Halt vs. Tape: Chapter 3

The next morning…

"Halt!" Crowley, Will, and Gilan screamed really loudly just to annoy him. It was noon, and they knew Halt was already up. Then, they acted surprised when he towered over him from behind. Well, not really because he's a midget, but it seemed like that. Gilan was impervious to this feeling and greeted him as if he hadn't seen him in ages.

"Hey Halt! We were looking for you! Long time no see!" Gilan shook his hand rigorously as if he really hadn't seen him two seconds ago. Halt pulled his hand back, shaking it to get rid of the numbness and pain.

"What do you imbeciles want this time?" Halt snarled.

"No need to talk in italics," Will calmly suggested. Halt just went 'hmpf'.

"Where's your entry?" Crowley asked, breaking the painful silence between former apprentice and mentor. Halt had not thought of a thing, but had just thought of one.

"Well, how about we go outside and I show you?" A evil grin spread across his face as he said this.

"Uh-oh, this not good. He's grinning, but for a bad reason. We'll leave this to you" Gilan and Will backed away ever so slowly. They really didn't want to spend yet another night in a tree.

"Yeah," Will agreed, "we really should just leave it to you two. C'mon Gil," they scampered away, at first speed walking, then running, and then sprinting the last few feet out the door. They kept sprinting until they were out of sight.

"Well," Will puffed as he caught his breath, "that was close. Let's stay here. It's peaceful." They looked around the empty clearing.

"Sure," Gilan agreed, "I have apples!" he grinned and pulled them out of his cloak pocket. "They were for Blaze, but now they're ours!"

"Sure!" his easy smile always made Will feel better.

After a while of chatting and munching on apples, they headed back to the tiny cabin in the woods.

Only to find an evilly grinning Halt, an empty roll of duck tape, and a very distressed Crowley. Who was hanging from a tree by his hands and feet and his mouth taped up. All you could hear was Halt sipping coffee, reading reports, and keeping an eye on Crowley. Oh, and Crowley's futile mumbles for help. Will and Gilan gave wordless looks to each other, turned on their heels, and headed straight back to that peaceful little clearing. They definitely did not want to have the same fate as their commandant.

Looks like Halt was creative.

So, hope you liked it! Thanks for all the nice reviews! Take a look at my other story, and if you review I'll review your stories.