Beyond the Stars

With his true identity revealed, his brother and Dean watching from the ballroom floor, surrounded by the other gods of mythology and staring up at his blade (thank his father it was his fake one), Gabriel concluded that not only was Kali still a bit bitter about their break-up, but he was going to need a new plan.

"I wonder if this will tickle" Gabriel absently thought as the fake sword came down towards his chest.


The sword stopping inches from its target as all heads turn to the doorway, standing there was Sam, in his arms was Fenrir, the wolf was staring at his father and Kali with a titled head.

"Fenrir? Sam?" said Baldur.

Sam didn't react, eyes on the Hunter on the floor who was staring back at the young god.

"Sam!" this time it was Gabriel, the Angel's voice sharp.

Sam jumps and looks at his father with wide startled eyes, which quickly turned to bewilderment and amusement at his Father's predicament.

"What are you doing here?" Gabriel asked, his eyes then narrowed at the wolf, whose ears flattened against his skull under his father gaze, "Fenrir"

"Erm, we brought candy?" Fenrir tried.

"You're grounded" said his Father, "go home"

"But—" Sam said



Sam looks back at the Hunter who spoke, and once again this….feeling came over him, it was obvious that this mortal (and was he really mortal?) was the owner of the dark yet not dark feeling he felt at the entrance of the building, but there was also something else about him. Something about the way the Hunter stared at him, spoke his name

"What's going on here?" asked the…being next to the Hunter, and what was he—it, Sam wondered, recognizing it as the presence that felt the same as his father, but didn't feel like a god.

"Nothing" answered his father, "nothing is going on, Kali, darling, back to the stabbing let's go...Kali?"

Kali was staring at Sam, her dark eyes thoughtful, slowly she looks back down at Gabriel.

"Oh no, I know that look, Kali whatever it is you're planning or thinking, don't. Baldur, talk to her"

"Kali, what are thinking?"

"That's not the talk I meant!"

Baldur ignores him as he waits for the goddess to speak.

"You truly are a Trickster" the goddess finally said after a moment, before addressing the rest of the gods, "it seems, that we all have been played for fools"

The gods looked at each other in bewilderment, then back at Kali, "Standing before us, the one we call our own," the goddess spoke, "is the destine vessel of Lucifer, Samuel".

Sam's arms tightened around his brother as all the gods eyes turned to him, including other being, "Dad?" he said, voice confused, his eyes clouding with nervousness as he looked at his father.

His father laughed, "Really, Kali, you think my Sammy is Lucie's prom dress?"

"I have to say I agree, Kali, this is becoming insane" Baldur said after a moment, "what proof to have for these claims?"

"Before Gabriel did his blood spell, Samuel was human, a human that was found conveniently abandoned. There's also the fact that out of all his children, Gabriel never allowed his youngest to enter the mortal realm, and the most damning of all is him"

The goddess pointed to Dean, who hadn't take his eyes off of Sam, since the young god had entered the room.

"The moment Samuel entered the room, this Hunter, the vessel of the archangel Michael. Not only said the name of someone he never met, but had yet to take his eyes off of him"

During her speech, the gods' expression had turned from confusion and some disbelief to realization and was looking at the young god in a different light, a light that made Sam a bit uncomfortable and made Fenrir growl at them. Finally, Sam took a step forward towards Kali.

"Auntie" he said, "what's going on?"

Kali faltered at the title and both her expression and resolve soften under the confused gaze, all around; her fellow gods also soften as Sam looked at them for answers.

"You know of the Judeo-Christina apocalypse, yes?" Baldur began softly, when Sam nodded he continued on, "it's happening now, seals have been broken, Angels and Demons are fighting each other. We created this meeting because if this continued, we the gods, will have not future. He is the vessel of Michael"

Sam follows Baldur's gaze to the Hunter who had finally tore his eyes away from the young god to glare at Baldur, he knows of the Judeo-Christian apocalypse well, had studied it along with all the other apocalypses (though he did in secret, his father didn't like him knowing much about Angels and Demons beyond what they were and where they came from). He knew that a battle between Michael and Lucifer would decide the mortal realm's fate; he was also aware of the two archangels' vessels but never discovered their names.

"Okay, I get that but what does that have to do with me Uncle? Why does Auntie Kali thinks I'm an Archangel's vessel or why she was about to stab my father, wait scratch that last part. Whatever he did I'm pretty sure he deserved it"

"Oye! Is that any way to treat the person who used to wipe your ass?!"

"It is when I discover he's been hiding something from me"

Kali's lips twitched, and her eyes twinkled, this was why Sam was her favorite.

"You little—when we get home, not only are you grounded, but no sweets for a whole decade, same goes for you Fenrir"

"What did I do?!"

"You brought him here!"

"Sam would—"

"Let's get back on subject, shall we" interrupted Baldur, amusement in his eyes, "during the meeting, some discovery was made, mainly your father's origins."

Here the Norse god of light and parity (and yes, he saw the irony) hesitates, he glances over at Kali, to his surprise even she looked uncertain. He wonders if she will stop him from saying anything, then to the surprise of everyone it's Dean who spoke.

"He's an Angel" said the Hunter as he stood from the floor, "an Archangel actually, they call him Gabriel"

Sam would have laughed, if wasn't the fact that none, not even his father denied the Hunter's claim; and that a thought came to him. He always knew he was adopted, his father told him days before the blood ritual when he had been a child, how he had been found and taken in; but never wondered about his real family. He had his father and siblings, his Aunt and Uncles who he loved and was loved in returned, he was happy with that knowledge. Now, standing here, after being told of his father's origins, of his father's great reluctance to allow him into the mortal realm. How he was always told, it was dangerous, despite being able to crush a man with his bare hands. He couldn't laugh now.


Sam looks at his father, takes in the desperation in amber eyes, the pleading and begging for forgiveness. Sam looks away from him, eyes beginning to sting with tears as he looks at Baldur and Kali.

" Are you trying to tell me that...that...I am…" the young god trailed off, unable to say the words, voice suddenly shaky, his arms uncomfortably tight around his brother. Fenrir didn't seem to mind as stared at his father, "I….am…"

It is Zeus who speaks.

"You are the vessel of the Archangel Lucifer, Samuel Winchester, brother of Dean Winchester, son of John and Mary Winchester".

It is then that every god, goddess and Angel felt the life energy of Mercury end.

Sammy was here

His Sammy was here!

Standing right here, mere inches away.

Dean couldn't look away, couldn't blink, in fear that he did, Sam would be gone and just another incident of his imagination. When he does look away to glare at Baldur, Sam is still there. His listens to the conversation between Sam and the other gods, listens as they reveal who his brother really was, when suddenly all of them even Cas tensed.

"Mercury's life force has ended" said Zeus, looking up when the lights started to flicker.

"Crap" Gabriel mumbled.

"What's happening?" asked Baldur.

"He's here, Lucifer is here"

"How?" asked Kali as the other god murmur around them.

"Doesn't matter" Gabriel all but snapped, a rumble of his true life leaking into voice and gaining everyone's attention, "look" he then said standing up, Kali had long since moved away from him, his fake sword still in her hands, "you can't kill him, but you can delay Lucie by honoring your vows"

"What are you talking about?" asked Dean, patience thin at not only having his brother finally here but unable to talk to him, and that a threat was here that could take his brother away from him again.

"Dad" Sam said voice shaky as he glanced wearily at the closed door.

Gabriel ignored him, "Honor the vows you took, and make sure Lucifer does not get Sam"

"What makes you think—"

"You don't have time to argue!" Gabriel growled at Ganesh as the lights flickered again.

"Do as he says" ordered Kali


Expect for Baldur and Kali the rest of the gods left the room to slow Lucifer down, leaving only Castiel, Dean, Sam, Fenrir, Kali, Baldur; and Gabriel.

"Dad" Sam tried again, coming up to his father.

Gabriel takes him by the arm, and leads him to a corner of the room, stopping when Dean starts to follow.

"Go away" Gabriel shoo'ed with his hand.

Dean opened his mouth, no doubt to snap at the Trickster when a hand on his shoulder stopped him.

"Dean" said Castiel, "leave them be for a moment"


"For a moment" the Angel repeated more firmly.

Dean growled, shook the hand off and walked off, Castiel glances at Gabriel and Sam before following Dean. Now alone, Gabriel turned his attention back to his sons.

"This has become a mess" Gabriel sighed, running his hands through his hair.

"I thought Tricksters liked messes?" Fenrir said in forced humor

"Only if they're making the mess"

"Dad" said Sam, "is what everything they said about you and me really true or is this trick?"

It could be so easy to just lie, say no, he's sure could convince his son; but he was always weak against those big puppy-dog eyes. Made worse with his eldest looking up at him with equaling begging eyes.

"Yes" the Archangel said after a moment, "it's true, all of it, unfortunately kiddo I don't have time to talk"


"Listen to me, I—"



At his full name, Sam closes his mouth shut, sure that he wouldn't be interrupted again, Gabriel continues speaking.

"I want you and your brother to get out of here, get home, stay there; you'll be safe there. You don't stop for anything unless you have too. Understand?"

Sam nodded.

"Good boy" the Archangel smiled, he then looked at Fenrir who had been silent throughout the whole conversation, "look after your brother, keep him safe. Keep them all safe"

"Yes father"

Gabriel kisses both of them on the forehead (Sam having to lower his head for his father to reach), then playfully ruffles his youngest hair getting a cry of protest.

"I love you both, regardless of the secrets that have been told today, that was never was one."

"We know" said Fenrir.

Sam said nothing, Gabriel wasn't sure how to take that, "When you leave, go right and head straight until you see an exit door and leave through there

"Yes Father"

The screaming started soon after.

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