. I am sorry, my Shilo."

"I know," Shilo answered. "Even though I love you and forgive you, I don't think I can trust you. Not for awhile at least."

"I understand," Nathan said softly.

"All well and good," Graverobber said. "But she needs to be taken off the drug carefully. I've seen people die from withdrawals of Zydrate, so this won't be easy. I know a doctor that can help us but until I can get a hold of her, can you trust your father to lower your dosage if I assist him?"

Shilo nodded her head, "Please help me?" She asked softly, gripping his hand in both of hers.

Graverobber moved to her side and wrapped an arm around her shoulders, "I'm not going anywhere," he promised her.

"Thank you," Shilo replied smiling up at him. She leaned into the warmth of his embrace. "For everything Graves, really. Thank you."

"Not a problem," Graverobber answered.

Nathan looked between his daughter and the grave robber. Now that Shilo would be going out into the world and living her life he would have to deal with so many new problems. Out of all the boys at least Graverobber could protect her. That would keep him calm for now, and later? Well, they would just have to see about later. But for now everything was good.