Ghost Hunt

Shibuya Psychic Research

Case Number (#): 8

Case Name: The Cursed House

From his side, he could feel Mai's radiating warmth. He didn't look at her directly; preferring to keep his eyes trained onto Matsuzaki-san's exorcism but rather watched the Russet haired young woman through his peripheral vision.

As long as he could still assure that she was by his side—and would remain there—he could breathe a little easier.

But she was scared. Not for herself, never for herself, but for Eijirou-san who was crawling towards the priestess, despite his bonds, with an enraged look on his face. How she could feel that way for a man who looked like a maniac was beyond him.

"H-Hey, maybe it really is too much for Ayako?"

The question fell from her lips, wavering and unsure as she feared for the older woman as well. This time, Naru cast her a quick glance, observing her worried expression and body language: arms to her chest as if defending herself yet she leaned forward slightly with one foot forward, ready to jump in just in case Matsuzaki-san could be under threat.

But not before he jumped in front of her first, Naru thought, a bit surprised on how naturally the instinct to protect her came to him, her safety was the most important above all. She was top priority. Before Mai could go about saving people, he would make sure she was safe first.

"It may be. In any case, John will arrive tomorrow." He answered tonelessly as he turned to survey the exorcism once more. At the corner of his eye, Mai turned to look at him quickly, worry and irritation in her eyes, her mouth agape. She started to say something but instead pressed her lips into a thin line and rolled her eyes. She focused on the exorcism again and Naru smirked slightly.

The possessed man continued to crawl towards Matsuzaki-san, eyes brimming with malicious intent. To her credit, the priestess didn't waver in her prayers and continued on, seemingly oblivious to the rising tension in the room as Eijirou-san crawled closer.

Mai was getting even more anxious and she unconsciously stepped closer to Naru. "Can't Lin-san do anything?"

Naru felt the increase of warmth from his side and found Mai standing so close, their arms brushed. Her face was still contorted with worry, eyes wider and skin seeming paler in the candle glow. The young scientist couldn't help but admire how ethereal she looked bathed in the warm golden light, her eyes practically dancing with an internal flame, hair darker and lusher in color.

She was stunning.

He mentally slapped himself to attention once he remembered that she had asked him a question, "Not without knowing the spirit's identity." It was a bit vague but he didn't really care too much about explaining the logic behind his answer as everyone was immediately concentrated on Eijirou-san, or rather, the purple light emitting from his body.

"Atsumaritamae yomo no kami gami."

Eijirou-san let out a low pitched groan, wild eyes trained directly on Matsuzaki-san as the purple light seemed to flow out of his body and spiral into the air.

"Atsumaritamae yomo no kami gami."

The purple lights began to contort in the air above the man, twisting and forming a sinister shape. A wave of malevolent energy seemed to radiate from the purple lights and it sent uneasiness down Naru's back. From his side, he heard Mai's loud gasp and realized that she was more sensitive to spirits than all of them. The purple entity was affecting her more and Naru felt his heart skip a beat as the possibility of her being possessed by an evil spirit increased.

And immediately, he reacted on the primal instinct to protect her.

His body moved in front of her, shielding her from the entity, his arm outstretched and pushing her behind him. Mai, thankfully, didn't fight against him and let him guide her. Her hand reached out and grabbed the sleeve of his black shirt, clenching it tightly. Naru's hand twisted slightly so he could give her hand a reassuring squeeze. Mai stepped closer to him, bringing her body right to his back and her warmth spread through him.

"Stand back. Go out quietly."

Naru felt his body tense as Mai gave a slight tremble from behind him. She was the most important of all. Top priority. He had to assure her safety above all others. Naru needed someone he had absolute faith in to protect her. Someone he knew; that if things went dire and he wasn't able to handle things himself, would be able to use their abilities to protect her.

"Lin," Naru called, putting as much faith as he had on the Chinese man to protect Mai, "Get Mai out of here."

The tall man stood without qualm but kept his eyes trained on Eijirou-san. Lin turned and swiftly caught Mai's shoulder, leading her swiftly but quietly out of the room. Naru glanced at her from the corner of his eye and found himself looking into her bright Sienna eyes. They shared a glance, her gaze filled with worry for him while he tried to convey as much reassurance in his own stare. She squeezed his hand in reciprocation and they both reluctantly let go, his fingers lingering on her cool skin.

In front of them, the lights had twisted itself to form the shape of a fox. Peals of maniacal laughter fell from Eijirou-san's lips and the possessed man was now on his knees, expression deranged and eyes wide and wild. Like an animal…

Mai was still being led out the door by Lin and her gaze lingered on the fox spirit, mouth parting in bewilderment. Naru's heart thumped in his chest as he watched their seemingly slow procession to the door. They were moving slow. Far too slow. At this rate, Mai would still be in danger when—

"Namuhonzon kaimarishiten rairin ekou kikou shugoshitamae!"

Matsuzaki-san finished her prayer, ending it with a loud resonating clap. At the sound of it, the spirit snapped and lunged for the priestess, hissing as it went so. Fortunately, Matsuzaki-san ducked at the right moment and the fox spirit sailed over her head and directly towards…


The raven haired young man tensed as the spirit hurled itself in his direction, not making to move away but rather to meet it directly. He crouched slightly, arms spread out to his side, face set into a serious scowl. Mai felt her heart bang against her rib cage as she spun out of Lin's grip and face Naru.

A scream ripped from her throat, high and shrill to her own ears, "NARU!"

What the hell was he doing? Why wasn't he moving? Can't he see that-that…

The fox spirit drew closer and closer by the second but Naru didn't even flinch, only firming his stance.

"STOP IT!" From behind her, Lin's voice rose above the turmoil running through her mind and the thundering pound of her heart. But most importantly, it broke through Naru's reverie. His eyes widened slightly and his posture straightened by just a millimeter but it was enough for Mai.

Unfortunately, Lin's warning came too late.

The fox spirit was too close and Naru moved too slowly; a millisecond too late. A millisecond which could have counted for everything but didn't… In that millisecond of hesitation on Naru's behalf, the fox spirit hit him square on the chest, the force of the impact sending him flying to the wall behind him and collapsing onto the floor.

Mai felt as if her world had shattered right before her eyes when she heard his pained grunt and saw his lack of movement as he sat on the ground. Her body reacted immediately, legs instinctively sprinting towards the young man, arms reaching out to hold him; to touch him and make sure he was alright. His name fell from lips in a loud cry, "NARU!"

The young scientist stirred slightly at the sound of her voice calling his name. His throat felt extremely dry and a cough escaped him. His head spun with dizziness and black spots swarmed his vision. But then his eyes registered Mai's figure running towards him, her face contorted with worry and fear, eyes brimming with tears. Naru forced himself to focus on her and only her.

He watched her draw nearer and stopped directly in front of him, so close he could feel her warmth and smell her perfume. Cinnamon and honey, he registered lightly. The others were asking him questions but he could care less about them. Everything in him revolved around Mai. From what he could see, she wasn't hurt, thank God.

Mai gave him a watery smile as she gingerly reached out and placed her hand on his knee. Warmth radiated and spread through his body at that touch alone and he sighed, some tension leaving his body. His head still hurt but it was more bearable now. Mai squeezed his knee in comfort and Naru noticed that she was trembling slightly.

"No, I'm fine." He answered at last, "what about Eijirou-san?"

Attention immediately turned towards the once possessed man and Naru took advantage of their distraction to reach out and cover Mai's hand with his own. The young girl held his hand tightly as he stroked the back of her's with his thumb, both giving the other comfort through touch alone. Their fingers intertwined for a moment but it was soon broken once the team looked back to them.

They pulled away before anyone could see and looked on for concern. Eijirou-san was fine, if not confused and a bit disoriented. But he was no longer overcome by the fox spirit and for that, all were thankful.

A sharp pain stabbed through the base of Naru's skull and the young man rubbed it, trying to ease off the tension. But it still gnawed as a peculiar heaviness seemed to settle upon his shoulders, drawing his world to black once more.

But the feeling of Mai's hand still on his knee and her warmth resonating through his body brought him to the light…