Just Me and My Hyungs

Taemin's POV. Taemin's view of his SHINee hyungs. Cute. No pairings.

A-Yo was playing in the background, we moved in synchrony, preforming the complex dance moves with ease, singing the song into our microphones.

"That's it for today, thank you for all the hard work everybody, I'll see you tomorrow." The cameras shut down and we stood there catching our breath

We were almost done filming the A-Yo music video, but it was tiring work.

As we walked off the stage, I slipped on some slipped water and fell over.

"Taemin!" Jonghyun was by my side instantly, holding out a hand for me.

I took it and he helped me to my feet.

"Thanks hyung," I said smiling.

We continued to our dressing room, getting off our make-up and changing into more comfortable clothing.

"Taemin your top button is undone," Key said to me.

He reached over and did my top button up, straightening my collar and smoothing the lint off my shirt.

"Thank you Key-hyung," I said putting on my jacket.

We got outside and the sunlight hit our eyes, making us squint to see.

"Shade your eyes Taemin," Onew said.

He took off his cap and put it on my head, smoothing my hair where it ruffled under the cap.

"What about you Onew-hyung?" I asked.

"I'm okay." Onew said.

"Okay. Thank you," I said.

"Ah it's hot today," Jonghyun said folding his arms behind his head.

"Makes me wish I wasn't wearing skinny jeans," Minho commented.

"I feel like chicken." Onew said.

"You don't look like it," I joked.

The others laughed.

"I'm a bit hungry too," I added.

"I'll make us food when we get back," Key said.

"Until then," Minho put in, he turned to me and held up my favourite bag of chips. "I saved these for you in case you got hungry," he said handing them to me.

"Thank you Minho-hyung they're my favourite," I smiled giving him a one-armed hug.

"Wait to cross Tae," Key said stopping me at the lights, even though I would have stopped myself.

The lights changed and we crossed the road.

When we got to our dorm I slipped my shoes off, Jonghyun came up behind me and picked up my shoes, placing them on the top shelf of our shoe rack.

Key made us some sandwiches since it was too hot to cook.

"Onew eat slowly or you'll choke, Minho elbows off the table, Taemin sit up straight, Jonghyun stop playing with your food," Key nagged us at the table.

"Your such an umma Key-hyung," I joked.

Jonghyun laughed and Onew patted me on the head.

"You've got crumbs on your front Taeminnie," Minho said brushing off the crumbs on my shirt.

"Forecast says it'll rain tomorrow, and it may be cold," Key said.

"Remind me to pack Taemin's woollen cap, and his coat too." Jonghyun said.

"I'll remind him to put his gloves on tomorrow, he always forgets," Onew said.

"Thanks hyungs," I said.

Minho tussled my hair smiling, then Onew fixed it back up for me.

I don't know about you, but do you think they mother me too much?

Oh well, that's just how my hyungs are.

"Onew-hyung, Minho-hyung, Key-hyung, Jonghyun-hyung, saranghae." I said.

"Aw. We love you too Tae-Tae,"

Group hug!

Nya~ Taemin's hyungs love him so much. Chu~!