Chapter 1:

Elena walked up the steps to the Salvatore House. She tried calling Stefan, and he didn't answer, as usual. This wasn't right, She needed to fix this. So she tried Damon, but no answer there either. So, instead Elena let herself inside. As she opened the door, there was complete silence inside the Manor. This wasn't good, something was wrong.

Slowly, Elena walked towards the living room. Sensing someone behind her, she quickly turned around. To Elena's surprise it was Meredith who was armed with a gun and ready to shoot. She dropped her bag on the floor and immediately ran towards the front door, hoping to escape.

"You can't run from me Elena." Meredith yelled at her. She turned sharply, holding the door frame, staring at Meredith.

"What do you want!" Elena shouted, stepping towards her. "Damon, Stefan!"

"Oh, Sweetie, your lovers aren't here to save you now." Just as Elena went to run she heard a gunshot. Then pain, so much pain. Doubling over and crashing to the floor Elena knew she had been shot.

"Why are you doing this to me?" Elena cried out.

"Ask your precious Damon," Meredith muttered, striding out of the room. Leaving Elena in her own pool of blood.

Elena turned her head hoping someone would walk through the door. Anyone, please. Drifting in and out of consciousness, she could have sworn she could hear Stefan's voice.

"Elena!" Stefan shouted. Running towards her. "What happened?"

"Stefan? Meridith. She-She-" Elena said.

"Shhhh, everything will be okay. I'll get you to the hospital," Stefan said. "I have to pick you up, it might hurt a bit." As Stefan lifted Elena up, she winced from the pain. It was good to be in his arms again, even with the bad timing.

"Your act is dropping." Elena mumbled. Stefan ignored her comment, it was easier to say he didn't care then to let himself feel again. All he feels now is love for Elena Vs the Guilt of what he did to her.