Okay, the first chapter of my brand new fic! I know this chapter is a bit short - it was originally longer, I'm not sure exactly what happened LOL - but they're going to get a lot longer in the future.

I have no idea whether or not Gay Straight Alliances would have actually existed in the 70's, but pretend they did. :)

Thanks to my awesome beta sylvantbreath. :) You rock.

Remus sat on his bed, Potions text book open in front of him and a roll of parchment so long it fell off the floor and rested on the carpet on his lap, gripped firmly in his small fingers. He only needed two more inches on the history, uses, and composition of the bezoar. Only two more inches and then he was free to spend the rest of the evening relaxing by the fire, talking and laughing with the other 3 Marauders...
"Rem!" Of course not. Remus sighed and laid down his quill, having long since learned that with Sirius, resistance was futile. This would all go down much smoother and quicker if he sat and listened to Sirius's newest idea or problem or whatever it was... Sirius bounded through the dormitory door and managed to stop himself just inches from Remus's bed so that Remus flinched and made to grab his ink bottle. Sirius's face was alight with happiness and excitement, even more so than usual. He bounced up and down, rocking back and forth in the heels of his feet. Remus couldn't help thinking how cute and how much like the dog he transformed into he was. He smiled indulgently, unable to keep the annoyed glare he had been previously shooting at him on his face for more than a few seconds. Sirius grinned back.
"Hey Moony, guess what?" he asked. He didn't give Remus time to respond before plowing on. "Muggle Studies is taking a field trip to a muggle school!" Remus was at an utter loss for a reason why this was so amazing and exciting to Sirius. It was a muggle studies class, after all. It made sense that they would take a trip to a muggle school and observe how they worked, watch muggles in their "natural habitat". Remus hated how Professor Ling referred to them as though they were some sort of fascinating exotic creature instead of human beings. He stated blankly at Sirius.
"Yes, I know, Professor Ling mentioned it in class at least a week ago." he looked at him curiously. "I expect you want to go then?" Sirius looked a bit deflated.
"You don't want to?" he asked. Remus hesitated, not wanting to make the boy upset.
"Well, I-I don't know honestly. I already know a lot about muggles." Sirius waved a hand impatiently.
"Yeah but you've never got the chance to actually go to one of their schools, have you?" Remus shook his head. His mother had been a muggle-born, true, but his father had been adamantly set against his going to a muggle school, especially after he was bitten. Of course, if John Lupin had gotten his way all the time, Remus would probably be locked in a cage in the basement 24/7. "Aren't you even the least bit curious?" he asked. Remus considered this for a moment and realized that yes, he was just a bit interested. He wasn't so sure about leaving the school for so long though... Hadn't Professor Ling said the trip would last a month? That meant he would have to transform there and besides coming up with a place where he would be enclosed and couldn't get out to bite anyone, the wolf would hate being enclosed in a new space...
"Sirius..." he started. "I would like to go but... Sirius, my transformation..." Sirius didn't seem put out by this in the slightest.
"I'm sure Dumbledore can work something out for you." Sirius said confidently, back to bouncing in place, barely containing his excitement. "He likes you." Remus sighed. He supposed he would indulge him, he would ask, but he hoped Sirius didn't get his hopes up too much because he answer was likely to be no...
"Oh yeah! Rem, check this out!" he reached into his school bag and did a bit of digging before coming back up with what looked like a slightly crumpled pamphlet. He presented it to Remus with a flourish. Remus took it and stared at the cover image curiously - a large brick building with the words Cantinbury Public High School in big white letters against a red sign in the ground in front of it.
"Is this a brochure for the school?" he asked. Sirius nodded enthusiastically.
"And Moony, look at this! Right here!" he said, opening the pamphlet and pointing to a small spot at the bottom of the right hand side page. A muggle picture depicted a small group of kids standing against a rainbow back drop and smiling. In the back, one of the girls rested her head on the shoulder of the girl next to her. The picture had the caption CPHS is the only school in the state known to feature a Gay Straight Alliance as of 1978. Remus re-read the caption a few times.
"A Gay Straight Alliance...?" he said quietly. Sirius nodded.
"Yeah! Isn't it great? I didn't think anyone would ever accept us besides James and Pete but... But that's what these guys are all about!" he was now brandishing the brochure wildly and Remus had to duck out of the way to avoid being smacked in the face several times.
Remus was skeptical. Lily had said that muggles were typically very unsupportive of homosexuality, but some of these people were flaunting it very openly. Did that mean that in this school, things were different? Or was it only this club, the small group of maybe 10 or 12 people out of what was most likely hundreds to a thousand students? Remus looked into Sirius's eyes, sparkling with hope and innocent childish enthusiasm and sighed. He hadn't wanted to do this, but looking at him now he knew it would be futile to try and resist those puppy dog eyes and even found that he wanted to go on this trip, if only because it would make Sirius happy.
"Alright." he said, pushing the forgotten Potions essay to the side and standing, straightening his robes out and reaching for the tie he had discarded upon entering the room. He really hated wearing the thing, but there was nothing he could do; it was part of the school uniform after all. He always stripped it off at the first available moment. He grudgingly started to tie it again. "I'll go talk to Professor Ling now. I won't get the chance after class tomorrow since I need my break to study." Sirius jumped and punched a fist in the air.
"Yes!" he shouted. "I could kiss you Remus!"
"Then why don't you?" he asked, smirking. Sirius grinned and took his chin gently in his hands, pulling Remus's lips up to his own and kissing him softly. Remus felt tingles run down his spine as he slid his hands up Sirius's well toned chest and wrapped them around his neck, pulling him closer and deepening the kiss. Sirius's hands snaked around his waist and held him firmly. Remus, although he had no wish to, broke the kiss a few seconds later, earning a groan of disappointment from Sirius. He beamed up at Sirius and strode out of the dorm and jogged down the stairs, Sirius right behind him.

"Mr. Lupin." said Professor Ling, a bit surprised, when Remus knocked on her door and strode in, Sirius right behind him. "And Mr. Black too. Can I help you boys?" Professor Ling had spent most of her life in China but now only had a slight touch of an accent when speaking English. As a first year, when she had first started taking lessons to get rid of her accent which was still very strong, Remus had hung on her every word simply because he loved the way her voice sounded.
"Professor, about the trip to the muggle school-" The Muggle Studies teacher cut him off.
"Ah, the trip to the American school." Remus blinked. American? Sirius hadn't mentioned that he would be going over-seas. He shot him a quick glare, and Sirius raise rugged in a sort of half apology. "You're wondering if you're condition will prevent you from going?" Remus nodded. Professor Ling smiled at him. "I see no reason why it should. As long as we take precautions during the full moon like you do here you should be fine." Sirius beamed up at her and Remus smiled half heartedly. He wasn't so sure about going to America. He had never been over-seas and Americans were supposed to be very loud, raucous, attention seekers. It was a country full of James's and Sirius's. Could he put up with that for a whole month? He had to try though. For Sirius's sake, he had to give it a go. Also, he'd be lying if he said he wasn't at least a little bit curious about the Gay Straight Alliance. A whole group of people who would accept them being gay and a couple... Was that really a possibility? He thought of the couple in the picture with the shorter girl resting her head on her girlfriends shoulder. Perhaps, just perhaps, it really was possible...
"Thank you, Professor. You don't know how much this means to us." said Sirius. The professor winked.
"Oh, I have an idea." Sirius and Remus only looked at her. Did she mean what they thought she meant...? Before either of them had a chance to ask, she spoke again. "It's getting late. You'll get in trouble with Filch if he catches you up at this hour. Go off to your dormitories now, and be quick about it." Remus looked up at the clock mounted on the wall and was shocked to see that it was 9:30 already, half an hour past the time when they should have been back to the dorms.
"Shit!" said Sirius next to him, standing to. He clapped a hand over his mouth as Professor Ling raised and eyebrow at him. "I mean, shoot." he said. Remus turned a laugh into a cough and Sirius shot him a glare.
"Go, before you say something else that'll land you detention." said Professor Ling, her face stern but eyes dancing and an amused note to her voice. Sirius blushed slightly and hurried out of the room. Remus grinned at the Professor before hurrying out after him.
"Can you believe her, threatening me with detention?" Sirius fumed as he walked quickly down the halls, Remus almost jogging to keep up. "I didn't even say anything that bad!" Remus chuckled but didn't bother to correct him. He leaned into Sirius who threw an arm around his waist and pulled him close as they walked down the hall, no longer caring if they were caught out at night in each others arms.