Title: Close Quarters

Summary: When Castle and Beckett are sent to chase down a lead out of town and have to spend a few days staying in the same hotel room, things get a little... interesting.

Rating: M - adult situations, probably some language warnings down the line. Smut warning applies, folks.

Disclaimer: Don't own 'em, wish I did, cos then they'd have been doing stuff like this for a couple of seasons now... :-)

Author's Note: Another special-order fic from my bemuse Manuxinhace, this one started out being a simple idea for some smut, and has just... grown. Thanks as always to Manu for your help with it, hun, you're my Muse for a good reason ;-) At the moment, it's shaping up to be a couple of chapters or so... :-D Anyways, the more reviews I get, the more inclined I'll be to write more of this one... *unsubtle hint*

Castle sat on the bed in the hotel room and ran his hands through his hair.

She's gonna kill me... He thought, resigned to his fate. Glancing around the room, he silently cursed the twist of fate that brought them here. They'd been making progress on their... whatever-it-was-that-definitely-wasn't-a-relationship lately. Grabbing a bite together for lunch, with or without Esposito or Ryan, had become their new normal. The camaraderie had grown between them, deepened, and now her presence at the loft on a Friday night for poker or pizza and a movie was par for the course.

Castle was worried, no... terrified that this latest case might upset the delicate balance they had going. They'd been sent to Providence, Connecticut to chase down a lead. Better than half-way to Boston, he'd complained on the long drive up. That was the first thing he'd whined about, but really, who could blame him?

The captain had insisted they drive, and Castle didn't really mind that... he had offered to let Kate take his Ferrari on the trip, but no, Iron Gates wouldn't let something like that happen, not on her watch. It was the Crown Vic the whole damn way, complete with nasty digging-into-the-kidneys spring in the passenger seat and everything. Then, Gates had forbidden him to upgrade their hotel room to something 'a little more comfy', because she wasn't going to waste precious budget money on making sure the writer had his creature comforts. He'd even offered to cover the difference in costs himself, but no negotiation would be entered into.

That brought him to the next item on the list: the budget cuts. Or, at least, the portions thereof which limited their funds to the point where not only did he and Beckett have to share a room, but due to 'unforeseen circumstances', the damned hotel only had rooms with queen-sized beds left, and only one per room. A few months ago, Rick Castle might have jumped at the opportunities the situation presented, but now, when things were progressing so well between them...? He was afraid the abrupt shift in living arrangements would only serve to force them further apart, not together.

The way the case was shaping up so far, it looked very much like they'd be stuck there for a few days at least, and Castle had already decided he'd have to be on his best behaviour if he wanted to make it home to Alexis safe and sound. His plans, however, had taken a beating when they arrived.

The local police department were... 'less than enthusiastic' about his presence, to the point where he was told in no uncertain terms that his presence was not required, nor wanted in their precinct, and if he set foot inside or showed up at any of their crime scenes he would be arrested for obstructing of an officer. Beckett had come to his defence, but the local captain had not budged, despite her efforts. Resigned to being kicked out of a precinct for the second time in his life, Castle was left with precious little to do as his partner was dragged into everything from cross-checking witness statements to the heady heights of interrogating two-bit drug dealers in an attempt to garner information that might help them with their case.

At a loose end, Rick realised around lunch time that whilst he couldn't officially help on the case, he knew for sure that Beckett would let him help out as much as he could when she got back tot he hotel room. To that end, he thought about the fact that Gates had hustled them out of the twelfth so fast they hadn't had time to pack anything, and that would be the best use of his time for the moment. Happy to have something to do, even if only for a while, he closed and locked the door behind him as he headed down the hall, intent of grabbing at least a couple of changes of clothes for them both and some toiletries. When Beckett got back, he could bet that she'd appreciate having something clean and comfy to wear as she chased criminals around Providence for a couple of days.

Castle handed over several bags to his partner, a sheepish look on his face. Seeing her raised eyebrow, he sat on the edge of the bed and ran his hands through his hair.

"While you were out, I figured I'd grab us a few things, since we didn't have a chance to pack earlier and well... I needed to something to be useful." His logical explanation belied the nerves within. Bracing himself, he waited to see how Beckett was going to take the fact that he'd gone out and bought clothes and toiletries for both of them. He was not sure which would irritate her more: the fact that she would be forced to accede to his choice in fashion, or that she had no idea how much money he'd spent on her, and no option to refuse.

Beckett sighed, resigned to the fact that she was stuck with whatever he had chosen, at least until tomorrow came, assuming they had a chance for her to take the time to fix things herself. Glancing at the clock, she realised that it was later than she had counted on.

Damn, She thought. Nearly eleven already... I should have had dinner hours ago.

Opening the first bag, she quickly flicked through the shirts. She saw half a dozen, in a variety of styles and colours, at least two of which were identical to some she had at home. The edges of her mouth quirked upwards as she realised that her partner not only spent an awful lot of time looking at her clothing (a thought which was not a displeasing as she let on), but that he'd actually restrained himself, quite considerably. The shirts were pretty much what she would have bought for herself, if she'd had the time.

The next bag was a little heavier, and she peeked inside a little hesitantly. Inside, she saw three pairs of pants, one in grey, another in black, and the third was a set of high-end denims that she couldn't help but reach into the bag and feel the fabric of. To her surprise, they were as soft as her favorite pair still in her drawer in her apartment, despite being brand new. Her hand seeking, she flipped over the label, unsurprised to note that they were her exact size, the bootleg cut that she preferred (and knew showed her backside off to good advantage), and yes, the price tag had been removed. At the bottom of the bag, she saw he'd also been thoughtful enough to a pair of grey sweat pants, in case she felt the need to change into something more comfortable after a long day of chasing down leads.

So far, Beckett was quite happy with his choices. Glancing over at the man in question, still sitting on the edge of the bed, she noted the slight stiffness in his posture. A faint frown creasing her brow, Kate wondered exactly what was in the third bag that warranted his apprehensive look. Before she could ask, Castle leaned forward, his eyes not quite meeting hers. Standing up, he paced the length of the room and picked up the phone on the small table near the wardrobe. His attention focused firmly on the phone, he asked,

"I'm assuming you haven't had a bite to eat yet. Chinese okay? I'm just gonna order room service..." He trailed off, one finger tracing down the list of numbers on the laminated page on the table, searching for the room service extension.

"Sure, Castle, thanks." Beckett replied, wondering what was up with him. Deciding the answer most probably lay in the contents of the third bag, she opened it with some trepidation. Her jaw clenching as she saw what was inside, Kate knew that her partner's behaviour was justified. Her hand slipping inside, she shot a quick look over her shoulder and noted that Castle had finished ordering dinner, and was now busily unpacking the results of his shopping into one of the drawers in the wardrobe, his back solidly towards her. Turning back to the matter at hand, she made sure that her body was between him and the bag before she pulled the offending garment out.

Blushing hotly, she ran her eyes over the sea green silk nightie. The soft whisper of the fabric over her fingers made it feel like the material was liquid, almost alive as it flowed and shifted. Holding up it for a better view, Kate saw that it nowhere near as scandalous as she had first thought.

When worn, it would hang to mid-thigh, nothing like as short as she was expecting when she first glimpsed it, pooled in the bottom of the bag. Holding it to her chest by the thin satin shoulder straps, Kate was pleasantly surprised to see the neckline was modest as well, dipping low enough that a hint of cleavage would have shown if it were not for a small panel of lace. Glancing down the length of her body at the attire, Beckett had to admit her partner had taste. Still fighting down the blush staining her cheeks, she realised with a start that the first time Rick saw her in bed would be when she was wearing clothing he had bought for her.

Dropping the nightie back into the bag as it if were on fire, Kate jumped slightly when she realised that she'd just thought about getting into bed with Castle tonight as the first time. Not as in 'we have to do this for another couple of nights maybe, until the case is done', no... She'd thought that traitorous little idea and it had... implications. Suggestions, even, that there would be occasions at some unspecified time in the future when she would do so voluntarily, without the pretext of a case in another city necessitating them sharing quarters.

Mentally wrestling the thoughts into a box labelled 'later', Beckett was pulled from her silent contemplation by the sound of somebody knocking on the door. Hearing Castle head towards it, she picked up the dropped bags from the bed and made her way to the wardrobe. Opening the doors, she saw that Rick had hung up his newly-bought shirts on the right hand side, leaving her the left free. Opening the drawers, she noted that he'd taken the bottom one for himself, two pairs of neatly folded pants, and a pair of pre-faded denims which looked suspiciously like they matched her own tucked underneath.

Next to the trousers was a smaller stack: a couple of plain white singlets, a new Green Lantern tee shirt (she recalled he'd mentioned in passing a month or so back that he'd practically worn his old one out, and Alexis had threatened to throw it out the next time she saw it unattended in the laundry), and two pairs of black satin boxers. A little curious about the selection, Kate wondered why he felt the need to tone his sleep-wear down on her account. She knew for a fact that he had Batman ones at home, because she'd seen them once when she was staying at the loft after her apartment got blown up.

Hearing the door click closed, she quickly closed the bottom drawer, not wanting him to catch her idly perusing his undergarments. Pulling her new clothes out of their bags, she placed them in the next drawer up, the nightie being left in its bag for the moment. Hanging the shirts in the wardrobe, Kate paused for a moment as she ran her eyes over the selection, a strange fluttery feeling settling low in her belly as she took in the hanging space, their clothing all together. Shaking her head to clear the wayward thoughts, she closed the doors and turned back around.

Just placing the last of the Chinese on the coffee table in front of the couch, Castle wandered over to the mini-bar. Seeing that Beckett had finished putting her clothes away, he asked,

"You feel like some wine with dinner?" His keen eyes noting the weary droop to her shoulders, he had the door open and a bottle of chardonnay in hand before she managed to nod her assent. "Take a seat, Beckett, I'll bring it over in a sec." He called out, already rummaging through the cutlery drawer for the bottle opener.

Easing herself onto the couch slowly, Kate let out a heartfelt sigh as she relaxed, the delicious scent of the Chinese wafting towards her. Stomach grumbling loudly, She felt her lips twitch in a fond smile as Castle returned, glasses in hand.

Placing them on the table, he poured hers and passed it to her, before taking care of his own. Raising their glasses, they touched the rims together briefly before taking a sip. Setting them back down, she spoke softly, weariness evident in her tone as Castle handed her chopsticks over, along with her Mu Shu pork and noodles.

"Thanks for this, Castle." She said, before letting out a soft, happy sigh as the first taste of the food hit her tongue.

"Any time, Kate." He replied, his beef and black bean held securely in his chopsticks. "Somebody's got to keep you fed..." He flashed her a grin, and popped his food into his mouth. Several minutes later, he placed the empty carton back onto the table and picked up another.

Opening it, he offered it to the detective first, saying,

"I wasn't sure what you were in the mood for, so I grabbed some dumplings as well, and there's a half dozen spring rolls if you're still hungry after that." He picked up the container and selected a dumpling, and gestured to the spring rolls. Swallowing, he eased back into the couch, wineglass in hand as he took a moment to watch her as she reached over to him and plucked a dumpling from the box. Taking a dainty bite, she grinned around the food. Humming in satisfaction, she finished the morsel and leaned back as well, her posture mirroring his as she swirled the last of her wine around the bottom of the glass.

"You did well..." She said, the relaxing effects of the wine and good food coursing through her, pulling her towards sleep. "This was so what I needed tonight, Castle." She drained the last of her drink in one gulp, and reached for the spring rolls. Hesitating, she chuckled as Castle nudged her thigh with his own.

"Go on..." He said, his voice smooth and compelling. "You know you want it." Kate bit her lip, wondering just when her partner had gained the ability to be the devil sitting on her shoulder, egging her on. Blaming the slight flush to her cheeks on the wine and not the suggestive tones of the man on the couch next to her, she gave in, too tired to fight it.

Oh lord... She thought as she bit into one of the spring rolls. That is seriously good.

Chewing slowly to prolong the experience, she glanced inside the box, just checking that he hadn't filched any of them while she wasn't looking. Satisfied that her treat remained untouched, Beckett finished that one and eagerly selected the next one. When her mouth was empty once more, she spoke up.

"These are probably even better than Chang's at home..." She said, surprised that anything could come close to her favorite restaurant in all of New York. "You think they can deliver?" Kate grinned at Castle, not really serious, just letting him know how much his thoughtful gesture meant to her. Before he could reply, she yawned, covering her mouth with one hand.

"I think I'm done for the night." She paused, aware of the slightly uncomfortable air that discussing their sleeping arrangements was bound to bring about. "Did you want to use the bathroom first?"

Castle stood up, tidying the emptied take-out containers as he answered.

"If you don't mind, yeah..." He paused, looking at her, his eyes fixed on her face. "I'll take the couch?" Kate looked at him, then down to the couch. Raising an eyebrow, she replied.

"That's very chivalrous of you, but I don't think even I'd fit on this thing and still be able to walk tomorrow." She glanced at the bed, hesitating slightly. Trying to settle the flutter of nerves that disturbed her recently-filled stomach, she went on, hoping her voice didn't betray the hesitance she felt. "We're both adults... we can share the bed, as long as you can keep your hands to yourself during the night."

Castle could barely hide his astonishment as he heard her refusal of his gentlemanly gesture. Honestly expecting a night draped on the too-small couch, he kept his face as neutral as he could, given that Katherine Beckett had just pretty much ordered him to get into the same bed as her.

"You're the one with the gun, I remember..." He said as seriously as he could manage, a thread of his excitement still leaking through despite his best efforts. Finished disposing of the leftovers, Rick grabbed a pair of boxers from his drawer and went to the bathroom, closing the door behind him.

In the silence that hung in the air following his departure, Beckett quite clearly didn't hear the door lock click into place, and she fought to keep the smirk off her face as she thought that Castle probably didn't even realise it. Standing up, she carried their glasses over to the sideboard and put them down, heading over to the bed. Reaching it, she paused, indecisive. She stood there for a moment, thinking as she looked at the options in front of her. Quite clearly, Castle hadn't placed anything of his on or near the bed, effectively leaving the decision of which side to sleep on to her.

Of course... She mused. He was actually planning on sleeping on the couch tonight...

About to decide, Kate noticed another, smaller bag on the floor next to the bed where Castle had been sitting earlier. Curiosity getting the better of her, she reached down and opened it. A small smile on her lips, she withdrew the two phone chargers from the plastic bag. Not sure whether to chalk it up to his insatiable fascination with technology, his parenting skills making sure he could always be reached by his daughter, or concern for their case by keeping the phones topped up, Beckett shook her head at his thoughtfulness.

Unwrapping them both, she plugged them in, leaving the cables draped over the bedside tables in easy reach. Tossing the packaging into the trash, Kate came to the abrupt decision that one side was as good as the other, and plugged her phone in on the side closest to the bathroom. Through the door, she could hear the muffled sounds of Castle rinsing his mouth out, followed by the clatter of the toothbrush being placed in the glass next to the sink. Wrapped up in her musing on the startling domesticity of it all, she jumped slightly when the door opened. Her eyes tracking up his form, she gulped in surprise as she took him in.

Not embarrassed in the slightest, Rick casually made his way around to what he easily deduced was his side of the bed, clad in only his new boxers and white singlet. Beckett tried not to stare at him as he moved, the muscles flowing under his skin, their definition coming as a surprise to her.

After the numerous times she'd been in close proximity to him, Kate would had to have been blind not to notice that her partner was attractive. Hell, 'ruggedly handsome' was an understatement, if she had been asked by somebody other than the man concerned. That aside, she hadn't had an opportunity before to see what he'd been hiding under all those dress shirts.

Kate bit her lip as she ran her eyes over his physique again. She'd always been a fan of a nice backside, and he had that in spades, but it was the breadth of his shoulders that drew her attention more. That and the impressive swell of his arms.

God! She thought, frantically trying to reign her hormones in. I'm glad he's kept those under wraps, otherwise I'd have a hard time concentrating on paperwork...

Unaware of her scrutiny, Castle plugged his phone in and turned back the corner of his side of the bed. Her face flushed, Beckett picked up the bag containing the silk nightie and escaped to the bathroom, the lock clicking into place firmly. Her hand resting on the lock, she wasn't sure if it was because she didn't want him walking in on her, accidentally or not, or if it was to try to keep herself in control.

Taking a deep breath, she placed the bag on the edge of the sink and grabbed the toothbrush Castle had bought for her, shoving any thoughts other than her night-time routing from her mind. Running it under the tap, she placed an amount of toothpaste on it and began scrubbing, studiously ignoring the bag next to her. Rinsing her mouth, she scrubbed her face quickly, then patting it dry with the hand towel.

Knowing that she couldn't put it off any longer, Kate clenched her jaw, and placed her fingers on the top button of her shirt.

You can do this... She thought savagely. It's not that big a deal...

Shutting her thoughts off, Beckett let her body slip into auto-pilot. Sliding the shirt free of her shoulders, she folded it and placed it neatly next to the bag. Her pants following next, she reached behind herself and undid her bra. Resting the blue satin undergarment on top of her dirty clothes, she folded the pile in half, keeping the lingerie out of sight. Her cheeks flushing slightly, she was profoundly grateful that Castle had not gone shopping for her more intimate apparel. He knew her well enough to know that she'd accept his input for her attire, but drew the line at buying her underwear. She'd warned him not to rifle through her drawer when she left him unattended in her apartment, and he had logically (and correctly) assumed that the same courtesy would be appreciated in their current circumstances.

Shaking her head, Kate realised that she'd been standing in the bathroom, clad in only her matching boy-leg panties, lost in thoughts of Rick rummaging through her selection of underwear. Chuckling to herself, she grabbed the bag once more. Hands reaching inside, she pulled the nightie out, her fingers absently running the fabric between them softly. Slipping it over her head, she let it fall down the length of her body, shaking her hair free once her head emerged.

Instantly, she shivered. Not from the cold, because the bathroom wasn't that much colder than the rest of the room, no... Her eyes wide, she ran her hands across her stomach, the whisper of the silk against her skin sending sparks of awareness through her. It wasn't that it didn't look good on her, because it did. Running a critical eye over her reflection, Kate admitted that Rick had amazing taste, the cut flattering her figure very nicely without showing off too much skin for her to feel uncomfortable. It wasn't that the it had probably cost him far more than she'd have considered spending on something to go to sleep in. She'd seen the label, and knew that the absolute least he'd have paid for it would be close to a week's salary for her. No, the problem was that the damn thing fit her so well, and was so light that if felt like she wasn't wearing it at all, and that was a problem for Kate Beckett.

No matter how decently it covered her, she still felt naked, and she was going to have to walk out there, feeling like she was wearing nothing more than a pair of panties, and slide into bed with a man for who she had feelings, very strong feelings, and try to keep her damn hormones in check long enough to get to sleep. Her fingers worrying the lace at her neckline, Kate glared at her traitorous body in the mirror. She might have reservations about walking out there feeling barely dressed, but her chest had other ideas, it seemed. The peaks of her breasts quite clearly showed their appreciation of the outfit and the tingly sensations that flowed through her as she contemplated getting between the sheets with Rick. Cursing under her breath, she started running the most boring things she could through her mind in an attempt to calm her rampant desires.

It took her three repetitions of the Miranda Rights before she felt in control enough to pick up her dirty clothing and unlock the door. Taking a deep breath, she opened it and walked out, hoping that Castle had already turned the light off. Her heart rate picking up, she saw that he'd turned his own lamp off, but left hers on so that she could see where she was walking.

Placing the clothes in a neat pile next to the wardrobe, she turned back to the bed and caught Rick watching her. No, scratch that, staring at her, his mouth slack, eyes glazed. Thankful that the low light hid her crimson blush, Kate couldn't help the small grin that fought at the edges of her lips as she saw the obvious effect her attire was having on her usually much more subtle partner. The last time she'd managed to render him speechless was when she rescued him from the Russian mobster in the kitchen of an underground Chinese poker den. Looking at her clad in a long shirt, belt and heels, he'd only lost focus for a second or two, his eyes caressing her body as if committing it to memory. Actually, she realised, he probably had, if the way the Hervé Leger dress had fit her. Her thoughts still on her recollections of Castle gaping at her, she knew the effect she was having on him now was far, far more profound. His eyes trailed slowly up her legs as she waited, caught like a deer in the headlights as he tracked the bare length of her legs his gaze pausing as he saw her fingers teasing the bottom of the silk hem, the fabric bunching slightly under her attentions, showing a glimpse more thigh. A jolt of desire settling low in her belly, Beckett felt the heat of Rick's stare tracing her skin as if her were running the tip of his fingers over her skin.

Flushing, she knew why he was so... focused. When she'd placed her clothes in a careful pile on the ground, she'd been so focused on ignoring him that she'd probably shown him a lot more than she had wanted to The way the nightie rode up her thighs as she bent down had been enough of a distraction as it was, the barely-there whisper of the material gliding up her leg had turned her thoughts very firmly in a directions she didn't want to be thinking about any further right then.

Her attention was diverted as she straightened up, the silk caressing her breasts as the movement set them to swaying slightly, the friction bringing them to aroused peaks almost instantly. Hoping that his eyes stayed firmly on her legs (now there was a thought she never counted on having!), Kate flushed under his gaze, praying her body's reactions wouldn't give her away.

Her mind snapping back to the matter at hand, Beckett decided that she might as well have a little fun with him, since he was obviously having so much trouble concentrating at the moment. Putting a little extra sway in her hips to make sure his attention didn't wander too high, she walked over to her side of the bed as casually as she could manage. Reaching over to her lamp, she paused, her hand outstretched. Straightening slightly, she ran her hand down her side, fingers teasing the silk, flattening it against the curve of her hip.

"Rick?" She said, her voice low and suggestive. She saw his eyes jerk up to meet hers, his breathing a little hoarse. Seeing the spark return to his face, she waited until he was properly focused on her. "Thanks for this... it's gorgeous. I might have to grab another couple when we get home..." She trailed off, a slow, teasing smile on her lips as she slid between the cool sheets and turned the light off, knowing that the last thought's her partner had before the room went dark were of her.

Castle shifted uncomfortably in the bed next to her, the inconvenient tenting in his boxers refusing to go away. Swallowing nervously, he made sure that he was quite definitely on his side of the bed. The darkness was no help at all, he decided, thoughts whirling.

Instead of the lack of light being in any way soothing, his writers mind, constantly spinning with ideas, was now awash with images: Beckett slipping the silk nightie over her naked curves in the harsh white light of the bathroom. The expanse of creamy white thighs flashing in the dim bedroom as she placed her clothes aside to be washed tomorrow. The delicious swell of her breasts shifting under the thin material, shifting enticingly as she straightened up. He mentally groaned as his eye for detail supplied little tidbits he hadn't been aware of at the time, like the fact that while his main focus had been on her legs as she sashayed across the room, the ripples in the flowing silk served to highlight the fact that it was either slightly chilly in the room, or that Kate Beckett found the idea of joining him in bed to be... arousing. Definitely arousing.

Rick had always been a fan of Beckett's legs, and even more so of the way she filled out her pants, taking every opportunity to follow her so that he could observe her... assets. Hey, it was his job, wasn't it, to follow and observe? It wasn't his fault that she had legs supermodels would kill for, and even the thought of her in a pair of denims had him if not drooling then at least licking his lips.

Remembering the way she had called his attention to her hand as she ran it down her flank, fingers highlighting the curve of her hip as she stood there in full view of his ravenous gaze and insinuated that she'd be wearing similar items at home, in her bed, by her own choice had him aching. The fact that she had practically given him permission to fantasise about her when they were cuffed together was one thing, but standing there half naked, in lingerie he'd bought for her, suggesting.. no... insinuating not that he could, but that he should think about her like that was torture. Especially when she lay not three feet from him, her hair fanned out across her pillow, the enticing scent calling to him in the darkness.

Clenching his hands, he resisted the urge to reach out and touch her, even just a feather-light brush of his fingertips, just to make sure he wasn't imagining it. Breathing slowly, Castle relaxed inch by inch, until the throbbing need in his boxers faded enough for him to eventually drift of to sleep.

Kate shifted, snuggling under the blankets. Her breathing deep and regular, she drifted on the cusp of dreaming. A soft sigh escaping her lips, she slipped back into her dreams, the grey half-light of dawn filtering through the curtains. The weight of an arm, wrapped over her hip, anchoring her to the broad chest behind her, and the steady heartbeat pulsing rhythmically lured her subconscious down well-worn paths on her mind, made all the more intense by the presence of her partner spooned up close.

Kate smiled slowly, the shift in Rick's breathing letting her know that he was awake. If that wasn't clue enough, the way his hand slid from on top of the quilt back into the warmth underneath gave him away.

Fingers spreading slowly across the curve of her hip, the heat spread through her easily as his grip tightened, his body molded firmly against her back. Letting out an appreciative purr, she ground her backside into him, the delightful length of his morning arousal pressing into her. Rick whispered against the back of her neck, his breath warm as it tickled her.

"Good morning, gorgeous." Walking his fingers across her stomach, he made his way slowly up her torso, lightly cupping her breast in his hand. Taking her earlobe between his teeth, he ran the pad of his thumb across the swell of her flesh, the nipple responding immediately to his delicate touch. Kate kept her eyes closed as she arched into his palm, the shift serving to increase the pressure against his rapidly hardening length.

Sliding one hand sensually down her body, she eased the bottom edge of the nightie up her thighs as she rocked her hips into him. Her legs now bare, she parted them and dipped her hand backwards. Fingers caressing his shaft through the satin of his boxers, Kate felt his hips jerk forward at the sudden contact. Working the silk past her hips, she felt her desire coil tighter in her stomach as her thighs made contact with the heat of his bare skin. Hooking her leg over his, she allowed him greater access, gasping as he rolled the taut flesh of her nipple between his fingers.

Needing more, Kate grazed her fingers up the inside of her legs, brushing along the lace of her panties. Stroking herself gently, she pressed one finger more firmly, parting her fold as she brought the material into contact with her nub. Keeping her hand in place, she increased the pace of her rocking hips, alternating between working the head of his shaft along her and grinding into her own fingers.

Beckett moaned, her voice thick with desire in the still morning air when he shifted the angle of his head and gently bit the side of her neck, the wet heat of his mouth intensifying the feeling of his teeth tugging at her flesh. Wanting, needing more, she hooked her fingers under her panties and lifted her hips slightly, stripping the dampened lace quickly down her legs, slipping one foot free as it passed her knees. Liberated from the flimsy barrier, she dipped the tip of one finger between her folds, the moisture coating her finger as she teased her entrance. Parting her legs further, Kate deftly slipped her hand under the waistband of Rick's boxers.

With a roll of her wrist, she spilled him free on the confining material, gripping his length firmly. Biting her lip as she concentrated, she ran the head of his shaft along her slick folds. Rocking onto him, she let him ease himself just inside her. Breathing deeply, she drove her hips backwards, taking him into her heat in one stroke. Her moan rumbling in her throat, Kate clenched her inner walls around his length, buried to the hilt. Gripping him tightly, she rocked her ass into the crease of his hips, her fingers seeking her clit as her desire wound through her, flames licking higher with every thrust.

Releasing his grip on her breast, Castle hooked his fingers under the thin strap of her nightie and eased it down her arm. His fingers seeking, they nudged the silk out of the way, baring her chest to the chilly morning air. Her erect nipples hardening further with the change of temperature, Kate groaned, her voice husky when he grazed his fingernails lightly across the underside. Stroking lightly, he circled her sensitive flesh, teasing, never quite contacting the pebbled knob of skin. Deciding to up the ante, Rick latched onto her neck, the wet heat of his lips sealing themselves to her skin as he feasted, her pulse thrumming frantically under his teeth.

As he drew a mouthful of her flesh into his mouth, he cupped her breast, rolling the nipple firmly between his thumb and index finger, stretching her tightly. Her gasp thrust her chest forwards, driving herself harder against his hand, seeking more contact even as she began to let out a soft keening sound with every thrust. The shift in her position allowed Castle to do what he'd been aiming for: darting his free arm under her armpit, he managed to strip her other shoulder bare of the strap. A quick roll of his fingers, and the material bunched around her waist, a small band of dark green skirting her hips, the rest of her body gloriously naked. The thin sheen of sweat that covered her skin sent waves of chills over her as the small eddies in the air blew currents across her as she writhed in ecstasy.

Both hands kneading her breasts, Rick pinched her nipples as he crushed her tightly to his broad chest, the sweat from his own exertions causing her back to slide against him as he sped up his thrusts. Kate bit her lip, hard enough to draw blood, as she felt the first waves of her orgasm rippling through her. Her finger drawing rapid circles on her nub, Kate drove her drenched digits down further, caressing his length, slick with her juices as he slammed into her. Just about to fall over the edge, she clenched her walls around him as tightly as she could, her free hand reaching behind herself to grip his hair firmly. Holding his head in place, she let out a guttural moan as his teeth dug into her neck again, his tongue lapping at the flesh as he growled possessively.

The vibrations running down her neck were all she needed to tip her over, her eyes slamming shut as she let go, the darkness behind her eyelids filled with star-bursts as she came hard. Her orgasm enough to trigger his own, Rick felt himself clench and spasm, the hot slap as he poured his satisfaction into her matching timing with the rocking of his hips and the flickering of his fingers over her nipples.

Her heart rate slowly easing, Kate panted, her hips still rocking instinctively into her partner, the aftershocks still washing through them both. Rick relaxed his hands, his fingers caressing the swell of her breasts, soothing as he released her neck from his lips. Pressing a gentle kiss to her skin, he wrapped his arms around her, still buried deep within. Feeling his smile against her neck, she ran her fingers through his hair lightly as she spoke, her voice thick with satisfaction.

"Something funny there, Rick?" Peppering the side of her neck with feather-light kisses, he whispered back.

"You might wanna wear a turtleneck for a few days, love..." His words sent a jolt of warmth through her, the easy familiarity with which the endearment spilled from him settling into her, the sense of comfort wrapping her as tightly as his strong arms around her. Resting her head back onto his shoulder, she hummed wordlessly in reply, privately wondering if she could really be bothered hiding the hickey. After all, she loved him, why not let everybody see it?

Kate's eyes snapped open, the traces of her dream clinging to her. Her heart hammering in her chest, she realised that her body had enjoyed the dream as much as her mind had, if the fingers still curling through her drenched folds was any indication. No stranger to erotic dreams involving the ruggedly handsome man in bed with her (and that thought was taking some getting used to), Kate had never had a dream-orgasm so intense it actually woke her up, let alone one where her body had obviously taken matters into her own hands as it were... Forcing her hand to be still, she lay there, frozen in the bed.

Christ! She thought, her face flushing bright scarlet. The solid weight of Rick's arm was draped over her waist, in exactly the same position as it had been when she started the dream. Please don't move, please don't move... She begged silently, listening for any shift in the deep, regular breathing of the chest she was snuggled up against, looking for any hints he was awake.

Seconds passed, and with each, Kate felt the tension in her ease a little. That being said, she grew acutely more aware the she was on his side of the bed, pressed up against him in a very intimate manner. Her blush staining her cheeks hotly, she remembered that she also happened to still have one hand down her panties. Withdrawing the offending limb, Kate had to physically repress the shudder of longing that swept through her as the scent of her own arousal hit her nose.

Glancing down, she lifted the quilt, noting that her chest seemed to have taken the suggestion from other areas of her body, letting her know that yes, they had enjoyed the dream very much, thank you, and were game for round two already. Unwilling to wipe the traces of her pleasure from her fingers onto the sheets, Kate knew she had to make her exit, and fast. A quick look at the clock on the bedside table confirmed her fears: in barely two minutes, the alarm was going to go off, and if she didn't want to be caught red-handed, she'd better bail.

Praying that Castle wouldn't wake, she shifted away from him slightly, moving as carefully as she could. Her heart froze as he tightened his grip slightly, unwilling even in sleep to relinquish his hold of her. Rolling in place under the blankets, she managed to slip free of his embrace, suppressing the pang of loss she felt as her body immediately missed his warmth.

The delicate silk of the nightie brushed against her bare thighs as she headed for the bathroom, every touch reminding her of her dream, and the man she'd just left alone in the bed. Sighing in relief, she closed the bathroom door, the lock slipping into place with a determined click. Resting her forehead against the cool wood of the door, Kate let out a shaky breath as she tried to gather her wayward emotions.

Focus, Kate! She thought, trying to wrestle her mind and body into submission. Her eyes fell on the shower, and she immediately latched on to the idea. Barely pausing, she turned the hot tap on. Stepping back, she flicked the light switch and fan on, blinking in the sudden brightness. Steam starting to fill the room, she reached into the shower and turned the cold tap on, adjusting the temperature so that it was just shy of scalding. Turning, she looked at herself in the mirror, steam fogging the top couple of inches of the glass.

Her hair mussed from bed, she saw that her pupils were still dilated, her cheeks flushed from her recent... activities. Even to her critical eye, she could practically see the post-coital glow filling her face, the edges of a sappy grin teasing her swollen lips. Her eyes ran down the nightie, fingers absently running the soft fabric between them. Despite the obvious effect it had on her body (and libido, she noted), it was... gorgeous.

That man sure knows how to buy for me... She mused, still a little taken aback at his thoughtfulness, and that she'd actually let herself wear to bed something he'd bought for her. Maybe that's why the dream was so... intense.

Shaking her head to clear the memories of her dream, Kate slipped the straps down her shoulders, the silk pouring down her body with a gentle caress to lay in a green puddle on the floor tiles. The brief friction of the material against her skin pulled her right back into the thoughts she had been trying to avoid. Glaring at her traitorous body, she bent over, shimmying her panties down her legs. Holding the still damp lace in her fingers, she placed it on the bench next to the sink, the nightie a short distance away, neatly folded.

Naked, she stepped into the shower and pulled the door closed behind her, sighing in relief as the hot water hit her skin. Focused on cleaning her body as well as her mind so that she could face the day (or at least her partner when he woke), she reached for the body scrub and the loofah, already missing her own cherry-scented products.

In the bedroom, the alarm went off, the shrill beeping shattering the quiet morning air. His mind hazy with sleep, Rick rolled over and slapped the 'off' button, his body easing into the warmth her body had left behind, a half-smile in his lips as he slowly swam towards the waking world, images of a brunette beauty slipping through his fingers teasing him...