Hi! Thanks for reading this :-)! This contains Yaoi which means m/m and boys kissing! Exciting I know right. None of the characters or video games belong to me. Also I would like to apologize in advance this is a really short chapter, my muse sadly ran out on this one, I don't know what should happen after the kiss, should Ike and Link never take it seriously and think it was only a dare, or should it start a relationship? I Have know idea so could you guys help me out! Another thing is that I had such a Peach moment with the other chapters I was looking at the number of characters and not the number of words so I was like wow 16,000 words that enough when in reality it was like only 3,000 so I'm sorry that's why they are so short.

Chapter 3

The Final Part of Snake's Mission

Zelda looked at Link who had a concerned look on his face. He was obviously still worried about Ike; it had been about 10 minutes since he rushed to the "bathroom". "He better not be backing out now! It will only crush Link further!" Zelda thought. "Do you want me to take care of him my lady?" Sheik asked. "No Sheik I can handle things thank you for asking though." Zelda replied gently to the sheikiah. "Yes my lady." Sheik said and backed into his own sphere of thoughts that sometime mingled with Zelda's. Just then Peach walked in a calm look was on her face but a raging fire was in her eyes. "Uh oh Marth must have interrupted her again." Zelda thought.

"They should be coming any minute, they went to get something for Ike he just needed something to eat he had passed out when he got to the bathroom but he is alright now." Peach said sweetly, she strained a smile that was so fake, but Link wouldn't notice. Link was so innocent and naïve that way he could barely catch people's sarcasm that they threw at him. Sure enough after a while Marth and Ike came in. Most of the color that had drained out Ike's face had come back, and the paleness had gone away. His bandana swooshed as he sat down next to Link. He closed his eyes and was whispering something under his breath.

"Please give me courage to do this" Ike whispered. He opened his eyes his blue hair fell into his eyes he flicked it out of his way, and turned to look at Link who was staring intensely at the table taking interest in the strong wood grain. "He's not making this any easier!" Ike thought. He put his hand on Link's drawing Link's attention to the hand, and slowly looked up at the owner's Link blushed slightly when his eyes met Ike's.

"Go on, go on!" Peach whispered silently cheering them on. Samus shhhs her and whispered something to her.

"Come on Ike you can do this." Ike thought. He slowly brought up his hand and slowly pulled Link closer to him when Link's breath swept over Ike's he stopped. Ike looked down at Link his dirty blonde hair had sweeped into his eyes he had stopped sweating thank the gods but he licked his plump lips nervously. He moved his hand slowly down Link's face and cupped his chin gently tilting it up. "Here goes nothing." Ike thought. "Here it comes" someone whispered it sounded strangly like Zelda. Ike moved slowly closer and closer to Link's luscious lips he tilted his head and Link followed Ike closed his eyes when their lips touched.

Lightning streaked through their lips and a warm flooding feeling washed through Ike's body. He froze as he felt something brushed against his own lips. "Is that his tongue!" Ike shouted in his head "Oh gods! Really! I have never done anything like this before!" it brushed against his lips again. "Just go with your instincts" Marth had said his voice ringing through Ike's head. Ike opened his lips hesitating a little bit not knowing what was going to happen. Link's tongue brushed inside making Ike shuttered a little bit. Link's tongue began exploring Ike's mouth licking the walls of his mouth. Ike finally able to think again moved his tongue and brushed it along Link's lips he felt him smile and he opened it. Ike began searching his mouth, feeling it tasting the sweet taste that could only be Link. Ike's lungs burned for the need of oxygen. "Really!" Ike thought "You picked the wrong time to be needing air!" They burned harder as if to say yeah Ike we need it now! Ike broke the kiss reluctantly Link gasped for air.

Everyone was silent no one even moved they were all starring at Link and Ike who now were blushing furiously. Peach was naturally the first to break the silence, started to giggle madly like a little school girl. "We said to kiss not have a mad make out session! But I guess that counts" She said. Marth sat there starring at Ike "I think you took that a little too seriously when I said trust your instincts." he thought but he smiled.

"Way to go Ike!" Snake said as he pounded his back he smiling like a proud father when he son manages to throw his first football.

"Awwww Link I'm so proud of you" Zelda said and hugged him closely.

"I can't believe it actually work" Samus whispered to Marth who smiled in response.

"Of course it would work we are talking about me here!" Marth said jokingly. "Ouch what was that for!" Marth said rubbing his arm where Snake had punched him.

"Excuse me but it was my idea!" Snake said

So tell me guys how did you like it! How was the kiss was it good I thought it was pretty good for a guy who has never made out before_ I know, I'm working on it. So anyways please review as I stated above I need some help, I have an idea for like way in the future but I need help with the stuff like right after the kiss if you would please give me your suggestion that would be amazing!