Disclaimer: I do not own Repo! The Genetic Opera I am just temporarily borrowing the characters to alleviate my own psychotic muse who keeps shooting out ideas every time I watch the movie.

And a big thanks to my wonderful beta dustyashes without her none of this would be possible!

Shilo walked down her front path, she could hear her dad screaming her name from within the house. Glancing up at her window and taking a deep breath, Shilo allowed the driver to guide her into the limo. She felt strange riding in such a fancy car, quickly after the car started moving her wrist communicator went off with a message from Rotti Largo.

"Shilo, the past can be dreadful.
There are those who kept you in the dark to protect you.
You're old enough, I think -
Though they'd disagree -
To know the truth,
And choose who you will be.
To get your cure,
You'll need to light up that dark place.
This grave-robber here can help you dig the way.
But you'll have to earn it.
Nobody deserves shit.
I gave my kids the world.
They repaid me with spit.
You'll need to bring illumination
To the situation
If you want your cure! "

Shilo contemplated his message for the rest of the ride. Should she hope that there really was a cure? Surely if there was a cure, her father would have found it by now. Glancing out the window, she watched the city pass by. So lost in her own thoughts she didn't notice them turn into the graveyard. The car pulled to a stop and the driver opened the door, gesturing to a nearby tomb.

"Thank you," Shilo said softly to the driver. He bowed his head in acknowledgement and Shilo turned and entered the tomb looking for ways to solve Rotti's challenge. Her face lights up by her wrist communicator. She can see something moving within the tomb, assuming it's the grave robber Rotti told her would help her, she continued deeper into the darkness.

"Who's there?" a familiar male voice called. "Stay back!" the voice warns.

Gathering up her courage, Shilo responds, "Um, do you have my cure?"

He recognized her voice, "Kid, is that you?" Graverobber questioned.

Shilo steps closer to him, "I'm here to earn my cure!"

"Your cure?" he questions her. Had she come into the tomb looking for Zydrate? "Is that what this is about?" Graverobber tilted his head to the side. Shilo can see him suspended upside down from the ceiling with his coat puddled on the floor beneath him. "Sorry, that fucking Amber cleaned me out." Shilo bent and lifted a candelabrum to try to see him better. "But maybe later, I'll hook you up later." Shilo knelt before him so she was closer to his face, and set the candles on the ground beside them. "Just help me down?" he asked.

"The drug," Shilo said, settling onto the floor.

"Yeah, the drug." Graverobber replied, reaching for his coat.

"Yeah…" Shilo said, reaching for the candles.

"Your cure it's," he lifted the coat from the ground.

"The drug," Shilo responded, adjusting the candelabra.

"Help me down," he found what he was looking for.

"Help me," Shilo looked back at him.

"I'll score some," Graverobber offered, he pulled his extraction kit from the coat.

"Shed some," Shilo stated, thinking about Rotti's challenge.

"Kid, I'm out!" he exclaimed, dropping his coat back to the floor.

"Some," Shilo repeated.

"I told you!" he said sternly, opening his kit.

"Light on," Shilo tried to explain.

"That's the situ-" Graverobber started. He pulled a syringe from his kit and tossed the rest aside.

"The situation," Shilo interrupted.

"The situation," Graverobber repeated. He handed the syringe to Shilo who looked it over, then looked back up at him.

Shilo began looking around the room for a corpse to extract the Zydrate. "How 'bout her," Shilo gestured to the body.

"Yeah?" Graverobber responded. He glanced over at the body Rotti had made him steal.

"She's right beside you," Shilo stated at the same tome Graverobber asked, "She's right beside me, so?"

"No," Shilo said. "I mean her Zydrate!"

"I'm out of Zydrate!" Graverobber told her.

"No!" Shilo said, frustrated.

"Oh!" Graverobber finally caught on.

"It's like a nightlight," they said in unison.

"You're beautiful," Graverobber said with a smile, wiggling his eyebrows. Shilo was grateful for the no light when she blushed. "It's easy," he stated.

"You don't mean?" Shilo was shocked at his suggestion.

"Yeah," he replied with a nod.

"For me to?" Shilo looked down at the body.

"So easy," he encouraged her.

Shilo looked back at the body, "I don't think," she shook her head.

"Don't think," he encouraged, shaking his head slightly.

"That I could…" Shilo protested.

"Just smack it," he instructed, his eyes lit up at having this girl harvest Zydrate for him.

"I guess that she…" Shilo turned her attention back to Graverobber.

"She won't," he assured her. "You've got to smack it," he demonstrated using his hands.

"Won't feel it," Shilo looked back down at the body.

"Into her skull!" Graverobber exclaimed. There was something he found undeniably sexy about watching this 17-year-old girl extract Zydrate from a corpse. The good thing about hanging upside down was that it prevented blood from rushing anywhere else.

"Inside her skull," Shilo said as she crawled over to the corpse.

"A needle into a bug," they both said as Shilo pulled the shroud from the bodies face. "A needle into a bug," Shilo rammed the needle through the woman's nose and into her brain. "A needle into a bug," she slowly drew the plunger back, filling the vial with the neon blue drug. Graverobber watched as she withdrew the Zydrate perfectly the first time. "A needle into a…" the room was bathed in the blue glow and Shilo glanced down at the body. It was her mother. "…bug!" echoed off the walls as Shilo fell backwards with a gasp, tossing the vial to the ground. She looked back and forth between her mother's corpse and the still suspended Graverobber.

"Kid?" Graverobber questioned her. "I don't mean to rush you but I'm losing feeling in my legs."

Shilo moved forward and brushed her fingers against the corpse's cheek. But she didn't respond to him.

"Kid?" Graverobber questioned again. "What's wrong?" he looked back and forth between the corpse and Shilo. "Do you know her?"

"She's my mother," Shilo responded quietly. She moved over and grabbed his face to make sure he looked at her. "When were you in my house?" Shilo demanded. "My father had her body in our house sealed in a glass room!"

"I didn't know Kid," Graverobber answered. "I swear I had no idea she was related to you, and I am very sorry. I would never have someone extract Zydrate from a family member."

Shilo stared at him long and hard, "I believe you," she stated calmly and with a slight smile, she stood. With a glance at her mother and the full bottle of Zydrate she had taken from her mother. Shilo moved over toward him and slowly united the ropes.

Graverobber braced his hands for when the ropes finally dropped. He managed to catch himself and tumble onto his feet. As soon as he landed, he plopped down onto his butt. "Much better," he sighed. "I thank you," he pulled up a knee and rested an arm on it. "So what brings you to my rescue?"