Caroline was hung over. At least it felt that way. Oddly, she didn't remember drinking. She groaned and rolled over, only to fall about two feet. "Ow," she opened her eyes. Okay, she must have been really drunk because this looked like a haunted house.

"Took you long enough," said a smooth British accent, "I was beginning to think you wouldn't wake."

Caroline blinked and looked around for the source. As soon as she laid eyes on the smirking blond memories flooded back. She had been so happy. She'd just been crowned Miss Mystic Falls and Elena hadn't even dropped out of the race. People had congratulated her, taken her picture and asked her to attend their functions. When the excitement died down she put her jacket over her arm and ran. The excitement, the energy, the joy, it all threatened to overflow if she didn't find a release.

She came upon a man. Only then did she realise that she was in the forest. "Hello there," he was suddenly right in her face. She gasped sharply as her mind tried to process what she had just seen. A smooth, pale finger made its way down her cheek. Caroline shivered at the cruel smirk before her.

"Are you going to hurt me?" she asked in a small voice. She was scared, terrified.

"No," he smiled, "I can't make any promises regarding his actions though," he pointed to another blond man, one Caroline recognised.

"Stefan?" she squinted. He didn't respond. Just bit into his own wrist. She cried out, her empathetic response to seeing something painful happen to someone. Before she could close her mouth he had flash over and jammed his bleeding wrist between her lips. Automatically her hands went up and she did what she could to push his arm away. Her mouth started to fill with blood. Stefan put his other hand through the blond locks and pulled her head back. The warm liquid flowed down her throat. Her body revolted against the rusty metallic taste but the guy she thought was her friend kept her in place as choked and gargled. After what felt like forever Stefan stopped.

Caroline coughed and spat. Her mind reeled. The mean British guy grabbed Stefan by the throat. "Go home, remember nothing," he instructed. To Caroline's further bewilderment Stefan did as he was told.

"What the," gasp, "What the hell?"

"Shhh," the blond man put his finger over his full lips. Then he put his hands on either side of her face and leaned in like he was going to kiss her. Then he snapped her neck and slung her over his shoulder. Hell he even whistled as he took her to his hideout. There Caroline lay on a makeshift bed until she rolled onto her side and toppled off it.

She shot up off the floor and patted herself down, looking around for something she could recognise. Her body did not feel like her own. She swallowed but that did nothing for her parched throat. "Who are you?" she asked the man sitting calmly with his legs crossed, "What have you done to me?" She was so confused.

"One question at a time love," her captor tutted, "I am Niklaus. As for what I've done to you, well that's a work in progress."

He snapped his fingers and called a brown haired man to Caroline's attention. She could hear his heart then, pumping rapidly. He walked over and tilted his head, offering her his carotid artery. "Have at it," Klaus ran a nail across the artery, creating a thin slit upon which blood pooled.

"No," Caroline cried, not understanding her body's reaction to this. She should have been repulsed, not salivating.

"Come now love, have at it," Klaus pushed the warm body closer. Caroline leaned in. She felt her teeth elongate against nature. Her jaw clamped down on his neck and she pulled in the warm liquid, enjoying her growing power, taking pleasure in the taste and texture. She started sucking harder, sinking her fingers into his flesh. Such was her strength that she ended up crushing his humerous and breaking his neck in her effort to get to the sweet juice flowing through his body.

When she was done, her hands fell open. The body dropped to the flour and Caroline pounced on Klaus. He caught her hands and pinned her to the wall. "Calm down, I'm not your enemy," he told her.

"You made me kill him, you son of a bitch!" she yelled through her tears.

"Everything is heightened in the beginning. Turn it off before I have to kill you," he advised.

"Kill me," she dropped her arms and started sobbing. The remorse she was feeling took her breath away, crushed her from within.

"Ah guilt," Klaus sighed, "You really don't need to be feeling that."

"Yes I do," she turned around, crying still and slid down the wall. She caught a glimpse of herself in an old broken mirror. Her attention was diverted. "My dress," she screeched, "I look like Carrie at the prom!"

"I should have taken that other blond," Klaus sighed. It was bad enough to have a new vampire around without her being a drama queen on steroids.

"Why did you take me?" she asked, focusing her attention again, "Answer me Nicholas!" she just refused to speak at a reasonable volume!

"Ni-klaus!" he growled, pulling herself up and pushing her into a wall.

"What kinda weirdo name is that?" Caroline's face scrunched in on itself. As she said it she knew just how crazy it was to say that to a man who had her up against a wall and had no qualms about taking her life. She felt out of control.

"A thousand year old one so watch yourself," Klaus tapped her nose with his index finger. Caroline's brain cleared away the nonsense that kept her distracting her.

"What have you done to me?" she asked again. This time she wasn't yelling. This time she wanted him to explain it to her. She wanted this lost feeling to go away.

"I've made you powerful, immortal," he said the words like they were part of a seduction, "See, a new world order is coming and I'm gonna need a luitenant."

"What am I?" she asked in a small, quivering voice. What he was saying was not really making sense to her.

"A vampire," he told her what she already suspected but her brain refused to accept.

"I wanna go home," she wrapped her hands around herself and slid to the ground sobbing.

"Now, now, none of that," Klaus wagged his finger at her, "We need to hit the road," he grabbed her upper arm and hauled her to her feet.

"Please let me go," she sobbed.

"Be quiet," he compelled her. Caroline opened her mouth and tried to speak but nothing came out. She tried harder to speak, still nothing. "I'll teach you that one later," he smirked. He tried to pull her arm but she dug her heels into the dirt. She shook her head, crying. She put her hands together, pleading. "What?" he stopped and rolled his eyes. "Speak," he got impatient.

"I want to bury him," she looked sadly at the broken man on the floor.

"No one will find him here," Klaus dismissed.

"That's not the point," she wailed, "I killed him. He belonged to someone. He was loved. I took him away and I don't even know his name."

"He's human," Klaus dismissed, "His life, and subsequently his death, means nothing."

"To you," Caroline sneered, "His life doesn't matter to you. It matters to his family. It matters to me!"

Klaus rolled his eyes and proceeded to drag Caroline away. "Quiet," he roared, compelling her into silence once again. Tears streamed down the girl's face as she was dragged along by a somewhat bored hybrid. He had his work cut out for him if he was going to turn this whiny sack of piss into a ripper.