Thanks to my beta, ViralAnomaly!

lulu: Yes.

Hooker: Here's the last bit :)

mysexylover: Ah. And, yes, it is :(

The Butterfly Effect: Thanks!

I vIsItEd DrAcO lAsT nIgHt: No, no third part.

Hadbeen: Thanks, I thought so too :)

Jelisha Baby 22: Here you go!

eric: Thanks! answers below :)

They Call Me Ginger: I see.

bambi: Thanks!

Readingismypassion: Thanks!

Week 48: Epilogue

He wasn't sure why she decided to come here today of all days. They had abandoned dinner at Hogwarts to make it on time to Blaise's apartment, but here she was demanding that they make a stop. And now he had followed her from Marcus's gravesite over to Astoria's.

They were in relaxed dress robes, just enough to make the occasion special. He wanted her to feel special today, but he didn't see that happening yet. Their detour would probably only depress her, and that's not what he wanted her to do today.

Derek Parkinson had stopped them in the hallway on the way out to give her a long pink rose for this visit. She had obviously told him at least that she planned to come here, unlike Draco, who hadn't even known she had asked.

They had spent perhaps five minutes at her estranged, dead husbands site, and all she had done was tell him how much better she felt now that he was gone from her life, but that she didn't think he deserved to die. Draco wasn't sure he agreed with that part, but said nothing as she released pent up anger that had never been spoken, despite seeing him at the trial before his death. They still didn't know the reason he had to die, or how his killer had gotten into Azkaban, but the blond didn't care anymore. Apparently, neither did she.

She obviously needed closure from this stage in her life, and he was happy to see her embarking on that path, even if it wasn't a very fitting day for it. He hoped that this unpleasant visit would give her just that, and let her stop feeling so awful for what happened to those two.

He walked a few paces behind her towards Astoria's gravesite, wondering if her visit here would be as colorful as the stop at Flint's. Pent up anger can eventually make one snap, and it was very interesting to listen to her final goodbye to him, involving everything he had done to her. Letting her feelings out really seemed to help her there, and she had turned away smiling.

He watched her place the rose in front of her gray tombstone, the stark contrast a surprise to him. The two colors reflected both woman's personalities so well; tainted and pure, sadistic and clever. He didn't know how exactly it had ended up so perfect. The colors reflected the two girls, and the colors of their hearts. He wasn't sure Astoria deserved to die, since she was bloody insane at the end of her life, but he was sure that she couldn't hurt anyone now. He didn't think anyone would appreciate that, because he certainly hadn't.

The blond sincerely wanted to reach out and remove her entirely from this place. The late September weather made this place tolerable, but she seemed so sad here he couldn't stand it. Even from his spot a few feet back he could see her shoulders lightly shaking, but he couldn't hear her sobs. Whatever she was mumbling, there on the ground, was beyond him. There were no screams like when she went to see Flint's, just quiet whispers. He wondered what she could be saying.

The space between them was needed at the moment. Whatever she was mumbling was private between the two, and it would be wrong to listen in. He could respect her for looking back on her nightmares and facing them head on, trying to make them right. He had yet to fully accomplish that task.

After a few more minutes, he stepped forward, having heard her mumbling stop. Sitting beside her on the grass, he noted her damp cheeks and slightly runny make-up. Reaching a hand over, he brushed a stray tear away. "Why do you cry over this?"

"Because its sad," she said, not looking at him. "She died probably without even ever realizing her viewpoint was wrong; Marcus died in Azkaban trying to serve his time. Neither of them deserved death Draco, but here they are, six feet under us in coffins."

He nodded and brushed her hair behind her ear. "Yes, they are, but we have gone over this so many times Hermione. Nothing is going to change."

"I know," she sighed, looking at him. "I'm learning to accept that."

He beamed at her, running his hand up to cup her cheek. "That's good to hear, love."

With a slightly strained smile on her face, she stood, rose forgotten on the ground. He followed quickly and placed a hand on her waist in a semi-embrace as she looked around. "It's so beautiful for such a sad place."

"I think they do that for a reason Granger. You can't go around sending mourning, depressed people to depressing places. Nothing good will come out of that."

Her smile grew a bit. "I suppose you are right."

"I'm always right doll," he said playfully, taking both her hands in his and kissing the knuckles. "Now may we get out of here? Blaise will be severely annoyed that you are late to your own birthday party."

Hermione rolled her eyes. "That's the silliest thing I have ever heard Malfoy. You cannot be late to your own party."

"Oh, but you can," he replied, wrapping an arm around her waist, thankful for the change of topics. "Now come on, we better get out of here before you find someone else to visit."

Before she could reply, he pulled her into a kiss and apparated them away.

"You're late," Blaise commented as the duo walked into the living room of Blaise's home. Everyone else seemed to already be present, sitting around with some sort of drink or food in their hands. Hermione smiled kindly to the people assembled in the Italian's living room as Draco guided them to two seats on the couch that had been left open for them. As he assembled himself a drink, she looked around.

Ginny and Blaise sat in two comfortable kitchen chairs, side-by-side so the guests could have the best furniture. She had moved in with Blaise only a month ago when he finally decided to let her in, and had been apparently happy since. They looked so good together, laughing at something that Harry had said, who was dateless tonight.

After so many fights with Pansy, the pair had broken up. Too many differences, not enough things in common. And apparently, she couldn't stop bitching about everything she possibly could. As Draco had once said, 'she's simply impossible to change'. So the pair had broken up and her best friend had been dating Hannah Abbot off and on, after working so close to her during Hermione's near-coma time. The brunette had yet to discover how that relationship got anywhere.

Pansy was dating a Slytherin boy who had been a year or so ahead of them at Hogwarts, and Hermione had yet to remember his name. The pair had only been dating a short time, but seemed to be going well. She thought it was a far better fit; Pansy's personality seemed to mesh beautifully with her new boyfriends.

Beside Pansy's boyfriend sat Daphne, who still looked rather worn. Her sister's death had taken a toll on her, and it had been obvious the last several months. The once talkative girl now spent most of her time in silence, rarely venturing out to shop. Her pretty blond hair had less of a sheen to it, now that she didn't spend half of her life primping.

Hermione worried for her. She had told the blond a few days ago that she planned to visit Astoria's gravestone today, and the girl had called her brave. She didn't think she could do that yet, but it had been months! Everyone knew that part of her depression was that Astoria had been her last relative, since her mother died last year and her father was killed during the war. Now alone, she must really feel forgotten.

But that wouldn't make sense, considering she spent so much time with Theo. No one seemed to know if they were dating, but the couple didn't seem keen on telling anyone. Whenever asked, Daphne looked away and Theo grinned. Definitely mixed signals.

At least Theo was there for her. Ever since he chased her out that one day, the day she ran from this same apartment, he had been by her side, and Greengrass knew it. Despite having females to console with, she chose the masculine Slytherin to divulge her feelings into. She wondered how Theo felt about that. He probably just likes that she trusts him with those thoughts, Hermione decided.

Her twenty-second birthday was turning out to be like nothing she had ever planned for, and it couldn't be better. Life hadn't been exactly kind to her, but it had been kind enough to land her in this situation right now. Taking the drink Draco extended to her, she smiled.

Life goes on, even after the most awful events.

"We'll get together next week," Hermione agreed, smiling at the redhead as she departed Blaise's flat. After her betrayal, she had never thought Ginny would be considered a friend again, but anyone with eyes could see that she had changed, and for the better. Besides, if Zabini could trust her in his home, Hermione could at least trust her as a friend. Waving goodbye, she and Draco stepped into the Floo together and returned to their own flat.

She stepped out first and fell on the couch, thankful she had only one drink. Her alcohol tolerance had not improved since the last time she drank, and a repeat might be interesting for Draco, but it wasn't what she wanted to do on her birthday. She wanted to be fully aware of everything around her today. Thinking back, the situation could be considered funny.

Draco's mind traveled elsewhere, and he nearly lost track of everything before ripping his mind away from her sentence. "What appearance?"

"I dunno! Good image?"

He nodded. "And so you ran away from him?"

She nodded her head vigorously. "Yes! I brewed a potion-it took forever!-and got my way out of the house. I wanted until he was super pissed and storming to his friends before I ran in and got my stuff. Then I found you, and look now!" She batted her eyes at him, and he found it very unappealing from her. It didn't fit her person. "I'm with you and I'm happy."

"I'm happy too." She smiled widely at his comment and scooted closer, causing his hand to slide quite a bit farther up then he intended and his slender fingers grazed the crotch of her pajamas. "Tease."

"I love it here," she said sleepily, and he realized she was falling asleep against him.

"Me too," he replied, smirking. But it faltered when she began giggling. "What's so funny?"

Still chuckling she replied, "I'm gonna puke on you later." She continued with her laughter.

Deciding he'd seen enough of his drunken roommate, he pushed her off of him back against the couch and patted her shoulder, conjuring a wastebasket. "You'll want this then."

Well, maybe vaguely funny. She smiled as the thoughts disappeared and Draco sat down on the couch beside her, gazing down at her. "Comfortable?"

She shrugged. "Somewhat."

He smirked and leaned down kissing her neck. "I bet my bed is far better. Would you like to visit it again?"

Reaching behind her head, she hit him with a pillow. "That was terribly corny you know."

He smirked. "I'm aware," he said, but didn't raise his head and continued his trek down her body. "But I could care less at the moment Hermione," he continued, sliding the cloak off her shoulder and biting her skin.

Smiling, she grasped his fair hair and gripped as he bit harder, content with not replying. Why ruin the moment, after all?

Later that night Hermione found herself in the kitchen searching for food. Her mind wouldn't settle, and although Draco could be a very good distraction, he wasn't enough at the moment now that he was asleep. Having discovered a chocolate bar, she sat on the sofa again and delved into her thoughts.

Work had been going great. Her break periods were conveniently at the same time as Draco's, so he would often take her around the campus for walks or to his office to just talk, and once other things. Her cheeks stained at the thought of what they did in that office. Thank Merlin they were working in a wizarding facility and video cameras didn't exist. She enjoyed her job, and most of the students that came with. It seemed some Slytherin's still didn't not like her because she was a 'Mudblood', but it was hard to call one's teacher that when they had to go to the next class and deal with her boyfriend. If Hermione wasn't scary enough that day Draco certainly was. She loved the way things were going.

Even Derek Parkinson was better. He had gotten into some trouble for helping Astoria, but she had no idea what his punishment had been. Obviously, it was not severe enough to keep him from the school. The first day of classes he had properly said sorry for causing them so much distress. He had overtime turned into one of her favorite students.

She was twenty-two today and could probably own all of Diagon Alley if she invested right, but Draco's money still sat unused in its vault. She had no reason to use such a large amount of galleons, and instead kept nearly all of it in there since he had given it all to her. She planned to return it one of these days, if he didn't fall out on his promise for marriage. Who know what would happen in the future?

The girl shook her head. They had yet to even date a year. Marriage was a far off thought.

She leaned further into the couch. Going to visit Marcus's and Astoria's tombstones earlier that day had been good for her. She wasn't about to say she planned to go back every year, because she hoped to never go back. Draco had been looking at her worriedly the past few months as she tried to move that part of memory into the back of her mind. Everything involving those two had caused so many problems, but without them she would never have met this side of Draco either. She needed to at least acknowledge that.

But now she had gone and said everything she possibly could. They were not here anymore, but the gravesites would remain. She had yelled at Marcus for everything he did to her, everything he put her through and how he had tried to destroy her life, and it felt like a heavy weight had been moved off her chest.

Astoria was different though. She hadn't ever let her voice rise above a mumble, because it was too delicate to talk about the girl aloud. Daphne had been getting hell from reporters for months about everything that happened to her sister, and it was the unspoken rule that you never spoke of her aloud. Or at least, not until the girl could come to terms with her sisters departure. She hoped for the girl's sake that Theo really stated pushing her, or she would always be depressed over the past.

She had also attended Astoria's funeral, whereas Marcus's happened during the last events with the Greengrass girl, and she wouldn't have been able to make it anyways unless she sincerely wanted to, and she didn't. She didn't care to go to his funeral, because there was no way he would've ever gone to hers. But at Astoria's, she had sat beside Draco and Harry in the front to support Daphne, and had even cried. She couldn't help it; the circumstances surrounding the girl's death were less then pleasant, and she had been right there beside her in the bitter end.

Draco had waited after with her, Theo and Daphne once everyone had departed, and allowed both girls the time needed to stand and stare at the grave marker. Hermione cried a bit, and wondered why no one had jumped to save the girls life, but Daphne's face remained stony until she left with Theo, out of Hermione's range.

The monster she had married was buried deep, and the monster she had encountered joined him in the same place. It was fitting, but depressing.

She nearly wanted to laugh at her thoughts. She was comparing two individuals who almost hand the same mindset, but one was far more violent, the other too mentally unstable to be considered severely violent in her mind.

Her mindset changed then. She was living with a Malfoy of all people- and dating him as well- in a relationship that seemed to be going strong. That made her feel good to know. They had stupid fights over things sometimes, but she had a good feeling about the blond. Saying he was the one would be jumping ahead of herself, but she could at least picture a future with him. So long as she could stand the idea, see it in her mind, then the relationship would continue to work.

She secretly hoped it would never stop, but that was jumping ahead of herself as well. There had been so many nice moments with Draco. Her Christmas here jumped into her mind.

Getting out of bed, she also realized there was a small box sitting at the door to the room, wrapped in red and gold paper that reflected in the lamplight of the room. She wandered to it and picked the box up, rather cautious.

She tore the paper and opened the box, deciding if this was something awful she didn't want Draco seeing her face when it was opened.

Inside were a pair of ruby studs, with gold in the center. The note inside the box was written in girly handwriting which Hermione could only assume was Draco's rich script:

To the inner "Gryffindor" inside.

Wasn't that just cute? She inwardly cursed herself as she looked at the present, remembering how she had failed to buy him one on Monday when they had abruptly left the mall.

Merry Christmas Draco, here's a blowjob.

Yeah, that could possibly work...if she were an expert at that particular art.

She sighed, opened the door to the living room and stepped out, pausing in her footsteps.

Draco was asleep on the couch, one arm thrown over his eyes. The room had been decorated, with a fairly large tree with assorted bulbs and similar decorations on the walls. Presents littered the floor beneath the tree, and he had even pulled out a bottle of wine for them.

She looked around the room in awe. It had been a few years since she had had a nice Christmas, and none of her previous boys' had decorated anything by hand.

She walked to Draco side and stared at his face. He looked utterly exhausted, and was sleeping deeply. Hermione smiled to herself. He'd spent all of yesterday working to keep her safe, beating on people, and then explaining himself more then she was sure he cared to.

How did Draco end up being someone's dream boy exactly?

She looked down at the earrings, so very Gryffindor, and smiled. He could've stuck to his true nature after all, and gone with silver and green. She turned to get to the room, and spotted a second box. Curiosity killed her, and she picked it up, becoming irritated to find a second note taped to the top:

Don't open this until I'm awake, will you? I understand you're naturally curious, but I believe that after having a drink and getting dressed (though I think I prefer you most in my shirt) wake me up and you can yell at me for all the presents.



No, I don't regret the present either. Enjoy those utterly "Gryffindor" earrings.

She rolled her eyes. Leave it to Draco to leave a note on a box before passing out. She decided to heed his word, and went into the bedroom to get dressed, and wear her new, far to expensive earrings.

There is too much money spent on these earrings alone.

Funny thing was, she could probably buy him a golden broomstick to display in his house now that she had all the money. But, she would then have to discard the item because it would be hideous and could never be seen. The idiotic thought made her chuckle. So her relationship with Draco was going strong; she could only hope it stayed that way.

Christmas reminded her of the first time she called her parents.

"I-I haven't talked to my parents in almost two years," she said, spilling out words rather quickly. "While I was with Flint, he didn't really allow the family contact and sent useless cards with absolutely no meaning to my parents so they knew I was still alive. They haven't heard from me in so long...please don't go-"

"Breathe," he interjected, rubbing the bridge of his nose. "Hyperventilating on the sofa wont help matters either." He walked back to the couch and sat down, relaxing the best he could. "I don't see how me being here will help you with a phone call, but whatever makes you feel better." He beckoned to the phone.

She gave him a faint smile. "It makes me feel less alone." She scooted slightly closer and relaxed against him, hating herself for seeming so scared of the call. It was a phone call! They wouldn't be able to see her, or Draco, and she wouldn't see them.

The phone rang. Again. Three times...

"Hello?" An older males voice picked up the phone, sounding irritated and half awake.

"Dad," Hermione squeaked, surprised how he sounded the exact same as the last time she had seen him, just under two years ago.

"Hermione," he mumbled, sounding much more awake then before. "Is that you?"

"Hi dad," she said again, her voice choking. Between divorcing Krum, getting picked up by Marcus, working at Hogwarts for long hours, and keeping herself together, not to mention getting away from Marcus and to Draco's, she hadn't had time in between to settle down and make this call, a fact she deeply regretted. A single tear rolled down her face at the realization that this truly was her father, speaking to her through the phone. Draco noticed the liquid running down her face and pulled her closer to him, his eyebrows drawing together, and she didn't push him away.

"Goodness Hermione," he said, "where have you been? No calls, no message on the Christmas cards! And so few of those! We haven't heard anything from you in forever!"

"I know," Hermione said, rubbing her temples. "I've been dealing with some things...they've kept me away for a long time-"

"Dealing with things," her father asked angrily. "I believe this is the second husband in the last what? Two years? Whatever happened to that nice-"

There was a voice in the background that cut off his sentence, and Hermione heard shuffling as the phone was transferred over to a woman's voice. "Hermione?"

"Mom!" Hermione let another tear or two slip, and Draco pulled her even closer, muting the television. "I missed you."

"We missed you too honey." Her mom sounded happy, but Hermione could hear the distant undertone of fear. "Are you still with that Flint fellow? I don't like him, never did. Didn't like the rushed marriage or that he kept you away or that-"

"I'm not," Hermione cut in, glancing at Draco. "I have no need to be with him. I found someone else. He's been taking care of me." It wasn't a lie, not really.

"Another man?" Her mother sounded horrified. "Hermione, don't tell me you're-"

"No mom, no, we're not married." She glanced at Draco. "We just started seeing each other." Draco, was openly staring at her now, one eyebrow raised up in an unspoken question, yet a smirk played at his lips.

"Do we get to meet this one before you tie anything? Hermione, you've been with so many men and gotten married so quickly-"

"I know mom, I know." She sighed. "Its not going to be that way anymore."

"Do we get to see you? You've been so distant dear."

"Yes, of course! I'd love to come see you and dad!"

"Christmas eve? You can bring the boy with if he can make it."

She bit her lip. "I'm attending a ball for work Christmas eve. Can I come see you sometime Christmas day? I'll bring him with if he wants to come."

"Please do! We miss having you here Hermione." She was quiet for a moment, and her voice grew softer. "We haven't had a party here in two years, it isn't the same. Its too late now to plan one, and I'm sure a party would be too much for this new boy anyways. You're taking things slow right?"

"Yes mom," Hermione said, fearing this conversation would spin down a path she didn't yet want to step on. "I'll ask him about everything and get back to you before Wednesday night, okay?"

"Okay honey, but I better go. We were about to do some last minute shopping, and we have to pick up things for you two! What kinds of things does this boy like?"

Hermione chuckled, before realizing she wasn't quite sure what Draco liked. She glanced at him, but he was studying her legs instead of her face at this point. "Interesting things. I've got to go mother, busy plans! I'll come visit soon."

"Ok darling, we'll talk Wednesday. Its just so good to hear from you."

"Agreed. Bye mom. I love you."

"I love you too honey, bye." Hermione heard the click and flipped Draco's phone shut, suddenly feeling very heavy.

Her parents had finally learned to accept Draco. That was not to say that they were hoping for a marriage anytime soon, but that they accepted him and understood how he felt about their daughter. She remembered they would be visiting them next week and she had yet to tell Draco. I'm sure he can take a short trip to my parents house...

They had yet to come here, but she hoped to change that soon. Finished with her late snack she threw away the wrapper and headed back to the bedroom, finding Draco awake.

"Something wrong," he asked, rubbing sleep from his eyes.

She shook her head, sliding her slippers off and sliding into bed. "Nothing. I just wanted to think."

He nodded, yawning. "Couldn't you think during daylight? It's late Hermione."

She stuck out her tongue. "Just because you had a bit to drink tonight doesn't mean that I have to sleep with you. I'm not very tired anyways."

The blond nodded, falling back against the pillows. "I suppose not. Are you going to try to sleep now?"

"I suppose." She laid down, and felt his arms instantly pull her against his front, locking her against him. She sighed and snuggled into the bed, enjoying their position.

There was still something though that was plaguing her thoughts. "Draco?"


"Whatever did that list mean," she asked, hoping he knew what she was talking about.

"What list," he grumbled.

"The list," she said, "the list that you made a long time ago, with six things on it."

He moved away from her, now leaning over her instead of holding her. "Six things?"

"Yes. You made a list, months ago, that I found, and I was wondering-"

"You bring that up after all this time," he asked, reaching over and flipping on the light. "Wait- where did you even find that?"

She smiled up at him remembering how she originally found the list.

She wandered over, placing the necklace quietly on the coffee table. Taking her kitten in her arms, she nuzzled its face, causing the animal to squirm. She smiled happily, placing the grumpy cat in her lap as she looked over at Draco.

He looks at ease whenever he sleeps. She smiled lightly, lightly running her fingertips over his cheek, when the cat suddenly jumped onto the table and knocked off his paper.

"Darn," Hermione said, shaking her head as she bent to pick up the fallen parchment. Replacing it on the table, she noticed there was a list written there, with her name placed within the text several times. Raising an eyebrow, she read the list three times before replacing it onto the table.

Charm Hermione? Tell Hermione about the necklace? Tell Hermione about my inheritance? Tell Hermione about my wand? The ring? What the hell is Malfoy getting at? She looked at his face, still calm in his sleep. What is this list for?

Before she could consider it, Hermione pulled out her wand a blank sheet of parchment from behind the list, and magically made a copy for herself. Tucking it away into her bag, she flipped over his own paper and kissed Draco's cheek lightly, traveling towards his ear as the boy woke up.

What are you hiding from me Draco? Whatever it is, I intend to make sense of this list.

"In plain site," she said, coming out of her memory. The confused expression on his face propelled her to continue. "You left it on the table one day and I made a copy."

He blanched. "Hermione-"

"Draco," she interrupted, sliding away from him. She got off the bed to search for her scrap of paper, located someplace in her own dresser. Once she found it, she turned back and displayed the list to him, three things still left unchecked.

1. Tell Hermione about the necklace.

2. Go back to the Manor.

3. Explain the dilemma with my inheritance.

4. Dig up the ring.

5. Explain the loss of my wand to Hermione.

6. Charm Hermione.

Two, four and six were not marked. He noted that the only things she had figured out were the things he told her. And honestly, she would never have figured out the Manor, granted that he returned to the place when she was missing. He looked back up at her and met her eyes.

"You figured out the ones told to you?"

She glared. "Well, those three things are highly confusing. Charm Hermione? Go back to the Manor? Dig up the ring? What ring? Didn't you wear one that connected with my necklace-"

"Slow down," he said, smirking. "One thing at a time; its too late for me to come up with witty replies."

Sighing, she leaned back. "Fine then Draco. Would you mind explaining things to me?"

He smirked. "Of course not." Throwing an arm over her shoulder, he pulled her back onto the covers again. She whispered a spell beside him and the ceiling disappeared so they could see the night sky. "I'm surprised you haven't already figured some of them out," he continued after a moment.

The girl shrugged. "I tried to, but then things with Astoria stated happening really fast, and the list fell out of the picture. I forgot about it for so long; it only came to mind last week when you brought up the Manor." She paused and leaned on her elbow, looking down at him. "Whatever happened with the Manor anyways?"

He chuckled lightly. "I visited it while you were... with Astoria, you would never have known about it love."

"What happened there? Do you plan to move back?"

"I couldn't ever move back Hermione. You do currently have all of my money."

She shrugged against his arm. "And if you did have your money? Would you go back there?"

Instead of replying, he pressed his lips together. Would he go back?

He could remember so many things about this place, from his childhood to watching his aunt carve words into Granger's skin. He could remember hiding like a coward in his rooms, away from the war when it became too much. He recalled his mother comforting him when his father started his Death Eater work again, and how scared it made him when he was too young to really understand.

When he got older, his father pounded the things he was expected to follow into his head through countless hours of screaming and hitting. It had made him cold, and angry. Here was a man choosing his future for him, and Draco had absolutely hated it.

Sitting down on a dusty piece of furniture, he put his head in his hands. Reflecting on everything between then and now, he couldn't decide which situation hurt him more; his family, or the girl he had fallen for?

That answer was fairly obvious. His family would always have the emotional scars on him, but Hermione was right there at his side, and there was no pain. "I'm not so sure I would."

She nodded. "I didn't think you would either." Pressing her own lips together, she considered the next question. "Your paper also said you wanted to 'charm' me?" Eyes gleaming she smirked. "Do you think you succeeded?"

He pushed on her so that she was forced back on her back, and he was leaning over her now. "I think I did a pretty damn good job."

Laughing, she moved her head up and kissed him. "Not too bad... for a Malfoy."

He rolled his eyes.

Theo pulled her closer to him on the couch, careful to keep his arm draped around her shoulders and only her shoulders. The girl remained stone-still as the muggle movie continued. He wanted her to smile more then anything else. It had been so long since Daphne smiled.

She almost had at Hermione's birthday earlier, but refused. It wasn't that she couldn't smile- because he would see her smile down at photos of her deceased sister when she thought she was alone or he was asleep- but that she didn't want to smile. He guessed that she felt bad about it, for whatever reason.

But it had been long enough, and it was time she started moving on.

He flipped the television off and turned towards her body, her expression forever stony. "Hey, Daphne," he said softly, drawing her face up to look at him.

Her eyes never gained any warmth, and he took that as an initiative to keep going. Brushing hair from her forehead, he kissed her temple. "It's going to be alright you know."

Leaning back, he met her stony eyes, the expression wavering there. Reaching into his pocket, he drew out a photo of the girl he was careful to never mention. "She wouldn't want you to be so depressed," he continued, pressing the picture into her hand. "She may not have completely been there in the end, but I'm sure she never meant for you to suffer."

The blond laughed dryly. "Where did you get that idea?"

Nodding towards the photograph, he spoke: "She never once targeted you. Ever single problem she ever caused was done away from your presence save one at your Mansion before her disappearance."

She nodded in return, but stiffly.

"We'll never really know what she was thinking," he continued, "but I don't think she ever meant to hurt you."

It happened slowly at first, and he feared his words had done nothing, but slowly her grip on the photograph tightened until it tore at the bottom and the stony exterior she had constructed crumbled.

And Theo was right there to support her when she fell apart. He thought it was fitting that both girls who were closely involved with Astoria learned to slowly move on, on the very same day.

"What about the necklace," Hermione asked, playing with a piece of his hair. He was on his back and she on her front, leaning over him as she toyed with his hair.

"You already know the answer to that," he replied, frowning.

She smiled. "Yes, but the last thing on here is 'the ring'. When you originally gave it to me, you talked about a ring too." She remembered it very clearly; a ring with the same sort of stone in it that he had worn perhaps once?

Draco nodded, remembering that day very well. "I did. The ring allowed me to know how you were and what was happening to you. All it really did was enhance the connection between us I suppose, since I was already connected through my blood." He ignored the small flinch she had as he said this, deciding not to dwell on the past, "But this is not the same ring, and I'm certain you can figure out all on your own what type of ring it was without my help."

She instantly thought back to his proposal, his admittance. He had needed someone to marry originally, to keep his fortune... "An engagement ring?"

He nodded. "But, I realized that was not the way you wanted things to go, so I hid it away."

The girl frowned. "Where?"

He smirked, brushing her hair behind her ear. "Have you already forgotten about my room?"

Ginny watched him from the other side of his kitchen. They had finished cleaning up the party, and now she was just waiting for him to collect them a bottle of wine. Why wine? Well, she had absolutely no idea.

"Here we go," he said, appearing from a magically enlarged cupboard. "I think you will like this one."

"And why do you say that," she asked, leaning her hands on him as he set the bottle aside.

With a wink, he replied, "Because its red."

She chuckled. "You think I will enjoy it because of the color of my hair?"

"It's possible," he replied, grabbing the bottle and her hand. Dragging her into his room, he was just glad their relationship had not ended so abruptly, like Potter's.

Hermione's eyes lit up at the mention of his hidden room, and her smile matched his grin. "Of course! That would make sense; I would hide a ring in the best place possible as well! But," she continued, her smile falling to a frown, "I don't remember anywhere in that room having a place to keep things. There were no drawers or anything."

Draco clicked his tongue. "Oh, if you only knew." Standing, he moved away from her and walked towards his bookcase, Hermione standing to follow. He removed the telltale book and placed a hand on her shoulder. "Would you like to see this ring?"

She nodded, ready to follow him in, but he kissed her lips and threw her playfully back on the bed. "No, no, no love," he said grinning, "I have to still have a few secrets." He disappeared into the room.

Her curious side wanted to desperately follow him, but she restrained. He had already gotten her back to the comfortable mattress, and she was certain that she could figure out his 'hidden spot' for the ring tomorrow so long as she went in and looked thoroughly.

He appeared a moment later, a large engagement ring nestled into his palm. Handing it to her, her eyes grew large. "Merlin, this is an engagement ring to the rich? It looks like a rock!"

Draco nodded, agreeing that the ring was perhaps a little too large for its own good. An idea flashed through his mind. "Yes it is, but it could be your rock someday."

Her head shot up, but a smirk played on her features. Good, she understands I am joking and won't hex me. "But that's not a promise, now is it?"

He grins. "That's a very sneaky smirk there Granger," he said, breathing on her face. Reaching down to capture her lips in his, he continued, "It can be a promise, if you'd like."

There was a moments pause in conversation as their kiss ended, and he wondered if he had taken it a step too far. Instead of blowing up at him, however, she flipped her hair and smirked again. "Perhaps... it's not rally my taste though."

Leaning in close again, he spoke, "It changes to whatever design the wearer wants, so long as it is done before the marriage."

"Handy," she replied. "You could never be wrong."

Nodding, he drug her down on top of him, the heavy ring falling someplace in the sheets and kissed her passionately. The response from her was more then he had expected. There was a silly aspect to the entire conversation, but seriousness as well. Hermione had in no way promised him a future together, nor denied that it was a bad idea. She had simply left her answer open.

And for now, that was enough.


A/n: Well, that's the end my lovelies! I hope you all enjoyed this epilogue! Now, before anyone asks, there is no scene with Harry or Pansy because they are no longer together, and I didn't want to reflect on new couples in the very last chapter. Hope you enjoyed my story, and let me know what you thought!

As it was last time, the character Draco is still modeled after my boyfriend, Dean :)

P.S~ There will be no further updates or sequels, just in case anyone is wondering.